Chapter 37 What to do if the apprentice gets drunk

Taixu Academy.

Li Xu said to himself as he walked:

“How can women sell themselves, call dedication, save the world and protect peace on that day.”

Li Xu thinks over and over again, and Shi Na Lou is indeed a good partner.

They are women, dealing with men all day long, as long as the thief can be caught on the spot, many small shrimps can be caught, and perhaps the big fish behind them can be fished out, secretly gritted their teeth:

“It looks like I have to go to the Instant Tower tomorrow.”

Thinking about it, Xiao Da ran to herself: “Master, where are Taixuefu Jijiu and Madam Yushi?”

“They are gone, and soon the news of the thief will spread throughout Daozhou, and the thief has already written to me saying that he is going to attack me. Recently, I have been more careful.”

Li Xu also told Dean Qinglian, Tang Sheng, An Zhiyu, and Luwu.

“They want to attack you?”

Dean Qinglian was shocked. Is the thief planning to die? They didn’t know how terrible Li Xu was, and the Yuyang County branch might not be able to be built.

“Yes, write to me. It is estimated that it is not peaceful recently. You all stay with me. Don’t go out if you have nothing to do. I will rearrange the formation later.”

The original Formation spicy chicken can be broken in by individuals, but it really can’t be cheap.

Fortunately, Tai Xuefu Jijiu gave himself a valuable fifth rank array.

At the beginning, Li Xu was just joking, saying that the formation defense of Taixu Academy was too weak. He didn’t expect that he would really give himself one.

“I plan to wait for Closed Door Training to comprehend the fourth rank Taoism.” Dean Qing Lian said.

“I also intend to break the border.” Tang Sheng also said.

He planned to break the border early, but the thief said he wanted to steal Master Qinglian’s way, and it was delayed. Now that the matter has been settled smoothly, he plans to Closed Door Training.

Li Xu looked at them in shock, wanting to complain.

Dean Qinglian wanted Closed Door Training shortly after her breakthrough, and Tang Sheng also wanted to start Closed Door Training. This cultivating immortality is too tired, so it’s better to move bricks.

Then he looked at An Zhiyu: “Do you also want to Closed Door Training?”

An Zhiyu shook his head: “I’m not closing, I’m split (don’t think about crooked).”

Close the hammer, she has no clue.

“She will trouble you to take care of one or two.” Dean Qing Lian said.

“It’s all small things.”

Li Xu smiled.

Dean Qinglian and Tang Sheng found a cultivation Immortal Cave, and Tang Sheng also found a cultivation Immortal Cave. Following their Closed Door Training, the surrounding suddenly became quiet and quiet.

Li Xu retracted his gaze, no surprise, Tang Sheng came out as the second rank, and Dean Qinglian should also be able to realize the fourth rank Dao.

“Master, when can I cultivate Dao Fa?” Da Ma asked.

“No hurry, you have just broken through to the first rank Wang Dao realm, what anxious, consolidate your Cultivation Base, let’s talk about it.”

Li Xu said, and immediately began to arrange Taixuefu’s offering wine and handed it to the own fifth rank formation.

“Green Crow, don’t look at it, help.”

“Do you need my help?” An Zhiyu asked.

“Master, what about me?” Dawei asked too.

“It’s not necessary, just look at it.” Li Xu wanted to say what you guys did, and didn’t understand anything.

Lu Wu asked: “What can I do for you?”

“follow me.”

Li Xu walked forward and came to the center of Taixu Academy, saying:

“Just stand here and don’t move.”

Li Xu centered on Luwu and planted flags around Taixue Academy. Soon 108 flags were planted in different places by him.

Returning to the position of the green black, slapped the floor, Spirit Power surged out, and the entire Taixu Academy was lit up, the red front line was outlined, the flag was completely integrated into the ground, and there was no sluggishness anymore.

An hour later, Taixu Academy was completely covered by a terrifying array, and a red Vermillion Bird could be seen faintly emerging from the ground.

The light gradually disappeared, and everything returned to calm.


Li Xu looked at the hidden formation, very satisfied.

At present, no one in Yuyang County can create the fifth rank formation. It was brought over from Emperor Zhuanxu by Taixuefu’s sacrificial wine. It can be said that this formation is invincible.

“If it’s okay, I will go back to the room for cultivation.” Lu Wudao.

“You go first, I want to check if there are any loopholes in the formation.”

The green crow used Taoism and turned into a cloud and floated back to the room.

Li Xu spent half an hour checking the formation, and felt that there was no problem sitting on the grass next to him, looking at the bright moon, drinking wine and blowing the wind, the world is so beautiful.

After a while, I heard two different rustling footsteps behind Own, and suddenly, Own’s eyes were covered by two small hands.

“Guess who I am?”

“Just listen to the voice and you know it’s you, Xiao Dawei.”

Li Xujiang broke her hand away, turned around and saw that it was Xiao Dawei, and there was a beautiful woman beside him, An Zhiyu.

Dawei sat next to Li Xu, propped her chin and said, “Master, are you drinking?”

“Well, do you drink?”

“I never drink.” Dawei shook her head.

“What about you?” Li Xu handed the wine Calabash to An Zhiyu who was sitting next to Dawei.

“Can I drink it?”

An Zhiyu looked at Li Xu. Her Master Qinglian never let her drink, saying that she was still young.

She had never drank it, wanted to drink it, but didn’t dare.

“My Master is not here today, I will taste it secretly, don’t tell him.”

She was very excited to take Li Xu’s wine Calabash, but she had no confidence, poured the wine in her palm, stretched out her tongue and licked it lightly, her eyes widened, spicy, and it was still spicy.

She shook her head and said, “Wine is not sweet, it doesn’t taste good.”

“I’ll try it.”

Dawei was also a little curious for a while.

She hadn’t drank it either. She grabbed Anzhiyu’s hand, stretched out her pink little tongue, and slowly reached the palm of Anzhiyu, licked it, and two white fox ears stood up.

“It’s not sweet.”

Dawei erected two fox ears, squinted her eyes, licked her lips and said: “The smell is very strange, I have to try it again.”

Speaking of Calabash, who had snatched Anzhi fish, he took a sip to Calabash’s mouth.


She choked directly, opened her small mouth, flashed her big eyes, and looked at Li Xu:

“Master, it’s so spicy, so spicy.”

She was talking while sticking out her tongue and shaking her head. The two white fox ears were very attractive under the moonlight, and Li Xu wanted to reach out and touch it.

“Big sis, come and taste it.” Dawei handed the wine Calabash to Anzhiyu.

An Zhiyu took the wine Calabash, anxiously said: “I only take a sip, I can’t drink more.”

She faced Calabash’s mouth and took a sip.

Next, the two seemed crazy.

They held hands on the grass and talked dazedly in words that they didn’t understand, jumping around, yelling, shaking their heads, shaking their black hair, and their faces flushed with excitement.

“How do you feel that someone has been drugged in the wine?” Li Xu had an illusion.

They bounced around, excited by the thieves, and finally sang, but the ghosts couldn’t understand what they were singing.

After singing, Dawei ran to Li Xu and said vaguely:

“Master, come here, sing together, dance together…”

Li Xu ignored her.

Dawei and Anzhiyu continued to shake their heads, jumping around like crazy dogs.

“A cup of drunk, really served.” Li Xu’s mouth twitched.

“Master, I’m not drunk.”

Dawei leaped and leaped towards Li Xu, pushing him to the ground.

Her small mouth fell on Li Xu’s cheek accidentally.

Li Xu was stunned. He didn’t know how to talk, but knew that his cheeks were wet and soft, and he smelled a faint scent.

Li Xu wanted to wake her up, but she was motionless and fell asleep on her own.


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