Chapter 39

The next day, 10 o’clock in the morning.

Li Xu woke up on time, walked out of the room, finished washing, and habitually went to eat breakfast, but found that he did not make breakfast.

“Hey, this is not normal.”

Li Xu felt that something was not right: “No, I just took a sip of wine yesterday and I can sleep until now?”

This wine is too bad.

Ten times a night there was no response.

He hurried to Dawei’s room and saw that she was still asleep, so he reached out and touched her forehead.

Dawei opened her eyes suddenly and said in a daze, “Master, what are you doing?”

“Why haven’t you gotten up yet?”

“I just woke up.”

Dawei did wake up at Mao in the morning, but she was dizzy and continued to sleep. She didn’t expect to wake up again and it was the Master who called to herself.

She got up from the couch and had just walked two steps. She was exhausted and her back was sore.

She leaned on her waist: “Master, I feel uncomfortable. Did you do something strange to me last night?”

Li Xu was taken aback, didn’t he all get drunk last night?

I wanted to do some strange things, but I didn’t have room to play. What else could I do when I was drunk.

“You go and see Anzhiyu first. I don’t know how she is doing?”

Li Xu wanted to see it by herself, but suddenly remembered that she seemed to have the ability to take off her clothes automatically. If she went in, she was afraid it would make her unhappy.

Dawei nodded, and walked towards Anzhiyu’s room step by step with her waist.

When she came to Anzhiyu’s room and saw that she was wearing clothes, the movements were very difficult.

“You came just right, help me get dressed.”

Dawei asked: “What’s wrong with you?”

“It seems that someone has done a strange thing to my waist, fold it like an origami paper, it is very painful.”

She woke up in pain and felt that it was the reason for her drinking, so she continued to sleep and only woke up now.

Dawei also leaned on her waist and walked slowly over.

An Zhiyu also found the tricky and frowned, “What’s the matter with you?”

“I feel the same as you, a little bit painful.”

The corners of Li Xu’s mouth twitched outside the room, and he secretly complained: “It seems that their resilience is too good, I think they can adapt to various postures.”

They leaned on their waists and slowly walked out of the room. Li Xu quickly walked away, pretending to look at the scenery.

Lu Wu, who has been studying Taoism in the academy, glanced at Li Xu a few times, then looked at Dacheng and An Zhiyu, and said:

“What difficult moves did you do yesterday?”

“Do you have to ask me Master?” Dawei looked at Li Xu.

“What did you do to them?” Lu Wu looked at Li Xu.

Li Xu waved his hand: “I didn’t do anything.”

“Believe you a ghost.”

Luwu glanced at Li Xu, always feeling that these three people did something shameful yesterday.

Dawei leaned on her waist and walked slowly over and said, “Master, are you hungry? I’ll make you something to eat.”

“Forget it, today we went to Funong Town to eat, but we didn’t do it at home.”

The ingredients in the house are almost eaten, so I have to buy them.

He has to go to the instant building to talk about cooperating to catch the thief

“Are you going?” Li Xu looked at Luwu: “By the way, go to the instant building.”

Luwu’s eyes lit up when he heard the Qanalou. He used to be a frequent visitor of the Qanalou, and he credited a lot of Yuanyang in it.

But now, what can his body do in the instant building.

It’s pure talk about no chicken.

“No, I’ll wait for Closed Door Training to comprehend the first rank Taoism. Go by yourself.”

“Do you want me to help you speak?”

Li Xu knows Luwu’s glorious deeds in the Instantaneous Building, and he has had “hard” friendships with many Instant Little Big sis.

Lu Wu thought for a while: “If someone asks, you can say that I am not dead.”

“Okay.” Li Xu took Da Dawen and An Zhiyu with his sword and headed to the town of Fu Nong.

The two women sat on their swords, dangling their snow-white legs, looking at the long blue sky and white clouds.

“Master, let’s find someone to repair Immortal Cave by the way.” Da Ma remembered the destruction of Immortal Cave.

Sitting on the tip of the sword, Li Xu shook his head: “It doesn’t need to be repaired, only one of Immortal Cave is broken.”

He told Da Wei last time to fix it. It was just a joke. The Taixu Academy was designed according to the general academy design, and there was more than one Immortal Cave.

If one is broken, it will be broken.

“Master, you are so kind, you don’t want me to accompany me if I break something.” Dawei smiled and bent her eyes and said:

“Master, I will pay all the money to buy the ingredients later. What do you want to eat, know the fish Big sis, what do you want to eat, I will buy it for you.”

“I want to eat a lot.” An Zhiyu put his hand on Dawei’s shoulder and smiled:

“I’m afraid to spend all your money and eat you like a pauper.”

Dawei smiled and said, “If I become a pauper, you can raise me.”

An Zhiyu squeezed Dawei’s face and smiled and said, “Okay, if one day you become a pauper, I will raise you.”

The two women talked and laughed, playing around on the sword, Li Xu looked back at them and shook his head helplessly, feeling that these girls were too strange.

I was crying for low back pain just now, and now it’s like a okay person.

As he thought about it, Dawei’s big flashing eyes suddenly moved towards him:

“Master, what are you thinking about?”

“Waiting to wait, what will you eat?”

Li Xu couldn’t help but stretch out his hand to touch Dawei’s face, but when he reached half of it, he took it back when he felt uncomfortable.

Dawei took the initiative to post it, and Li Xu’s hand directly touched her face.

Dawei blushed, her ears stood up, and she moved.

“Father Master, I, I, I…”

She started to stutter again.

Li Xu squeezed her face and said, “You, you can’t always fix your bad problems, you always stammer.”

An Zhiyu looked back and forth at her master and apprentice, rolling her eyes and secretly spitting out, it is strange not to stammer.

Dawei lowered her head: “I don’t want to, but…Forget it, Master, I want to cultivate the first rank Dao Fa, Imperial Swordsmanship, when will you teach me?”

Li Xu thought for a while: “Aren’t you not feeling well today? One day off, we will start cultivation tomorrow.”

“Good.” Dawei nodded.

“Cultivation is not anxious, you have to take it slowly, how is your cultivation of the Frozen Heaven and Fire Dao now?”

“I think I am very strong and can abuse her.” Dawei pointed to An Zhiyu.

An Zhiyu, who was listening to their conversation quietly, was taken aback for a moment, and snorted coldly:

“You can’t beat me.”

She stayed in the first rank for a long time, and the Cultivation Base is relatively stable.

“You haven’t mastered any Taoism, and neither have I. Simply competing with Spirit Power, you can’t beat me.” Dawei jumped on the sword, holding two small pink fists.

“Then try?” An Zhiyu looked at the little Dawei.

“Try and try.” Dawei shook and said with a smile: “It’s just that I’m afraid of making you cry.”

An Zhiyu fixedly stared at Dawei for a few seconds, then rushed over, pressing Dawei on the sword, and said:

“You don’t have the ability to make me cry, only I make you cry.”

Dawei was so overwhelmed by her that she said, “It’s so heavy, you can get me up quickly.”

Instead of getting up, An Zhiyu pushed up her broad breasts and completely covered Dawei’s face.


Dawei wanted to talk, but she was so overwhelmed that she was struggling with her legs, but she was still so stuffy that she couldn’t move.

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