The arrogant and high-profile history of the richest pirate

Chapter 281 Prepare to Meet the Roger Pirates

"Extra! Extra!"

"The Roger Pirates clashed with the BIG MOM Pirates in Totland."

"Charlotte Lingling was hit hard, and the Roger Pirates retreated."

Three days later, a news report spread across the sea, attracting the attention of the pirate world.

The news came out of the blue, with little warning.

After all, the BIG MOM Pirates and the Roger Pirates don’t have much grievances. Even if there is, it can only follow the era of the Rocks Pirates. It’s just that the crew of the Rocks Pirates in that era were fighting openly and secretly. There is no legacy of grievances.

But it is undeniable that the BIG MOM Pirates once again suffered heavy losses.

It is clear that the Richest Group has only fought against the BIG MOM Pirates not long ago, and now the Roger Pirates are here again.

So much so that it seems to the outside world that the BIG MOM Pirates are easy to bully and unlucky.

This is a disgrace to the BIG MOM Pirates. They feel that they are soft persimmons that can be pinched easily, and anyone can come up and step on it.

BIG MOM went crazy!

However, the members of the Charlotte family, after these visits and insults, are working hard to improve their strength.

Katakuri's knowledgeable color has already undergone a certain change, and it may not be long before he will awaken in advance and predict the future.

There is no way, this is all forced.

In the view of the Charlotte family, the richest group is the enemy of life.

Sooner or later there will be a conflict to take back that guiding stone.

On Poppy Island, in the past six months, except for going to trouble with Big Mom and taking the guiding stone, Chaos rarely appeared on the sea.

In the past six months, he has been researching the return of life, and naturally he has made a lot of achievements.

Perhaps he is not as popular as some of his subordinates, but there are legends about him everywhere in the sea.

The richest individual in the world.

The richest man in the world.

As long as you get the Golden Emperor, you can get the whole world.

He is the target that countless people want to ravage.

So far, there are many idiots who have come to Poppy Island to assassinate him and try to capture him without anyone noticing!

At this time, in the open-air hot spring in the backyard of the manor, Chaos leaned against the bathtub and looked up at the bright and bright galaxy with a cigarette in his mouth. Because there is no technological pollution, the starry sky in this world is particularly beautiful.

There is not only Chaos in the swimming pool, but also a white-stained mermaid swimming in a three-point style, and a cute bear reading a Bible next to her.

It was Betty and the Bear.

At first, it was Chaos and the bear who were soaking. Betty didn't want to work ten minutes ago, so she changed into a three-point swimsuit and went swimming.

Compared with Stucey's seriousness, Betty is completely so-so.

From nine to five in the morning, she only works during this time, and the rest of the time is when the sky falls, which is also her rest or practice time, and it has become a good habit.

Chaos bowed his head and exhaled smoke rings, looking at the slender figure under the moonlight, an idea appeared inexplicably.

Do you want to raise some mermaids?

It is the kind of admirable and pleasant mermaid, with the appearance and curves of the upper body, it must be Rambo Wan.

He was really tired of looking at women with two legs.

Nothing new!

"Da da da"

The sound of high heels stepping on the ground is very rhythmic.

As soon as Chaos heard this voice, he knew that their appearance was responsible.

It also smelled of coffee.

"Boss, as you expected, Gol D. Roger really went to Totland of All Kingdoms, probably just to guide the stele."

The coffee was placed by the bathtub, and Stuci sat down, took off his high heels, soaked his pink feet in the hot spring, and handed Chaos a piece of the latest news.

At the same time a small white cloud flew towards the bear carrying a cup of coffee and a newspaper.


The hot spring water was churning, Betty swam over deftly, stood up and picked up a cup of coffee, took a sip and picked up a newspaper.

What is reported above is the incident of the conflict between the Roger Pirates and the BIG MOM Pirates.

As early as three months ago, Chaos had predicted that Roger would definitely infiltrate the Totland of All Kingdoms for the purpose of guiding the stele, but he did not expect it to come true.

"As expected."

Chaos was smoking a cigarette, watching the news in the news paper. In the original book, Roger sneaked into the world and used the voice of all things to listen to the guiding stone.

It's just that this time he was the first to pass the BIG MOM's guiding stone. I'm afraid the Roger Pirates will come to Poppy Island next.

"It was really predicted by you, BOSS."

Betty pouted, but now she already believed that Chaos had the ability to predict the future.

It should be said that all the responsibilities have been believed.

I just don't want to see Chaos pretending to be B, so I don't bother to agree.

"If this is the case, then the Roger Pirates may come to us next."

Stuci brushed his hair from his forehead to his ears, and frowned a bit solemnly.

After all, the Roger Pirates are not ordinary pirates, all of them are strong, so it is really difficult to deal with.

"Let those wild guys come back, I'm really looking forward to competing with this man who created the era of great pirates."

Chaos put down the newspaper, picked up the coffee and took a sip, his face full of anticipation.

Back then when Crocodile brought back the guiding stele from the Zou Kingdom, Chaos already knew that such a day would come, so he figured it out, this should be the second meeting.

"Boss, the era of great pirates has not yet begun."

"Don't worry about the details."

"The battle with BIG MOM barely made me enjoy myself, but this time it might hurt me!"

The smoke ring of love floated into the air, and finally faded away.

In the next five or six days, Crocodile, Enilo, Achino, and Ivankov who were wandering outside all came back.

Compared with half a year ago, the breath has naturally skyrocketed.

Crocodile, a brainwashing expert, has many fanatical fans in the sea. In addition to the skyrocketing breath, he has also learned the Liuying technique.

It can be said that the arrogance has no limits.

The most important thing is that there is a bit more refined temperament on his body, which looks like an intellectual.

In fact, Crocodile is not the only one who has learned Liuying skills, but also Stussy, Betty and Xiong.

The rest have not yet learned the trick.

It's just that the focus is different.

For example, Aquino, in the past six months, except for death and crazy waves, he has put all his focus on improving the temperature of hot fruits, six styles, and returning life. Although the color of weapons has also skyrocketed, it has not moved in the direction of Liuying skills. to practice.

Ivankov awakened and returned his life.

Enilo is still unclear, but only knows that the development of the Thunderbolt fruit is very smart, and it is said that even Chaos' Shenluo Tianzheng has successfully imitated.

And about the development of the thunder fruit, Chaos also gave a lot of advice.

Based on this guy's rampant behavior in half a year, it's not hard to see that he's a troublemaker, but he can save his life.

With the return of everyone, Stuci also transferred many of his subordinates from other places, all of whom were from the red-light district and the pharmaceutical industry chain. Anyway, Kaos and others never asked.

As a result, it is not clear how powerful the richest group is in the underground world, how many people it supports or supports.

For these subordinates, the Golden Emperor and everyone in charge are the supreme gods, although they can only be seen in various reports.

After all, even Stusi's Sanmei's subordinates don't often see Chaos. .

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