There are important things at home, and today it’s a bit less. I’m sorry readers. But the monthly amount is guaranteed enough! Personality guarantee!


Maybe The reason for sparing no effort to rush over, the girl panted slightly, and every breath released the white mist full of Spiritual Qi and thunder and electric shavings, which is the characteristic of the spiritual Qi of the girl’s physical strength when it runs at full capacity.

What is more obvious is the pupils of the eyes dyed golden. It glows faintly in the dust, pupil shrinks into a vertical line.

──”Golden eyes” has been activated.

“…Little Master.”

Shui Yuner relaxed, learning Xia Xue to sit on the ground.

She almost can’t hold the horizontal knife anymore.

Although the silhouette of the girl in front of her is petite, she still feels reliable. The man is no longer terrifying. She probably doesn’t need to hold a weapon anymore and resist desperately.

“Hateful enemy of…”

Qi Yixin stopped his footsteps, but did not mean to retreat. He may have been unable to sort out the situation, nor can he judge the realm gap with Sue Kirin.

In his eyes, he only needs to wipe out all the desires of life in front of him.

“Crazy man.”

Sue Kirin spit out these two words lightly, his breathing gradually stabilized.

The eight sword-shaped iron pieces that fell between the enemy and us were affected by the thunderbolt realm, and one after another took off to the girl. The place they arrived was the strange sword in the girl’s hand.

Should it be like a flattened umbrella, or a sword like an inverted fan?

Shui Yun’er feels all the same, but it’s just the shape of the skeleton.

The long sword takes the tip of the sword as the axis, and the blade spreads diagonally on both sides, forming a hollow fan shape, until the returned eight thin iron pieces of various sizes are re-inserted into the base frame as “fan pieces”. “After filling it, it really looks like an inverted folding fan.

Then, the folding fan closed, re-showing the posture of the sword.

“Qi Yixin, I don’t know what you are playing crazy, but you can try-try to kill me.”

Sue Kirin raised her The long sword borrowed from the sword building, pointed finger towards the man who stood still, and opened his mouth provocatively.

There are signs of restraint, but the sullenness between the lines is still quite obvious.

“Kill–Kill you–!”

With a frantic roar, the man kicked the ground and flew out.

His speed is very fast, much faster than before, and within a blink of an eye, he flashed and rushed to the girl’s eyes. The long sword in his hand burst out with a weird sword energy like ink. The outline cut down angrily.

Competing Sword Art purely, girls cannot keep up with men.

In the very short time when the man approached and swung the long sword in her hand, her sword only lifted up a little, but the sharp blade did not reach the girl.

The blade was blocked by the gap.


The blue electric light spouting out of thin air tightly entangled the Sky Profound Sword, making Qi Yixin and his sword unable to advance. This does not require any technical support, the realm can be driven by consciousness alone, so it can be activated almost instantaneously.

Qi Yixin tried to draw his sword, but Sue Kirin’s sword would return to defense before his sword edge and kiss his body.

He inspires the Spiritual Qi that is entangled on the sword body. A large ink-colored Spiritual Qi is scattered like water exploding in the sky, from the upper cover to the girl.

The moment before Sue Kirin’s silhouette was about to disappear in the ink──

Cang Lei also burst out violently, intertwined into a ball net and expanded in one breath, dispelling it The black sword energy attacked, and then exploded, flying out the opponent with swords.

The sword that Sue Kirin lifted calmly also reached the predetermined position.

“Heaven Falling Rock!”

She stepped and chased, slashing out the sword in her hand with sheer strength.

That’s a sword technique that pays attention to pure destructive power. Even if it is just the ordinary sword style in Heavenly Jade Sword Art, the formidable power is still like thunder in the hands of Grandmaster.

──even more how Sue Kirin’s sword is really a lightning bolt.

Together’s response was quite timely.

He immediately stabilized his figure in the air, turned his sword edge back to block the slashing of the hidden murderous intention, and even pushed back, swaying a sword energy counterattack, showing extremely superb skills.

Although most of the infiltrated force was removed with clever techniques, the rest shot him out.

The sword energy of his counterattack was also blocked by the blue electricity shining all over the girl, and the large number of fire arrows shot by Sue Kirin’s sleeves came and covered the man.

“Drink ──!”

The flames flew, and the sword light interlaced.

The sword speed to the pinnacle in Qi Yixin’s hand disintegrated and smashed the “Flying Flame” one after another, and struck each other dozens of times with the sword of Sue Kirin who took the opportunity to catch up.

Sue Kirin dragged a geometric line that extended from his back. With the existence of the thunderbolt realm, he even split the battle with Qi Yixin in close combat.

──No, what is really surprising is that Qi Yixin was able to withstand Grandmaster’s attack.

“One of the thunderbolt!”

The explosive sword move accelerated by the thunderbolt realm.

That speed may be far faster than Qi Yi had expected.

However, relying on his instinct, he leaned the Sky Profound Sword to the side, and at the same time he unloaded that huge strength, he immediately rolled aside, avoiding this surprise attack.

Cang Lei left a fragmented trail of light in the air.

Sue Kirin’s sleeves vibrated sharply, turning his body like a dragging wheel to Qi Yixin. The latter kicked the ground and retreated suddenly, and in the next second, a torrent of red flames struck him, which once dyed his vision.


He whispered the word, and the madness in his eyes was even worse. While turning sideways, the blade slashed, cutting straight into the whistling flame giant. Cut the dragon straight between the upper and lower jaws.

But it is not over yet.

“Break the Army III!”

The girl made a seal with one hand, and Totem quickly reorganized behind it.

In response to the depiction of “Lingmo”, the broken flame dragon fragments reunited in the air, forming several flame vortexes, and finally condensed into several long spears of flame towards Qi Yixin in the center. Fire quickly.

Qi Yixin has been besieged.

His body burst out with a large amount of dim ink Spiritual Qi, wrapped his body, and then slashed out dozens of swords in succession, dispelling countless flaming guns, and leaving behind a shadow that seemed to be half a slow shot. Dance the sword, and he himself had already circled behind Sue Kirin at a swift moment when he disintegrated the wave of pyrotechnic offensive.

“It’s Uncle Qi’s original Sword Art!”

Xia Xue, who had been relieved, put a heart on her throat again.

“Hey, annoying!”

The disadvantage of being bad at close combat was greatly exposed. Sue Kirin also didn’t expect Qi Yixin to be so tough, and even use the extremely strange and unpredictable Sword Art to compete with him.

The most strange thing about her is that she can’t figure out what realm Qi Yixin is.

──It should not be in the Grandmaster realm, but the melee ability is no worse than the Grandmaster.

But before thinking about this question, Sue Kirin pressed the mechanism on the hilt, and the long sword in his hand spread out in an oblique shape. The eight pieces of the sword were ejected instantly, twisting from all directions. Yixin, she threw out the remaining sword stand at the same time.

Qi Yixin pulled back his sword and pushed aside the lost sword stand, and faced the eight extremely flexible, thin and sharp blades while retreating.

This man has resolved Sue Kirin’s several storms with just one man one sword.

Shui Yun’er was stunned to see, and even the wound on his abdomen could not be taken care of. He obviously hadn’t exerted such a strong battle strength in the previous battles, so the so-called stronger is just this.

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