The arrogant and high-profile history of the richest pirate

Chapter 292 The emperor wishes to call you...

Chapter 292 The Emperor Willing to Call You

"Next, I'll let you see the charm of the handsome boss!"

Chaos flicked the golden bangs fluttering in front of his forehead, made a handsome and charming expression, and walked towards BIG MOM with the most pleasing steps, while the sound of gold and iron horses resounded in the sky.

A large piece of gold powder appeared under Chaos' feet, and began to climb up his feet, calves, and thighs as he walked, and turned into golden armor in bursts of sparks.

The BGM that had long stopped resounded again.

In just a moment, a brand-new heroic, mighty, domineering, handsome, talented, and majestic emperor appeared dazzlingly in the world.

Boom! ! !

The 500-meter-high Sakyamuni and the goddess of the gods fell on both sides of Chaos, and the golden halo was reflected behind their heads, which was so sacred that it could not be seen.

This picture and the background board made the audience lose their voices for a while.

Only Stucey brushed his hair from his forehead to his ears and sighed.

"I have to admit, it's as high-profile and gorgeous as when we met in Adwarhai."

"That's how men should be!"

"Handsome enough!"

"It's the same as what I had when I was young."

"It's a fight with you when you were young, but compared with when I was young, it's still a bit worse!"

"I was much more handsome than him when I was 18."

Someone in the Roger Pirates lamented that although they have already half-stepped into the ranks of old bacon, they used to come from young bacon. Who hasn't had a romantic time?

In everyone's eyes, Chaos was a little bit worse than them.

This is confidence!

"Gaia Chaos, today will be your death day!"

BIG MOM pointed at Chaos, but she was not overwhelmed by Chaos' gorgeous scene at all. In her eyes, she was a clown!

"Charlotte Lingling, what do you have to do with Gaia Chaos and my Golden Emperor!"

Chaos' figure was off the ground, with one hand behind his back and his long blond hair dancing wildly. The arrogant arrogance on top of the world can be felt from far away.

BIG MOM's breathing became heavier, and she could feel the ridicule whether it was the other party's contempt or words.

Not much nonsense, raising your hand is a fierce blow.

"Emperor Sword: Broken Blade!"

"Gold Melting Fire Thundering Gossip!"

Chaos did not move three feet from the ground, but Shakyamuni on the left moved, and the swirling swastika symbol flowing behind his back turned into a mace, and a piece of golden red burst into flames, like waving a small mountain to form a shooting star towards the sky. BIG MOM smashed away.

That moment!

The whole world is silent.

An explosion mushroom cloud connected the sky and the earth, so that half of the island began to be turned upside down. Roger and the others and Stussy all moved away one after another. The place where they stood before was destroyed.


In this catastrophic roar, for some reason, a finger snap was particularly loud.

Shakyamuni has been broken into slag and scattered all over the place, but soon collided and fused together. As for BIG MOM, it has been turned into a cannonball and flew out, smashing up one after another, and finally lying on the gravel soil .


Chaos waved his hand lightly, and the 500-meter-high Goddess, the light wheel spinning behind her back turned into a golden armor to cover her bumpy and warped figure, and formed a golden long sword that pierced through the sky and stepped forward. Heroic and valiant walked towards BIG MOM.

clang clang clang! ! !

Shakyamuni re-condensed and shrunk slightly, but he was holding a Namo Gatling fifty meters long and ten meters thick in his hand, shining with dazzling luster and turning slowly.


BIG MOM roared, and Zeus left the ground and rushed to the thunderous clouds, and then merged into one and began to control the entire sky, smashing down a series of thunder pillars to unilaterally stop the pace of the goddess of the goddess.


"Fire in the sky!"

Big Mom held Napoleon in one hand and Prometheus in the other, and rushed towards Chaos in one fell swoop.

Waiting for BIG MOM is the Namo Gatling who is spinning at high speed.

Whoosh! ! !

Da da da! ! !

Braving the golden light, Gatling fired hundreds of one-decimeter pointed bullets every second, forming a torrent and flying towards Big Mom.

At that moment, the landslides and the ground cracked, billowing dust covered the sight, and the ground trembled tens of thousands of meters around, tearing cracks one after another.

From a distance, Sakyamuni was carrying Namo Gatling, he looked like a ruthless person in his unhurried manner, and he also took the initiative to walk towards BIG MOM, every step was calm and confident.

But BIG MOM is not a small character either, holding Prometheus and burning raging fire, melting the ground and causing ripples in the surrounding atmosphere, and even turning into a sea of ​​fire to form a natural barrier to resist the Gatling torrent.

Those bullets were melted before getting close.

The monstrous sword energy tore through the ground, unstoppable and indestructible!

Shakyamuni shrunk again, and chose to hold Gatling in his right hand to shoot, while his left hand squirmed to form a golden shield, which blocked the slash from BIG MOM extremely powerfully.

The golden shield cracked with a click, and Sakyamuni was forced to stop, and couldn't stop taking more than ten steps back, leaving footprints one after another.

"Gold Melting Fire will kill Golden Divine Fire!"

Looking at the approaching BIG MOM, the sound of a tractor came from Sakyamuni's throat, and then a black and golden laser light shot out from his right eye, which was red and red.

Rumble! ! !

The sky and the earth paled, and the red and white light enveloped the world!

A huge mushroom bomb rose into the sky, and the catastrophe appeared again. BIG MOM flew out of the black smoke of the collision, and lay in the ruins after leaving a crack in the canyon, coughing and vomiting blood uncontrollably.

The shield in Sakyamuni's hand disappeared, and his body swelled up again. He carried Gatling and continued to shoot towards BIG MOM in an orderly manner.


Hysterical anger yelled from Big Mom's mouth. As the terrifying heat wave swept across, Big Mom was burning with flames, and walked towards Sakyamuni step by step with Napoleon.

Those bullets were blocked by the high temperature of Prometheus, even if they passed through and shot at BIG MOM, they had no effect at all.

"Broken Blade!"

The huge sword energy swept across, covering the armed colors and making the sun and the moon pale.

The golden shield once again appeared in Shakyamuni's hand, but this time it was almost destroyed by Qu Gulaxiu, and the entire huge body even retreated and almost sat on the ground.

And there were cracks on the fat body.


BIG MOM suddenly disappeared in place, and when it appeared, it was already in Sakyamuni's abdomen, holding Prometheus in his hand, blasting out like an indestructible sun.

Without any accident, Shakyamuni's entire abdomen was pierced, forming a crimson pillar of fire that pushed across the ground, extending to the sea surface and evaporating a large amount of steam.

The remaining Kangzhuang Avenue was filled with flames.

This blow directly wiped out Sakyamuni!

It's a pity that Sakyamuni is just a bunch of manipulated gold.

"Crack clap clap!"

Loud applause sounded from Chaos' hands, and at the same time, there was Chaos' voice of contempt.

"Charlotte Lingling, this emperor would like to call you a hero among women, but if you want to catch up with this emperor, you still need to practice for a few more years."

As soon as he said the words, Chaos snapped his fingers, and the shattered Sakyamuni turned into eighteen weapons and fell to the sky.

BIG MOM was furious, looking up at the weapon pointing at her in the sky, her eyes full of heavy make-up were full of violence.

Want to stop her with this kind of attack?

What an idiot!

As BIG MOM rushed out in one fell swoop, the weapons that filled the sky began to fall like bullets.

BIG MOM didn't care about it at all, and Napoleon came out of his hand, suspended above his head and became bigger like an electric fan spinning, blocking all the weapons.

And BIG MOM was burning with raging flames, and came forward to teach Chaos how to be a man. .

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