Chapter 95 I’m A Little Short Of Time, Tell Your Last Words [Add More Owe 56]

“Dragon’s Nest.”

“There is a dragon in the lake, which is in harmony with the power of Jiujiang, the charm of the extreme heaven and the earth, the breath of life, gathers into a dragon’s nest, drinks ten thousand blood, plunders the ginseng, seizes good fortune, and wants to take advantage of the wind to transform the dragon, which is really a big taboo .”

The third rank method, the words given by the appraisal are difficult to understand.

But Li Xu has received an excellent nine-year compulsory education and can still understand it.

It is said that the power of the dragons gathering heaven and earth and rivers to form a dragon’s nest, and eating the blood of ten thousand creatures, forcibly seizing the heavens and the earth for good fortune, heaven-defying, and wanting to become a dragon.

“With such a heaven-defying method, you won’t be afraid of thunderstorms.” Li Xu was a bit disdainful. To become a dragon, he had to eat the blood of thousands of creatures. It was a bit heaven-defying.

[Unexpectedly trigger the mission to destroy the dragon’s nest][The dragons in the dragon’s nest do a lot of evil. They once destroyed villages with thousands of people, and raised them in captivity, feeding them, and having fun.

Once the dragon is transformed, it will harm the Quartet. Please destroy the dragon’s nest and restore the nine rivers to normal.][Complete the task to get rich Taoism rewards]

Li Xu suddenly heard a sound from the system, and his eyes lit up. He didn’t expect to trigger the system task accidentally, which was really unexpected.

Li Xu turned to look at Dawei, and said, “You go to a place farther away and I will explore the situation in the dragon’s nest.”

Dawei nodded, and Yujian dragged the crocodile to run far, far.

Li Xu jumped into the dragon’s nest. The dragon’s nest was wider and huge than he could see with his naked eyes. The water was very clear, but it was a bit bitterly cold.

He continued to dive into the water, wanting to see where this dragon plate was?

Looking around, suddenly, Li Xu felt that Own was patted on the shoulder.

Li Xu quickly grabbed it. It was a woman’s hand, slender and white, without any temperature, and it felt like a dead person.

Li Xugang wanted to turn around, and then found that his body and feet had black hair entangled.

Feeling something was wrong, Spirit Power shook, bounced the woman away, and turned around to see a beautiful woman.

The woman’s eyes were open, without blinking, her face was pale, and the black hair behind her was very long, a full dozen meters.

The hair that is more than ten meters rippling in the water, flutters with the stream, which is particularly permeating.

Through observation, Li Xu could be sure that this was a female body that had been dead for a long time.

Immediately afterwards, his pupils shrank, and Li Xu found that more and more female corpses appeared around own.

These female corpses were soaked in the water, and their long black hair fluttered everywhere with the water, which looked particularly gloomy and terrifying.

It may be because the water is too cold and the Spiritual Qi is sufficient. These women have not rotted, and are kept intact, but they are not bloody and pale.

There were more and more female corpses, and hundreds of them appeared at once. They all looked beautiful and beautiful, but they died a bit miserable.

They won’t move, just because of the current, they are wandering around in the dragon’s nest.

In addition to these female corpses, Li Xu soon discovered that there were other corpses slowly rising and falling here. There were half-man and half-fish sharks, tauren with tauren, and queen fly with cheetah face and six hands. Spider…

He also saw children, babies…

Li Xu almost vomited. Unexpectedly, the surface of the dragon’s nest was so clear that it was full of corpses.

How can this dragon bear living in cultivation.

He felt very sick.

I had to find out where the Jiaolong was and quickly killed him, but I looked around and couldn’t find it. This is totally unscientific.

Li Xu felt that something was wrong, suddenly he felt something, his heart swelled, and he felt that the blood in his body seemed to send some kind of warning.

“Little Da Wu.”

Li Xu’s face changed, and he immediately rushed out of the water.

I saw a middle-aged man in linen in the distance. He opened his mouth and his mouth was densely packed with pointed teeth.

He bit the crocodile in one bite and tore it to pieces, blood splashing everywhere, dyeing his sackcloth red.

He laughed “Jie Jie Jie”.

And Dawei in front of him couldn’t move at all, and couldn’t even make a voice calling for help, because the man imprisoned her as soon as he shot.

“There is such a beautiful little Fox Demon that broke into my dragon’s nest. I haven’t tried Fox Demon. You came just right, you can satisfy me.”

With a weird smile on his face, he reached out and touched Dawei’s face.


Suddenly, the middle-aged man felt a strong fluctuation in the space, and just wanted to check who it was. Then his hand flew out and blood spurted out.

“Who is it?” the middle-aged man growled.


Li Xu didn’t say a word, and punched out again.

The middle-aged man was directly blown out for hundreds of meters. His chest was sunken and there was a fist mark on it. He didn’t know how many ribs were broken, his mouth spurted blood, and his face suddenly became pale.

Li Xu appeared next to Xiao Dawen, waved his hand, released the confinement, and said, “Is it okay?”

Dawei wiped the sweat from her face, jumped up directly from the air, hung on her body, held Li Xu in this way, choked and said:

“Master, I almost thought I couldn’t see you?”

At that moment, she felt Death was coming, as if she was about to fall to The Underworld.

At the moment of her death, Dawei saw a flash of own’s left hand ring. The next moment, Li Xu came to her.

Li Xu touched her head and said, “It’s okay, it’s just a false alarm. The Master will always protect you and won’t let you get into trouble.”

Xiao Da’s heart trembled, and there was a warm current in her heart, so warm.

“Tsk tut, it’s funny, it’s funny, it hurts me.” The middle-aged man laughed, and while smiling, he took his broken hand back, reconnected it, and restored it to its original state.

Li Xu didn’t say a word, put Xiao Dawen on the sword, let her own the sword, and then took out a piece of dragon scale, and looked at the man’s appearance through the dragon scale.

Sure enough, a golden dragon appeared in front of him.

You guessed it right, this is the Jiaolong. I didn’t expect it to be transformed, and its strength must be quite terrifying.

“What do you use to look at me?” The middle-aged man felt that he was a little uncomfortable. Why did the thing in Li Xu’s hand look a bit like dragon scales.

Was he the first time he saw such a beautiful dragon scale?

This dragon scale is definitely not a common product.

Got to get it.

“Boy, be interesting and give me the scales.” The middle-aged man’s face was cold, “Otherwise, you and your little apprentice will both die.

If you are interested, you can die, and maybe I can help take care of your little apprentice. “He smiled wryly.

“Do you think you can beat me?” Li Xu looked at him.

“What are you kidding me? You just attacked me head-on. You can’t beat me with a hundred.”

Li Xu looked calm, put away the dragon scales in his hands, and said, “I ask you a question, did you make this dragon nest, and the female corpses in the dragon nest? You made all kinds of corpses too. ”

“Of course it is me.”

“That’s good.” Li Xu smiled.

“why are you laughing?”

“It’s nothing.” Li Xu looked at him calmly and said: “I’m a bit tight on time. Just tell me if you have any last words.”

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