The arrogant and high-profile history of the richest pirate

Chapter 736 Comparing with Someone, I Found a Weak One

"Ice Age."

The freezing cold broke out, and the tsunami that originally covered the light was frozen again.

But all this is not over yet, because Aokiji freezes the sea but does not freeze Hurricane Thunder.

"Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu."

Like a round of sun, Polusalino's bloody mouth appeared in the mid-air and transformed into a cross-shaped luminous body, and endless rain of light rose into the sky and penetrated powerfully through the thunderclouds that covered the sky.

But this is not over yet, because the raging weather is still as fierce as a tiger.

Manpower is very small in the face of this natural disaster.

"Meteor Volcano."

At the critical moment, Sakaski also made a move, using absolute power to break the storm.

Then he lowered his head and glanced under the execution platform.

Nan Mingshen and Lu Niu on the general's seat never moved.

It was a big deterrent.

"Damn nature."

"go to hell!"

In the square, a few small leaders of the revolutionary army were blown out by the thick smoke. They quickly got up and looked at Smoker, who was floating in mid-air, with the bazooka on his shoulders.


The pungent gunpowder spread, and Smoker was condensed into a body intact, with three cigars in his mouth, and his smoking posture was scary to watch, and most people would never be able to grasp it.

It could easily be lung cancer.

a year ago.

He, Hina and others were protected by He, Zefa and others so they didn't sacrifice themselves, otherwise they would have gone to the west long ago.

He's okay, elementalized.

If Hina and the others were not protected by Zefa and others, they would definitely not be able to survive.

"Your revolutionary army will be buried here today."

"Hmph, that's not necessarily the case."

"Kill him!"


The faces of the revolutionary soldiers around were ruthless, and there was a burst of chugs at Smoker.

All kinds of six-style, armed and colorful bombardment.

for a while.

Smoker was actually held back.

In this era of cultivation, ordinary people can master one form, two forms and six forms, not to mention these warriors who have experienced mountains of corpses and seas of blood, almost all of them have awakened domineering.

at this time.

The battle of strong men on the scene left an empty space within a radius of 10,000 meters, and the lieutenant generals of the navy also encountered opponents, all of whom were some cadres and captains of the revolutionary army.

Even the pacifists were crushed by the vast ammunition of the revolutionary army.

The revolutionary army brought in more middle-level cadres than expected.

But even so, the revolutionary army still fell below, because there are still a few people in the admiral seat and the CPO have not made a move, not to mention Sakashiji, Crane, Sengoku, Zefa, and even Shichibukai has not made a move of.

The most important thing is that this is the new Marin Vanduo, the home of the Navy.

Whether it is low-end or mid-end battles, they are extremely brutal and bloody.

If you don't pay attention, you will have broken limbs, severed heads, internal organs and blood stained the ground.

This is war.

A piece of life is like a mustard meat grinder.

Every moment someone dies.

Even death is unclear.


Some outsiders could not help but vomit when they saw this cruel scene.

"Is this war?"

Even some pirates are pale at the moment, because this war is too huge, and there are people everywhere.

Intestines, brains, and bloody limbs are everywhere, and it is difficult to find a complete body.

And there is no need for any moves in the bottom layer, just slashing with a knife.

Bloody and cruel, corpses littered the field like a hell on earth.

"Three Swords Style Lion Song Song."

Gradually approaching the execution platform, Sauron's face was covered with blood, and the bones were visible from the large and small wounds on his body. At this moment, he chopped down the three major generals, and looked up at Lu Fei on the execution platform, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

In different directions, Robin, Sanji, Usopp, Wei Wei, Brooke and others are not much better. At this moment, Usopp is struggling to get up after falling on the ground. how many times.

"Luffy, wait for me."

With half-closed eyes, Usopp watched Luffy on the execution platform spitting blood from his mouth, but his pale face was full of determination.

"Cough cough."

The dress was torn, Robin, Nami, and Wei Wei supported the ground with their hands, and how much spring was exposed.

They didn't care too much anymore, they wiped off the blood on their red lips and stood up again out of breath.

There is only one purpose now, and that is to save Luffy.

Nami and the others' desperation, Luffy on the execution platform can see clearly, at this moment only crying can release the pain in his heart.

"Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Robin, Chopper."

Luffy cried.

But the Straw Hat Pirates are too weak.

Not even a splash in this war.

On the execution stand.

Sakaski looked at the battle between the dragon and Polusalino, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt something was wrong.

Because Polusalino was no match for the dragon at all, which surprised her.

I saw that Polusalino was knocked out from time to time, and then the dragon aggressively eliminated the surrounding navy, and then Polusalino soared into the sky again, and then continued to be knocked into the air and vomit blood

It seems that Polusalino not only did not stop the dragon from advancing, but was helping the dragon to shorten the distance to the execution platform.

"Teacher Zefa, go help Polusalino."

Seeing that Polusalino couldn't hold back the dragon, Sakaski looked down at the execution platform.

These old guys haven't shot yet, are they waiting to eat shit?


Facing the order from Sakaski, Zefa just frowned, and then disappeared in place.

Now is the very moment.

No matter what, Sakaski is already the marshal, so I still have to give him some face.


Zefa appeared out of thin air on the battlefield and stared at the dragon.

"Teacher Zefa, I thought you wouldn't make a move."

Polusalino sat idle, spat out the blood in his mouth and looked at Zefa who punched the flying dragon.

"Porusalino, relying too much on Devil Fruits is not a good habit."

Zefa stared coldly, he wouldn't have made a move if it hadn't been for Sakaski.


Polusalino snorted coldly, and just rushed towards the dragon with his head buried.

With Zepha on board, the pressure on the dragons skyrocketed.

The three hit the sky and the ground, and no one around them dared to approach.


Suddenly, Luffy roared on the execution platform.

In the distance, Nami was hit by a stray bullet, and was taken away with blood dripping from her shoulder.

The whole thin body fell in a pool of blood, and the blood stained the orange hair. This scene made Luffy's eyes bloodshot and struggling continuously.

"Jingle Bell"

Hailoushi's chains kept shaking, and Luffy rushed forward desperately.


It feels like the whole shoulder is not my own anymore.

Nami turned her head to look at Luffy who was constantly howling on the execution platform, showing a bleak smile, even though her eyes were full of tears because of the pain, she got up strong.

"Luffy, I will definitely save you."

The sexy red lips opened and closed, although no sound came out, but Luffy could hear it.

"don't want."

At this time, Luffy was like a wounded beast, looking at Nami's back with a stern look, because a sailor raised his long knife.


The eyes of the other Straw Hat members around were split, whether it was Sanji, Zoro and the others desperately trying to rush over.

But that short distance is out of reach at this time.


The long knife fell, but Nami knew nothing about it.

Even if you know it, you can't avoid it.

"Stop it!"

The hysterical roar resounded through the sky, and the entire sky froze.

An angry and domineering storm spread around Luffy.

I saw Lu Fei's face was ferocious, and his blood red eyes were full of killing intent.

Sakaski raised her head slightly and her long hair fluttered, far worse than Gaia's overlord.

It also fooled some ants and couldn't get on the stage.


Boom! ! !

A streak of black and red thunder struck down, causing lightning and thunder to flash around the entire execution platform.

That violent and supreme will goes forward indomitably, and wherever it goes, both the revolutionary army and the navy fall down like trying to cut wheat.

"Is it really scary?"

Standing in mid-air, Polusalino felt the distinctive domineering look, and subconsciously compared it with someone, finding that he was weak.

"This domineering look."

But people like Warring States, Crane, and Zefa are different.

They feel that this will is very familiar, and it seems to be similar to that man.

Although very immature, but the will is the same.

With vast freedom like the sea, it is great to be tolerant to all rivers!


Sengoku murmured.

Boom boom boom.

Light and dark dripping.

Luffy's dominance lasted for a full minute.

The scope of the impact is not very large, at most it affects the area around the execution platform, and the rest of the battlefield is still a meat grinder.

But Nami was saved.

"Nami, are you alright?"

At this time, Sanji and the others were already approaching, and everyone gathered.

"Chopper! Bandage Nami quickly."

Usopp was covered in blood and his long nose was broken off.


Fighting back his tears, Chopper started pulling out medical items from his backpack.

Everyone has large and small wounds, all supported by the will to rescue Luffy.

On the execution platform, Luffy could see clearly that Usopp's nose was broken, and there was a wound on Sauron's chest, which could almost see the internal organs.

One of Sanji's feet twisted abnormally, but he resisted and still kicked people.

If this goes on, that leg will be useless.

Robin and Wei Wei were dressed in rags, and had bloody wounds and gunshot wounds on their thighs, waist, and chest.

Brooke didn't get much of a deal, either.

"Leave me alone, leave me alone."

Painful and powerless, Luffy slammed his forehead heavily on the ground, it was a kind of despair and guilt.

Sitting on the edge of the execution platform, Garp looked at the bloody square screaming for killing and shouting, and heard Luffy's desperate cries in his ears, and his eyes turned red at some point.

It's like a knife is cutting my heart. .

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