It’s been years ago.

The girl’s pupils are naturally bright red. They are rare and pretty. They are as eye-catching as flames flowing in them, but at the same time they give people a way to get close to them. The illusion of flame burns.

Proud life experience, several generations of her ancestors are famous martial artists, and she is the Young Palace Lord of Heavenly Jade Palace, she is very good-looking-she is just too perfect.

Although she is still young, she has understood everything she has a long time ago, and will arouse the envy and jealousy of some children, even martial artists, in the process of interacting with her Some concerns.

So, girls rarely have friends in the same year.

Her childhood was like standing outside a dancing crowd, unable to enter by the door, and could only watch others laugh and play.

She does not envy.

Because she still has relatives who love her.

However, when the boy came to her, extended the hand, and asked if she wanted to be friends with him, she knew that she was wrong. Everything was just what she thought.

She actually longs for the existence of a friend.

That period was indeed a good time. The girl and the boy have made friends and feel that they have discovered a new world.

They play together, practice martial arts, take risks, and laugh together.

Although the place of adventure is limited to the familiar Heavenly Jade Mountain, they are still willing to go deep into different places of Heavenly Jade Mountain every few days, with swords and friends company.

That day, it was the same.

But the two who met for adventure, their destination is no longer any corner of the Heavenly Jade Palace, but Luotian Town under the mountain. Occasionally, they learned from the discussion after dinner at the Heavenly Jade Palace dísciple that there is an abandoned house in Luotian Town, which seems to be haunted by ghosts and people were alarmed.

Two people with a sense of justice decided to kill the people and go to the house to find out.

The day of the appointment was dark clouds, and it was obviously a sunny day yesterday.

However, they don’t think this is a bad omen, and no small obstacle can shake their determination.

At the appointed time, the girl hid her parents and sneaked out of the room through the window with her sword secretly.

They agreed to meet next to the stone at the bottom of the mountain with the big letters of Heavenly Jade Palace, so the girl accelerated her pace and left the Chaoxuelou-but without losing the tiptoe lightness-avoiding Heavenly Jade Palace The disciples’ gaze moved down the stairs.

This act like hide-and-seek makes the girl heartbeat and feels very excited.

Stepping down the steps that are too long for the anxious girl, the girl can’t wait to use Lightweight Art, and she arrives at the agreed place in a blink of an eye.

She just glanced around and saw the boy who was ready to hide beside a big tree, taking shelter from the rain.

“Xiaoqi, you are here!”

The boy also saw the girl and waved hello excitedly.

He also carried a weapon, but it was a short gun. This boy is also considered to be outstanding, but compared to Qi Qiqi, he is still far inferior.

The heartless boy doesn’t care.

Because of this, he can make friends with Qi Qiqi.

“Have you waited for a long time?”

Qi Qiqi tried her best to behave upright, even if she is actually quite happy now. She is the Young Palace Lord, and she will become the character of Heavenly Jade Palace Lord. She must not have any performance that will cause others to despise.

She must be mature enough.

“Just arrived, just arrived.”

The boy smiled and responded with a smile.

I knew that Qi Qiqi was just laughing secretly in the heart of a pretending mature child, but he wouldn’t expose the girl’s mask because it was more interesting.

Girls have no idea about boys’ bad thoughts.

“Are you ready? You may encounter bandits later. I don’t know who is dressing up as God, playing the devil!”

The girl said indignantly a little angrily.

“Get ready, we’ll beat them through the falling flowers and flowing water later.”

The boy wielded his short spear, and replied with an awe-inspiring attitude. Mode is interesting.

The girl was nodded with satisfaction and gave an order:

“Let’s go!”

Their destination is located in the remote part of Luotian Town. It is a mansion that has been abandoned for many years. The owner of the house not at all sold it, so it has been in a state of no one to use, and the owner does not care, it has been dilapidated for many years.

Not only the walls are covered with vines, but the white paint is peeling off in many places to expose the bricks underneath. The roof of the house can also be seen from a distance, which is quite gloomy.

“Wow, it really looks like a house with ghosts!”

Standing in front of the house, the boy looked around and sighed like this. The girl next to him did not make a sound, and the boy looked at her “en?”, only to see the look of fear in the girl’s eyes.

“Xiaoqi, are you afraid of monsters?”

The boy blurted out in surprise, and the girl immediately pretended to be calm.

“Who said that! Heaven and Earth are righteous, where are many ghosts coming from under the heaven and earth! It’s so nasty.”

The girl who said so has unnaturally blinking eyes .

The boy naturally noticed, and after thinking about it, he said:

“Should we go back?”

“Why?” The girl widened her eyes. , “Aren’t you afraid?”


The boy showed a helpless expression of “You really love to be brave…”. Upon seeing this, the girl bulged her cheeks panting with rage, some fly into a rage out of humiliation and said:

“I am not afraid!”

“But your legs are all Are you shaking?”


In order to prove that what she said was true, the girl breathes deeply into the stone class.

The door was locked by a big lock.

The lock was rusty, but the girl pushed it several times without pushing it.

I was ashamed for exposing that she was afraid of ghosts. At this time, the big lock was against herself, and the angry girl drew her sword and planned to cut it off.

“Wait, wait!”

The boy stood in front of the girl and held down her sword.

“You can’t cut it! This is someone else’s thing, how can you cut it off casually?”


The girl wakes up like a dream, Bowed his head in shame. Seeing that the girl’s hand had been removed from the handle of the sword, the boy fell to his heart.

“Let’s go over the wall and go in!” the boy suggested.

“No way, this time I’ll listen to you.”

The girl cheered up and looked at the height of the wall. The wall is much higher than the young ones, but they are all martial artists and can be easily climbed over.

The two are facing the wall and backing a distance. “I’ll call one, two, three in a while, then we’ll rush!” the boy said.

Girls are nodded.

“Get ready! One one three–“

The two ran forward at the same time and jumped up in front of the wall. They pushed their feet on the middle of the wall and straightened up in one breath, their hands just reaching the top of the wall. They grabbed the tiles, leaped over the wall and entered the courtyard.

A barren yard full of weeds.

When they landed on the ground, they stepped on the weeds, causing a rustling noise.

“It really looks like I haven’t lived in a long time…”

The boy scratched his head and looked all around, sighing like this.

“Don’t say it’s demons and ghosts, it’s more like there is nothing here…you monsters don’t live in such a messy place, right.

The girl also silently Echoed, but then shook the head again.

“Maybe they just came up with surprises! We can’t just look at the surface. Daddy said that judging people by appearance is wrong! “

“…I think the two are slightly different. “

The boy whispered with a wry smile.

The girl didn’t hear her and walked to the house by herself, but she shook her body violently and screamed as she jumped up.

“What happened? “

The boy startedled and asked quickly.

The girl exhaled heavily, holding her sword over her left chest. Just now, a drop of cold water fell on her nose. The sudden touch startled her.

“It seems to be raining…”

The girl stretched out her left hand and looked up at the sky, and soon rain fell on her. Palm.

The rain came suddenly and became stronger in a blink of an eye. It became a torrential rain.

“Let’s go inside the house! “The boy yelled.

Fearing to avoid it, the two ran to the house.

After running into the eaves, their clothes were already wet a lot, and arrived slowly The thunder sounded at this time, a burst of lightning pierced the sky, flashing an extremely dazzling light.

The rain was astonishing.

Thunder continued to sound and it was almost hitting On the earlobe.

Looking at the vision blurred by the heavy rain, the boy sighed heavily.

“Now I can’t walk if I want to. “

He doesn’t want to be a rookie, and the girl next to him seems to feel the same way.

“Isn’t this just right? “The girl as it should be by rights said, “Anyway, we have to go in and see if someone is here dressing up as God, playing the devil! “

“Uh, that’s right…”

The boy has actually forgotten his purpose.

He just wants to be with the girl. After all, the other party is The object of my love at first sight. Of course, the girl is not at all aware of his affection, and the boy does not understand what love is.

“Let’s go in. “

The girl greeted her and walked around to the door of the hall of the house.

She plans to start exploring the house from here.

The door of the hall is not reusable. Pressing the hand up, the door panel fell backwards, knocking “pèng!”. She wanted to hesitate to push the door before she even had time to push.

“…Xiaoqi, You are so powerful. “

The boy had a misunderstanding, and stared dumbfoundedly at the fallen door panel.

“No way! “The girl’s cheeks are red, and the roots of her ears are no exception.

Then she no longer cares about the boy and walks into the house first.

Sure enough, there are traces of life inside, and it seems It’s still quite new, obviously left over recently.

“Sure enough, someone is making a ghost! “

The girl immediately looked all around looking for the culprit, but it was already empty. I looked around and didn’t find it. The boy said:

“It seems we It’s a step too late. “

Secretly, he relaxed.

I didn’t know what was in the house. The martial arts of the two were not superb, and there was a probability that they couldn’t handle it.

The boy doesn’t hate doing harm to the people, but he is respectable and thankful for sending a lamb in a tiger’s den. Now that the house is empty, he just feels lucky.


The girl was a little bit dissatisfied, but the thunder interrupted her catharsis.

Somehow, the lightning in the sky seemed to surround the house, falling down one after another, and the sound was heavier than the other. .

The girl suddenly became a little scared.

“…Let’s take shelter from the rain here. “

The boy noticed the girl’s mood, so he made this proposal.

The girl could not wait for it.

They started to the corner and planned to curl up there and wait. When the thunderstorm ended, the thunder suddenly penetrated the roots of the ears and shook the entire world.

The strong light filled the doorway.

Lightning fell on a tree in the yard, sparks Like catkins flying. The trees that were hit by the direct hit were divided into two vertically, and the left and right sides burned and fell in different directions. The weeds in the yard were also lit by the moxibustion fire and burned vigorously.

The fire spread very quickly.

The two of them were still unable to come back, and the yard was already in a fire sea.

“What should I do? Burning? “

The boy was anxious and he had never faced such a difficult situation when he was young. The girl was barely able to remain calm. When she was about to blame the other party for disappointing, Lei Xiang took the lead to respond to the girl.

The roar of the 3rd thunder came next.

It hit the house without a long eye, and the roof tiles burst open, mixed in the rain and spilled on the two of them. Girl instinct He hugged his head and shrank his body, closing his eyes in fright, but before then he discovered that the boy was lost in a crisis.

“Be careful! “

The girl not even think draws a sword to stand in front of the boy.

Faced with the brick fragments pouring out like a shower, the girl held a long sword and shook out a sword flower , To push away these objects.

Intensive clashing sounds sounded.

However, with the girl’s ability at that time, it was impossible to make tiles with a sword alone. Stop it as much as possible. Those a fish that escaped the net struck her body, dragging one after another wound.

The pain was stronger than she expected, and the girl bit her lip to hold back.

When all the tiles fell, the girl was already covered with injuries, but the bright red eyes were still dazzling. The boy stared at her blankly and felt the gap between him for the first time.

“…whooping. “

The girl panted and looked back at the boy.

“Are you okay? “She asked.

The answer to her was some kind of strange wooden rubbing sound.

Perhaps it was caused by the lightning strike, and the roof was already burning. The dilapidated beam was the first Unable to bear it, she was shaking and she was about to fall.

The girl realized that it was not good.

At that moment, she remembered father and said to herself in her mind The words-“The sword exists for protection. “At the same time, she knows that she is much stronger than a boy. She is already a human martial artist. All this drives her body to move in a fleeting time.

She rushes towards The boy pushed it away from its original position.

The boy fell to the ground and exhaled in pain.

Fire scraps brushed his nose.

Next In an instant, the beam finally fell heavily and replaced him. The girl standing there couldn’t avoid being overwhelmed to the ground. The strong impact made the girl scream all over, and she spit out all the air in her lungs. The screams caused by the pain can only be breathed. The form of the sound vented dullly, sounding like a squashed frog.

The girl spit out a mouthful of blood.

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