blue blue~

Marin Vandor, the headquarters building.

The urgent phone buzzer rang, and a major general pushed away the Marshal's office with a solemn expression, and quickly reported, "Marshal Kong, Colonel Huoshaoshan from the Chambord Islands Branch called, and the Golden Emperor Gaia Chaos appeared in the Chambord Islands. Shot them."


Kong Gang's face sank, and there was a faint anger in his eyes.

"Let Hezhong come to the office!"


The major general turned around and left the office.

Kong was thoughtful, thinking about the purpose of the Golden Emperor appearing in the Chambord Islands.

At present, both Garp and Sengoku have gone to the second half of the great route, with the goal of Roger Pirates.

Now the threat of the Roger Pirates is getting bigger and bigger, and even the Five Old Stars personally sent orders.

Zefa also no longer Marin Fando, but went to Beihai to escort the Tianlong people.

And he couldn't leave, so the only one who could go to the Chambord Islands was the crane. With the strength of the Golden Emperor, he would not be an opponent in the headquarters.

For the past six months, the Richest Group has been in love with the Hundred Beasts Pirates and BIG MOM Pirates. The Golden Emperor appeared in the Chambord Islands in vain and even attacked the branch. What is the reason for this?

Impossible without a reason.

In any case, the crane must go to the Chambord Islands.

What an eventful year!


Not long after, the major general He Xiong, who had just come to report, pushed the door open.

His face was a little serious.

Obviously, he had already learned from the major general about the Golden Emperor's attack on the Chambord Islands branch before coming here.

"Go to the Chambord Islands yourself, and make up your own mind what to do."

There is no nonsense in the sky.


Not five seconds after the crane came, it turned around and left again.

More than ten minutes later, a warship left the port and quickly sailed towards the Chambord Islands. There were quite a few familiar people on the deck, such as the future mainstay of the navy, the ghost spider, the flying squirrel and other colonels.

Now these people are still very young, they are only school officers, and they are still growing.

Chambord Islands at this time.

"Lieutenant General Shagmi, where is the Golden Emperor?"

After Huoshaoshan notified Marin Fando, he came to the office immediately.

But I only saw Xia Gemi sitting on the sofa frowning and thinking about things, as for the Golden Emperor and that woman are gone.



Huoshaoshan was slightly taken aback, the script seemed wrong!

"What about the others?"

Shagmi didn't say much, got up and walked out of the office to see the unconscious sailors.

"It's all just stunned by the overlord's color, and it's not life-threatening."

Huoshaoshan's face was full of doubts, and he followed Xia Gemi to report.

"What does the headquarters say?"

"The Marshal sent Lieutenant General He."

Chambord Islands, area 75.

Mainly hotel streets, red light districts, casinos, pharmacies, etc. Chaos took Bacala to wander here after leaving the Navy branch.

Bacala's face has been ashen since she left the navy branch, and her big green gemstone eyes have lost the color of the past.

It's over!

Life is gloomy, and even the bridge of Naihe has been seen in advance.

There are all kinds of perfume smells from the tip of the nose, and at the same time there are many voices of Yingying and Yanyan. The air is filled with the smell of hormones, and the streets are full of drunks or flirting.

Bacala was like a walking dead, almost hitting Chaos on the back.

When I looked up, I looked at the elegantly decorated and luxurious geisha house in front of me. The main hall inside was full of ladies in frugal clothes, singing and dancing so happily.

Baccarat looked at Chaos with contempt, the senses were so poor that he couldn't even fish for it.

"Do you know what's going on now? You still have the mood to have fun!"

Bacala is really crazy.

This guy just made trouble in the Navy branch, and he didn't want to escape and came to have fun.

The fool also knows that the Navy will definitely send big shots to the Chambord Islands, and they will not be able to escape if they want to.

She also resigned to her fate.

Now that he has fallen into the pit, he must be struggling to save his life!

The desire to survive is still full.

"As the lucky person in charge of the richest man group, your timid character needs to be changed."

Chaos tilted his head a little dissatisfied. Compared with Stussy and Betty, this woman's structure is still too small.

"The old lady is timid and afraid of getting into trouble?"


"My old lady cherishes her life, do you know the current situation?"

Bacala exploded, her eyes full of resentment.

If she could beat this man, she would have done it long ago.

"Asshole, did you listen to me?"

Bacara's face was livid, because this man ignored her directly, and embraced the girls at the door of the geisha hall very acquaintedly, with one hand shamelessly touching the two halves of the peach, floating up and down.

That movement is so skillful that it makes people feel distressed.

This is not the famous Golden Emperor, he is simply a villain of the devil.


I would rather attack these geisha than myself.

No matter how you look at it, the old lady is as beautiful as a flower, and she is all over the country. Could it be that she can't compare with these rouge and gouache?

Bacala's lungs exploded again.


It seems to be wrong!

Now is not the time to think about these things, but to leave this island quickly before the naval support, otherwise the rest of my life will have to be spent in a dark prison.

Imagination is beautiful, but reality is cruel.

next second.

Unable to control her body, Bacala slowly entered the geisha house and followed behind Chaos, her eyes full of despair.

Run away, just think about it.

She can't even control her own body.

"Arrange me a presidential suite, money is not a problem."

Chaos embraced the young lady with both hands, and he was full of pride as soon as he made a move. At first glance, he was suddenly rich, which aroused the contempt of many guests.

You must know that the so-called presidential suite is only owned by the red light district under the Richest Group, and it costs 100 million Baileys to live in it for a day, and the service is the top of the top.

It is not inhabitable by ordinary people.

"This guest, please follow me!"

The bustard who was originally on the second floor, that is, the head of the geisha hall, inadvertently looked at the situation on the first floor, especially the face of Chaos, first frowned, then seemed to remember something, and did not know where he came from. I took out a photo somewhere, and after comparing it, my expression changed drastically.

exactly the same.

Except for the different clothes, the face was exactly the same as the photo.

The old bustard looked excited, and hurried to the first floor and walked in front of Chaos, with a respectful demeanor and eyes full of excitement, fanaticism and admiration.

Can't go wrong!

There is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

Yesterday, the madam who was in charge of the geisha house on Seria Island had said about the emperor in their circle, which completely matched the plain attire of the emperor now.

The red-light district has a very large scale. Whenever there are geisha houses in the red-light district on some islands, there will always be a bustard, who can be regarded as the talker or manager.

There are not many bustards. There are as many bustards as there are geisha houses in the red light district.

These bustards are managed by three of Stuci's subordinates, that is, Kasmi, Lili, and Cocos. They were once rescued in the capital of seven waters and have seen Chaos's godlike posture.

As for the three of Kesmi, they are responsible to Stuci.

Almost all the bustards have photos of the emperor of the Capital Group and all their responsibilities.

Apparently the old bustard recognized Chaos' identity, but he didn't say anything.

"Good eyesight!"

Chaos glanced at the bustard, obviously recognizing him.


"Guess, please come with me!"

Under the leadership of the madam, several people gradually went upstairs to the top floor, which is also the most luxurious presidential suite.

For a moment, the eyes of the first floor and the second floor were all concentrated behind Chaos, and some even showed evil smiles.

If you can live in the presidential suite, you must be rich.

Anyone who dares to leave this geisha parlor is their prey. .

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