At this time, the shop boss will bring up the three-color dumplings for the additional order.

“Oh oh, here it is!”

Sue Kirin gave a high-five excitedly, and stretched out his clutches without saying anything, to feast on his mouth. Zhong Ruoyou watched her childish behavior with a wry smile.


The girl’s hand stopped suddenly.

Sue Kirin moved her small ears and heard the horse’s neigh. She turned her head to look, only to see horses galloping at high speed on the other side, throwing up a wave of dust like a wake.

Horses are not common on official roads, but the horses galloped too fast, and they are still approaching here.

──And there is no sign of stopping.

It’s about to hit it! Sue Kirin raised a single eyebrow, and the people in the tea store also noticed this situation and panicked.

If there is no accident, Sue Kirin will bear the brunt.

The girl not even think, kicked on the opposite Churuoyou chair.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhqh At the same time, Tianji and Zhong Ruoming unnaturally moved back with their chairs.

Sue Kirin calmly flashed aside, still holding the plates of three-color dumplings.

In the next instant, the fast horse ran in front of Sue Kirin and slammed into their table.

After it continued to run for a certain distance, it fell onto the floor of the teahouse by sweeping down other guests and tables in a chaotic sound.

The diffuse sand and dust blurred people’s sight, and there was a nervous cry from somewhere.

“──There is a little girl!”

The addition of the word “little girl” by accident caused the unusual tension to fill the teahouse all at once. .

Sue Kirin originally thought it was the reckless guy who rode his horse and ran into a traffic accident.

She stopped the word “deserve it” in her throat, blinking and looked towards the fallen horse. The frightened horse was struggling to get up from the ground, and there was a petite silhouette curled up in front of it.

The delicate hands, feet and body, at most in his early ten years, the clothes were damaged in many places and stained with blood.

The shock just now didn’t seem to make her faint, and now she is about to get up tremblingly.

Several guests of the teahouse saw this and wanted to come forward to help, but beside her, there was a strong horse that was frantic with a sense of anxiety and crisis and kicked the ground.

So they stopped because they were afraid of the frightened horse.

If this continues, the girl will probably be kicked to death.

“Kirin, go and save people!” Zhong Ruoyou hurriedly shouted.

“I know, I know.”

Sue Kirin withdrew his mouth and snapped his fingers.

A blue light flashed between her fingers, hitting the horse’s back. The horse screamed, limp on the ground weakly, and soon fainted with foam at the mouth.

“Oh oh oh!”

People shouted in admiration.

Feeling the approving eyes from them, Sue Kirin triumphantly swept his hands, squeezed his waist and hummed twice.

At the same moment, Zhong Ruo rushed out impatiently. She is a doctor, and what to do is self-evident. Her younger sister also followed in a few seconds.

The two ran to the girl who barely supported the body with both hands and kneeled down beside the girl. The damage caused by the impact just now seems not to be light, and she still cannot straighten her upper body.

“Are you okay? Do you feel any particular pain? Don’t move, your bones may be broken…”

Zuka Ruoyou inspected the girl’s situation and asked She should not move indiscriminately so as not to affect the wound on her body. She found that the girl’s injuries did not look like a fall, the most important of which was a scary sword mark on her arm.

The girl seemed to be chased and killed, she ran into here in a hurry.

However, Zhong Ruoyou had no plan to figure it out. She instructed her younger sister to pick up the medicine box from the carriage with luggage, and then tore off her sleeves, taking materials on the spot to cover the other party.

As a result, the girl held the hand of Zhong Ruoyou.


The girl seems to have said something, but she is fuzzy because of the pain, Ruoyou as it should be by rights, she can’t hear clearly, just think That voice is a bit familiar.

“What did you say?”

“Call…Call Little Ancestor Master to come!”

While shouting, the girl exhausted all her strength Suddenly lifts the head, and the face covered by the hair is finally exposed.

Zhong Ruoyou froze in place.

It was not that she was scared by the girl’s voice, but she recognized the person in front of her.


There is no need to shout at all.

As soon as the girl opened her voice, Sue Kirin had recognized the girl’s true identity, came to the side of the two at a speed close to teleporting, and knelt in front of the girl.

at first I didn’t notice because of the girl’s embarrassed appearance.

However, Sue Kirin is impossible to admit his mistake under the childish face under the messy hair.

That is Gong Tianqing.

“Xiaoqing, you…”

Sue Kirin opened his eyes wide and his face was chaotic.

Originally, the round face of cowering was stained with anxiety at the moment, and Gong Tianqing, who didn’t know what happened to him, when he saw Sue Kirin, he forcibly propped up his upper body in a way that was both like a pounce and a fall. Knocked into Sue Kirin’s arms.

“Little…Ancestor Master, finally found you.”

Just such a simple sentence, Gong Tianqing could not finish it completely. She cried, and the tears easily wet Sue Kirin’s arms.

“Don’t talk for now.”

Sue Kirin’s mind is in confusion, but Gong Tianqing’s injury is not forgotten.

She also saw the horrible to see sword hurt.

Fortunately, it was not a fatal injury, and Gong Tianqing’s weakness at the moment was more of a sequelae of physical and mental fatigue. Well, it looks like she has gone through a hard fight, breathing heavily and messy.

Could it be… something happened to Heavenly Jade Palace? This is Sue Kirin’s first thought.

She held Gong Tianqing’s shoulders first, turned her body over, and let her lie flat on her lap.

“Xiaoyou, give me the serious injury, and leave the rest to you.”

“This…I know.”

Ruoyou wanted to ask Sue Kirin how to treat it, but she agreed that she shouldn’t delay time at this time.

Her younger sister also ran back holding the medicine box at this time.

Zhong Ruoming was also quite surprised to recognize Gong Tianqing, and Tianji walked around without knowing what to do, but did not disturb Sue Kirin sensibly.

“Xiaoqing, hold back.”

Sue Kirin pressed both hands on Gong Tianqing’s sword wound on his right arm, and a soft cyan-green light radiated from his palm. Under the treatment of spell, the sword wound healed quickly at a speed visible to naked eye.

Like a pure transfer, the girl’s face became much paler.

Because treatment is an emergency measure to force life force to quickly heal serious injuries, Sue Kirin must grasp a “limit” to avoid heavy consequences.

Zhong Ruoyou looked in a daze, didn’t expect Sue Kirin to have this kind of patience, but he kept his hands and feet. She tightened the wound between Gong Tianqing’s thigh with cloth, and the latter groaned because of the severe pain.

“Little…Ancestor Master…I don’t care…Hurry, go to…Heavenly Jade Palace…Something happened…”

The whole body is screaming, Gong Tian Qing only felt that she was dying. Despite this, she still drove her hand to grab Sue Kirin’s wrist.

Sue Kirin’s white wrist was stained with blood.

Heavenly Jade Palace has an accident? Although he had expected it, after getting Gong Tianqing’s confirmation, Sue Kirin still felt as if he had been knocked sap.

Gong Tianqing cried harder.

“Master elder sister……Master elder sister she……”

Sue Kirin, who was barely able to remain calm, heard this, a certain string in his mind that was tight to the limit. Break off.

The reason is burned by the flame called restlessness. With her yellow eyes open, she ignoring Gong Tianqing’s injury, grabbing the opponent’s shoulder forcefully, and opening her mouth is a series of questions. :

“Xiaoqi? What happened to Xiaoqi? Is she hurt? She──”

“Kirin, calm down!”

Ruoyou stop Sue Kirin’s behavior.

As if someone was pouring cold water from the head, Sue Kirin calmed down a bit and noticed that Gong Tianqing had already distorted her face in pain for her own reasons.

What am I doing? Guilt and regret poured out from the bottom of his heart, and Sue Kirin let go of Gong Tianqing and sat on the ground dejected.

Even as a Grandmaster, there are still certain existences that can easily disturb her heart.

Qiqiqi is such an existence.

Not to mention, the people she cherishes are in Heavenly Jade Palace. At the time when Heavenly Jade Palace had no idea what kind of attack she had encountered, and Gong Tianqing appeared in front of her with injuries all over her body, she was almost out of breath, and her mind was full of bad associations, even her vision. Everything in it became blurred and distorted.

“Kirin, Gong Girl is only physically exhausted, and her physical injuries are not fatal.”

With a solemn expression, she focused on Gong Tianqing’s injury, and the grave was quietly calm. Said:

“You go, Gongmai will leave it to me. I will try my best to cure her.”


Sue Kirin’s eyes are dull.

As if unable to bear it, Zhong Ruoyou finally turned his head and stared at Sue Kirin slightly.

“Go! Aren’t you a’yin and yang carp’? You should be very clear about what to do?”

Sue Kirin was taken aback.

A burst of anger–no, that’s inspiration.

What am I doing? She stared at her palm blankly, feeling that she was too inefficient and embarrassing.

Ask again, what are you doing here?

The answer is clear.

Yes, it’s not the time to sit here, that doesn’t help things.

Obviously Heavenly Jade Palace was attacked, but he hides here like a scared child, what is the difference from sitting idly by? Is he a silent person when he sees his loved one being harmed?

Sue Kirin, you vowed to protect them!

So──must go back!

Sue Kirin’s eyes brightened, and he stood up in an imposing manner, dancing with the wind in his hair. She looked at the place of Heavenly Jade Palace in the distance, where there were people who needed her.

The refreshed Sue Kirin had lightning flashes in his hair, which scared the people around him back and pulled away for a long time. The body that felt extremely heavy was as light as a feather, and the once blurred vision regained clarity.

“Xiaoji, protect them.”


Tianji held her breath, but she also understands the pros and cons. , Immediately agreed. Even if she is just a Sword Spirit, with a large amount of Spiritual Qi, she can still exert a battle strength no less than the Great Heaven Realm.

“Xiaoyou, Xiaoqing will leave it to you.”

Sue Kirin, please ask Ruoyou to get a serious nodded response from the latter. She said she would do her best.

“I beg you…”

After exhaling slowly, Sue Kirin twisted his face.

If the mood at the moment cannot be suppressed, then burn it into anger.

As if to feel the anger of the owner, the surrounding lightning is full of dazzling light, and the blue lines on the back crawl out and extend to the sky, like a pair of wings of light.

The next moment, a gust of wind blew up.

At the moment when the ground was kicked and cracked, a lightning burst into the sky.

The girl entangled in the lightning flew up to the sky and turned in an unstoppable force, shooting out in the direction of the Heavenly Jade Palace amidst the roar of thunder, a long blue sky was drawn under the clouded sky The blue track leaves a circle of shock waves like clouds and mist spreading outward.

Gong Tianqing finally smiled calmly at the distant blue glow.

She fainted exhaustedly in Zhong Ruoyou’s arms.


Heavenly Jade Palace Square is in chaos.

The sight is full of traces of devastation left after the disaster ── traces of being burned by war.

The corner of the building was cut off, and some of it collapsed directly into a pile of ruined tiles. The main hall was even bitten off by a giant beast. Part of the left part was dug away. The stone slabs were covered with pits of different sizes, obviously due to different reasons. Only the fact that Chaoxue Tower is intact is a miracle.

In the square, there are many dísciples of the Heavenly Jade Palace.

It is roughly estimated that there are at least fifty people. They are all injured in varying degrees and are crying in pain.

Yang Yuening, who is familiar with medical skills, walked in it with a group of dísciples from a pharmacy. The good old man, Elder, was also injured, with a thick bandage on his forehead, but he was still wounded to deal with the injuries of the disciplines.

In the corner, there are multiple corpses covered with white cloth and placed side by side. That was the Heavenly Jade Palace dísciple that was killed in battle, with a total of twenty.

Qian Duoduo thought that compared with the damage of Heavenly Jade Palace, that little sacrifice is a great fortune in misfortune. He knew that he would definitely be scolded when he said this kind of thought, but he was grateful for the truth.

——The character who caused such a tragic situation is really too terrifying.

There is only one enemy, wearing a black robe. He not only broke into the sword mound and stole Qiangongtian’s saber, but also stunned Palace Master Qi, attempting to take it away, and shocked Heavenly Jade Palace.

All the Elders participated in the war, and there were a few Inner Disciple locations.

Even so, the enemy still knocks them back with just one hand-the black robe man slashed the thick wall with a single sword, just stepping on the ground. They couldn’t bear the strength, cracked and sunken, and at an unacceptable speed, they flashed through the long-established sword array and collapsed one after another.

The black silhouette is as unstoppable as the legendary Ghost God.

Even Vice Palace Lord Ye Zhen could not delay his footsteps, Heavenly Jade Palace could only watch his dignity-Qi Qiqi-being taken away by the man calmly.

Too unwilling.

Until now, Qian Duoduo still feels depressed for his weakness, and he punches the wall next to him thinking about it.

It hurts.

But compared to the unwillingness and resentment accumulated in the heart, it is already insignificant.

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