Chapter 64 Anzhi Fish Emerging, About to Death


Li Xu rushed into the lake and came to Anzhiyu all at once.

She is being wrapped in a lotus flower. Fortunately, the water of the lake is very clear, and she can be seen through the water.

Her hands were knotted and she was sitting in the water Lotus flower. She was wearing a purple blouse with moist water splashes looming on her blouse. The looming skin appeared, and the blouse slid down slightly, revealing a delicate collarbone with a snow-white outline.

Although she didn’t do anything at this time, but just this appearance, it was like a ripe and attractive strawberry, which made people have the urge to take a bite.

However, this is not the point, the point is that there is something wrong with her face.

Li Xu frowned and thought for a while, and immediately used Shui Dun to rush into the water Lotus flower and suddenly appeared in front of her.

Because there is not much space inside, he almost sticks to her.

Her body is very soft and slippery, but there is a cold feeling, which is not the body temperature that a person should have.

Li Xu stretched out his hand to check her pulse, the blood flow became very slow, and the body’s function was almost at a standstill.

“Something’s wrong.”

Li Xu leaned closer to her and put own forehead on her forehead.

When touched, bursts of cold came.

Li Xu’s Divine Sense suddenly rushed into her body, but it was like mud into the ocean, and she had no response.

Divine Sense is constantly in the blood of Anzhiyu, among the Meridians, among the viscera, wandering all over the body, groping everywhere.

Then Li Xu opened his eyes, retracted Divine Sense, rushed out of the lotus flower, and appeared on the shore.

Dawei didn’t expect Master to take a trip into the water, but the clothes and hair on her body weren’t wet. Is this a strong one?

“What’s wrong with her?” Dean Qinglian, Dawei, Tang Sheng asked one after another.

Li Xu said: “It’s very strange, I can’t tell, the specific is that her soul and conscious soul traveled through Qinglian Road. When she came back, she was blocked by something gray and couldn’t come back.”

Dean Qinglian’s face was heavy: “The way back for consciousness and soul is blocked, this…isn’t this the robbery?”

Da Wei looked up and asked, “What is the robbery?”

Dean Qinglian explained: “Some people die in Transcends Tribulation, and their souls and consciousness form fragments on the avenue. The fragments will interfere with you. Generally, monks will avoid them immediately when they encounter them. However, generally only fourth-rank monks will do it. How is it possible that she is the first rank when she encounters the robbery.”

Dawei asked again: “If Zhiyu Big sis has been blocked, what will happen?”

“The soul and consciousness have not come back. Eventually, they will be assimilated by the ashes and become ashes, and the body will gradually die. This is the process of eclosion.”

Dean Qinglian said with a heavy tone, “She has already shown signs of eclosion.”

The most feared place for enlightenment is emergence, and once such signs appear, it is particularly dangerous.

“Can you get it back?” Dawei’s eyes are wet, and people who won’t be well will be gone.

“There is a way to solve the early stage of emergence, as long as you find an elixir that is more than 10,000 years old, such as a nail-sized keel, chicken feet can be solved.”

“I have.” Dawei immediately took out a paw from her own storage ring and said: “I have chicken feet.”

“It’s not chicken feet, it’s Phoenix’s claws.”

Dean Qinglian said solemnly, “It’s a priceless fairy and beast. This kind of thing is very rare, it’s hard to find a piece. Once it appears, it will be auctioned off.”

“Then what should I do now?” Tang Sheng was also a little anxious.

Dean Qinglian said: “I will go to Zhuanxu Imperial Capital right now. There must be this kind of treasure there. Even if the family is bankrupt, I will buy some.”

“Then I have to go back to Qingqiu Country, my family should have this kind of thing.” Dawei said.

At this time, Li Xu said, “Have you ever thought that when you go to Zhuanxu Imperial Capital, when you return to Qingqiu, Anzhiyu will be gone.”

Dean Qinglian said: “So you have to rely on you. You can delay her sitting down first. We will set off now, Tang Sheng, please prepare. We will set off for Zhuanxu Imperial Capital.

Princess Dawei, can you please also leave for Qingqiu immediately.

We split into two paths. If Qingqiu has one, I can save Zhiyu back. I will be a cow and a horse for you in the future. ”

Qinglianyuan Elder burst into tears, facing Dawei’s cupped hands with a solemn expression.

He has no children, and he has long regarded Tang Sheng and An Zhiyu as children, no matter what, neither of them can have an accident.

“It’s serious.” Dawei said.

“It’s too late.” Li Xu said coldly, “Even if you can rush back, it will take a few months to go back and forth. At this time, the grass on the tomb is three feet tall.”

Dawei looked at the Master, almost choked with sobs: “Is there no hope?”

“Who said there is no hope?”

When Li Xu’s words came out, everyone looked at him.

“I don’t have dragon bones and chicken claws, but I have spirit beast five-tailed ferocious bones, plus I shot, it should have the same effect.”

The five-tailed ferocious beast is a legendary beast. Its shape is like a red leopard, with five tails and a horn, and its sound is like hitting a stone.

Many years ago, Wansong College, Sanshi College and Wen’an College in Yuyang County jointly organized a design trial. He saw the notice that he needed to be the guardian of the secret realm, so he went.

In fact, no one knows that the final level of the secret realm is not a fourth-rank cheetah, but the legendary five-tailed crocodile. This thing does not include the three major academies, even if it is the sum of all the monks in the entire Yuyang County. opponent.

Although the five-tailed 狰 is in an injured state, the combat power is still close to the fifth rank, which is much stronger in the period.

As far as he knew, the entire Yuyang County had no fifth rank ascetics, so he shot it out and took away the five-tailed 狰狰.

This thing was not delicious, and it caused him to have diarrhea, and later he was made into bacon and left to dry.

There are still a lot of them, hanging in another palace, but the five-tailed ferocious bones and spinal cord, and other important things, he kept intact.

“Five-tailed scorpion, do you mean the five-tailed scorpion that looks like a leopard in the myth?”

Dean Qinglian took a breath, this thing is too rare, Li Xu actually has it.

You deserve it.

Worthy of being the most powerful man who has lived for two hundred years.

Although he seems to be only fifteen years old, his face and body are full of stories. This thing must have been a waste of much effort, and he did not expect that he would be willing to save people.

“Great grace, I don’t know how to report back, please save Zhiyu.”

Dean Qinglian knelt on the ground, thanking Li Xu, his eyes were red, and he thought that hope was slim, but the wind was calm for a moment.

“Let’s talk about it when I rescue her.”

Li Xu said that he disappeared in place, he wanted to try the five-tailed bones and marrow.

In fact, it was the first time he encountered this situation.

I just heard that, after all, there are very few cases of emergence, and I didn’t expect to encounter one case.

While saving Anzhiyu, if time permits, study the emergence by the way.

PS: After the update is complete, Heavenly Dog asks for a recommendation ticket online, asks for a monthly ticket, it can be regarded as saving the poor child An Zhiyu ○| ̄|_.

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