The arrogant and high-profile history of the richest pirate

Chapter 723 Counterfeit Gaia, the slash of time

"Heh heh heh!"

"I didn't expect the Golden Emperor, who disappeared for a year, to appear in Dressrosa."

"This year's trading time should not be here yet!"

Doflamingo calmed down, and first made sure if he was here to trouble him.

It stands to reason.

The only dispute between the two parties is the annual 50% compensation fee.

Not to mention that the time for the transaction has not yet arrived, and even if it does, it shouldn't be the Golden Emperor who came to ask in person. Everyone in the world does not know that the Golden Emperor is the hands-off shopkeeper.

The real master has to be the Queen of Joy, Queen of Dancing, and Queen of Luck.

Otherwise why the whole world is saying that these three women are the most powerful women.

There used to be a Charlotte Lingling, but the grass on the grave has been renovated for several generations.

"What, Golden Emperor?"

Luffy's blood-stained face finally changed.

He remembered.

Sabo told him that the Golden Emperor's name is Gaia Chaos.


Is this the true face of the Golden Emperor?

Unbelievably handsome, and too young.

How can it be

Why didn't I feel like I was in the capital of seven waters back then, the oppression and horror that penetrated from the soul, and the feeling at this time is completely different from the feeling at this time.

After the shock, Lu Fei clenched his hands tightly, with blue veins spreading on his neck, and his eyes were full of anger.

This man is his enemy.

"Monkey D. Luffy, the son of the leader of the Revolutionary Army Monkey D. Long, the grandson of the naval hero Vice Admiral Monkey D. Garp, one of the two righteous brothers is the son of the One Piece, and the current Whitebeard Pirate The captain of the second team of the regiment, Fire Fist Ace, and the other is the chief of staff of the Revolutionary Army.

It is also related to the red hair of the Four Emperors.

What a head-scratching powerful background. "

Chaos stretched out his hand and rubbed his forehead, looking very difficult.

This appearance of Chaos made Doflamingo frown, feeling that something was wrong.

There is a good saying, it is not yourself who knows you best, but your enemy.

Doflamingo has studied the Golden Emperor more than once. No matter what the circumstances, the Golden Emperor is definitely strong and domineering, arrogant and domineering.

Is the sun coming out in the west today?

Why didn't you show up?

What about the high-profile special effects of Earthquake that day? What about the thrilling and suffocating BGM?

There are also colorful arrogance covering the whole body.

No matter how you look at it, the Golden Emperor is a bit low-key and unremarkable, which is not in line with science.

How could the Golden Emperor keep a low profile?

This is simply the biggest joke of the century.


It is well known that the Golden Emperor does not play cards according to common sense. Does the Golden Emperor want to change his way of life?

Doflamingo observed secretly. Although he felt something was wrong, he didn't think that the Golden Emperor was a fake.

"Sooner or later I will kill you."

Luffy gritted his bloody teeth, and looked at Chaos stubbornly every word. The character that was not afraid of the earth and the earth that day was still a dog who couldn't change it and couldn't hold back.

This is where the threat begins.

Directly ignored the instructions of people like Long, Sabo, and Karp.


"Want to kill me?"

Chaos was condescending, showing a disdainful smile.

Then it disappeared suddenly, and when it reappeared, it was already in front of Luffy, and it simply pulled out with one foot.

Luffy gritted his teeth, held back his bruised body, crossed his hands in front of him, and finally flew out after a moment of stalemate, leaving smoke and dust lying in the ruins all the way.

Doflamingo on the side frowned even tighter.

He saw the movement track of the Golden Emperor just now.

Even he can detect it, so the straw hat boy who is only a little weaker than him can also detect it, otherwise how can he defend in time?


This is not the case.

How could the straw hat boy guard against it?

Or is the Golden Emperor just playing around?

But why does it feel a little weak.

"Cough cough."

in ruins.

Luffy got up and couldn't help spitting blood, and he was a little surprised and uncertain.

He felt that the Golden Emperor was not very strong.

If he was in his heyday, he might still have the upper hand.

Isn't it rumored that the Golden Emperor is the strongest man in the world?

And it didn't have the thrilling feeling that he was given in the capital of seven waters.

Or is it that he is actually very strong and has already caught up with the strongest man in the world?

"Second gear!"

This discovery made Luffy excited.

The Golden Emperor must be a silver-colored pewter gun that is not useful. The world's strongest is boasted by the outside world, and it is almost fake.

"Rubber Jet Pistol."

Disappearing in place in an instant, Luffy took the initiative to attack.

boom! ! !

Facing Luffy's furious attack with excitement, Chaos just took a step sideways, and then swept out with another kick, but was blocked by Luffy's arm again.

But it was blocked, but that force still knocked Luffy away.

It was dusty again.

Immediately afterwards, Luffy spit blood again like an unbeatable Xiaoqiang and got up again.

He was right.

The Golden Emperor may really be a silver-like pewter tip.

In an instant, Luffy's energy was high, his tired body felt relaxed, and the flames of revenge were burning violently.

"Golden Emperor."

But just when Luffy was about to launch a new round of attack, an unexpected guest approached from afar.

The rhythmic footsteps were full of pressure.

The three of them turned their eyes to the person coming at the same time.

The corner of Doflamingo's mouth turned up, Luffy was a little dazed, Chaos was surprised at first, and then became serious, but his expression was fleeting, and soon returned to indifference.



The one who appeared in front of the three of them was the one who rushed over.

There are many sailors behind.


The voice of deep pain and hatred, wishing to drink his blood and gnaw his bones, with a smile, he never expected to meet a man here that she would never forget for the rest of her life.

The pain the other party gave me was heart-piercing.

I will never forget it in my life.

this moment.

With a smile, the fat baby's kawaii face was twisted together, and the white pupils of the eyes were even more bloodshot.

"Hell Brigade."

There is nothing to say.

Yixiao couldn't wait to greet this man.

So he pulled out the stick knife very enthusiastically, and came up with full firepower.

The gray gravitational force descended like ten thousand mountains, covering Chaos with unstoppable power.

"Damn it."

Chaos, who was originally calm and indifferent, lost color on the spot.

He bent down all of a sudden, knelt on the ground with one knee and supported the ground with his right hand, beads of sweat filled his forehead, and the ground around him began to crack and collapse.

what's the situation?

Doflamingo feels that his cognition has been subverted.

Is this really the Golden Emperor he knew?

How could it be so embarrassing.

Although Fujitora is a general, as strong as a monster, it is impossible to be so unbearable!

If it were him, he would never kneel on the ground.

"You are not Gaia."

With a smile, the angry faces gradually twisted together.

Even Gaia has slowly stood up at this time.

"who are you."

A smile on his face was ugly.

If Gaia was really that weak, she would have had her revenge long ago.

But why the breath perceived by the knowledgeable color is Gaia, which she will never forget in her life.

for a while.

All eyes were focused on Chaos.

"Fujitora, it was you who made a sneak attack just now, and the emperor just didn't notice it for a while."

"This emperor is the Golden Emperor, the strongest man in the world."

Chaos puffed out his chest, defiantly.

It seems that Fujitora really knelt down on one knee just now because he didn't talk about Wude's sneak attack.

"It really wasn't that damned man."

A smile made me more sure.

This one is just a counterfeit, because the real Gaia never calls her Fujitora and Yixiao, but always calls her Xiaoxiao.

Just like Sakaski's best friend, Kuzan's iceberg beauty, and Polusalino's pretty cub, it is the unique title of that damned man.

Just from the address, you can see how annoying that man is.

Those who know themselves best are those enemies whom they hate to the bone.

A smile is just a trick, coupled with some habits, it can be seen that this Gaia is a counterfeit.

One can imagine how close the relationship between Yixiao and Gaia is.

boom! ! !

After being exposed with a smile, this Chaos still pressed him calmly, and wanted to continue to speak hard.

But at this time.

A gray-white meniscus-shaped slash of a thousand meters in the sky moved forward in a destructive posture. No matter what the obstacles in front were, they all struck in two halves.

Go straight to Chaos.

The most frightening thing was that wherever the slash went, everything seemed to have gone through a thousand years, and all rusted and ashes were annihilated.


Seeing the thousand-meter slash coming straight towards him, the counterfeit Chaos' expression changed in surprise.

From this posture, one could tell that it was the slash of the Great Swordsman, and it was no ordinary Great Swordsman.

Especially when everything rusts everywhere, as if with the power of time, it is even more terrifying!

"who is it!"

"Could it be"

Doflamingo and Yixiao also frowned, thinking of a possibility.

As for Luffy, he always kept his face blank.

With a big explosion, dust billowed in the center.

The huge shock wave pushed Luffy out. .

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