The arrogant and high-profile history of the richest pirate

Chapter 230 Definitely Will Make the News Headlines

"You misunderstand what I mean."

Chaos signaled Crocodile not to worry, and continued to speak, "I'm going away for a while, as for what you should do, it's okay if you want to go out alone, just take it easy, don't be in the world when we meet next time." First Prison Advance City."

"I don't want to hear the news that you were arrested or died at a critical moment."

"Boss, where are you going?"

Stuart frowned.

Is this going to free them up?

With such a big heart?

This team doesn't seem to be solid, does it?

Are you afraid that someone will just run away from home like this?

Still can't find it!

Sometimes Stussy thinks he understands this man very well, but sometimes this man always thinks what he wants to do, and he is often uneasy about playing cards, and it is difficult to control!

What Stussy was thinking, Chaos didn't know, anyway, he was the kind of person who did whatever he wanted, wouldn't it be dangerous if someone found out the details?

So it is still necessary to be confusing.

At least you can't let people guess what you will do next!

Anyway, Chaos didn't know what he would do next.

You may be walking the dog now, but you may not be chasing chickens the next moment, or you may be having sex!

It's that wild!

"Wano Country!"

This was the idea that Chaos had when he was fighting with Big Mom. Facing the thickest armor, he wanted to see if he could learn from Liu Ying.

This kind of armed color technique of destroying from within is very powerful and important.

"Boss, you are too sudden!"

Betty pouted, a little speechless.

This man is anticlimactic, and he doesn't give anyone any preparations!

There was no hint or sign before!

For example, in this battle, at first I thought it was going to be a decisive battle until dawn, but I didn't expect it to wither so quickly.

She just came to feel good!

I don't know that kind of filling satisfaction, the state of ending at the beginning, is it bad?

"do not mind the details."

Chaos waved his hand lightly, took a puff on his cigar and puffed out the smoke.

"Go to Wano Country, you can take us with you!"

Betty rolled her eyes and spoke again.

She wanted to be with Chaos, after all, it would not be boring, and she would be frightened at any time, and that feeling was very exciting.

If she doesn't follow this guy, she will definitely have to deal with those boring government affairs again, and she will be bored to death.

"Neither of you can do it."

"Except for Stussy, but Stussy needs to deal with our influence, and we can't separate ourselves."

Chaos shook his head and rejected Betty's proposal.

"Why is this stupid woman okay?"

Betty was even more upset.

"I'm going to practice in a low-key way this time, not in my current capacity."

As Chaos opened his mouth, the vertical hair began to turn into a bangs hairstyle. At the same time, the facial muscles were slightly adjusted, and even the body shape changed from 2 meters to 2.5 meters.

All of a sudden they changed.

But still very handsome!

But it is different from the previous appearance, at most there is only a three-point similarity.

"Can you do a makeover?"

Chaos rolled his eyes at Betty.


Betty curled her lips, she knew this was the return of life.

At present, in the entire group, only this man and this stupid woman like Stuci can do it. The others are at most proficient in two or three moves, but Aquino has not learned one move yet.

After all, Aquino's current goal is to learn all the six styles, so as to find a way to awaken life and return, so that with the hot fruit, the combat effectiveness will rise in a straight line.

Others, don't mention it.

"When I have learned it, I will teach you when I come back. During this period of time, you can decide whether to cultivate or go out to roam, whatever you want!

But the next time we meet, each of you must become stronger. "

Everyone was silent, not knowing what they were thinking.


Just when Chaos was about to continue talking, a phone bug sounded.

Stucey took out the phone bug from his small bag, and the roar came as soon as it was connected.

"Emperor, what do you mean?"

Long's uncontrollable anger came, and it seemed that he was very angry.

"what do you mean?"

Chaos raised his eyebrows, put down the wine glass in his hand and looked at the phone bug. He knew it was the voice of a dragon.

"I'm in Wan Guo now."

At this moment, thousands of meters above the sky, Long stared at the phone bug, as if he wanted to nail Chaos to death in the air with his eyes through the phone bug.

What the hell, I brought like-minded friends all the way to Wan Guo for support, but I didn't expect to be let go by the Golden Emperor.

Nima, this is over too soon.

Don't you know that you are very busy starting a business now?

Trying to suppress the anger in his heart, Long's entire face was black.

"Are you here?"

Chaos looked stunned, as if he had indeed notified the dragon just in case.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and he didn't expect the battle to end so quickly.

"Nonsense, I was about to say hello to you, but you disappeared in a blink of an eye."

Don't be angry, don't be angry!

This is the rich man.

Find a way to get some gold.

"I'm sorry, I let you go for nothing."

If Long doesn't call, Chaos may not be able to remember.

At least not now.

"What you're doing is a bit unreasonable. I have a lot of things to do every day, but when you call, I will come all the way to support, and it ends before it even started."

"Okay, go to Poppy Island in a few days to look for my face value, one billion is your tip for this trip in vain."

If Chaos interrupted the dragon directly, wouldn't he know what this guy was thinking?

It's such a small matter, so angry?

You don't need to guess to know that it was intentional, it was nothing more than asking for money.


Chaos looked at the phone bug with disdain.

"Now that the revolutionary army is developing rapidly, you won't even be able to splash a single wave with your billion."

Long coughed, but he wasn't embarrassed at all.

Everyone is smart and understands!

"Ten billion, it depends on how powerful you are this time."

"Although it didn't come in handy, the actual action did it."

Chaos does not have many BBs, and money is less than KS to him.

"The next time something like this happens, please call me!"

Long didn't mind taking an extra trip. The Revolutionary Army has indeed been spending money like water recently. If the tens of billions are put down, it will last for a month at most.

It's a deal, whether it's a waste of time or not.

As long as it is a transaction, both parties must pay something, otherwise it is only one party who pays unilaterally, and this relationship will not last long.

Because there is no return value.

Dragon is very smart, what he wants is a long-term plan!

Even if the revolutionary army matures in the future, he will not easily abandon the Golden Emperor.

After all, now the Golden Emperor is not alone, but an organization called the richest man group.

"no problem!"

As the phone bug hangs up, the dragon smiles, only because of the face that has no eyebrows, so it looks fierce.

"It seems that the Golden Emperor is the emperor."

There are several people beside Long, and it is completely determined at this time.

The last time the Revolutionary Army was short of funds, Long said he would go out and come back with a lot of gold.

Several people are speculating that this may be provided by the "emperor".

After all, Long mentioned the "Emperor" when he established the Revolutionary Army, but he never had the chance to meet him, and now he knows it.

"Tomorrow's high-profile guy may cause a lot of waves in the sea."

Long looked at the Cake City that had been completely turned into ruins, regardless of whether BIG MOM was the winner or not, she lost.

Tomorrow, the name of the Golden Emperor Gaia Chaos will definitely be on the headlines of the news. .

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