Chapter 57 The New Mission Is Something Wrong

In Taixu Academy, Li Xu, who was sleeping, woke up suddenly, because the system was a bit loud.

[System time, 500 years of Dao Ji, October 04, 10:00:00, Monday, sunny, sunny, suitable for planting]

【First rank Taoism: gaze like electricity, plucking grass and folding wood, throwing beans into soldiers, cleaning clothes, exhaling wind, partial rain, spreading fog, protecting wind, imperial sword, praying for sunshine, water escape, earth escape, wood escape , Fix one’s body, seal acupuncture points, relieve acupoints, wind escape】

[System task: Please choose at least four different first rank Taoisms. In October, I will teach Dahuan. Each kind of Taoism has different diligence points and Taoisms, which will be clearly given when you receive the task.][The teaching process is not important, you just have to let Dawei understand it]

Li Xu wanted to see which first rank Dao Fa received the most rewards, and asked:

“Can I check the rewards for each task?”

[No, it just prevents you from picking the first-rank Taofa professors with more rewards]


The system is really a dog.

According to Li Xu’s guess, she would definitely not point herself in the process of teaching Xiao Dawen.

[Congratulations, you guessed it, please complete the task yourself. The system will not provide any help during the process. If you cannot complete the four first-rank Taoist teachings this month, the system will force a penalty task to be issued, as follows:

① In the ten-mile peach forest, the petals dance, Dahuan’s cultivation is so hot that you take off your socks, you pretend to fall in front of her, and then you kiss Dawei’s little feet.

②When night comes, you sneak into her room through the window, and while she is asleep, collect the liquid from the corner of Dawei’s mouth.

③At the time of Mao, Damao got up and cultivated, and you appeared in front of her and said that it was still early, it is better to sleep together, and then take her back to the room.

④After dinner and evening, you go to the bottom of the hot spring pool to wait, wait for Dawei to come to the hot spring, when you take off your clothes and enter the hot spring, you show your head and give him a surprise, saying that we will take a hot spring together.

⑤Push Dawei on the window, hold her chin, and say I like you.


Li Xu thought for a while: “If you don’t let the task fail directly, I can accept the punishment task.”

[Host, please note that this is a system of mentoring and apprenticeship. It is a system of teaching apprentices, apprentices progress, and self-profit. This is a serious system, not for you to engage in something without any nutrition. Please correct your mentality. Select the task of Tao Fa professor][When you cannot complete the task, the system will force a penalty task to be issued][Normal people should accept the task at first, not want the task to fail and accept the punishment. Please correct your mentality, otherwise, the system will become undecent in long-term accidents]

Li Xu felt that there were slots everywhere, constantly cursing the garbage system, ruining my youth and so on.

[It is not the system that destroys your youth, it is your laziness. Lu Xun once said that laziness will destroy a person, and only diligence is the way to prosperity]

“Lu Xun said something like this?”

The system did not respond for a while, and it is probably not certain.

Li Xu was also silent for a long time, and said: “I remember that there was a mission of this month last month, which spanned almost half a month. Do you have other missions besides teaching the first rank Dao Fa this month?”

Because he knows that the longer the task, the richer the reward.

[Usually the tasks are released in the middle of the month, but not this month, because your hard work points are only 219,356, which is not enough to start the task]

Li Xu asked: “When can it be turned on? Can you spoil it?”

[Dawei’s body has great development value, 100w of diligence can be turned on][At present, the diligent is not enough, but still need to work hard, and the diligent reaches 100w, the system will be upgraded, and some interesting and interesting content will be added, so stay tuned]

“That means I have nothing else to do except teaching the first rank Dao Fa this month.”

In fact, Li Xu wants to know what the phrase “the body has great development value” means. He simply doesn’t understand these weird vocabulary, so I hope someone with a good heart can answer it.

[Don’t underestimate the first rank Dao Fa, every completion takes time and is not simple. 】

[It definitely makes sense for you to complete it in one month. The system takes into account your leisurely life style. If you play with it, won’t this month pass by?][What are you anxious, this does not meet your lazy setting]

“The trough makes you vomit.”

Li Xu shook his head and said: “I have nothing to ask you, you can kneel down.”

The system finally quieted down, but Li Xu could not be quiet.

Because he is thinking about when he can get 100w diligent, this is the point, and it is not greedy for “body development value” or something that is not nutritious.

He was thinking about what kind of Taoism Xiao Dawen should be taught.


There was a sudden knock on the door outside the room.

“Master, Master, get up.” Xiao Damao’s familiar voice came, “If I get up again, I have to come in.”


Li Xu responded and got out of the doghouse.

As soon as she opened the door, Xiao Dazhen ran in to make her own bed and fold the quilt. Li Xu told her many times that she didn’t need to make it here because it was unnecessary.

No matter how well it is organized, it is useless, and I have to sleep at night.

But she always didn’t listen, she always arranged everything neatly and cleanly.

Li Xu suspected that she had a serious obsessive-compulsive disorder.

“Starting from today, I plan to teach you first-rank Taoism. Do you have anything you want to learn?”

Li Xu originally wanted to choose the first rank Dao Fa to teach her, but after thinking about it, she might not like the one she picked, so it’s better to let her choose the one she likes.

Anyway, he has a lot of first-rank Dao Fa, if he doesn’t, he will diligently tap the first-rank Dao Fa, anyway, he can always give her something she likes.


Xiao Dawei squinted her eyes, her fox ears moved, and she laughed out two small dimples and shiny little tiger teeth.

Li Xu nodded.

“Master, I think about it, I want to learn the swordsmanship.”

This is the first Taoism that Dawei wants to learn.

After learning, you can gallop with Li Xu’s sword and go straight into the sky, how happy.

“Okay, let’s learn the swordsmanship.” Li Xu smiled.

[Whether to receive the first rank Dao Fa Yu Jianshu]


Li Xu gave the answer to the system.

[Successfully receive the broken first rank Dao Fa Yu Jianshu, if Da Wei successfully comprehend this Dao Fa, you will be rewarded for diligence points 50,000 and first rank Dao Fa Hypnotism]


Li Xu took a deep breath, what’s the use of this thing.

[Explanation: Hypnotism is a kind of psychological suggestion behavior. The operator inputs information into the subject’s subconscious through the psychological suggestion of language, sound, movement, and eyes, and changes his thinking mode and behavior mode. The subject can close his eyes. , You don’t need to close your eyes, or even unconsciously accept the psychological hints of the hypnotist. The depth of hypnosis varies depending on the individual’s hypnotic sensibility, the prestige and skills of the hypnotist, etc.][Note: Don’t abuse it, please use it for the right way! 】

“There is something wrong with the system.”

If you don’t say the last sentence, Li Xu still thinks it is a serious first-rank Dao.

Now, that’s not necessarily the case.

“Master, why are you standing in a daze, what are you thinking?”

“I want to eat you…”

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