The sun is reflecting on the stream.

The sparkling water surface is shining with golden glow, but it is too dazzling for girls. She raised her hand to cover the short-eyed sunlight, and then a sigh floated from her lips.

A light sigh, but full of sorrow.

She didn’t want to be heard by others of her weakness and worries, but God always liked pranks, and the sound of tiny and slightly vain footsteps rushed into her ears.

She knows that some things cannot be hidden.

“…Don’t chase it out if you are in poor health.”

Sigh again, more helpless.

Sue Kirin turned her head back angrily, watching the water-colored silhouette slowly and firmly walking towards this side, even if she staggered and her forehead was dripping with sweat.

“The little Master, don’t’run away from home’.”

Shui Yuner spoke like a joke, and some gasping could be heard. Her body has not recovered yet, and this short journey is still a burden.

“Who ran away from home?” Sue Kirin was a little angry.


Shui Yuner’s index finger touched her lips, and she tilted her head cutely for a few seconds, and then laughed like she figured it out.

“Should it be better to say’fleeing in embarrassment”?”

“…You are believing or not spanking your ass for your teacher!”

Sue Kirin baring fangs and brandishing claws stared at Shui Yun’er. Shui Yun’er, who had just arrived next to the girl, couldn’t help but laugh.

What’s so funny? Sue Kirin immediately put on such a questioning expression.

After covering his mouth and snickering for a while, Shui Yuner smiled and replied with a trace of innocence:

“Because the little Master claims to be a teacher. …” She pretended to think, “Too ridiculous!”

The last thing she said was not to leave Sue Kirin any affection.

Sue Kirin almost knelt on the ground and wept bitterly, but facing this girl who seemed to support herself all the time, she really couldn’t get out of anger.

The soft girl always feels that she can tolerate everything, although there is only one girl who is lucky enough to experience this kind of tenderness and consideration. Thinking of this, Sue Kirin had to subdue.

“Worrying you…”

“Worrying about each other and being happy for each other are the same, right?’Only sharing wealth and different levels of suffering’ is just one kind Use it, don’t you?”

Probably trying to eliminate the heavy sign of the atmosphere, Shui Yuner used a relaxed tone and winked mischievously.

In order not to lose face anymore, Sue Kirin boosted his spirits.

It’s just that the depression in her heart is still hard to get rid of, so she decides──

“Damn Ahhhhhhh ah──!”

, Padded his toes, exhausted all the strength of his whole body to spit out all the troubles, and headed towards the stream in front of him, letting the running water wash them away.

Sue Kirin, what’s wrong with you? Cheer up!

Then, take a deep breath.

hu hu ──!

People are very strange, and a simple action can change their mood. Once they shouted with all their strength, Sue Kirin felt much lighter.

Looking at Sue Kirin’s sudden out of control behavior, Shui Yuner was dumbstruck for a while, but she was as smart as her, not at all how long it took to understand Sue Kirin’s intentions.

She couldn’t help but say “Little Master is really childish…”

“What are you doing? Any comments?” Sue Kirin squeezed his waist and hummed in air, “I don’t listen to any comments. I like it.”

For Sue Kirin who is not ashamed, Shui Yuner didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

Next, she said sincerely: “In fact, it’s not bad to live like this.” There was a trace of sadness in her eyes. That’s because I remembered my past.

Sue Kirin looked at the stream silently.

“Actually, I thought about it.” She suddenly said.

Shui Yuner took a long time to react, and cautiously retracted her chin and said:

“Is that… Luo elder sister?”

Shui Yun’er and Luo Qing are similar in some parts. Perhaps it was when Sue Kirin met Luo Qing first. Sue Kirin saw her shadow in Shui Yun’er, and the two would eventually become master and disciple.

But it is clear that Sue Kirin knows that both are unique and unmatched.

She doesn’t like being a substitute for others, and thinks that no one in the world will like it, so she will not transfer her feelings of one person to another person.

“…Yes.” Sue Kirin looked sullenly, with nostalgia, “That’s a very gentle person.”

“More gentle than Qi elder sister? “

This must be just a joke, but Sue Kirin still compares the two unconsciously, can’t help but get excited, and complain:

“What are you kidding?!”


Shui Yun’er covered her mouth and snickered.

Sue Kirin, who realized that he was being teased again, glanced at her helplessly.

“You are really enough…”

Shui Yun’er ignored Sue Kirin’s protest and turned his gaze to the front.

“I also want to see the Luo elder sister that this little Master has never forgotten.” Shui Yuner smiled bitterly, “It’s a pity that I missed it.”

“People are bad, if not her …I won’t remember it.”

“If one day, little Master, you…”

Shui Yuner replaced that word with a smile.

“I think, I would probably also hope to see you again.”

Shui Yuner calmly expressed his thoughts, which made Sue Kirin very pleased. No matter how the road goes, the most feared is the loneliness that no one understands, and the girl in front of her understands her.

On the other hand, Bai Ze was actually right.

Sue Kirin could easily deny the behavior of Mo Weiyang and Yuyao, probably because the person they resurrected was not someone she cherished.

“Although I… keep saying that coming back from the dead will make many things meaningless, it is precisely because of the existence of death that the people around you can be precious, but when… these precious things are indispensable When I want to leave myself reluctantly, I still want to catch it…”

Sue Kirin smiled rather bitterly and felt that I was too self-talking. She knew it was wrong, and she would have the urge to take risks if the things she denied were placed on her.

After all, it is just a matter of position.

But this does not mean that she will be able to accept the actions of Yu Yao and Mo Weiyang, because they did not intend to resurrect a dead person they cherished.

──Even if that is their ultimate goal.

Because they involved innocent people and desecrated their thoughts. She can’t forgive this alone.

She clenched her fists.

Noting this little movement, Shui Yuner seems to be relaxed. “Little Master, what do you plan to do next?”

“Of course I will catch up.”

Because of the delay, Qi Qiqi has moved away with Qi Yixin again, but Sue Kirin not at all give up. She must catch up and ask the red girl. No matter what happens, it will definitely act like this from the beginning to the end.

──Because the determination has already been made.

“Well, then I will catch up too.”

Shui Yun’er held his hands and shook his body lightly to make a decision. Knowing how weak her body is, Sue Kirin is unavoidably surprised.

“I still plan to–“

Shui Yun’er stretched out her index finger and pressed it lightly on Sue Kirin’s lips to stop her from speaking.

“Little Master, don’t tell me to go back. Even I will be angry.”

As if to emphasize that I’m really angry, Shuiyun Her cheeks puffed up angrily. Such behavior is really not suitable for her, but it is really cute.

“But, your body…”

“The body will recover one day, but the worries in my heart are more difficult…Please let me be by your side. I may not be able to help much, I can only look at it from a distance, but…”

The two aqua beads are calm and firm. Shui Yun’er walks behind Sue Kirin unexpectedly. Hugging her back.

Sue Kirin was startled, and then embarrassed, but when Shui Yuner leaned her chin on her shoulder, her heart suddenly calmed down.

“──It’s a good thing for someone to watch, isn’t it?”

It seems as if the fresh breath of water is blowing in the ear.

Feeling the refreshing warmth coming from the back, Sue Kirin tried to imagine such a situation, and the unfounded feeling of feeling filled his heart softly.

“Really good.” The girl said.



It’s nice to be accompanied. Sue Kirin thought about smiling and leaned closer to the girl behind some. Xia Xue, who was half-hidden in the shade of the trees, smiled when she saw this scene.

“It’s really boring, it seems that I don’t need to worry about it.”

Xia Xue grinned and complained, then turned and walked towards Inn.

As a result, without taking a few steps, her sight caught the silhouette of the girl with the lamp hidden in another corner. The other party also noticed that Xia Xue had found herself, and turned her eyes for a short stay.

There is a faint clear comprehension in the gray pupils.


The father and daughter head north.

They are not at all destinations, they just keep marching northward, not knowing where they will eventually arrive, aimless, like lost homes lost in imitation panic.


In the Inn, a passerby accidentally ran into Qi Qiqi sitting in the corner. Although the passerby apologized, he was still stared at by the black robe man sitting opposite the girl.

The eyes are very uncomfortable, full of crazy killing intent.

In places where passers-by cannot see, the man’s hand has even grasped the long sword leaning on the foot of the table, which may be pulled out at any time.

Before that, Qi Qiqi quickly raised her head to meet passers-by, and said with a smile:

“I’m fine, please don’t care.”

She also Make a hint of “You leave now!”

Passers-by ignored it.

He not at all noticed Qi Qiqi’s beauty just now, but now he has noticed. He has obviously become a man who is deterred again, unable to look away.

When the girl suddenly creded out in surprise “Don’t!” suddenly pushed him away from his original position, he finally came back to his senses. Haven’t realized what happened and so on him, subconsciously wanted to swear.

In the end, the long sword whose tip had sunk into the floor blocked his mouth.

He later realized that he had been cut by the black robe just now, and it was the girl who pushed him away in time to save himself from misfortune.

He swallowed hard, but he was afraid that a cold sweat would appear on his forehead.

“What happened?”

“You hacked someone!”

“That girl is very pretty! She was molested, right? Who is his?”

Inn heard whispering voices.

People’s sights were all focused here at once, even with keen interest pleasure making speculations about the current situation, but they were also afraid of being affected, so they retreated a little distance by coincidence.

The store looked distressed.

It can be seen that shopkeeper keeps suggesting that the buddy stepped forward to persuade him, and the latter was rather die than submit, and did not want to step forward anyway.

Qi Qiqi felt that something was going wrong, she took out her silver and put it on the table, bowed and apologized to the public and said, “I’m sorry, I’m bothering you all.” Then she forced Qi and left.

As soon as she walked out of the Inn, she suddenly turned back, smiled awkwardly at the sight of all around, picked up the “sword” she left behind and turned around and ran.

Her back is slightly embarrassed.

Leaving the Inn and walking to the edge of the town, Qi Qiqi patted her chest and relaxed after she looked around to make sure that she did not disturb the officials.

“Daddy, you are not allowed to use swords and cut people indiscriminately…This is a big crowd. What if you disturb officials?”

Looking at the man standing behind her, Qi Qiqi scolded Speak out. If he hadn’t reacted quickly just now, the unintentional passerby would have been in a different place.

Qi Yixin was serious about that sword just now.

“But that person wants to attack you…”

Qi Yixin scratched his head and said, the killing intent that had appeared in his eyes had disappeared. By Qi Qiqi’s side, he seems to be much more stable, but that is only for when there are no other martial artists around.

It’s probably because he has a judgment that “martial artist threatens him much more”.

On the past few days, Qi Yixin has hurt a lot of innocent martial artists passing by. Fortunately, the road he chose is generally deserted and suppressed by Qi Qiqi, so it can barely cause death.

But that has reached its limit.

Qiqiqi is not sure to control this man who will lose control at any time.

And the man doesn’t have a sense of consciousness, even Qi Qiqi can’t understand the Three Sects guide, he is like a stupid child to teach improperly.


Qi Qiqi rubbed her forehead, and the tiredness accumulated there gave her a headache.

Inadvertently, his eyes fell on the sword in his hand, that familiar Tianli always looked strange for some reason.

There is a sense of incongruity.

But she did not see anything wrong after thinking twice, so she treated this feeling as an illusion.

“… Qi’er, are you tired?”

Seeing Qi Qiqi in a daze, Qi wholeheartedly asked a little worriedly.

I’m not to blame you! Qi Qiqi did not fight, but thinking that her tantrum would not improve, she had to feel bored. “Daddy, your injury a few days ago is not healed, so don’t make any more trouble… If it’s okay to alarm officials, Zhen Guowei will be in trouble.”

Qi Qiqi sighed and pointed out .

As a result, Qi Yixin’s expression turned cold, and unquestionably declared:

“Then kill them, I won’t let them hurt you.”

Qi Qiqi really doesn’t know if she should be moved.

Father said that she would protect herself. It made her very happy, but the act of attacking people close to her unreasonably and unreasonably was really troublesome.

“Please don’t do this, they are all innocent.”

“No, they all want to harm you.”

He shook his head with one heart and kept his tone firmly.

“They didn’t want to hurt me!”

Qiqiqi shouted angrily.

She doesn’t want to harm innocent people together, nor does she want to hurt innocent people.

“Daddy, you were injured a while ago.”

Qi Qiqi’s arrogance faded instantly, and she recalled the embarrassed appearance of father she saw when she woke up that day. She actually knew who hurt him, but she didn’t want to admit it or face it.

“I don’t want you to be hurt anymore.”

Qi Qiqi’s eyes turned from bright to dark, her face was stained with sadness, and she whispered.

“──I don’t want you to suddenly disappear in front of me.”

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