Chapter 100 Auntie Eating Goods【Add More Owe 53】

Naturally, her task is to bring Li Xu and Dawei back to Qingqiu.

“Li Xu, right? I am Dawei’s aunt, Ban Ruozhu. I am here this time because you have solved the problem that has been unsolvable with Dawei. Empress Qingqiu and Dawei’s mother will see you.”

“Are they here to see me?” Li Xu asked.

“Uh…” Ban Ruozhu looked at Li Xu quietly, with a black face, and said, “You have to come back to Qingqiu with us and see them.”

Is there a problem with Li Xu’s ability to understand?

One of them is the current empress and the other is Dawei’s mother. How could it be possible to come here and think about it with their feet and know that Li Xu is going to see them, okay?

“Wait.” Li Xu suddenly noticed something, and asked with a face full of doubt: “Aren’t Empress Qingqiu and Xiao Da’s mother alone?”

He always thought that the Empress Qingqiu was Dawei’s mother, but he never thought that they were actually two people.

“Naturally not.” Ban Ruozhu said.

“Master, Empress Qingqiu and my mother are two people, you don’t even know.” Dawei said with flashing eyes.

“how could I know?”

Li Xu was embarrassed. Not only was he embarrassed, but Dean Qinglian was also embarrassed, because he had always thought that Dawei’s mother was the Qingqiu Empress.

Who ever thought it was two people.

Dean Qing Lian only knew that Empress Qing Lian was a strange woman with a combination of force, wisdom and beauty, and no one knew the story about her in Daozhou.

But the people who have seen her are probably only from Qingqiu Country.

“The Empress Qingqiu is my Big sis.” Dawei said.

Only now I remembered that I had never talked about things at home. No wonder I was confused. My mother has now lived in seclusion and no longer intervenes in Qingqiu’s affairs.

The person in charge of the Qingqiu Kingdom now is the Qingqiu Empress, her Big sis, the demon emperor who combines beauty, wisdom and force.

“It’s not impossible to go to Qingqiu, I would like to mention, can your empress be reimbursed for the travel expenses and the expenses for board and lodging?” Li Xu asked softly.

After all, he doesn’t have much money.

Only one million net worth.

Don’t dare to be too extravagant, you have to be diligent and thrifty.

Everyone glanced at Li Xu, the reimbursement was absolutely impossible.

Ban Ruozhu was stunned. What kind of operation is Li Xu?

Dawei raised her little hand and said, “Master, I will be responsible for the whole process.”

Suddenly, Dean Qinglian said: “I’ll talk more to Li Xu, do you want to go back and forth?”

Dawei said loudly: “Pack, ten times back and forth.”

Li Xu looked at Dean Qing Lian, Dean Qing Lian was too ambitious, and he could say such things back and forth. Wait, he seemed to be asking for himself?

This Dean Qinglian is outrageous.

Obviously he wanted to ask, it was about my wool, I was such a buckle person, and it was Dean Qing Lian who was detaining it, and Dean Qing Lian was not kind.

“When shall we go to Qingqiu?”

Li Xu couldn’t wait. After all, this was equivalent to traveling at public expense. He wanted to go to Qingqiu for a long time, but he heard that Qingqiu’s expenses were expensive.

“No hurry, we will leave in December and go to Qingqiu, just in time for the Chinese New Year.” The empress said that before the New Year, she had to bring Dawei and Li Xu to Qingqiu, and at other times, she managed to come to Dawei. Of course, you have to have a lot of fun in the cultivation place, and there may be no time in the future.

Besides, she stayed in Qingqiu all the time and didn’t want to go back so quickly.

As long as we set off in December, the journey to Qingqiu for almost 20 days is enough to arrive before the Chinese New Year.

Ban Ruozhu bowed to everyone and said, “For the next more than a month, please bear with me.”

She turned around with a smile, and then looked at Da Ma, and put her arms around her, as if she said coquettishly: “I’m hungry.”

Dawei revealed two small dimples and said with a smile: “Go, I’ll make something for you, what do you want to eat?”

“I want to eat everything, only you can make it, and I can eat it all to ensure that it is completely wiped out.”

“I want to be beautiful, when have you been full, my aunt?”

She took her aunt into Taixu College and went to the kitchen to light a fire and cook.

Anzhiyu is here to help.

My aunt kept staring at An Zhiyu. This girl is so big that she can always attract her attention. She really wants to reach out and touch her, but she always feels immoral and impolite.

I had no choice but to suppress my inner impulse.

Look away.

Next, Li Xu was surprised to see what a foodie is, a rice bucket.

Li Xu already thinks that Dawei can do three bowls of rice is outrageous, but compared with Ban Ruozhu, it’s nothing short of inferior.

This Hungry Ghosts is too ridiculous.

In fact, the auntie relies on eating all the way to the fourth rank twelve times Heavenly Tribulation, Hungry Ghosts said that, you can break through by eating all the way.

But this kind of consumption, ordinary families simply cannot withstand it.

If it weren’t for Qingqiu, a big tourist country behind her, no one could stand this way of eating.

No country will go bankrupt as a strong backing.

Li Xu didn’t know how to complain.

Luwu, Dean Qinglian, Tang Sheng and An Zhiyu looked at her blankly, only Dawei, who had seen the world, looked calm.

“Why are you all looking at me? Sit down and eat together.” Ban Ruozhu’s two black cat ears swayed back and forth, his tail moved behind him, said.

“You eat.” Everyone shook their heads.

“Aren’t you going to eat your belly badly?” Anzhiyu sat next to her, her eyes drifting to Pan Ruozhu’s black tail.

Her tail is really cute, just like Dawei’s face, she wants to reach out and touch it, but she feels impolite and immoral, so she suppresses her inner impulse.

“I cultivated the Tao of Hungry Ghosts. The stomach in my body is like a chaotic gluttony. No matter what it is, it can be digested as long as it enters.” Ban Ruozhu calmly said.

Moreover, if she swallows to a certain level and accumulates almost the same, she can Transcends Tribulation, and now she has passed the twelfth Heavenly Tribulation.

The fifth rank Immortal Ascension is only one opportunity.

“How much food do you have to eat?” An Zhiyu talked to her, but his eyes always looked at her tail intentionally or unintentionally.

“What are you staring at my tail for?” Ban Ruozhu felt that there was something wrong with the girl. He glanced at her and noticed that her flap was so big, so she quickly shifted her gaze.

“No.” An Zhiyu shook his head.

Next, she diverted her attention and stopped staring at her black tail unscrupulously.

And Ban Ruo Zhu is still eating, just like Hungry Ghosts reborn.

She ate from noon to five or six in the afternoon, and finally put down her chopsticks, because she ate everything.

“Dahua, I haven’t taken a bath for a long time, so come with me.”

“Good.” Dawei nodded and said: “Come with me.”

“I want to go too.” An Zhiyu glanced over her black tail that moved unintentionally, intending to grab it later and take a look.

“Yes, let’s chant together.”

Ban Ruozhu smiled knowingly, his eyes swept across her flaps intentionally or unintentionally, and a bright smile appeared at the corners of her mouth. He wanted to see if he could grasp it.

They walked towards the lake.

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