Chapter 11.

“Finally showed up.”

After searching for so long, there is no clue, I didn’t expect it to appear in this form.

“Master, I don’t understand? Could it be that Dean Qinglian is a thief? But he doesn’t look like a thief?”

Li Xu shook his head: “He can’t be a thief, it’s a thief who wants to attack him and grab his Qinglian Dao.”

Dawei was worried: “Isn’t he dangerous?”

Li Xu nodded and said, “It’s September 8th, and there are still a few days before September 13th. Now I have to go to Qinglian Academy.”

Da Wei looked at Li Xu: “Master, can I go?”

“Of course you have to follow me and keep yourself here. I don’t worry. This time, I will catch a few live thieves.” Li Xu said blankly.


“Bring some clothes and walk away.”

“Master, do you want to bring something to eat?”

“No, just take your mouth. We’re going to Qinglian Academy to eat and stay.”

Li Xu thought for a while: “No, I don’t need to bring it, you have to bring something over.”

This will appear to be sensible and polite.

After half an hour.

Li Xu took Dawei’s imperial sword straight into the sky.

“Master, I have a doubt, why does Dean Qinglian only have two apprentices?”

Li Xu has only one apprentice, and Dawei knows the reason very well. He is too lazy to recruit apprentices and teach.

Li Xu slowly said: “There are five academies in Yuyang County, Taixu Academy, Qinglian Academy and three other academies. The other three academies are very popular, and the number of monks is over 10,000, and Qinglian Academy has fewer people because… …”

He didn’t want to say a bit.

Dawei was full of curiosity: “Because of what?”

Li Xu whispered: “At the beginning, the daughter of a big man came to Qinglian College for training. She died. She was insulted first, and then the body was thrown away. She was not alone. I won’t say much about the details. Later, the big man became angry. Qinglian Academy was demolished and all the teachers and disciples were gone. Later, Dean Qinglian didn’t recruit any more disciples. Please don’t ask about this, especially at Qinglian Academy.”


Dawei nodded, seemingly understandable.

In the evening, Li Xu rushed to Qinglian Academy.

The current Qinglian Academy is a bit desolate, there are no formations and palaces, just a few pavilions, surrounded by ruins, looking miserable.

At a glance, Dawei saw a young man sitting on the wooden pier at the gate of Qinglian Academy.

“Master, it’s the man in the morning.”

The boy was picking his feet and smelling it.

Li Xu seemed to smell the smell all the way, but he walked over and said:

“Don’t pick your feet, take me to see your Master.”

“I didn’t pick my feet, I was cutting my nails.”

The young man opened his mouth and glanced up, “Dean Tai Xu, why are you here?”

“Isn’t this coming in the evening? I’ll have a meal.” Li Xu said with a smile.

With a dark face, the young man held the sword beside him in his arms, rolled his eyes and said:

“Come with me.”

He brought Li Xu and Dawei into the academy.

Dean Qinglian happened to see them, and the corner of his mouth made an arc:

“Li Xu, I really trouble you, personally give the little apprentice to me.”

He looked at the little Dawei, his round face looked so cute.

“You want to be beautiful, I’m here to eat dinner with you, haven’t you eaten yet?” Li Xu asked.

“It can’t be done, when will you pay it back?”

“When do I owe you money?”

“Didn’t you owe me thirty thousand? Did you forget?” Dean Qinglian looked at Li Xu and said, “As a reminder, you killed three of my cultivators.”

Li Xu was speechless.

At this time, Dawei came up and handed some of the ingredients in her hand to Dean Qinglian. They were fresh ingredients and fruits bought in the small town of Funong.

“President Qinglian, I have nothing to give you, don’t dislike it.”

“Come here for the first time. Just bring something with someone.”

“Then take it back.” Li Xuyou said leisurely.

Dean Qinglian’s expression changed and said, “Tang Sheng, why are you still in a daze? What about your younger sister?”


In the room, there was a girl’s crisp voice. When she was cultivating, she heard Li Xu’s voice and quickly dressed herself up.

“I didn’t expect to see each other so soon, maybe he came this time for me?”

Thinking of this, An Zhiyu couldn’t help feeling a little excited, trotting out of the room and rushing to Li Xu.

The faint fragrance reached the tip of Li Xu’s nose.

Li Xu glanced at her, wearing a purple blouse, her slender waist was bound by the belt, the curve stretched upward, and the outline of the waist was like a grapefruit undulating.

The coming was menacing and coercive, and it didn’t jump out. Li Xu felt that it was a foul, which was not in line with common sense.

She looked at Li Xu with a smile on her face, like a slut.

“Don’t look, Anzhiyu, Tang Sheng, you two go cook.”

Dean Qinglian knew that Li Xu, a slacker, must have a problem when he came here, because I had never seen him come here on the initiative of knowing him for these years.

“Xiao Dawen, you also go to help.” Li Xu said.

“Okay, Master.”

When the three of them walked away, Dean Qinglian looked serious: “Is there something urgent?”

“Go to the living room and talk.”

The two came to the living room.

Li Xu said straightforwardly: “Are you going to cross Heavenly Tribulation for the second time on September 13th?”

“How do you know?” Dean Qing Lian was surprised.

“Who knows about your Transcends Tribulation?” Li Xu asked.

“Originally only my two apprentices knew, but…” Dean Qinglian was a little embarrassed: “A few days ago, I drank some wine in the small town of Funong, so I missed it. The people in the restaurant You all know about my Transcends Tribulation, what’s wrong?”

“There are too many people who know your Transcends Tribulation.” Li Xu wanted to investigate, but he couldn’t start.

“What’s the matter?” Dean Qinglian asked.

Li Xu smiled: “Aren’t you unprotected? I’m here to protect you, right?”

“You just come to me to eat and stay here, right?”

“My apprentice is the Little Princess of Qingqiu Country. He has a strong family background. How could he come to you to eat, your situation is small.”

“Haha.” Dean Qinglian didn’t believe it one hundred thousand.

Li Xu smiled.

Next, the two talked in detail in the living room for a long time. No one knew what they were saying. They didn’t speak until the smell of the food came out, and washed their hands to eat.

At the dinner table, they talked and laughed, but only superficially.

Li Xu would not suspect that there was a problem with Dean Qinglian. After all, he knew the bottom line, but Li Xu believed his two apprentices.

Tang Sheng looked a little bit stunned. It was easier to recognize everything on his face.

An Zhiyu is difficult to understand, because every time she looks at her, she stares at herself with strange eyes.

Dean Qinglian also said about the origins of these two people.

Only Anzhi fish was picked up by him, and its origin is unknown.

Li Xu shouldn’t have doubted her, but at the current situation, he had to test her deeply.

Of course, this arduous task has to be handed over to Xiao Da.

After eating, Li Xu said:

“Xiao Dawen, didn’t you take a shower when you came, Dean Qinglian, do you have a bath here?”

“Yes, Anzhiyu, you can take her there.”


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