The arrogant and high-profile history of the richest pirate

Chapter 381 Are all the people in the richest group so wild?

Rumble! ! !

The whole world lost its sound, and a mass of light and heat stood in the center, surrounded by black and red lightning, causing the entire heavy cloud to rotate around in a dim sky.

That invisible shock wave pushed out like a monstrous tsunami.

Wherever it went, there were explosions, and everything was destroyed.

"It was able to block Dad's punch from the front."

"Has Gaia Chaos become this scary?"

The crew members of the Whitebeard Pirates, who were blown away by the shock waves, looked at the collision in the center with disbelief on their faces.

Especially Marco and the others felt unreal.

Thinking back to the first time we met in Chambord Islands, the Golden Emperor at that time was just a spirited guy, and he could only be crushed when facing his father.

But now, he was able to resist his father's fist head-on.

Whether it is Marco, Jozi, or Bista, there is a strong sense of crisis.

Perhaps, possibly, should, they will not be the opponents of the Golden Emperor now.

To be honest, Marco and the others feel very uncomfortable now.

The opponents they once had the confidence to overwhelm were overtaken without knowing it.

This result is not surprising.

Over the years, under the protection of Whitebeard, Marco and others have never practiced seriously, because they have not encountered setbacks or a sense of crisis.

Unlike Chaos, he is practicing all the time, not causing trouble, not fighting to the death, not realizing the true meaning of life.

I'm afraid Marco is no longer the opponent of the three navy sisters.

Time is fair, some people use the same time to work hard, while some people spend it leisurely, and the final result is that the gap between the two parties will also widen.

Compared with the shock or disbelief of Marko and others, Crocodile and others were extremely indifferent on another hill, and it was natural for this situation.

Not blowing.

I am afraid that Marco and others have never experienced the true meaning of life they have experienced.

As we all know, there are great horrors between life and death, and there are also great gains.

Human potential is unlimited, as long as you seize that momentary opportunity, everything will be sublimated.

In contrast, Marco and the others are flowers in the greenhouse, while Crocodile and the others are the ravaged but still firm Samuumes, which cannot be generalized.

"We should act too!"

The pure golden light shrouding Crocodile's body disappeared, revealing the ever-changing black and seductive gangster outfit, black fur coat, big backed head, cigar in his mouth, and the swastika symbol spinning behind his back.

Hands with various precious stones and gold rings.

The most intuitive feeling is that this gangster is very rich!

"Xiao Ai-chan is on the Moby Dick!"

Betty was in the pure gold halo, stretched out her small tongue and twirled around the red lips, she could feel the presence of Enilo with her knowledge.


Ivankov turned around in a circle, but because he was shrouded in pure golden light, he couldn't see his true face clearly, but just the shadow of the outline could be seen as hot eyes.


A sun soared into the sky, leaving its long tail feathers tearing through the atmosphere, and falling towards Marco and others in a devastating manner.

It's Aquino.

People don't talk too much, just do it as always!

"Old Xiong, I will leave Xiao Aijiang to you."

Figures disappeared one after another, leaving only Xiong standing on the top of the mountain, and finally disappeared.

"Be careful, it's the Sun King!"

"This temperature is so hot!"

"give it to me."

Marko looked dignified, watching the falling sun, transformed into a beautiful dreamy monster bird, leaving long blue flame tail feathers, and spread its wings to rise from the ground.

That's the phoenix.

boom! ! !

The entire sky was red and white. When the sun and the phoenix collided, everyone on the ground subconsciously closed their eyes, and then felt a violent shock wave.

A blue flame plume crashed down, shaking mountains in all directions, and cracks were torn to form large pits.

In the first round of collision, Marco was completely defeated.

Just blocked the sun for a few breaths, and then fell again.


Half of Joz's body turned into a diamond, so he wanted to help.

But at this moment, a ball of sand slowly formed in front of him.

"Are you Diamond Joz?"

Crocodile's eyes were contemptuous, and smoke rings were blowing out of his mouth.

"Tsar Crocodile."

"Let's dance together! A bunch of foolish trash."

"Hee-hop, let's be new humans together! This is love!"

"This queen is responsible for her appearance, so call me Your Lady Queen."

"I just want to kill you guys."

One after another, figures appeared one after another, without the slightest reservation of the terrifying aura, they swooped down on the Whitebeard Pirates aggressively and domineeringly.

no doubt.

There are many team captains on the side of the Whitebeard Pirates, but Stucey and the others act as if they are one-on-one, and they even say that they have the ability to play one-on-one.

"You are surrounded!"

"Dancing Queen, please give them strength!"

Betty held up the golden flagpole, chanted the newly invented spell, and immediately added BUFF to herself.

The number of people is not enough, let's join together.

At that moment, Crocodile, Stucey, Achino, Xiong, including Chaos who was fighting, everyone's aura was soaring, and the faces of the Whitebeard Pirates changed drastically as if they were taking drugs.

As for the catchphrase of all the richest group, there is no time to complain about the second grade.

"Erosion of Reincarnation · Great World."


"Cruel sun."

"Big Dance · Fatal Blow."

"Shemale Boxing·Death Winking Eyes."

A series of hoarse big moves were shouted from the mouths of Crocodile and the others, and it was a life-and-death struggle as soon as they came up.

It gives people the feeling of a group of lunatics, just the fearless aura of dying together makes people tremble in heart, liver, spleen, kidney and lung.

Who can bear this shit.

Are the people in the Richest Group so wild?

Boom boom boom! ! !

The whole venue was split into landslides and ground cracks in an instant. Except for Achino and Marco who were fighting alone, the rest of the teams played one-on-two, and even had the upper hand.

With Betty's BUFF, it's the same as cheating.

But the more intense battle still belonged to Whitebeard and Chaos.

The entire sky was always torn apart, forming an inverted leak filled with black and red thunder slowly turning.

The two domineering, domineering, and arrogant wills clashed constantly.

In the distance, the sea is rough, and the storm is pouring down.

most central.

Chaos stepped on the juvenile knife, and the molten gold continued to burst and fill.

Her long golden hair was dancing wildly, one large and one small golden light wheels were spinning behind her back, and her pair of golden eyes were full of jokes and playfulness.

White Beard held the supreme big sharp knife Cong Yunqie in his right hand, the tip of the knife was covered with a white air pressure cover, the coat behind his back made a sound like tearing in the strong wind, the pair of crescent-shaped beards trembled, grinning and laughing.

If you observe carefully, you will find that the kick and knife didn't really touch it, but formed a vacuum state and exploded with terrifying thunder.


Whitebeard covered the air pressure shield with his left hand, and smashed towards Chaos' head condescendingly.

Faced with such a blow, Chaos continued to step on Cong Yunqie with his right foot, splashed golden molten fire with his right hand, and punched out arrogantly and domineeringly.

The black and red thunders tore through it, and a vacuum still formed between the fists, one big and one small, colliding. Suddenly, black cracks appeared around the two of them, and mountains burst out of the ground.

A burning explosion enveloped the sky, and all vision was blocked.

After everything dissipated, the two looked at each other across the pit, and the center was filled with high-temperature energy and thunder.

The sky was divided into two halves again, and the two wills to swallow mountains and rivers kept colliding, and neither of them would admit defeat.

One person stands upright, looks down on everything, and is domineering without losing kindness.

No one but me, I am the only one, full of ego and arrogance in the arrogance and domineering. .

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