“If you go on like this, she will be unable to hold it.”

Bai Ze suddenly pointed out lightly.

At this time, you can imagine the consequences of saying this. Sue Kirin furiously changed his hands and grabbed the cloth on Bai Ze’s chest with one hand.

“Shut up, you!”

“hmph, I’m just stating the facts. This is not my responsibility, but you didn’t notice it. Or you Like to shift the responsibility to others?”

Shirasawa looked contemptuous, and Sue Kirin was speechless.


Although Xia Xue understands that Bai Ze’s words are true, this woman is not even better at observing words and emotions than she is–No, she is just It’s supercilious – she couldn’t help feeling unhappy about it.

But before she ridiculed the opponent, Bai Ze pulled away Sue Kirin’s hand and said something unexpected:

“──I’ll come. “

In spite of their surprise, Bai Ze leaned the lantern in his hand against the edge of the room and took over the treatment tool from Xia Xue to treat Shui Yun’er’s wound on her behalf.

She moves very quickly and very skillfully, unlike a person who has lived in a safe place deep in the academy for a long time.

In a while, Bai Ze completed the treatment of Shui Yun’er’s minor injuries. The latter’s most severe abdominal wound healed under Sue Kirin’s treatment.

The blood has stopped, but Shui Yun’er’s face is still pale and her breath is weak.

Trauma is not the most deadly problem, but the overdraft of life force. Regarding this, Sue Kirin looked melancholy. Not at all is a good solution, but Shui Yun’er gradually recovers.

──It should be like this.

“Sue Kirin, you owe me a favor.”

Bai Ze said suddenly, kneeling down on the bed. Under the dull gazes of Sue Kirin and Xia Xue, she wrapped her dangling side hair behind her ears, bending over and gradually approaching Shui Yun’er’s pale lips.


Sue Kirin, who was the first to react, screamed and hurriedly stepped forward to stop Bai Ze’s actions. She didn’t think that Bai Ze was going to disadvantage Shui Yun’er, but she wanted to subconsciously prevent the scene she expected from appearing.

The things she expected did not happen.

Bai Ze stopped in front of Shui Yun’er’s lips, the distance between his lips was only a few minutes away. No matter who they are, as long as they lean forward a little bit, their lips will definitely touch each other.

At such a close distance, Bai Zechang exhaled a breath of white.

The misty breath seemed to have life force, and it penetrated Shui Yuner’s lips.

Sue Kirin was faintly aware of Bai Ze’s intentions, but he was not sure until he heard Shui Yun’er groan softly and saw her cheeks ooze the rosy color.

She stared wide-eyed, and it is full of incredible colors. Xia Xue on the side did not know why he browsed knit.

“Baize, did you assign life force to Xiaoyun?”

That seems to be the same as when he calmed the strange mark on Sue Kirin’s chest, Bai Ze uses a strong life force Pour into Shui Yuner’s body to fill in her deficiency. The transfer of life originally needed to rely on extremely complicated ceremony to complete, but it was only as easy as breathing when it was placed on Bai Ze.

Bai Ze did not answer Sue Kirin’s question.

She seemed to be frozen, and she straightened up her upper body and didn’t move.

Perceiving the abnormal situation, when Sue Kirin wanted to step forward to check, Bai Ze’s body suddenly collapsed and “pu” fell onto Shui Yun’er. The pressured Shui Yun’er frowned slightly and murmured, “It’s not a little Master…” or something like unfathomable mystery.


Sue Kirin was startled, and after stepping forward to turn Bai Ze’s body next to Shui Yun’er, he heard regular sound of sleep.

“…this guy.”

Sue Kirin suddenly filled the black line, angry and funny.

“She…Which one is this sheep playing?”

Xia Xue is still out of the picture.

Fortunately, Bai Ze was already asleep, otherwise she would have shown that unpleasant expression again when she heard Xia Xue jokingly calling herself a “sheep”.

“I just fell asleep.”

Sue Kirin waved his hand, turned and walked across the table to the room. She helped up the table and surrounding chairs, pointed to one of the tables and said:

“Xiaoxue, come and sit. Your injury has not been dealt with yet?”

“Ha─ ─Do you remember that I was injured?”

Xia Xue didn’t forget what Sue Kirin wanted to yell at herself just now. The latter was hearing this expression froze, and he couldn’t figure out how to explain it.

“…I’m sorry.”

She apologized with red ears at the end.

Xia Xue slowed down the expression of dissatisfaction, sighed as if she gave up, walked to the chair beside the table and sat down, undressing as before, revealing her back that should have been white and flawless.

She acted suddenly, and Sue Kirin couldn’t keep up with the situation for a while and was stunned.

“…Why did you take it off?”

“You are so funny, how can you help me deal with the wound if I don’t take it off?”

Xia Xue’s counterattack came quickly.

Sue Kirin secretly thought hell, trying not to pay attention to the fullness of the opponent’s chest, but when his eyes fell on the opponent, he still shook his head very well-for-nothing and swallowed.

She saw Xia Xue’s back for the first time.

Raising his hand to wipe the non-existent nosebleed, Sue Kirin began to sink his mind and deal with the wound on the opponent’s body. The large bruise on the back seemed to have been on the medicine not long, and there was still a faint smell of medicine.

“Does it hurt?”

Her fingers couldn’t help falling on the bloody place. There were no calluses on the onion-like fingers, but they still made Xia Xue Gasped.

“What did you say? Didn’t you mean it? As the saying goes, the most poisonous woman’s heart really does not deceive me!”

“I am not a woman! “

Despite counterattack not to be outdone, Sue Kirin still feels a little self-blame for his improper behavior. She curled one’s lip, bent over the bruise “hu hu”, and blew a few breaths, as if her breath was something spirit pill and marvelous medicine.

“It doesn’t hurt anymore, right?”

“Where are you from child?” Xia Xue pressed the twitching corner of her eye.

“Isn’t this to ease the atmosphere?”

Sue Kirin spread out.

For both Sue Kirin and Xia Xue, there is indeed a need to ease the heaviness of the atmosphere a little bit. Xia Xue probably also understood that the girl’s intentions were not bad, so it was rare that she didn’t say anything to continue mocking.

“Let’s bear it.”

Sue Kirin picked up a small half of the Jinchuang medicine bottle, and began to apply medicine to the wound on Xia Xue’s body. She had tried to put her hands and feet gently, but Xia Xue’s face was still distorted because of the burning pain. Heavenly Jade Palace’s golden medicine medicine has good efficacy, but the only downside is that it irritates the wound too much.

“…I’m sorry, I was late. I should have arrived earlier.”

Sue Kirin is not without self-blame.

“You know yourself well.”

Xia Xue is also welcome.

She has never been gentle enough to comfort others.

Sue Kirin was silent, with a look of guilt.

However, the more I saw the wound on Xia Xue’s back, the more I remembered Shui Yun’er’s miserable appearance just now, the more Sue Kirin’s heart was unable to calm down.

The upsurge of anger that had been inadequate because of the nervousness of Shui Yun’er’s injury just now has finally found a gap. The fierce anger poured out like a bank, and Sue Kirin could barely restrain it.

She can’t tolerate Qi Yixin hurting Shui Yun’er and Xia Xue in this way, even if he is Qi Qiqi’s father.

The anger silently burned the internal organs, her expression gradually cooled down, and finally gnashing her teeth resentfully.

“It’s a good one.”

Her voice sounds very have one’s hair stand on end.

Xia Xue’s body shook as if frozen by the chill, and then turned her head back. I saw that Sue Kirin’s face was no longer agile, but was filled with a shocking chill.

There is a certain black emotion in the eyes of Ming-yellow.

Xia Xue turned around, her expression inexplicably silent for a while.

“──What are you going to do? Kill him?”

Finally, she raised the core question.

She didn’t have any expression when she asked, and looked quite calm, but Sue Kirin stood there blankly, as if she had been questioned.

“I won’t kill him…”

The hatred on his face faded quickly, and hesitation was replaced.

The contradiction of all lies in the identity of the man.

Sue Kirin doesn’t like killing, and he doesn’t hesitate to kill if necessary, but the other party is Qi Qiqi’s father, making her feel distressed. She doesn’t know how to deal with when the conflict is irreconcilable.

And Xia Xue exposed her inner confusion naked in advance, probably because she hoped that the girl could find a solution as soon as possible-perhaps, to make her mentally prepared to hurt Qi Qiqi.

It’s just that there is never a so-called correct solution to some things.


Sue Kirin, who knew this deeply, could only sigh quietly.


“No…This is just a mere appearance…”

White Spiritual Qi petals fall on the stream, like Shattered like glass, shining powdery spots of light. Opening her eyes and staring at such a scene, Qi Qiqi whispered softly.

After father left, after many attempts, she failed to grasp the fur of “Chonglian Sanhua”.

She succeeded in shaping the Spiritual Qi into petals of flakes, but it was just a shapeless thing, without the sharpness that sword energy should have.

Qiqiqi’s talent and perception are beyond doubt, the prototype that can imitate the form in a short period of time is enough to shock the heavens.

What Qi Yixin teaches is purely a core idea, not at all explaining in detail the specific method or key.

Only through our own thinking and exploration can we have the deepest understanding, and only such other people’s “things” can become their own “things”. This kind of “deduction” is the most important in Martial Dao. Otherwise, it will only become a simple imitation of the same thing, so Qi Yixin will stop at it.

Qiqiqi still needs time to explore.

“Let’s take a break first.”

Too fast may not be a good thing. Everything takes time to settle. Qi Qiqi decided to stop temporarily, took a long breath, and looked around all around.

“Where is Daddy…”

Only Qi Qiqi is left by the stream.

The clear and gurgling sound of the stream is pleasant. Looking down at the flowing water, Qi Qiqi suddenly thought of taking a shower. She hasn’t taken a shower all day.

But thinking that Qi Yixin might come back at any time, she had no choice but to give up.

Even though it can be almost concluded that the man is the father himself, Qi Qiqi has grown up consciously, and she still feels embarrassed to be seen naked.

She didn’t realize that a certain part of her heart was still resisting accepting that man.

Secondly, she took off her shoes and socks, soaked her soft soles in the water, trying to free herself. The cold touch of water can relieve tiredness and worry, she also needs to think about how to solve father’s problem.

It’s a pity that things are counterproductive.

──She smelled the fragrance of flowers.

It was a sudden strong fragrance, with flowers slowly flowing down the water. Accompanied by the sound of humming.

This is…

Qiqiqi is in a trance because of the mutation.

In that short period of time, flowers bloomed from the upper reaches of the stream, and a unique sea of ​​flowers was spread on the stream, swaying under the breeze of the night. , The petals that were blown up were dazzling, as if Qi Qiqi’s heart was also full of flowers.

Qi Qiqi seems to have known each other before.

The neck turns like a rusty gear, she is looking for the source of the flower──

Like a girl born in a flower bud stepping on a flower Come.

The girl with her eyes closed was humming a song, and a circle of thin silver was wrapped around her body. Those petals seemed to cheer for her arrival, hovering beside her.


Qi Qiqi dullly called out the girl’s name. She could not have imagined that “Heavenly Master Zhang” from the Heavenly Master’s mansion would actually show up here.

She had a feeling that the other party came for herself.

It was after that she found out that her feet had been entangled and tightened by rhizomes.

“This is–!”

Qi Qiqi was shocked, trying to struggle but in vain, she could only watch the rhizomes that bind her legs blooming A flower.


The rhizomes have become tighter, squeezing the delicate skin on both sides.

“Yan, the red lotus blessed by heaven.”

With his back to the moonlight that penetrated the thin clouds after suffering untold hardships, Yuyao stopped at Qi Qiqi In front of him, politely bowed. She was erratic like a silhouette.

Qi Qiqi replied with a wary and uneasy gaze, and didn’t dare to be careless.

“What does Yuyao Senior do?”

Qiqi Qi tried her best to restrain her inner tension and not let her tone be shaken. But just to maintain the awe-inspiring and dignified face, she has tried her best.

Grandmaster is not terrifying.

What’s really frightening is the Grandmaster, who has no idea what he wants. Among the known Grandmasters in the world, Qi Qiqi did not understand Yuyao’s purpose and thoughts. Although Sue Kirin described Yuyao as “satisfactory” and inappropriate, Qi Qiqi can only admit that it is very appropriate in many aspects.

“It’s so sad…the world is always unsuccessful. Palace Master Qi doesn’t seem to like me.”

Yu Yao bowed her head sadly, as if she had already seen Qi Qiqi Thoughts lingering in my mind.

Qi Qiqi didn’t know how to deal with it, she was simply silent, but she failed to look away. At the same time, she began to think about how to get rid of the rhizomes that bound her.

If “Tian Li” is in her hand… she gritted her teeth secretly.

Realizing that she could not get out of trouble alone, she felt frustrated and decided to watch the changes first and figure out Yuyao’s true purpose before making plans.

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