The sky is gloomy and the clouds are thick.

The scattered snowflakes fall from the sky, as if to vent the accumulated sorrow.

White’s sorrow.

──Why does this snow never stop?

The young girl stretched out her hand to stop a snowflake and let out a long sigh. The white breath dissipated before it drifted far, just as the crystal-like snowflake melted quickly in the palm of his hand.

Her body temperature has always been relatively high.

It was born. Father said it was because of her Five Elements belonging to fire. Because of this, the snow drifting on her body will often melt quickly, and her sleeves have become a little wet in the short time she reaches out from the eaves of the corridor.

However, she does not hate snow.

The reason is that as long as she coquettishly shouts cold in the severe cold, the busy father will always take time to accompany her, covering her small palm with his generous and warm palm.

His hands are really warm, and the girl let out a sigh of relief on her free left hand. She crossed the corridor to the back garden of Chaoxue Tower.

In the garden, a bleak figure stands in it. The girl knew that the master of that figure was her father.

The girl alone walked into the garden, walked to father’s side, and took his hand. It was not as warm as she thought, and the man was looking up at the other side of the sky with snow covered in snow.

It was so pale and frightening, like a pile of ashes from a fire.

“Daddy, why don’t you come in?”

“Qi’er is here…”

The man’s voice is a bit hoarse, like The wind and cold is not healed, but there is a strange majesty.

The girl noticed that his palm was colder than her own, so she stretched out her hands to cover it, and rubbed it vigorously, hoping to warm the thickly callused palm a little bit.

Suddenly, the girl frowned and her eyes focused on the man’s shoulder.

She walked around in front of father and used a handkerchief to wipe the snow from his shoulders, and complained:

“Daddy, how long have you been here? Really , Are almost becoming a snowman! Are you afraid of getting sick?”

Father smiled bitterly at the girl’s every move, and said with a slight sigh:

“Qier is coming The more you look like your mother.”


The girl’s eyes lit up, but then dimmed again, she said frustratedly:

“But they all said that except for looking like mother, other places are not very like…They said that mother is much gentler than me.”

“It was just that they were clumsy and couldn’t find Qier The tenderness of that’s all.”

The man pretended to be snort disdainfully, and the girl’s bright red eyes became brighter again, as if flames were burning in it.


“Daddy won’t lie to Qier! Of course it is true, and Qier will be more beautiful and stronger than mother when he grows up. Gentle. You are our daughter, our pride, our hope.”

The thin-skinned girl was ashamed and happy to hear. As soon as she lifted the head and wanted to say something, her eyes were so big And covered by the warm palms, the smooth cheeks are also buried in the palms full of wrinkles. It’s itchy to the touch, but not too rough.

“Qier is not.”

The girl’s voice is muffled.

“Daddy is a man who can support both heaven and earth! You are the pride of our Heavenly Jade Palace. Great Grandfather said, Daddy is the person who has the most chance to surpass him-that is, Daddy I’m about to become a Grandmaster, right?”

The man gradually laughed, but there was a hint of bitterness in his smile.

“The Grandmaster’s realm is as far and near as it is near, and what you pay attention to is chance. The distance is very ambiguous, and it is not easy to catch. Daddy doesn’t know how far it is, just like never knowing how much The same distance.”

“I don’t quite understand.”

The girl tilted her head like a bird. Although she was still very childish, her straight eyebrows had already penetrated. There was an overwhelming beauty.

Anyone who has met her will believe that after she has been grown up, she must be a great beauty who can enchant the country, even more attractive than her mother who has the “Hua Dynasty number one beauty” mind.

──It should be beautiful like a red lotus that people cannot look away from.

The girl who has just reached the age of twelve is already the child of the human world, a unique and unmatched girl.

“You will understand sooner or later.”

The man laughed and rubbed the girl’s small head.

“But, what about Grandmaster?” He then sighed.

“Grandmaster is the strongest existence between Heaven and Earth!”

“Strong is only strong, and there are things beyond power, in front of life and death. It’s just as small.”

The girl didn’t quite understand what father said. She is still young, and she has not experienced enough, but this does not prevent her from seeing the tiredness that lies on father’s face

“Daddy, don’t work too hard…you have to pay attention to rest. Daddy is the lord of Heavenly Jade Palace, so he can’t just fall ill!”

Seeing that his father’s hair is a little more gray, the girl persuaded with a little sadness.

Father was a little surprised and was stunned for a while.

Finally, he shook the head, raised his head to the sky, and asked melancholy:

“Qi’er, do you know what is under the sky?”

Although the girl realized that his father meant something else, she was puzzled. She had to tilt her head and tentatively said:


father shook the head.

“This is ashes…” His tone was melancholy.


For this answer, the girl felt unfathomable mystery, but after rumination in her heart several times, it reminded her of something. This incident made her expression stiff.

She hesitated for a long time before she asked:

“Daddy refers to the Imperial Court’s incident on the Five Great Sects?”

father nodded expressed affirmation .

The expression of the girl who got the answer turned bleak, and many of her elders who knew her had died in this disaster. The anger of “Di” being stabbed seemed to destroy everything she knew.

“The war has started, and’Son of Heaven’ can no longer hold us. And this snow… is the ashes of those who died and those destroyed things burned by the fire. You see, It’s all over the sky.”

The girl wanted to say something to comfort the father in front of her. Her thoughts went back and forth, but the last thing she uttered was these four words:

“It will be okay…”

She really feels that she is very useless, and she can’t say anything to comfort father.

“No, it won’t be okay.”

Father said indifferently, it was like getting peace after being free from entanglement. This made the girl’s heart beat twice suddenly. She had a bad hunch, and her hunch was soon fulfilled.

“You, Great Grandfather and your second grandfather, support the entire Heavenly Jade Palace. It is precisely because of his protection that Heavenly Jade Palace, which should have been the first to bear the brunt, was able to struggling on whilst at death’s door. So far, I am a palace. The Lord can no longer sit and wait for death.

The other three sects are almost unable to hold up. There is a North Ming Senior in Lingyue Valley, and the situation is fine. The Great Grandmaster of Taoist One has already died three days ago. , His Junior Sister is left fighting hard, and Beggars’ Sect can be supported by a large number of supporters, but after all martial artists are not good at coordinating operations. In front of the elite soldiers of the Imperial Court, it will be sooner or later. /p>

Shadow Sect, this group of self-seeking generations can always avoid the battle based on their own advantages of coming and going without a trace. The situation is urgent. If the other three sects fall, Heavenly Jade Palace will not be able to take care of it alone, and it will definitely be in the end. It will lead to the path of destruction. Once the five Great Sects fall, the other Sects are dangerous.

So, Daddy decided to let go.”

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