“──Qi’er, get away!”

The shout suddenly fell like thunder, freezing the two who were about to meet.

I saw the source of the sound, and a bright sword light rushed.

The man in front of him withdrew his hand and leaped back abruptly. The sword light fell on his original location, digging a deep cut.

Qi Qiqi looked back and saw another silhouette flying over from the narrow crossing of Jianzhong.

The visitor fell behind her. Before her head could keep up with the situation, he grabbed her wrist and slammed her behind her to protect her.

“Qi’er, are you okay?”

Probably rushed to notice the abnormality of the sword mound. The man warned the uninvited guests not far away while caring about Qi Qiqi. Happening.

“Martial Aunt Ye……”

Qi Qiqi slowly called out the name of the person who came.

Ye Zhen took a close look at Qi Qiqi from top to bottom, and finally relaxed without seeing any obvious injuries on her body. Qi Qiqi looked at him blankly.

“It’s okay.”

Ye Zhen first comforted Qi Qiqi. This is probably the limit for men who are not good at words. After that, he showed sharp eyes like needles, raised his sword towards the uninvited guest who had trespassed into the sword grave, and warned in a deep voice: “Thief, this is the forbidden area of ​​Heavenly Jade Palace.”

Ye Zhen squinted his eyes, the sword cry in his hand kept moving, as if he was about to pierce the enemy at any time. He increased his tone again, showing a firm will:

“Not only did he trespass here, he also tried to inflict poison on our palace lord, regardless of the reason, crime deserving ten thousand deaths. You can bear it. Heavenly Jade, the awakening of anger in the palace?”

“Martial Aunt Ye……”

Qiqiqi wanted to say something, but her mind went blank. Ye Zhen glanced at her and raised his palm to signal her not to speak for now.

The black robe man remained silent.

His eyes are shining with weird rays, and there is a trace of dazedness, but more of a certain kind of firmness that cannot be hindered by others.

“…Do you want to hinder me too? Do you want to harm us too?”

The black robe man huskyly squeezed out the words of unfathomable mystery.

“en?” Ye Zhen brows knit suspiciously.

He also seemed to have a slight impression of the voice. At this moment, he should be wondering if he had ever seen each other. The black robe man didn’t allow him to think about it, and suddenly he stepped forward, and the distance between the two was reduced to zero.

──So fast!

Ye Zhen had this feeling for the man approaching him in the blink of an eye.

The black robe man lifted up the “Xuanxuan” that had just been pulled out of the sword mound, and slashed at Ye Zhen. He swung his sword very fast. Ye Zhen calmly responded while Qiandiao’s shot. The horizontal sword caught the ink-colored sword that was slashed on the face. The hand of the sword was numb, and the ground under his feet couldn’t bear it. The sword edge cracked with the force of the collision.

The pale hand and the jet black sword were in front of Ye Zhen’s eyes.

The sword and the sword were in a stalemate, and they continued to make “叽──” harsh rubbing sounds. Ye Zhen first noticed that the man’s bloodshot eyes were full of strong feelings of exhaustion, his eyes almost Pierce him.


The opponent’s wrist force far surpasses the imagination, sparks burst out between the friction between the sword and the sword, watching his sword slowly being suppressed back, Ye He gritted his teeth and pulled out the feet that were sunken in the ground, and tried to push back with gravity.

“Why… why do you both stop me? Why can’t I protect her-my only daughter? Why do you both harm us?”

The man uttered a low roar like a beast, and kept accusing him fuzzy, his heavy breath sprayed directly on Ye Zhen’s cheek.

His bloodshot eyes are even more teary, which can be described as weird and chilling.

“The only daughter…?”

Ye Zhen was full of these words in his head, and his heart jumped sharply. The subtle familiarity he felt when he saw a man was like It became clear as if I found my home.

He concentrating on the face of the black robe man in front of him.

In the next moment, as if the scene reappeared just now, Ye Zhen also held his breath – no, he took a breath.

“…Senior Brother?”

The man in front of him is someone who shouldn’t exist.

However, the touch of the confrontation still remains, and no matter how a certain voice in Ren Ye Zhen’s heart roars “impossible!”, he cannot deny the fact that has become clear.

“…Who are you?”

Ye Zhen was extremely difficult to squeeze this sentence from his throat, and the condensed fighting intent was quickly dissipating. If the enemy is something else, he has the confidence to do his best to annihilate it, but──

Who is he? Could it be…no, impossible…he should be dead… Ye Zhen was not naive enough to believe this “fact” easily, even though the man looked no different from before.

“──Don’t stop me!”

The man did not answer Ye Zhen’s doubts.

He didn’t want to stand still anymore, he pulled away his sword and attacked again and again, waving his long sword violently and frantically, and hitting Ye Zhen’s sword with a storm-like attack. .

That is no longer a “sword” should attack method, but pure destruction.

──It is pure anger that is full of killing intent to destroy the enemy indefinitely.

Under the fierce frenzied attack, Ye Zhen struggled to support him. Just thinking that a man had the opportunity to be his Senior Brother, he could not counterattack well, and his body seemed to be unwilling. .

After all, he is still a person, unable to sword edge to the closest person.

The fighting between the sword and the sword constantly shook Ye Zhen’s body, and the piercing impact continued to vibrate. When there was no retreat, Ye Zhen instinctively swung his sword to counterattack.

That slash lacks the necessary strength.

Because Ye Zhen was fighting back, subconsciously show mercy.

It is often fatal to underestimate the enemy on the battlefield. The man took the sword effortlessly, and the next action reversed the previous irrational attack. The tip of the sword simply After drawing a circle, he flew Ye Zhen’s sword.

An extremely subtle blow.


The froze Ye Zhen suddenly felt bad, but his eyes chased his sword involuntarily and flew to the side, plunged into the ground there. .

The tip of the sword trembled, just like his heart.

The moment he froze became a fatal gap, and the man had already swung his 2nd Sword. The tip of the sword drew long blood marks on his chest neatly, and slanted bloody ripples.

Blood splattered and fell all over the ground.

“Woo…” Holding Ye Zhen’s bloody chest, under Ye Zhen’s one-knee kneels, his confused head became a little clearer because of the severe pain. He raised his head in the shadow of the man, staring straight at the man who looked down on him mercilessly, thinking at least to protect the girl behind him.

He not at all saw how pale her face was.

“Ye Zhen, what are you doing?!”

Another silhouette fell in the sword grave.

It is Xia Xue.

I noticed the unusual movement of Jian Tomb and came here, but when I first arrived I saw Ye Zhen kneeling on the ground injured. Xia Xue was so scared that Complexion Ashen hurriedly ran here, but he was loudly Drink and live:

“Don’t come here!”

“Martial Aunt Ye, you…”

Xia Xue stopped in surprise.

“I’m fine, don’t come over.”

After taking a deep breath, Ye Zhen repeated it again. The wound in front of his eyes was not bleeding from Danger Land, and it didn’t look like it was okay. Xia Xue couldn’t relax.

“Qiqiqi, what are you doing, don’t you hurry up and pick up your sword…”

Xia Xue did not ignore the presence of the enemy, raising the sword and preparing to fight. She scolded Qi Qiqi’s inaction so irritably, but only in exchange for the other’s sluggish eyes, she shifted her solemn gaze to the black robe man.

As soon as the eyes of the man reflected the face of the man, she froze her whole body movement.

She only met this man once, and this man appeared in front of her again at this moment.


Xia Xue was speechless, feeling that the strength of the whole body was taken away in one breath. She almost couldn’t even hold the sword firmly, and finally understood why Ye Zhen was defeated so easily and Qi Qiqi could not react.

After all, she just maintained her strength without sitting on the ground.

“Are you going to stop me…?”

The man cast his obsessive gaze, and Xia Xue took a step back embarrassingly. He was not satisfied with Xia Xue’s weakness, and swung his sword to draw a pitch-black as ink fierce sword light towards Xia Xue.


In a flash, when the horizontal sword blocked the attack, she could not withstand the force of the sword light burst, the whole person bounced back and flew out, hitting down several swords in a row before finally stopping. Potential.

The impact wandered ragingly within the body, and the body was dragged by the explosive Spiritual Qi, and several scars were drawn. The pain beyond the limit made Xia Xue completely unconscious for a moment. She only felt the smell of iron in her mouth. .

When she got up, she immediately opened her mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, and then she gasped.

no longer paid attention to the girl who couldn’t bear even a single move of her own–he thought she was not a threat, and the man raised the ink sword in his hand again.

Ye Zhen is under the path of cutting, it will be a deadly sword.

“No, don’t!”

Qi Qiqi finally reacted and rushed to the nearest sword beside her.

However, it was too late.

The sword will fall first.

Even in the face of death, he must not show weakness. Ye Zhen straightened his chest and faced the ink-colored sword, watching the sword break through the wind, and also watched it stop suddenly without warning.

The sword stopped in midair.

It stopped in front of the cyan silhouette.

When did she appear? Ye Zhen didn’t know, neither did Qi Qiqi, who had just picked up the sword, and Xia Xue, who was about to resist the injury and fly to rescue.

The only thing that filled their hearts was stunned.

In the dim, silent sword tomb, stretched out hands to protect Ye Zhen’s soft silhouette, leaving them speechless. Although it is not very clear and even vague, they are all impossible to admit mistakes.

“Senior Nephew Luo…?”

Ye Zhen called out the other party’s name in a daze.

The blue phantom didn’t seem to hear his voice, but stood firmly in front of Ye Zhen.

She shook the head to the black robe man.

“Qing’er, are you going to hinder me…?”

The man’s response seemed disappointed.

But unlike when he faced Ye Zhen before, he just showed a sad expression of sadness, but didn’t raise the sword in his hand to Phantom.

The girl moved her lips and said something silently. The man said nothing, as if he was speechless.

However, men acted.

He quietly bypassed the illusory shadow of the girl in front of him, passed by Ye Zhen, came to Qi Qiqi, and stretched out his palm again.

“Qi’er, follow me…”


Qi Qiqi held Tianli with her hands tightly, her face was full of chaos color. The man seemed not at all to wait for the other’s patience to sort out, and his outstretched hand was held into a fist.



Qiqiqi groaned between her lips. When she looked down, she only saw the man’s fist deeply I got stuck in my stomach and forced out all the air within the body.


Qi Qiqi’s eyes, which had been soaked with tears, gradually lost her brilliance.

With a clang, the sword in the girl’s hand fell to the ground again, and she fell softly and weakly into the man’s arms and passed out.

Ye Zhen, who was thrown aside, saw Qi Qiqi being picked up by the man, trying to stand up with her body. But his injury was not light, and his body was as heavy as lead.


Ye Zhen tried to stop the man from stepping out, and at the same time cast Xia Xue’s sight of “stop him quickly”.

Xia Xue was still sitting on the ground blankly.

The cyan silhouette didn’t make any movement, just staring at everything with a rather sad expression.

“…I must protect you.”

The man full of destructive desires showed a gentle smile on his face for the first time, just like the first light in the dark.

His eyes seem to have no room for other people.

Ye Zhen, who was struggling to prop up his body, only took one step, because of the weakness caused by the injury, one-knee kneels again. Although Xia Xue had already came back to his senses, his steps did not follow , Unable to raise the sword at that man.

So, embracing his only “favorite”, the man Juzhang left the sword grave, and the footsteps drifted away in the darkness.

The cyan silhouette dissipated into the void.

Only silence remains.

For a long time, Ye Zhen clenched his fists regretfully and hit the ground hard. One punch after another, the fists were so bloody, as if they were punishing the vacillation and powerlessness he had just done.

“This is how this Ye will explain to the little Ancestor Master!”

Xia Xue looked at him who had no desire to improve, and couldn’t express comfort or ridicule. However, Ye Zhen propped up his body again.

“No…you can’t have to stop him.”

He muttered to himself as if to convince himself. Obviously, just walking towards his sword, pulling it out was already hard enough, but Ye Zhen still embarked on the road where the man left.

His figure is shaking and he will fall down at any time.

I couldn’t care about the bright red flowing down the corner of her mouth, Xia Xue, who couldn’t stand it, stood in front of him, swelling up the arrogance that was once crushed, and making all her best to bluff and stare at Ye Zhen.

“Ye Zhen, what else do you want to do with a body like this?”

“What are you doing?”

Ye Zhen breathes deeply, turning his eyes to Xia Xue . Then, the breath he exhaled turned into a loud rebuke:

“Of course it is to defend the Heavenly Jade Palace!”

Xia Xue’s eyes widened and stared, as if receiving a huge impact Like.

Ye Zhen pushed her away, causing the earrings under her hair to jingle. Even though he was exhausted from breath and his chest was drenched with blood, the man continued to drag his badly wounded body to the outside of Jian Tomb.

“…What is this? Going to die?”

Xia Xue bit her lip with her head down, annoyed.

At the same time, she also understands that some things are not lighter than life. Therefore, she picked up her sword that fell on the ground and caught up with Ye Zhen.

It is the time when day and night alternate.

They decided to defend the Heavenly Jade Palace at the expense of life and death, and the girl who once claimed that they would not be maliciously harmed has yet to return.

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