Chapter 70

As a disgusting black worm flew out of Shi Feiqian’s throat, her eyes lost their color, and the bluish-white veil fell off the ground, displaying a beautiful body, a clavicle that can raise fish, and snow-white peaks.

As it spreads, the ravines are vertical and horizontal, endless, and they are drawn down continuously, with a smooth abdomen, and underneath are round legs, straight and slender.

However, this seemingly perfect body began to loosen slowly, and finally fell off the ground completely.

What Li Xu pinched in his hand was a human-shaped piece of wood, just covered with a layer of skin, and then put in a bug, it became the appearance of Shifeiqian.

“Sure enough, there is a problem here.”

Li Xu squeezed the wood and turned the flying black insect into ashes.

Immediately staring at the dozens of instantaneous women present, his eyes were cold, his murderous intent surged, his feeling was right, there was definitely a problem here.

It may not be the only problem with the instant floor.

Maybe the whole Funong town has problems.

Perhaps this is not a small town of Funong.

“Who are you all? Why do you pretend to be a teacher concubine Qian, and what is the purpose?” Li Xu asked a series of questions.

The little Big sis in the instant building looked terrified. They didn’t speak, but they didn’t expect to be seen through by Li Xu so quickly.

Moreover, the incense in the incense burner and the flowers in the bath had no effect on him.

“I’ll ask again, who are you all?” Li Xu looked at them coldly.


At that moment, the little Big sis rushed over.

Some flew from the stage in thin clothes, some jumped out of the bath, some held a sword from the right side, and some came over with a knife from the back.

In all directions, there are a total of thirty or forty small Big sis in a flash, and each one is murderous.

With an icy breath gleaming in his eyes, a terrifying Spirit Power burst out all over his body, and he made the strongest move, trying to kill Li Xu with a single blow.

They are all humanoid puppets made of puppet technique + Miaodou leather crafting technique + Miaodougu technique before Song Dynasty.

Here is the order.

Want to charm Li Xu with beauty.

If he fails, he will play the strongest move to test out Li Xu’s true strength.

Because the three brothers of the Song family knew almost nothing about Li Xu, they could only explore his strength in this way to facilitate the implementation of plans.

Now, the puppet has been seen through, only shot, desperately shot.

Li Xu stood in place without using any Taoism.

Just mobilize the Spirit Power in the sea of ​​spirit at will, but it is this random mobilization, it seems that the whole world is centered on him.

The Spirit Power surging out like a vast ocean, instantly permeated.

The terrifying Spirit Power pouring down like a waterfall, roaring like a roaring ocean, like a rock piercing through the sky, constantly rolling around, and the building cannot withstand the strong spiritual pressure in an instant.


The doors of the rooms were overturned, shattered, and turned into powder. Spirit Power continued to spread, rushing out into the room, like a big river bursting a bank, like a mountain and sea broken.


Inside, the eight-legged round table, the uniquely shaped table, the paintings on the wall, the pink curtains, the bed cabinets, the sheets and so on are all suspended.

Then all these objects were crushed by Spirit Power and turned into powder.

Spirit Power continued to spread, flooding the entire Moments Building. The windows of Moments Building were overturned by Spirit Power, and Spirit Power continued to rush like a tornado, continuing to cover the entire Moments Building.

Soon, the entire Moments Building was completely wrapped by Spirit Power, as if a dragon entwined Moments Building.


The ground of the instant building cracked, the soil shattered, all the private rooms on the first floor cracked, and the cracks spread to the second floor and eventually to the top floor.

In an instant, the entire building was squeezed to burst by the powerful spiritual pressure.

The debris in the sky scattered in all directions, knocking out the puppets that rushed over.

Under the impact of Li Xu’s powerful spiritual pressure, the puppet’s skin was weathered inch by inch, the wood fell apart, and black insects flew out.

However, as soon as he flew out, he was squeezed into powder by Li Xu’s spiritual pressure.

Li Xu stepped on the ground, Spirit Power rioted and cracks appeared on the ground.

At this time, everyone on the street looked at nothing, staring at the smoke-filled Quna Building, feeling that something terrifying was happening in the Quna Building.

Immediately, I saw Li Xu coming out from inside.

I saw that the instant building behind him completely collapsed and turned into rubble.

Everyone knew that the instant building had been seen through, and they all killed Li Xu.

That’s right, the entire Funong Town is fake, and they are all puppets. These are all puppets made by Song Qian, whose purpose is Li Xu.

They all rushed up.

Throughout the street, hundreds of people wielded weapons to kill.

Li Xulaan got it right, the powerful spiritual pressure crushed it all the way, but all the puppets about three meters away from him were overturned by the power.

The puppets are like falling leaves in a violent wind, being overturned and flying, turning into powder.

Li Xu didn’t entangle with the puppet, because he heard the sound of fighting in the restaurant, and his speed turned into a stream of light and sank into the instant building.

Seeing Dawei, An Zhiyu, and Dean Qinglian, Tang Sheng would fight the puppet again.

“Master, there is a problem here.”

Dawei entered the Baoyou Satisfaction Restaurant, and just sat down, a guy came up to pour tea.

Dawei, a short stature, accidentally noticed that the palm of her buddy was white and tender, without any calluses, unlike a person who worked all year round.

She asked tentatively and asked about his working years. The man said that he had worked here for ten years and he was exhausted every day.

I also noticed that all the guys in the restaurant have no Adam’s apple in their throats, and they agitate from time to time, which is completely wrong.

She suddenly thought of Miao Dou’s Gu worm technique.

She has a greedy little aunt who has been in Miaodou’s Gu technique, and invites a master from Miaodou to rescue her.

The master stayed in Qingqiu Country for a long time, and Dawei asked her for books on Gu Art. There were many bizarre stories in it, including leatherworking and Gu worms.

Suddenly thinking of this, Dawei jumped up and patted her throat. As expected, a Gu worm flew out, so the battle started here quickly.

Dawei originally wanted to remind the Master, but Li Xu had already come to her.

Li Xu said, “There is a problem. There is something wrong with this floating farm town. Fortunately, the people here are not strong, Dean Qinglian, please protect them. Let me see who is doing the ghost.”

Dean Qinglian nodded.

Li Xu rose to the sky, his Divine Sense pouring out, covering the entire Funong town like a tide, but he didn’t notice the suspicious person.

He closed his eyes, and Divine Sense spread again, like a tide surging out of the small town of Funong, and continued to surge outside.

The distance is one, two, three…ten, twenty, thirty.


His Divine Sense is not that strong.

Sweat appeared on his forehead, and his face became pale.

Now his Divine Sense has spread to thirty miles, and the whole town of Funong is shrouded in his Spirit Power and Divine Sense. If it is triggered again, it may collapse here.

There is no problem for thirty miles, so go out and try.

He used the fifth rank Dao Fa, tore the void, appeared thirty miles away, Divine Sense spread again, covering the whole area, the terrifying spiritual pressure was in the mountains and forests, raging in the sky and the earth.

Anything touched clearly came into view, even a piece of grass or an animal could clearly appear.

This is Divine Sense, but it’s very strenuous.

He generally doesn’t use it.

It continued to spread to ten miles, and his forehead was so tired that he was sweating. When he was about to give up, he suddenly noticed a towering peak.

There was a piece of white paper on the top of the peak, and the stickman on the white paper moved a bit, and then fell from the fire below.

The two black crows on the tree branch killed themselves, fell into the fire, and were instantly burned to ashes.

“This is too weird.”

Li Xu thought this scene was weird and planned to check it out.

The middle-aged man sitting in front of the peak was full of horror: “Li Xu can tear the void. He is not the peak of the fourth rank at all. The monk who has survived the twelfth Heavenly Tribulation, is the immortal of the fifth rank Immortal Ascension. .”

Immortal Ascension on the fifth rank!

What kind of concept is this? Looking at the entire Yuyang County, he is invincible.

Song Shi Patriarch, Song Shi, had just passed the twelfth Heavenly Tribulation of the fourth rank a few years ago, only one step away from the fifth rank Immortal Ascension.

But in front of Li Xu, he didn’t even deserve to carry his shoes.

“It’s over, I thought that forty li was safe, but I didn’t expect that the ship would capsize in the gutter and run quickly.” Song Qian’s puppet didn’t even think about it, and immediately ran away.

However, as soon as he wanted to leave, he saw a black half-moon hole being torn from the sky, and Li Xu walked out from the middle of the half moon with his hands behind his back.


The puppet Song didn’t even think about it.

However, he couldn’t move at all, he was overwhelmed by the powerful spiritual pressure, unable to run any Spirit Power, his body seemed to be bursting, and he couldn’t even explode himself.

Li Xu landed in front of him, and the puppet Song Qian knelt directly on the ground, his head pressed against the ground, his throat pulsed, but he couldn’t explode at all.

He is not the real Song Qian, he is just a puppet, but Song Qian’s order to him is to blew himself up, but under this powerful oppressive force, he has no power to resist.

Li Xu stretched out his right hand, lifted the head of the puppet Song in front of him, and stared at his eyes for about five seconds.

Hypnotism starts.

Under the pressure of the powerful Spirit Power, the puppet Song Qian was easily hypnotized by him.

Li Xu asked: “What’s your name?”

“I don’t have a name.”

“Who are you?”

“I am the No. 5 puppet before Song, and I have been with him for thirteen years.”

“Who is Song Qian?” Li Xu looked at him.

“The Song family has three brothers, namely Song Shi, Song Zhong, and Song Qian.”

“Do you know where they are?”



“In the Yuyang County branch.”

“What is the name of your organization? Where is the headquarters?” Li Xu asked again.

“I don’t know, I only know the Yuyang County branch. Only Patriarch Song Shi and Fifth Elder know about the headquarters.”

“Who is the fifth Elder?”

“It’s Elder who assisted the Song family in establishing a branch in Yuyang County.”

“How many people are there in Yuyang County Branch and where are they?”

“The branch of Yuyang County is all from the Song family, including the three brothers of the Song family. There are 88 people in total. In a courtyard in Yuyang Town, we plan to establish a branch of Yuyang County there.” The hypnotized puppet Song Qian Explain carefully.

“You take me there.”


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