Chapter 97: The Catwoman With A Powerful Mouth

Li Xu and An Zhiyu came to the gate of Taixu Academy.

I saw a tortoise watching a play on the stone bench next to it.

Next to the tortoise stood a dean Qinglian with a somewhat old face.

They had serious expressions, their eyes staring at the battle ahead.

In front is Tang Sheng holding a sword, fighting with a monster.

Two eye-catching black cat ears grow on the monster’s head, and a black tail grows behind him.

She has long black hair and her eyes are as red as blood. She is wearing a black blouse with a umbilical cord. She has a short hip-wrapped skirt that does not reach the knee. A black leather belt is wrapped around her leg under the skirt. Stroke a little sensuality.

This cat demon’s dressing style is particularly avant-garde, making the slender waist and snow-white slender legs clearly present.

She is petite, and she feels only one finger higher than Xiao Dawei, supporting her height by 1.5 meters, but her movements are extremely agile, and she does not use any Spirit Power to bring out bursts of afterimages.


Her small fists kept smashing, relying on her keen speed, she kept making shots, frantically, and all of a sudden there were hundreds of punches.

Tang Sheng of the second rank was beaten so that there was no power to fight back. No matter what sword strokes were, they had no effect in her hands and were all shattered by her fists.

Tang Sheng stepped back, his hands trembling, the sword in his hand buzzing, he didn’t expect the cat demon to be so powerful, but he didn’t believe in evil, he didn’t believe that even a cat demon could not beat it.

“Master, who is she, how do you fight?” An Zhiyu walked to the side of Dean Qinglian with a face full of confusion.

Li Xu also came over, took out a chair from the storage bag, knocked Erlang’s leg and sat quietly.

Dean Qinglian looked calm: “This cat demon seems to have been here for kicking the gym. As soon as she came to Taixu Academy, she knocked on the door and asked everyone in the academy to come out.

After coming out, he still provokes us, saying that we are all rookie chickens, isn’t this just a fight?

I think she is young, so I plan to let her do it and let Tang Sheng beat her.

Tang Sheng is the second rank. I don’t know what the cat demon is. I don’t know where the little wild cat came from. I think Tang Sheng is more than enough to beat her. ”

An Zhiyu’s mouth twitched: “But Master, the brothers are retreating steadily. It seems that it is not her opponent.”

Dean Qinglian didn’t panic at all: “People are good at intelligence but demon is good at power. I wait and see for a while. She has no rank. I suspect that she has not been cultivated. She just temporarily relies on her agile speed and infinite power to gain the upper hand. Dare to say, she will be beaten and cry soon…”

As he talked, his face turned black because he was beaten.


Tang Sheng’s sword was directly bitten by the cat demon.

Broken into pieces and dropped to the ground.

And the cat demon still bit a piece of sword fragment in her mouth, but she didn’t spit it out, but directly crushed it, chewed it in her mouth, and swallowed it into her belly.

“What a great tooth.” Luwu’s mung bean eyes were shocked, and it was the first time he had encountered a tooth of this level.

“He even eats swords, he is starving, right?” Dean Qinglian’s face was covered with black lines. Could it be that the cat monster’s mouth and teeth are weapons?

“Isn’t there any indigestion? Wouldn’t the sword scraps pierce her belly?” An Zhiyu was worried about hitting, and the sword poked out of her slender waist and belly button.

Li Xu dangled Erlang’s legs and sat quietly, without saying a word, because he could see that the cat demon had something.

The cat demon is petite and plain in front of him, as if his chest had been crushed by a compactor.

However, her exposed waist and two legs are particularly eye-catching.

Tang Sheng was stunned, the sword was actually bitten off.

But at this time, the cat demon punched his fist again, Tang Sheng couldn’t resist it, flew out and smashed to the ground.

The cat demon clapped her hands, wiped her nose, and snorted coldly: “That’s it, I’ll make a little shot, it won’t work, too. Taixu Academy is nothing more than that.”

The cat demon’s voice is crisp, like a oriole singing, very nice, but it sounds a bit arrogant.

“This cat demon is too rampant. I must beat her and squash her face with my legs.” An Zhiyu couldn’t help but rushed out to entangle her.

She cultivated the Qinglian Dao, and she is still cultivated to the first rank, but her talent is extremely high, she is a thousand-petal lotus platform, and she has practiced step by step lotus cultivation.

As soon as she shot her hands, many green lotuses floated out of the space and the ground.

The power of the Lotus flower blooms in the space, and the gorgeous moves dance around, just like the flying elves in the space.

However, the cat demon seemed lazy.

Just opened his mouth, the two little tiger teeth were shining brightly, and then he bit Qinglian, bit by bite, and ate it into his stomach.

Anzhiyu was stunned.

It was the first time she saw this kind of way, whether this cat demon had a problem with his brain, even if the sword was eaten, the Qinglian Dao technique she played could still be eaten.

Such a weird creature, she has no idea of ​​fighting.

How to fight this?

Have no idea.

Dean Qinglian felt that something was wrong, the cat demon was too strong, and coldly said: “It seems that you can’t let the cat demon continue to arrogant. I have to do it myself.”

He went out.

He is the fourth rank strong, and he is thunderous when he strikes.


The three ways to fight her, the space ripples.

Dean Qinglian went backwards step by step, but he didn’t expect that this cat demon seemed to be 15 or 16 years old, and his small body contained such a powerful force.

He is the fourth rank and has also experienced Heavenly Tribulation twice.

Even if he couldn’t beat the thief, he couldn’t even beat a cat demon. He refused to accept, and made another move, using all his power.

Gamble on his honor as Dean Qinglian.

The cat demon’s movements are very agile, and even Dean Qinglian can’t catch her movement track. The first time she encountered such a weird monster, it was really evil.

“Have she really never cultivated?” An Zhiyu came to Li Xu with a face full of doubts, “How could she be so strong without cultivation?”

“Who told you that she didn’t cultivate?” Li Xu, who had been sitting in a chair watching the battle, turned his head and looked at her.

“My Master said.” An Zhiyu said, “Isn’t it?”

“Your Master is too young.” Li Xu shook his head.

“What do you mean? But she has no Spirit Power fluctuations at all, and no cultivation rank at all.” An Zhiyu looked at Li Xu, and suddenly remembered something, “There is another possibility that this situation occurs, and that is this cat demon. Realm is far more than us, even my Master can’t see it.”

“Yeah.” Li Xu nodded, still quite clever, thinking about it so quickly.

Facts have proved that a big chest is not necessarily brainless.

“Is it so strong?” Lu Wu said with her tail curled up.

“His Realm surpassed my Master?” Tang San walked over with a pale face, with an unbelievable face. This woman looked like a girl.

Wait, the demon seems to be unable to infer from common sense.

Li Xu calmly said: “The Realm of the cat demon is far beyond your Master. She has been playing and letting you out. Even Spirit Power is not used. If she really uses her full strength, you can’t stop her. one move.”

“She is so strong?” An Zhiyu took a breath.

“In Yuyang County, she is second only to me.”

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