Chapter 78-She is dead but not completely dead

Tang Sheng and Lu Wu talked about what happened yesterday, and by the way they also talked about the thief, and also talked about the new situation today.

When the two had breakfast, there was a lot of beeping.

Li Xu, Dawei, An Zhiyu, and Dean Qinglian didn’t interrupt and ate breakfast. About half an hour, everyone had finished eating.

He looked at An Zhiyu: “Follow me.

I will take you to get an identity certificate first.

Now is the census, the critical moment to capture the thief, if there is no such thing, it is estimated that they will be misunderstood and taken away. ”

An Zhiyu nodded.

“Master, I’ll go too.” Dawei is really fine, she doesn’t want to stay in the restaurant, but also wants to follow her.

“Well, let’s go.” Li Xu nodded.

Li Xu stood up, and the two girls followed Li Xu out of the restaurant. Li Xu stopped and looked at the sitting Dean Qinglian.

“Why are you standing still?”

“Am I going too?”

“Of course, her identity is recorded under your name, and my role is to be a guarantee.” Naturally, An Zhiyu’s identity must be recorded under the name of Dean Qinglian, because he was raised and raised.

“That’s right.” Dean Qinglian suddenly remembered something, stood up, looked at An Zhiyu, and said: “Your identity is written under my name, saying that I am a granddaughter. What do you think?”

An Zhiyu nodded in agreement and shouted: “Grandpa.”

Dean Qinglian’s face turned dark: “You should call me Master, grandpa is weird.”

An Zhiyu said, “Yes, Grandpa.”

Dean Qinglian reached out to hit her.

Anzhiyu hid aside.

Li Xu also smiled, shook his head, and walked out of the Xiangshan Restaurant.

Tang Sheng and Luwu also followed, so they became the Yushitai office where everyone went to Funong Town.

Unexpectedly, there is a huge crowd here, and the line is full of long queues.

At this time, Li Xu realized that it was not only Dean Qinglian who hadn’t issued an identity certificate for the child.

Fortunately, Li Xu has the Yushitai Elder token, and the journey went smoothly. In less than half an hour, he completed the identity certificate of Anzhiyu and became the granddaughter of Dean Qinglian.

“Congratulations, Dean Qinglian, happy granddaughter, or we choose another restaurant at noon to celebrate this happy event.” Li Xu smiled.

Hearing that, Dean Qinglian’s face turned dark. This Li Xu is a real dog, so it’s better to change his name to Li Gou.

“Are you a treat?” Dean Qinglian asked.

“It seems that I can’t hide my millions of wealth.” Li Xu sighed, very proud.

Da Wei said: “Is a million a lot of money?”

Li Xu rolled her eyes, rubbed her head, and said, “Shut up.”

Finally “earned” one million.

I didn’t show off that I was a millionaire, and then I thought that Xiao Dawei was a rich woman, and suddenly felt that a million was dull.

I took the finances of dozens of thief all along, but all of them used cheap storage bags, and no one had a storage ring.

The thief was really poor, and Li Xu secretly complained.

Li Xu touched Dawei’s head and constantly messed up her hairstyle.

When Dean Qinglian next to Li Xu heard Li Xu’s net worth, he narrowed his eyes and began to persuade him to treat him to a good meal.

But Li Xu ignored him and said, “We should also go back to Taixu Academy.”

They nodded, also planning to go back.

They bought some ingredients by the way. It was noon when they bought anything. They had already bought almost the same. When they were about to leave, they heard that there seemed to be a great movement in the east street, and then they didn’t know who said something.

“The people in the instant building are back, Hong Fu Nu is really dead.”

When the people on the west street heard the words, they ran to the east one after another, apparently watching the excitement.

“It’s dead!” After Li Xu heard it, he went to find out.

Dawei, An Zhiyu, Dean Qinglian, Tang Sheng and Luwu followed.

I saw people standing on both sides of the east street, and the street in the middle was the girl from the instant building. I felt that there were hundreds of people. The headed woman was Shifei Qian in blue and white veil, with picturesque eyebrows and a graceful figure, but she But his face was particularly pale, and his whole body exuded an icy breath, and there was a faint feeling of murder.

Four moments behind her, the little Big sis carried a stretcher.

There was obviously a person on the stretcher, but it was covered with white cloth. It was obvious that this was a dead person.

“Is this Hong Fu Girl?” The crowd speculated, but because of the white cloth, no one could see the real face. However, looking at the expression of Master Feiqian, she must be correct.

The lineup of Qunalou is very large, and all the small Big sis in Fongnong Town are dispatched, and they have been busy for a long time to bring back a corpse.

None of them spoke, and they were so powerful that they soon entered the instant building, and then the door was completely closed, and no one was allowed to enter.

After a while, a pretty figure ran up.

It’s a bottle.

She ran in front of Li Xu and said, “Dean Li Xu, the senior and senior sister saw you here from a long time ago. She asked me to invite you to enter the instant building for an autopsy.”

“I don’t know how to do an autopsy.” Li Xu said.

“Senior Sister suspects something to do with the thief.” Ping’er whispered.

Li Xu frowned, looked at her, and said nothing for a long time.

Ping’er said: “Come in with me, and you will go in and talk with the seniors and sisters later.”

“Can they come together too?” Li Xu pointed to Dacheng and An Zhiyu.

“Come together.” Ping’er led the way, with a serious tone, completely different from the usual state of shouting “Big sis”, but suddenly felt that they became more serious.

Lu Wu wanted to say hello to Ping’er, but he stopped talking, forget it.

Everyone looked at these people, watching their battles and facial expressions, this dead person must be a big mess.

I can’t help but look forward to it. What is the truth?

Open the back door through the bottle.

Li Xu and others entered one after another.

Appearing in the instant building, the hundreds of people in the instant building were very serious, no one spoke, and the empty pavilion heard the sound of their footsteps rubbing the ground.

He felt that the atmosphere here was very depressing, as if entering a morgue, cold surrounding him.

“You are here.” Shi Feiqian turned to look at Li Xu.

Li Xu nodded, “What happened?”

“I got in touch with the Setan woman half a month ago. She said that she can help Taixuefu and Yushitai to pay attention to the existence of the thief. She will send the Hongfu woman who is far away in the capital of Zhuanxu to discuss this matter in detail. Unexpectedly, they were killed on the border between Yuyang County and Cao County.”

“This is Hong Fu Nu?”

Li Xu pointed to the woman covered by mercy on the ground.

Shi Feiqian nodded and said, “Yes, this is Hong Fu Nu. She is dead, but not completely dead.”

Li Xu stared into her eyes, what was this saying.

Dahua’s glazed eyes looked at her blankly, and her big eyes were full of doubts.

Others also looked dumbfounded.

“I will open it for you to see.” Shi Feiqian walked in front of Hong Fu Nu and stretched out her hand to open the merchandise.

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