Chapter 81

Taixu Academy, in the lake blessed by formation.

Dawei and Anzhiyu are playing around in the water. You chase me and splash each other’s bodies with water droplets on their hair and cheeks.

Water droplets continued to penetrate down the body, wandering, tick to tick to the surface of the water, spreading out ripples.

It’s such a naive gameplay, it’s a joy to play.

If Li Xu were there, he would definitely complain, because he didn’t know what was so funny about it.

Playing in the water is better than letting them kiss their own face, which is still more interesting.

After playing, Anzhiyu finally lay on the surface of the water with exhaustion, spread his hands, and overlapped his right leg on his left leg.

He closed his eyes and lay quietly on the lake, letting the water splash over the waterfall fall on his snow-white body.

In the evening sunlight, her body and water droplets were shining with crystal lustre, and her eyes were white and bright, especially the full curve, which was simply perfect.

Dawei also stopped playing, standing beside Anzhiyu, gently resting her head on her slender waist. Her waist was very thin and soft, and the pillow was very comfortable.

She leaned on it, squinted, her eyes curled with a smile.

“It’s really soft.”

Dawei said, poking her waist, and suddenly felt Anzhiyu tremble twice.

“Don’t just poke at me.” An Zhiyu was helpless, but she still closed her eyes because she was enjoying the warmth of the sun.

I really hope that the sun shines on my face every morning.

Unfortunately, I have to wake up every day.

Dawei was still poking, laughing while poking, laughing happily. She had no other evil thoughts, she just thought it was funny.

She has had no playmates since she was a child, except for the gluttonous aunt, and since she came to Zhuanxu to study, she has no friends who can have fun.

Her identity is the Little Princess of Qingqiu Country. The people in the academy are either afraid of themselves or feel stupid, or they are laughing and joking with themselves on the surface, but stabbing a knife in the back.

She has seen many such people.

Don’t look at her dumbfounded, she actually knows it, but she didn’t say it.

Think about the more than 20 years in Zhuanxu country, there is not a friend, the fox student really failed, now, it is hard to make a friend of Anzhiyu, you have to hold her vigorously.

She thought about reaching out to hold her waist, put her face on it, and smiled silly.

Anzhiyu’s face flushed.


Anzhiyu made a misleading sound.

She opened her eyes, pushed Dawei away, coldly said: “Dawen, you let me go, don’t let me go, I want to…”

Dawei didn’t listen, she still hugged her.

Her hands were still moving around, poking her waist, poking her leg.

Anyway, poke wherever it feels soft.

Poke wherever it is fun.


Anzhiyu made a sound.

I really can’t help it anymore.

Pushing Dawei aside, he said helplessly: “Stop playing, lie down like me, let the sun shine on you, it’s really warm, try it now.”

Dawei smiled and tentatively lay on the water, spreading her hands and legs.

Just lie on the lake and let the sun shine completely on Own.

It was as comfortable as she expected.

She was lying on the surface of the water, but she was lying down, her head moved to Anzhiyu’s side, and then she leaned on Anzhiyu’s waist and slept on it.

An Zhiyu didn’t say much, just showed a faint smile, touched her head, and didn’t make any more movements.

The two of them lay quietly like this, shining in the sun, no one spoke, unknowingly there was no golden luster between the heavens and the earth.

“We should go back and cook.”

Dawei opened her eyes and looked at the sky, this point was cooking time.

Now at Taixu Academy, only she and An Zhiyu are the only ones who will consciously cook. Tang Sheng and Dean Qinglian will not touch them, let alone Li Xu.

He is the laziest of all, not one of them.

If there are no special circumstances, you must sleep until ten o’clock every day, and the thunder will not move, nor will the thunder strike.

Even if I wake up, I don’t want to get up. I must get up until ten o’clock before I am willing to get up. However, just a lazy person is better than anyone.

Da Wei felt that Li Xu wanted to be second, and no one in the world would dare to call first.

“Well, it’s time to get up.” An Zhiyu also slowly opened his eyes. It was indeed time to go out, and it might get cramps if he soaks down.

The two stood up and walked out of the lake.

One tall and one short, one big and one small.

Walking to the shore step by step, countless drops of water flow across their bodies, dripping from their bodies to the surface of the water, rippling thousands of ripples.

Both of them are of very good figure, and because the water drops all over their bodies flow slowly along the curve, passing through the slender waist, some of the water drops on the lake surface, and some of them continue to flow down the curve.

Some accidentally slipped into mysterious areas.

The picture has a strong sense of impact, but unfortunately, no one appreciates it.

Anzhiyu walked ashore and just wanted to wipe off the water droplets with his clothes, Dawei said: “I learned the art of cleaning clothes, so I won’t need to take a bath in the future.”

She talked about using the Cleansing Technique, and the water droplets on her body and hair droplets disappeared completely, and her skin instantly became white, smooth and delicate.

“Your skin is really white.” An Zhiyu looked at Dawei’s small body. Her whiteness was like a bean sprout coming out of the soil, tender and white.

“No, you are still whiter than me.” Dawei smiled.

An Zhiyu felt that she meant something, rolled her eyes and said nothing.

Dawei didn’t speak, put on clothes, and put on clothes one by one.

An Zhiyu stretched out her hands, and the clean clothes in the storage bag flew out and covered her body. She couldn’t move her feet, and she was finished with a tie.

It’s so fast.

And Ma’s wife is still grinding Chir’s clothes.

“I really don’t know what you do with so many clothes? Are you cold?” An Zhiyu looked speechless.

Madam Da opened her mouth, with shiny little tiger teeth, and said, “I advise you to take care of your nostalgia.”


An Zhiyu let out a hey, immediately reached out to rub her little head, messed up her hairstyle, and shook her little head.

Dawei didn’t respond and let her play with it.

Put on her clothes quickly, expressionless, turned around, shot at lightning speed, lifted her clothes, and got a clear view.

“You…” An Zhiyu was dumbfounded, hesitatingly said: “What are you…what are you doing? Don’t let it go.”

“Do you feel chilly?” Dawei asked with glazed eyes flashing, and two small dimples appeared on her face with a smile.

“You are cool.”

An Zhiyu looked around and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this place is in formation. If you do this outside, you can’t imagine it.

In her impression, this is the second time Dawei has done this.

She patted Dawei’s hand away.

The dress slowly fell.

Halfway through, a sudden gust of wind blew her dress up again, once again unobstructed, knowing the bottom line.

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