The arrogant and high-profile history of the richest pirate

Chapter 358 Times have changed! I hope you can make me happy

"Golden Emperor, what on earth do you want to do!"

Zhan Guo has a gloomy face, if you believe this man's nonsense, write his name Zhan Guo upside down.

Still passing by, such a big threat is here, who can be vigilant without distraction?


Chaos lightly exhaled the smoke ring of love, and brushed his hair on his forehead in contempt for the audience, extremely careless.

"As we all know, I, Gaia Chaos, have always kept my promises, respected martial arts, and respected morality; I previously agreed with the little ghosts of the Roger Pirates that if I can bear the emperor's finger, I will help them get through this difficult time."

"So to save face, both of you stop fighting!"

With a big wave of his hand, Chaos possessed a boundless arrogance to point the country.

The Roger Pirates looked up at this arrogant man. Although they couldn't understand it, they didn't say anything.

So there is some silence.

In contrast, the navy is ashen-faced, this guy is purely looking for trouble.

"Golden Emperor, you'd better not meddle in this matter!"

A lieutenant general was furious. Even if the Golden Emperor intervenes in the current situation, their navy still has the upper hand.

After all, the Golden Emperor only brought one BUG in charge. If there are other responsibilities, the Navy may consider it, but it is purely wishful thinking right now.


"Little lieutenant general dares to be so rude to this emperor, death penalty!"

Chaos despised it, and the light wheel spinning behind his back turned into five gorgeous long swords again, rubbing the air with the sound of a sonic boom.

The lieutenant general who spoke changed his expression. He didn't expect the Golden Emperor to be so arrogant and dare to attack directly.

Especially that high-ranking posture was undoubtedly humiliating him.

He is a lieutenant general of the Navy headquarters, not a small boy doing odd jobs.

Ding ding ding! ! !

The ground was bombarded wildly, and there are still two brushes who can become the lieutenant general of the headquarters. In the first round, the five long swords were blocked, but the long sword shot on the ground like a missile exploded, one pit after another , so that the lieutenant general was a little embarrassed.

"Barely make this emperor a little more serious."

Seeing that the lieutenant general escaped the first round of attacks, Chaos waved his hand sarcastically.

The golden flower sea avenue across the sky quickly transformed into swords, guns, swords and halberds, covering the entire sky and falling upside down. For a while, it was difficult for the people in the whole venue to maintain their composure.

As for the bear who had been standing on it, he fell helplessly on a hill, silently overlooking the scene.

"Golden Emperor, don't bully people too much!"

In the Warring States period, he was suppressed in anger, and his whole body was faintly releasing the Buddha's light, as if he would turn into a giant Buddha and attack Chaos in the next moment.

"Why? The navy refuses to give this emperor this face?"

Chaos' voice was low, his slashed face was completely cold, his golden eyes contained no emotion, like a volcano about to erupt, as long as Warring States dared to say a word, it would erupt.

The crane's eyes jumped in the distance.

She knew that this man was extremely concerned about face, and keeping his promise was really keeping his promise, but they couldn't give up the great opportunity to catch Roger Pirates just because of the Golden Emperor.

Just like what the lieutenant general said, the Golden Emperor only brought BUG to act as a tyrant, and the navy is fully capable of dealing with it.

"Since you are looking for death, I will fulfill you!"

"Do it!"

How could the Warring States be threatened, and it would directly turn into a giant Buddha and shoot in horror, without thinking at all.

A mere Golden Emperor can't scare him.

"Warring States, times have changed!"

"This emperor is no longer the original emperor."

Chaos is full of fighting spirit. His purpose of coming this time is to fight to the death, so that he can integrate the cultivation during this period into actual combat, and the Warring States is fully qualified to be that whetstone.

"Propulsion City will be your final destination."

Warring States King Kong glared, his golden right palm was filled with powerful force, and he slapped forward invincibly and indestructibly.

Chaos fell like a meteor, the golden left fist was clenched with black gold liquid flowing, colliding with the golden Buddha palm in one fell swoop, the landslide and the ground cracked at that moment, each punch did not really touch each other, and there was a vacuum of one decimeter in between In this state, a large number of black and red Razers are permeated, forming a shock wave and setting off the surface to radiate all around.

Cracked rocks shattered one by one, and the cracked earth finally collapsed and sunken.

Those who were close all retreated.

The two overlord colors formed a substantive air pressure shield, colliding with each other at close range, and the entire sky was divided into two halves.

Tink, jingle, bell!

Gold shards flew from a distance, climbing up Chaos' body from head to toe, and finally formed a majestic golden armor. At the same time, the passionate and wild bboy danny sounded, and an invincible momentum rose from Chaos' body , It can be said to be unrivaled and unstoppable!

"Warring States, I hope you can make me happy."

Chaos laughed wantonly, lawlessness and arrogance to the extreme.

Zhan Guo's eyes widened with anger, but he just raised the other Buddha's palm and pressed it down in horror.

Boom boom boom! ! ! !

One after another, one Buddha appeared one hundred meters away in an instant, and he couldn't even see how he was attacking, and then he soared into the sky and appeared in the air, turning into two streamers as if being pulled by rubber bands, pulling away from each other collided with each other again.

The battle was already full of shock and intensity from the very beginning.

There are only a few people who can keep up with that kind of fighting speed.

"That guy has become stronger again!"

Roger looked up with a long knife in his hand, his face a bit dignified.

Compared with the first and second meeting, this third meeting with the Golden Emperor gave him the feeling that he was really powerful.

At this moment, a figure appeared in front of Roger, it was a bear.

Roger didn't do anything, but looked at the bear with a little doubt from the sky.

Now the Golden Emperor is temporarily in their camp, or is it that the Golden Emperor is crazy enough to deal with the navy and them at the same time?

"Execute the boss's order to help you reduce your injuries and restore your strength."

"Accept or not!"

Xiong was expressionless, holding a bible in his left hand and looked at Roger calmly. The choice was given to Roger.

Roger was startled at first, then laughed out loud.



Some crew members around wanted to stop it, after all, the Richest Group had grudges with them.

"Don't worry, the other party is not malicious!"

Roger grinned and signaled everyone not to be nervous.

Xiong still looked serious, but looked at Roger with a hint of admiration.

This man is bold.

Taking off the glove to reveal the padded right hand, the bear patted Roger's chest directly, and the latter stood there with a relaxed smile, really relaxed, without any defense.

On the contrary, Lei Li and the others were all holding their weapons tightly, and they would shoot if there was anything wrong.

The meat pad was slapped on Roger's chest, and under the eyes of everyone, a group of light red transparent bear's paws appeared behind him, and finally continued to swell and grow bigger. When the transparent bear's paws completely left his body, Roger's originally smiling face gradually disappeared.

There was a faint light in the eyes looking at the bear.

All the injuries and pains in his body disappeared, and even the ailments were weakened. He was relaxed like never before, and his physical strength was recovering rapidly.

The most important thing is the pain, which even Kurokas can't help, and now it has weakened a little.

The opponent's ability may have the effect of delaying the treatment of his disease.

"Roger, are you all right?"

Raleigh and the others naturally sensed Roger's aura and were recovering quickly.

They all looked in surprise at the bear who compressed the damage to the size of a palm.

What kind of ability is this that has such a powerful effect. .

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