Chapter 41 The Diligent “Tao” Cultivator

They walked into the small town of Funong.

Dawei squinted her eyes and looked around, looking around: “My Master is really gone.”

“He should be in front, let’s go faster.” An Zhiyu said.

They walked quickly to the front, only to see Li Xu and a slender woman in a very violent dress walking into the instant building at the crossroads.

Somehow, when the woman was about to walk into the Seta Building, she looked back at the street and saw the familiar little fox. She smiled and waved her handkerchief.

“Is she provoking me?” An Zhiyu stared at the woman in flamboyant clothes, pursing her lips.

She should be looking at me, Dawei said in her heart, but she didn’t pierce it, lest An Zhiyu be embarrassed.

Dawei took Anzhiyu’s hand and said, “Let’s go, I’m so hungry, I can eat something before buying food.”

“You just watched your Master go in?”

“My Master must be on business.”

“Do you believe him so?”

Dawei retracted her gaze and said, “My Master is a decent person, you are so beautiful, and he is not moved by you. As for the girl on the moments building, it is impossible to be good or not, well, let’s go.”

“You really can talk.” An Zhiyu squeezed Dawei’s stubborn face, and said: “If you are a man, I will marry you, but it’s a pity that you are a girl.”

“If I were a man, I would marry you too.” Dawei smiled.

An Zhiyu had some doubts: “Why?”

Da Wei looked at the grandiose coercion that radiated from her body from time to time, squinted her eyes and said:

“Because you are full by yourself, the whole family is not hungry.”

An Zhiyu was stunned and squeezed Dawei’s face abruptly. She did not expect that she was small and talked a lot about meat and said, “What do you want to eat, I’ll take this meal.”

“I want to eat noodles.”


The two women held hands and shook their arms on the street, walking around happily.

Instant floor.

Wearing a particularly violent lù, you can almost see half of the white bottle pulling Li Xu’s sleeve, saying: “I saw your little Fox Spirit.”

“I know.”

Li Xu smiled and said, “She has a name, Dawei.”

“I remember.”

Ping’er nodded and said with a smile: “Wait here first, I will call down the senior sister.”

She walked a few steps, stopped, she wanted to talk but she didn’t know how to speak, she wanted to know if Lu Wu was dead.

Li Xu saw her hesitating to speak several times, wondering if she wanted to know the news of Luwu, and said:

“Green Crow is not dead.”

The corner of Ping’er’s mouth moved, and he breathed a sigh of relief, and ran upstairs in a trot.

Li Xu smiled, and it could be seen that she was very happy to hear that Luwu was not dead.

He shook his head, his eyes sweeping everywhere.

In the first room on the left side of the third floor, there is a man and two women. They are getting closer and closer, putting their hands together. I wonder if they are fighting the landlord?

In the second room on the left side of the third floor, a man was holding a whip and looking down at the girl who was kneeling on the ground.

In the third room on the left side of the third floor, someone is dancing with a gun.

In a room on the right side of the third floor, you can faintly see a delicate woman lying on the window, with a tall shadow behind him, I don’t know what she is doing.

There are also different men and women in other rooms, and some rooms have more than one person.

“They are just a group of diligent cultivators.”

Li Xu sighed that it was the right choice not to bring Anzhiyu and Dawei here.

“My son, Big sis has caught you, is there a need?”

Soon, five or six small Big sis with different styles circled around Li Xu, and several small Big sis held Li Xu’s arm, rubbing back and forth.

Li Xu’s eyes remained on the third floor, and said, “The soundproofing here is not good.”

“Nonsense, the soundproofing of the instant building is the best, how could it not work?” said a woman holding Li Xu’s arm.

Li Xu asked, “Don’t you guys hear the sound of’heartbreaking’ and’dancing spears and sticks’?”

I won’t talk about the rooms on the third floor, but a little weird sound can always be heard on the second floor.

“Each room in our instant building has a formation to isolate all sounds. No matter what is done inside, people outside cannot hear or see it, including the shadows.”

Li Xu pointed to the graceful figure in the window, and said, “You open your eyes and talk nonsense.”

A woman approached Li Xu and whispered: “Some guests have special hobbies and want others to see…”

“I understand.” Li Xuwu understood.

“My son, do you want to give it a try? I think my son is strong, or…”

Li Xu shook his head: “Don’t work on me, I’m here to find someone.”

“Who are you looking for?”

“I called Ping’er to shout, she is your head, what senior sister is called?”

A woman said: “Then you may not be able to call her.”

Li Xu looked at the woman in front of him. She was tall and dressed like other girls, showing a large shoulder, and she could faintly see the white collarbone, and said:

“Everyone else is going to work elsewhere, you come with me.”

Li Xu casually found a place to sit down on the first floor of the instant building, told her to sit down too, handed out a few coins, and put them in the girl’s hands.

The woman looked at Li Xu blankly: “I don’t lack money, I want Yuanyang, can you give it to me?”

Li Xu’s face turned dark and said, “Yuan Yang is not good, tell me what’s wrong with her? Why can’t you call her?”

The girl saw that Li Xu didn’t do anything to her like other guests, her concentration was really strong, and she said:

“Our leader is Shifeiqian, and we usually call her senior and senior sister, she is very beautiful, beautiful and beautiful, and she is pure and clean. Many people want her, but she never picks up guests.”

Li Xu quickly corrected: “You have misunderstood, I really have something to find her.”

“I thought you wanted her?”

The woman smiled awkwardly, peeled the grapes on the table to eat, and delivered them to her mouth one by one, flattering: “Look for her to do something, you have to wait.”

Li Xu nodded, it’s okay, he can still afford it.

“It will take a while for her to come down, or if we go to the room to play, we only need a ray of Yuanyang.” The woman winked at Li Xu again.

Li Xu shook his head.

Seeing that Li Xu was not dripping in, I guess I could not taste the sweetness, let alone Yuanyang, so the girl no longer wasted time, said:

“If there is nothing else, you are waiting for her here, and you should be able to get off soon. I’ll be busy.”

“Well, you are busy, don’t worry about me.”

Li Xu retracted his gaze and scanned the instant building. There are many tables on the first floor. Almost every table has a different woman accompanying the uncles who are eating, drinking, and having fun.

It is true that the world is going downhill, and people’s hearts are not old.

Li Xu was sitting here, the things on the table, grapes, fruits, and wine didn’t dare to move. He was worried that there was a problem with the wine, so it was safe to drink.

After waiting for a while, I finally heard the hurried sound of “puzzling” from the stairs.

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