Chapter 68 I Have To Record This Interesting Story

The small town is as lively as it was in the past, with people coming and going.

There are stinky lovers holding hands, you and me, and sprinkling dog food.

There are alchemists who sell fake medicines.

There is a beggar who pretends to be interrupted and is begging.

There is a little girl who sells herself to bury her father.

Every time Li Xu came, he could see the little girl who sold herself to bury her father.

Her face is dirty, but her face shape is good. If she is cleaned, she should belong to the kind of neighbor girl.

This little girl, regardless of the wind and rain, appeared on time and sold her body to bury her father. She was really dedicated.

Isn’t it tired to perform such a deceptive job as Heavenly Stems?

Even many times Li Xu suspected that she was an NPC, but she had her own code of conduct, so she didn’t get too busy.

Suddenly, there was a riot in front, and several ascetics were smashing the mess, which was an act of revenge.

Because they knew about the thief.

Knowing that a thief could steal someone else’s way and graft it onto someone else’s body, it felt unacceptable, which resulted in retaliatory actions. However, it was quickly faked by the law enforcement officers of Yushitai.

Li Xu also saw some cultivators kneeling on the ground, asking for a way to enter the thief organization, because they didn’t want to cultivate.

Cultivation is too slow, or stealing fast.

There have been some chaos in the small town of Funong. The streets are full of information about the thief. Some people are in panic, some are surprised, and there are people with all kinds of thoughts.

Li Xu had thought of this kind of scene long ago.

However, Dr. Yushi and Taixuefu Jijiu have not released the information of the thief for a long time because they are worried about chaos. Fortunately, they have worked hard to maintain the order of each town and ensure that there will be no chaos.

It has to be said that Dr. Yushi and Taixuefu offered great wine.

Li Xu watched the scene of Funong Town while following Shi Feiqian all the way, and finally stopped at the crossroads of Funong Town.

There are ragged clothes, exposed shoulders, bare white thighs and yelling that the night is free, the posture is up to you, you only need a ray of Yuanyang’s small Big sis.

They were very enthusiastic. When they saw Li Xu, Tang Sheng and Dean Qinglian, they couldn’t help but rushed over. They were very enthusiastic.

Shi Feiqian smiled and said: “Sisters, you send all the distinguished guests to the most luxurious private room in the instant building. I will come later.”

“We…I…” Tang Sheng was red and stammered. When he experienced this kind of scene, he always felt something soft against him, warm and itchy.

Dean Qinglian looked serious and resisted: “Don’t lean too close to me, I am a 60-year-old man who cannot withstand this test…”

Li Xu hurriedly said: “We are all decent people, we haven’t seen the world, let’s go to a more decent restaurant to talk about things.”

Shi Feiqian’s face became cold: “You mean that the Moments Building is not serious?”

Li Xu, Dean Qinglian and Tang Sheng looked at each other, not knowing how to answer.

Dawei and An Zhiyu have a black face, they are all started, and they are serious. If they are not there, I am afraid that they have already jumped on them and hugged them.

It is not clear whether other restaurants are serious, but the instant building is definitely not serious.

Shi Feiqian explained: “Now there is chaos. Other restaurants in Funong Town are not very safe. Let’s talk about it at Chinalou.”

She looked at Li Xu, he was the one who could call the shots here.

Li Xu looked at Dean Qinglian and pushed the pot to him. No matter how he spoke, it didn’t feel good.

Dean Qinglian looked at Tang Sheng.

Tang Sheng was stunned. What did Master mean? How could he have been paying attention to him at a young age, then he looked at a tortoise on the ground and said:

“What do you think?”

Green Crow is speechless.

None of these three men have a good thing.

They must want to talk about things in the instant building. After all, An Zhiyu and Dawei are here, so I am embarrassed to say that they probably want to let themselves speak.

It was a long time since he came to Shi Na Building, to see if he could go to Ping’er again to credit a ray of Yuanyang.

Anyway, I have credited it many times, so why don’t I take another credit?

It’s just nonsense.

He thought over and over again, and said: “Since the concubine Qian said that other restaurants are not safe, let alone she is kindly invited, I am not ashamed to refute her face, give her a Face, and talk about things in the instant building.”


As soon as the words of Lu Wu came out, someone kicked his feet quickly. I don’t know if it was Anzhi Yu, Da Wu, or both, kicking Lu Wu out hundreds of feet.

“Oh, oh…”

Lu Wuao yelled, but he didn’t dare to say anything. He showed Tengyun and appeared in front of Shi Feiqian, saying: “Is the bottle here? I’ll go find her first. You can figure it out, don’t bother me.”

He skimmed into the instant building, looking for a bottle.

Shi Feiqian looked at An Zhiyu and Dahao and said, “Don’t worry, the little Big sis in the instant building will not eat them. It will be well soon, Li Xu, as the leader, and I, as the representative of the instant building, for the first time Taixuefu and Yushitai cooperate. We have to go through some formalities, stamps, and other procedures, but it will only take two quarters at most. If you feel uncomfortable, you can go to the next restaurant to’package your satisfaction’ and wait.”

“Okay, then we’ll go to the restaurant where you are satisfied and wait for you.”

Dean Qinglian looked at Li Xu. He suddenly didn’t want to enter the Instantaneous Building, because he was afraid that his bones would be too much for him. If he was so old, it would be bad if his apprentice felt that the Master was not serious.

If Dawei and An Zhiyu didn’t follow, they can still consider.

Li Xu has something to do, but he has no reason to enter the building.

“Tang Sheng, follow me.”

Tang Sheng held the sword, his eyes wandered, looking at Dean Qinglian, and said solemnly: “Master, I want to meet Dean Li Xu in the instant building and expand my horizons.”

“Slap.” Dean Qinglian slapped her on the head, pinching his ears, “Follow me.”

So, Dean Qinglian, Tang Sheng, Dawei and An Zhiyu went to the restaurant next door.

“Master, come to the restaurant, we will wait for you.” Dawei waved. Although she wanted to enter the building with Li Xu very much, she didn’t follow him because she was afraid of delaying Master doing big things.

“If you are hungry, eat first, and I’ll be here as soon as I’m done.” Li Xu said.

If it’s fast, he thinks it can be done in a few minutes.

Shi Feiqian made a please gesture: “Please.”

Li Xu walked into the instant building.

The corner of Shi Feiqian’s mouth was curved, and her eyes flashed with cold light.

The top of the smoky mountain.


The crows screamed.

Standing on the branch of the tree, Song Shi flapped his wings and said, “Li Xu hasn’t discovered that this floating farm town is an illusion made by us, and it is nothing more than that.”

Song Qian said: “This is the beauty of the combination of puppetry, Miao Dougu and leatherworking, plus the Shanghai mirage, I will reflect the real Funong town in it, and I will be guided by acquaintances, and it is impossible for Li Xu to find out. .”

Song Shi said, “Acquaintances, are you talking about Concubine Qian?”

Song Zhong said, “Isn’t she a puppet you fabricated?”

“Yes.” Song Qian nodded.

“How can the squeezed things look like real people?”

“Didn’t I say that, the combination of puppetry, Miaodou leatherworking and Gu technique can achieve false and real, even if the real master concubine appears, it is absolutely impossible to tell from the appearance that this is a puppet, this is mine. Puppet Road, I can create a fake floating farm town, and I am the master of all this, I am the king, and all beings are puppets.”

Song Qian made a lot of words, and one day, he will stand on the top of this world, and everything will be surrendered under his feet.

“I’m not interested in listening to your bold words and ambitions. Let’s talk about how long Li Xu can persist under the puppet master concubine Qianqian.”

“I think it will be more than a moment.”

“I don’t think it will take more than five seconds.”

Fifth Elder smiled and said, “I have to record this interesting story.”

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