Chapter 8 Seize in an Instant ____

Li Xu and Dawei fell to the small town of Funong.

Although early in the morning, this small town is still bustling with people coming and going.

There are couples holding hands, there are weapon refiners who sell weapons, there are medicine refiners who sell medicine, there are formation masters who have Xianfeng Dao bones, there are muscular beast masters, there are little girls who sell their bodies to bury their fathers, and there are sugar Calabash and other snacks.

There are also ragged clothes, exposed shoulders, bare white thighs and screaming for free for free at night. You can choose your posture. You only need a ray of Yuanyang’s small Big sis.

This is the liveliest and busiest floating farm town in Yuyang County, and it has everything.

Fun is fun, but it’s a bit noisy.

However, it was noisier at night, and all kinds of shouts were heard.

Li Xu took Dawei, walked into the small town of Funong, took out a piece of paper from his arms as he walked, and said:

“Xiao Dawei, these are the ingredients I want to buy. I have listed some. Do you want to eat them? Buy them together.”

Dawei took the paper and found dozens of ingredients on it. Her mouth twitched and said:

“Master, can we eat so much in a day?”

“This is food for half a month.”

“If it’s half a month, it’s a bit short, I guess it’s not enough to eat. Master, I got my storage and money back, or I will pay for the ingredients, and I can buy whatever I want.”

This is the ultimate reason that brought you here.

However, Li Xu still held his forehead and pretended: “This is not good.”

Dawei said: “There is nothing wrong with it, just set it like this.”

A smile appeared at the corner of Li Xu’s mouth. Doesn’t the apprentice fool know that he is breaking the law?

Seeing Li Xu passing by, a small big sis in ragged clothes hurried over to hold Li Xu’s arm, rubbing against Li Xu, feeling quite astringent.

“My son, the moment Little Big sis caught you.”

“Would you like to come to the instant building to have a play, not a penny, just a ray of Yuanyang, and your posture at night is up to you.”

Li Xu glanced at her.

The Susuna Building sub-buildings are all over Daozhou, and the objects of service are those who have begun cultivation.

The founder of Setalou, “Samsala Girl”, created a very powerful unique secret technique, which is to obtain a man’s ray of primordial yang through the secret technique, thereby continuously strengthening his own “Tao”.

The primordial yang of male monks is especially precious, because it is inextricably related to the primordial spirit of the monks.

But the pioneer was very clever and came up with a way, instead of taking all the Yuanyang of the male ascetics, just a wisp of Yuanyang in exchange.

A ray of Yuanyang has little effect on men. It only takes three months to half a year to recover. It can be called a white prostitution.

Therefore, Setsuna Tower is opened all over the whole province based on this, and it is very popular.

The service girls in the Setsuna Tower uniformly call themselves Setsuna, or Setsuna Big sis.

Don’t ask why Li Xu knows, just ask that he has never been.

“Go away, don’t touch my Master.” Dawei raised her head, looking angrily at this rough little Big sis.

“It turns out that it brought its own Fox Spirit.” The girl only noticed the short and small Dawei.

Although it is a bit small, it looks quite cute.

“So you like this type, son, you can find me next time you change your taste, my name is Ping’er, I am good at eighteen stunts.”

The woman let go of Li Xu, then ran elsewhere and asked the other young men:

“My son, come here.”

The young man said: “I will definitely come in three months.”

Three months ago, Yuanyang hadn’t repaired it yet, so he had to be restrained.

Dawei rolled her eyes, grabbed the corner of Master’s clothes, and said, “Master, the little Big sis on the second floor is so courageous. In broad daylight, I dare to act on you.”

Li Xu sighed, “Oh, the world is difficult. They are just diligent cultivators.”

Dawei turned around and looked at Li Xu: “Master, have you been to the instant building?”

“Master is a decent person.”

“I’ve been.” Da Wei said seriously.

Li Xu couldn’t catch her topic a bit.

“I remember one time when the teacher from Tianshan Academy personally went to the Instantaneous Building to take the apprentice out. The scene was really chaotic. I got mixed in before I was ready and saw a painting with four beautiful women. It looks very beautiful, as if to come out of the painting.”

Li Xu smiled and said: “The paintings are the legendary four unique moments, Yun Xiangyi, Hua Xiangrong, Zibuyu, Red Buddha Girl.”

“Master, how do you know that something is wrong with you.”

“I have a friend. He often goes to the Seta Building. I listened to him. It is a pity that these four women, who don’t pick up guests, have always been able to look far away and not be indecent.”

“Where is your friend? This friend will not be you, right? I now vaguely understand the reason why you can’t wake up every day. It turns out to be a weak body.”

Li Xu knocked her head and said:

“Shut up to me, where did you learn these things at a young age? Don’t slander the Master. Master is a decent person. He never goes to a place where the mist is smoggy. Let’s go shopping.”

Dawei said: “Then let’s buy bamboo shoots first.”

Next, they purchase ingredients according to the list, bamboo shoots, lettuce, leeks, eggs, muscle chicken, duck, beef and so on.

Buying and buying, two hours have passed, it is already afternoon.

Dama tugged at Master’s sleeve: “Master, let’s have something to eat first, I want to eat that.”

She pointed to the stall selling tofu brains, and dragged Master over.

“Boss, two bowls of sweet tofu brains.”

“Good Le, come right away.”

The boss brought the tofu brain over.

While Li Xu was eating, he accidentally discovered that several people’s eyes were always looking at him from time to time.

When Li Xu looked up, their eyes turned away.

Li Xu thought it was just an illusion.

After eating, he took Dawei and left, but still had a few eyes locked on him.

Something is wrong.

The problem is big.

“Boss, we seem to have been discovered.”

“How is it possible, such a perfect tracking, it is impossible to find our existence.”

Suddenly, a coldly voice rang behind them:

“What are you doing with us?”

Li Xu took Dawei and appeared behind a second-rank cultivator of Taoism Realm, who should be the boss of this group.

They slowly turned around, holding a big knife in their hands.

“Since it has been discovered, come out.” The second rank cultivator of the Taoist realm said.

As soon as his words fell, seven first-rank practitioners from the Taoist realm came out one after another, surrounded Li Xu and Dawei, and the street fell silent for an instant.

“People around you don’t want to die, so stay away.” The second rank monk who heard the Taoist realm said.

Some of the unrelated people around were lying on the ground, some had hidden in the house and watched, most of them retreated to the sides. No one knew what was going on. They just felt that the town of Funong was dying.

Da Ma was nervous and moved closer to the Master.

Li Xu smiled and said, “Don’t beat and kill at every turn, it scares my apprentice.”

“Hand over things.” The second rank cultivator said.


“Pretend, pretend to me, you go up and chop off this fox’s leg, and you will surely hand over the things obediently.” The second rank person who heard the realm waved their hands, and other cultivators rushed up.

Knife light thunderbolt, floating in the air.

“How dare to move my apprentice, isn’t it good to be alive?”

The calm voice exploded in the air, with endless murderous aura.

Time seemed to stand still, and the ascetics rushing out from all directions solidified the air, unable to move, their eyes protruding, their faces horrified, and their bodies distorted.

The third rank Dao Fa, three punches.

First punch.

With a punch, the bodies of the seven first-rank ascetics of Wang Dao realm were directly punched through, blood spurted, their bodies were torn apart, and the streets were full of splashing blood.

The seven first rank ascetics of the Dao Realm died instantly.

“What is this… a monster.”

The second rank listener felt the suffocating Spirit Power rushing towards his face, his head was blank, and he turned and ran by instinct.

“What are you doing, at least make it clear.”

Li Xu walked to the stall with a cold face, looking at the stall owner who was sitting on the ground, and said:

“Can you borrow a toothpick?”

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