The arrogant and high-profile history of the richest pirate

Chapter 235 Armed Color: Flowing Cherry Technique

Time passed without noticing.

It has been half a year since Chaos retired from the arena to concentrate on cultivation.

There is a big gap from the 3 months expected at the beginning.

The sea has not been calm in the past six months. Among them, several people in charge of the richest group are as rampant as they are, and the hot searches are always high.

The bounty is even higher and higher.

For example, Crocodile was seriously injured after the battle with Barrett!

No one has taken advantage of it.

After recovering from his injuries, he resolutely challenged Whitebeard. In the end, the mother who was beaten didn't know her, and she almost fell into the sea of ​​​​Whitebeard.

It was completely defeated by an overwhelming force, and there was no resistance at all.

This made Crocodile very hurt, but instead of forming a shadow like in the original book and leading to wrong paths, he worked hard to cheer up.

After recuperating from the injury, I went out to spread ideas, and the waves flew up.

As a result, the reward has been increased from the original 560 million to 630 million. The richest group is responsible for brainwashing, and the reputation of Tsar Crocodile is widely spread in the sea.

There are many challenges encountered, all of which are others who want to find the Golden Emperor through him.

However, there has been no news about the Golden Emperor in the past six months, as if the world has evaporated.

Then there are Stussy and Betty. The rewards for the two have not increased. Compared with the others, the two women are much more low-key. They have been dealing with the business of red light districts and pharmaceuticals. Occupies roughly one floor.

It doesn't mean to expand.

In addition to government affairs, the two women are practicing!

The improvement in strength is no less than those guys who are wandering outside.

Then there is Oldton.

He was also injured after the battle with Kuzan, but this time he was not caught because he voluntarily retreated.

If Aquino would not have escaped in the past, but before he left, Chaos had repeatedly told him that he would run away if he could not be beaten. It would be fine if he was caught, as long as he was alive, he would save him after his training was over.

But if it dies.

Then there is nothing but helplessness.

So at last thought, he was seriously injured and escaped!

Keeping the green hills there is no need to worry about no firewood.

Then he was surfing the sea, and the previous reward of 210 million came to 513 million.

The most important thing is that he has learned all six styles, and because of schizophrenia, his talent has improved, and he was awakened by accident in a battle to return his life.

With the return of life, combined with the hot fruit, Achino's melee combat power will gradually increase, otherwise the bounty will not increase so much.

After all, he killed three vice admirals, and also wiped out many well-known pirate groups in the sea.

Among them, the battle with the green pepper in the cone was even reported by the news.

But the end result is unknown.

It can be said that Aquino's progress is probably the highest of all.

Then there is the bear!

The reputation of the tyrant is soaring, and the reward has risen from 96 million to 390 million. Rumor has it that his methods are cruel and cruel, and everyone who offends him is dead.

There are even pirates who offer a reward of five or six billion. This record alone is enough to illustrate the strength of the tyrant.

Needless to say, Ivankov is still on the run all over the world. Sakalski got on the bar like a mad dog, so that Ivankov is now thinner.

But in this escape, the strength is also rising.

Especially the escape skills Shave and Moon Step, which are changing with each passing day, and the proficiency is increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye every day.

The love and killing of the two has been reported several times in the news.

It is said that the reason why Sakaski became a woman was done by the demon king.

Moreover, Ivankov is very insidious. In the past six months, he has only selected certain powerful pirate territories to run, such as the Sea of ​​Beasts, the Whitebeard Sea, and the Explosion Sea.

As for Sakaski's violent temper, he will chase him even in the remotest corners of the world.

This has led to several times that the navy almost clashed with these overlord pirate groups, and each time they were frightened and panicked.

It may be that the goddess of luck is on Ivankov's side. Although it is dangerous every time, she always jumps in front of Sakalski like a dung beetle.

The reward has also increased from the previous 53 million to 260 million!

The last one is the youngest of the Richest Group.

Enel, who calls himself Thor and God of Punishment.

At such a young age, she should be kawaii like a princess, but when she becomes arrogant and domineering, it can be described as thrilling.

After the battle with Mihawk, relying on the speed of the thunder fruit, he used various tricks to die.

He even dared to go to Marin Fando to fire a cannon of God's Sanction, but fortunately he ran away after letting go, otherwise he might have stayed.

Coupled with the absence of Sengoku, Garp, Zefa, Polusalino and others, Sora went to Mary Gioia, otherwise

Anyway, Stucey and Betty were terrified afterwards.

The reward also came to 220 million!

Anyway, in the past six months, except for Stucey and Betty who were relatively low-key, the rest of them lived a colorful life, hovering on the verge of death several times.

The only luck is that no one has fallen into a big stumble yet.

Wano Country, Kuri.

This place used to be a lawless area, but after Kozuki Oden reformed, it became a paradise.

The streets are full of laughter and laughter.

But the people here are all the same as the small island country in the previous life.

"Master Gaia, you haven't been here for a long time."

A geisha restaurant, in front of the door there are many well-dressed ladies and sisters, one of them saw the man in the street wearing a bathrobe and a ponytail, his eyes were bent into crescents and greeted him.

That's right, the man with the ponytail is Chaos.

For half a year, he has been in Wano Country.

"Haha, something is delayed."

When the geisha came up to meet him, Chaos skillfully embraced the waist of the water snake, and after entering the restaurant, there were many coquettish greetings.

"Lord Gaia."

"Master Gaia, long time no see!"

"Master Gaia, is it still the old rules?"


Chaos touched a few murder weapons, raised his eyebrows and gave a smirk.

"Let's arrange that room for Lord Gaia!"

Amid the sound of warblers and swallows, Chaos walked into his own room with two geisha on his arm.

Then listen to music and drink.

"Lord Gaia, I recently learned a new piece of music, do you want to listen to it?"

A shy geisha winks secretly with a pipa.

"Then you must listen!"

With the sound of the pipa, Chaos lay on his side enjoying the feeding and massage of other geisha, he was not too happy.

He has been here for half a year.

Oden has not returned yet, and the Kozuki family is currently ruling Wano Country, that is, Kozuki Oden's Laozi Kozuki Sukiyaki.

In fact, Chaos had already learned the technique of "Flowing Cherry Blossoms" four months ago.

After all, in Wano Country, this kind of skill is too common, and it is not easy to learn it secretly.

Just like on Nine Snake Island, where basically everyone is armed, bad streets can be seen everywhere.

The reason why he stayed here for four more months was because Chaos felt that the armed color could break through to the third stage, as expected, after continuous training.

Yesterday, I successfully cultivated the armed color to the third stage.

Also mastered the flow cherry technique.

With this small improvement, the combat effectiveness brought to Chaos is several times that of half a year ago.

The three-stage armed color, plus the internal destruction of the Liuying skill, if he fights with Big Mom again, he will let the opponent know why the flowers are so red.

Six months!

Do you know how he spent half a year?

He has endured to the limit!

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