The arrogant and high-profile history of the richest pirate

Chapter 376 Really Surprised This Emperor

boom! ! !

Polusalino attacked as soon as he appeared.

The golden laser was fleeting, and with the huge explosion, the entire site was shaken.

Billowing gunpowder smoke shrouded it, and the blazing flames expanded.

Polusalino landed not far from Sakaski, staring at the depths of the gunpowder with a gloomy face.


"Become the most arrogant man in the world with this emperor!"

"This invitation is valid forever."

The dense gunpowder smoke dissipated, and Chaos was three feet above the ground, with his hands outstretched and he moved out from it. Spiral steam rose from his body, and he looked at Polusalino with his dark eyes and extended an invitation.

Long time no see, Polusalino's eyes are hotter than before.

Take a look at the devil's figure and wretched face, they still fit so well.

Only Polusalino can control this unique shape in the world.

"It's really scary!"

"Gaia Chaos."

Polusalino narrowed his eyes slightly, and they were filled with cold light.

She never wanted to kill this man.

Don't ask why.

I understand everything.

It can only be said that the water between them is very deep.

"There's no need to talk nonsense with him, he can't escape today."

Sakaski has such a violent temper, she doesn't want to waste her tongue, she is ready to touch the magma all over her body, like Aquino, she doesn't talk too much, and she can't speak much with her fists.

Polusalino wiped the back of his right hand with his left hand, and the gleaming golden Amacongun sword appeared just like that.


The bear appeared out of nowhere, standing beside Chaos with a blank expression.

On a hilltop in the distance, Ivankov's body was filled with high-temperature steam, and he kept stuffing ginseng and other medicinal materials into his mouth. He was using life return to quickly absorb energy, and his breath changed every minute.

Coupled with the bear's bounce damage, it may only take five minutes to return to its heyday.

"Ghost dog!"

Sakaski rushed out, aiming at Chaos.

"Best friends, if you want to fight against this emperor, you still need to pass this emperor's BUG to take on this level."

Claus was a black hair, facing the murderous Sakas Ji, his face was full of lacking expression.

The bear remained silent, and instantly appeared in front of Sakaski and collided with it.

"Go away!"

The ghost dog's attack was blocked, Sakaski was furious, and the explosive force of the volcanic eruption continued to erupt, which made the bear's eyes sink.

"How is it, Polusalino?"

"Do you want to come and become the most arrogant person in the world with this emperor? We rule the world with one male and one female."

Chaos withdrew his gaze and once extended an invitation to Polusalino.

He admired Polusalino.

This kind of solicitation is not the first or second time he has said.

The answer to Chaos was Polusalino's attack.

Ding ding bang! ! !

Facing Polusalino's attack, the golden light wheel rotating behind Chaos turned into five golden long swords, flowing black and gold arms around his body, resisting Polusalino's swordsmanship.

Bursts of sparks and air waves were set off, and the surrounding surface continued to explode and tear.

Chaos stood motionless three feet above the ground, with five encircling golden long swords propelled like arms, no matter whether Polusalino attacked from behind, from the side, or from the top of his head, they were all blocked.

Taking out a cigarette, Chaos casually ignited it, breathing out a smoke ring of love.

"Porusalino, the Emperor appreciates you very much."

"Since the first time we met, the Emperor has valued you, otherwise he wouldn't have invited you so many times."

Swords and swords tore through the air. Polusalino held the Amazono Sword in both hands, surrounded Chaos with a gloomy face and made various tricky attacks, but he was still unable to break through the resistance of the five golden long swords.

From a distance, this scene is full of visuals.

Chaos is calm and calm, and he has the confidence of a master and a chance to win.

No matter how fierce and flamboyant Polusalino's attack was, he fell into the lower ranks.

With a huge explosion enveloped, Polusalino flew out of the gunpowder smoke, standing in the air with an ugly expression.

Clang clang clang.

The dense smoke and dust dissipated, and I saw Chaos hanging in the air on the big pit, with five gorgeous long swords turning around his body, making the sound of golden leather from time to time, which was very rhythmic and ornamental.

"Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu."

The cross-shaped golden light looks like a sun standing under the sky, and a large number of bright light bullets fall like a meteor shower, overwhelming and rushing towards Chaos without distinction.

"Shenluo Tianzheng!"

Chaos was still hanging in the air, and the extremely rich black-gold armed body was continuously compressed. When the golden meteor shower came, it suddenly expanded, forming a huge black-gold air pressure cover, covering the sky and the earth without precedent.

For a moment, the sky and the earth collided, and the dazzling light made people unable to close their eyes.

The suffocating light and heat lifted into the sky, and everything was destroyed.

When everything calmed down, the big pit at the foot of Chaos had been pushed horizontally into a basin.

"Speed ​​is weight!"

"Gaia, have you ever been kicked by light?"

The sound so close at hand made Chaos feel inexplicably kind, and Polusalino appeared, with a cross-shaped sun shining brightly on his right foot.

"Porusalino, you really amazed me."

Chaos' golden left hand was flowing with armed colors, and he held it in front of him for passive defense, but his pair of jet-black eyes looked at Polusalino in amazement.

Maybe the soul is the reason for the man, so whether it is Polusalino, Sakaski, or Kuzan are not used to wearing underwear, so the scenery is very charming.


Faced with such a light teasing and insult from Chaos, Polusalino hoarse, and the power of that kick with a ferocious face strengthened again, carrying unparalleled power, wishing to destroy the world.

call out! ! !

Because of the soaring power, Chaos' golden left hand didn't even block it, and hit his cheek in one fell swoop, his eyes protruded and blood spurted from his mouth, and then turned into a rainbow with the sound of a sonic boom, sweeping across the basin and mountain walls all the way, leaving behind a horrible trail. Kangzhuang Avenue.

The dust that covered the clouds covered the curtain, and Chaos coughed from inside.



The explosion of Polusalino is terrible.

"Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu."

A golden cross-shaped sun appeared in midair, and Polusalino looked at the dust with fire-breathing eyes, shouting the name of the move so loudly.

The small universe has fully exploded.

Today she will kill this man at all costs.

Never, never had she wanted to kill someone so much.

Her life has been changed beyond recognition because of this man, which is not the life she wants at all.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Explosions followed one after another, the mushroom cloud that released light and heat continued to expand, the entire island began to shake, cracks and hills stood up all around, and even the heavy sky was pushed away.

The other two battles looked at the sky, and the golden meteor shower bombarded the sky for a full minute.

The frenzied shock wave continued to overturn, Polusalino landed on a hilltop, and the bombardment for a full minute made him a little out of breath.

His eyes were fixed on the center, and the smoke slowly dissipated.

But Polusalino's face gradually became stiff and grim.

I saw Chaos standing on the dilapidated ground, with five fingers stretched out in front of him, a tattered gold shield stood up from the ground, and the flowing black and gold liquid firmly blocked all attacks.

Although he blocked it, blood was dripping from the corner of Chaos' mouth.

Obviously under such a powerful attack, he was also injured.

The three sisters in the navy are really different today. After the stubborn hell-style training, the strength of the improvement is leveraged. Maybe they already have the combat effectiveness of a general.


Carrying the rank of major general and fighting at the general level, isn't this f*cking like a pig and a tiger?

Do not talk about martial arts.

This explosion is even more frightening.

Old and cruel! !

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