Chapter 61

Dawei stood on the sword, her snow-white clothes rustled, her black hair fluttered, her fox ears moved, and she said these words solemnly.

But Luwu, Dean Qinglian, Tang Sheng, and An Zhiyu who heard the words were stunned, and looked at Dawei with a strange expression.

Li Xu’s face was black, and he didn’t know how to complain.

“Why are your faces so strange?” Dawei looked at the people below, saying that she had said something wrong? Or do they think that own swordsmanship is not good?

Seeing Li Xu not speaking, in order to avoid embarrassment, An Zhiyu asked tentatively: “Why don’t you take me with Dawei?”

“No, I’ll come.”

Li Xu jumped onto the sword.

How can this kind of thing be done for others, of course, he himself went into battle.

“Master, rest assured, I can drive you.” Dawei smiled.

Li Xu steady landed on Dawei’s sword.

Because there were more people, the weight increased rapidly, and the sword fell straight down, Dawei quickly formed seals, mobilized her own Spirit Power, and controlled the sword.

The few people who were watching below couldn’t help feeling dangerous, but thinking of Li Xu, they couldn’t help but feel relieved a lot.

The sword landed straight, and it was about to fall. Dawei’s forehead was covered with dense sweat, and his hands quickly formed a seal, finally holding the sword one foot away from the ground.

The grass that Flying Sword pressed to the ground, all the nearby grass was injured by Sword Qi in the icy sky and fire, and they were cut and turned into ashes at the same time.

It is enough to see that she is not very skilled, but her talent is also outrageous enough to master the swordsmanship in a short time.


Dawei breathed a sigh of relief, turned to look at Li Xu, and said, “Master, let’s talk about it, I can control it.”

Li Xu nodded.

Dawei noticed that Li Xu was standing on the hilt of the sword, and she was at the tip of the sword, and wondered: “Master, why are you so far away from me?”

“Then I’ll be closer.” Li Xu took a step.

Behind Dawei, she was still one foot away from her.

Dawei said with a dark face: “Master, don’t worry, I won’t throw you away, and I don’t have to be so far away.”

“Who knows?”


Dawei was speechless, didn’t want to speak, and said in her heart: “I don’t believe that you can’t be subdued.”

Her hands were knotted, and the Spirit Power burst out of the icy sky and fire. Flying Sword started quickly, and then suddenly stopped. Because of inertia, Li Xu jumped forward and was about to stick to Dawei’s back, just one finger gap. the distance.


Dawei took control of Spirit Power again, Flying Sword started again, and suddenly stopped.


Li Xu leaned directly on Dawei’s back and pressed his body against her.

“Master, I’m sorry, I just got started, but I still can’t control it skillfully.” Dawei turned her head and looked at Li Xu, smiling secretly in her heart.

What bad thoughts can she have, just want the Master to be closer to her.

“Master, let’s go.”

She hurriedly controlled the Flying Sword, soaring into the sky, and halfway through the flight, she suddenly stopped again, and Li Xu suddenly rubbed her back again.

The corners of Li Xu’s mouth twitched. If you start and stop like this, you will lose your distance.


The splash soared into the sky, into the sky, straight into the sky.

The faint scent of her body penetrated into her nose, and Li Xu pressed against her back and couldn’t help bending over, resting her chin on her small head.

Dawei suddenly felt something resting on own’s head, and reached out and touched it. It was Master’s face.

The two fox ears suddenly stood up with tension, and gently swept across Li Xu’s face.

Li Xu felt itchy, looking at her two fox ears moving around, he couldn’t help but stretch out his hands to poke them.

Just after poking, Dawei trembled all over her body, her legs softened, her face became hot, and Spirit Power lost control, and they fell straight to the ground.


Dawei yelled.

“What to shout.”

Li Xu took over her Flying Sword and steered the Flying Sword steadily in the clouds.

He just touched it lightly.

Are your ears so sensitive?

No wonder it has not been touched.

Just a light jab, it becomes like this, if you do something else, it will be fine.


Dawei was sitting on the Flying Sword, her body soft, and she had no energy to speak.

She stayed on the sword for a while, and finally recovered: “Master, let me come.”

She regained her sword and began to control the Flying Sword soaring in the sky.

About two quarters of an hour later, Li Xu heard a strange noise coming from Dawei’s stomach, only to remember that she had just come out and hadn’t eaten for two days, and now it’s normal to be hungry.


Dawei grumbled in her belly, lowered her head and blushed and said, “Master, I’m hungry.”

“Go, let’s go back.” Li Xu smiled.


Dawei Yujian rushed to Taixu Academy. At this time, Taixu Academy was full of smoke and Anzhiyu was cooking.

Dawei also went to help.

Soon, when the dinner was started, the dinner table was full of fun, only Anzhiyu was talked about by his Master.

“You can only eat and eat, look at Dawei, she was not broken when you broke the realm, and now she breaks the realm, and she has also practiced swordsmanship, and you, you don’t know how to do it, if you encounter it in the future People from Realm can’t beat them. I’m afraid they can’t run.” Dean Qing Lian scolded her while eating.

An Zhiyu didn’t speak, but the left ear came in and the right ear came out, which didn’t affect her appetite in the least, and said:

“Master, this matter is in a hurry, when I figure it out, I can create a miracle.”

Absolutely, Li Xu, who was eating, almost burst into laughter.

An Zhiyu looked at him with a serious face: “What are you laughing at?”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean it, I just remembered a happy thing.”

“What’s the happy thing?”

“I…” Li Xu said nothing.

Da Wei suddenly covered her mouth and smiled.

An Zhiyu looked at her: “What are you laughing at?”

Dawei shook her head and said, “I didn’t laugh.”

“Your master and apprentice are deceiving too much, you can’t eat this meal…”

She gulped the rice in the bowl from her mouth, belching her fullness and said, “Go, you follow me.”

“Where to go?”


Dawei nodded: “Okay.”

The two walked out of the dining room, holding hands to take a shower.

“Whoever eats slowly washes the dishes, I’m full.” Li Xu quickly put down the dishes and chopsticks.

At the same time, Dean Qinglian also let go of the dishes and said, “I’m full too.”

Tang Sheng originally wanted to put down the bowls and chopsticks, but he couldn’t keep up with the two of them. He rolled his eyes and didn’t know what to say for a while.

He suddenly felt that Dean Qinglian had gradually become a teenager, becoming the same virtue as Li Xu.

It is not unreasonable that those who are near Zhu are red and those who are near Mo are black.

Wait, he seems to have found someone who is slower than him, Luwu is still lying on the table, eating.

“You are slower than me, you wash the dishes.” Tang Sheng smiled and looked at the turtle.

Green Crow froze for a moment, is this fair?

Ask a turtle to wash the dishes.

He suddenly jumped up and smashed Tang Sheng’s face, intending to tear his face apart. Tang Sheng fought back, so one person and one tortoise quickly fought. Li Xu and Dean Qinglian sat aside watching the play, watching with gusto.

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