The arrogant and high-profile history of the richest pirate

Chapter 310: The Classroom of Biography and Cutting Begins!

"Impenetrable Roar."

After colliding with more than ten strokes, Crocodile was suspended in the air, looking at Omit in the ruins below, not very interested.

Because the opponent is too weak.

Let him lose interest.

The reward of 960 million is huge in Crocodile's view.

Although he has great strength, a strong body, and excellent armor, he still can't hide the fact that he is a weak scum.

Facing Crocodile's contempt, Omit roared wildly. The huge mace covering the armed color was a critical blow, but only a large piece of sand fell in midair, and Crocodile had already elementalized and appeared in the upper left sky in advance.


Crocodile didn't want to play anymore, he stepped on the ground with his right foot, and set off a huge sandstorm centered on himself, and the whole area instantly dried up and turned into a desert.

Those ruins seem to have been deserted for thousands of years.


An earthquake with a radius of one thousand meters, a monstrous sand hand protruded from behind Crocodile, and as a huge desert head lifted up, the light of the entire sky was covered. In the eyes of Mitt and the pirate thugs watching secretly.

The air pressure that made people unable to straighten their backs surged, and the tsar raised the big sandy hand like a waterfall, covering the clouds and covering the curtain, rolling down towards Omit like swatting a fly.

Omit, who has entered the state of full animalization, is a giant in the eyes of ordinary people, but in front of the Tsar, he is a little grasshopper that keeps jumping.

"Do you think you can win with a big body?"

"wishful thinking."

Facing the menacing giant palm, Omit roared wildly, holding the mace and made a ground-breaking blow, even a mountain would completely collapse in the face of his blow.

I didn't pay attention to it from the beginning to the end.

Crocodile smiled contemptuously, and when the Desert Hand collided with Omit's attack, it immediately exploded and turned into flying sand, completely submerging everything around it.

"Haha, fancy is not useful!"

Omit laughed wildly, looking very proud at the Tsar who was almost missing half of his body.

But the smile stopped abruptly in the next second, because the water in his body was rapidly disappearing, even if it was covered with armed colors at the first time, it was useless, because his full animal body was too huge.

Therefore, in the case of being visible to the naked eye, Omit seems to be hollowed out, and his body is quickly thinned out. The original strong body is only covered with skin and bones, and he suddenly returns to human shape. His eyes are sunken, full of fear.

"what did you do to me!"

After just a few breaths, Omit collapsed to the ground, unable to lift any strength from his body.


Crocodile's face was full of disappointment and disdain. After all, the opponent was also offering a reward of more than 900 million players, but he didn't expect to be so stupid.

In the face of a natural ability user, dare to be so contemptuous.

He dare not be so arrogant!

I don't even bother to talk nonsense anymore, the desert land is like an invisible ghost, slowly stretching out a big hand of sand, grabbing Omit and quickly dragging it to the ground, as if dragging it into hell.

"Tsar, I am the fleet captain of the Flying Pirates."

"The admiral will definitely avenge me."

Omit screamed in panic, trying to threaten Crocodile with the name of the Golden Lion, but the threat stopped abruptly before the threat was finished. The desert was still the same desert, but Omit had disappeared.


Crocodile breathed out a smoke ring, and the coat fluttered behind his back, showing the calmness of the situation.

The big pirate with a bounty of 960 million was wiped out so easily.

It's a pity that I haven't enjoyed it yet.


Forgot to inquire.

Forget it, if there is anything, let Stuci solve it!

Crocodile happily forgot about Stucey's explanation, and conveniently left the follow-up to Stucey.

Five minutes later, Crocodile looked at the black heads in front of him, and they all looked at him enthusiastically and excitedly.


"Pass down the Great Emperor."




"The Great Emperor of Truth."


Among these people are not only the staff of the richest group, but also many other pirates, thugs, and even some wealthy businessmen and nobles.

All kinds of messy titles are placed on Crocodile.

It was evident that the island of Crocodile had come to preach and spread the truth.

Otherwise there wouldn't be so many fans.

"Please have mercy on us, Lord Savior, to explain the truth again."

"My lord, you are my light!"

"I firmly believe that truth is justice!"

"Please let me be redeemed!"

A woman covered her face with a handkerchief, her eyes were red and tears were pouring down like rain.

There were also Huaichun girls screaming.

One by one is like being possessed, as if Crocodile is God.

If Chaos was here, his first thought would be: heresy!

My goddammit, this lineup is not right at first glance. I am afraid that Crocodile will let these people die, and some people will take action.

Of course, there are also sober people everywhere in the crowd.

They all dragged their relatives and friends in an attempt to wake them up.

Because they couldn't understand, it was obviously the fish that slipped through the net last time.

Crocodile didn't say anything, the underworld expression with the back of the head suddenly became serious and solemn, and at the same time, a golden light came out from nowhere, covering the whole body.

To the outside world, only an outline remains.

This look, that frankly is a god!

It is God!

It is light!

He raised his hand and pressed lightly, and the crowded scene instantly smelled like a needle falling, and half of the people looked at Crocodile enthusiastically and excitedly.

"What is truth?"

"What is happiness?"

"What is a dream again?"

Crocodile's voice was low, as if he had seen through the vicissitudes of life, as if he had experienced countless ups and downs. Facing so many longing eyes, he decided to spread the truth he had recently learned.

With a wave of his hand, there was a huge deserted panel in front of him. As Crocodile's mind moved, various deserted patterns began to appear, and Crocodile also explained it with eloquence.

The small class of Chuanqi is starting again!

"We are all born as human beings, and we are all blessed and expected!"

"All men are created equal!"

"Release the nature and let the truth, goodness and beauty in our soul be gifted"

"Fate should be in our own hands. No one can bully us, because we are all born by our parents, will bleed, suffer pain, live, grow old, get sick and die."

An hour passed.

Two hours passed.

Three hours passed.

Until the sun sets and the red clouds hover in the sky.

"What's wrong is that in this world, we all have the right to pursue what we want, power, wealth, money, spouse, happiness, all of these can be fought hard, so don't feel inferior, don't doubt yourself, and boldly pursue your dreams and dreams. everything you want."

"Since the world is wrong, let's change it!"

"Those who believe in the emperor will have the truth, and the emperor will be with you!"

Crocodile opened his hands, as if to embrace everyone, the golden light on his body was so dazzling that everyone's hearts were warmed.

In the words of the savior, they found recognition, understanding, warmth, narration, support, and encouragement.

Everyone's eyes are brighter than ever before, and their souls are suddenly enlightened, it's like an epiphany!

"The Great Emperor of Truth!"

"I will always follow you!"

"Ah~ my light!"

"Master Savior, please don't go, my salvation!"

When some people came back to their senses, they found that Crocodile had disappeared at some point.

Suddenly, the sound of wailing and crying broke through the sky, and the frenzy revealed in that voice was as hot as a flame. .

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