“…I said…There is no cure for this poison.”

Finally, Tsukaruo replied like a mosquito. But it was just the sentence that’s all. Immediately after that, she suddenly raised her head, staring at her eyes and shouted:

“I can’t save him–I can’t save him! You know! Is it? That’s an incurable poison! Xie Zhifu also died of this nameless poison. Even the best doctors in Luoyang City could not save him. Why did you bring him to me?”

Zhong Ruoyou complained loudly, hoarsely.

It is hard to imagine that this slim woman could make such a sound. Shui Yun’er opened his eyes wide and looked at him incredulously.

No, not just her.

The same goes for Qi Qiqi and Zhong Ruoming.

Suddenly, there was a sorrowful cry outside.

The voice was like the dead souls claiming their lives, and the chill spontaneously flowed through the whole body. Zhong Ruoyou embraced him and grabbed his shoulders, grasping very hard, and the tears flowed away. Slip down from his cheeks.

That is definitely not sad.

The tears flashed with fear, restlessness, guilt and shaking.

For a long time, everyone present didn’t know what to say. The insider could not find the right words, and the unaware did not even have the qualifications to speak.

But, only one thing is certain–

“Miss Tsuka, are you going to watch Xie Young Master die?”

It’s Qi Qiqi.

The expression on her face was unconcealable anxious, and her words seemed a little loud, and she used a questioning tone.

Well, yes, her humble pride would not allow her failure to kill Xie Nanfeng.


Zhong Ruoyou was speechless.

She slowly picked up her head, met the bright red eyes in front of her, and clearly saw how pale and unsightly she was reflected in them.

“Doctor Tsuka, there is only you-only you can save Young Master!”

Qi Qiqi impulsively grasped Tsuka Ruoyou’s shoulders and it was shaking like this You can make the other party act as you want.

Too superficial! She is aware of this, but a strong impulse is controlling her.


Perhaps Qi Qiqi tried too hard, and Zhong Ruoyou groaned in pain.

“Master elder sister, calm down!”

Gong Tianqing stepped forward and pulled Qi Qiqi’s sleeve. At the same time, she looked to Shui Yun’er for help, only to find that this girl who always acted as a peacemaker was just watching everything happen coldly.

“That’s human life! You fool!”

Qiqiqi shouted.

However, Zhong Ruoyou also not to be outdone. She shouted “Let go of me!” slapped Qi Qiqi’s hand away, staggered back, and finally slumped on the ground.

“I…can’t save him.” She shook her head, “I can’t save him–really can’t save him.”

She kept repeating “I can’t save him.” “A few words.

It can be said that she was on the verge of collapse, and she hid her face and sobbed. Tsuka Ruoming knelt beside her elder sister, trying to comfort her trembling with a hug.

“Don’t do anything to my elder sister!” Zhong Ruoming stared at Qi Qiqi.


What’s wrong with me?

Forcing others because of your own failure… Qi Qiqi, you are too embarrassed!

So secretly reprimanding herself, she opened her mouth but couldn’t utter a word. In the end, she could only sigh faintly and withdraw the hand that was once extended. She looked at Shui Yun’er, but the latter was expressionless and terribly calm.

“Palace Master Qi, if we continue like this…”

Looking at the crying grave, Yu Hanchi next to Qi Qiqi was both anxious and worried.

“…There is no cure for this kind of strange poison. I am afraid that no one in Luoyang City can solve it… If it weren’t for this, Xie Zhifu would not have died, and now it is too late to find other doctors. Yes.”

Qi Qiqi rubbed the temple and replied in a barely calm tone. The gaze that fell on Zhong Ruoyou was full of confusion, she didn’t know what to do.

“You can only rely on Doctor Tsuka.” Shui Yuner echoed with a wry smile.

“Damn it!”

Thinking that he has fallen into a desperate situation, Yu Hanchi knocked fiercely.

At this time, it seems that the outside affairs have been dealt with, Sue Kirin opened the door and walked back.

She swept her hands and looked around the room.

Being able to feel the air is quite heavy, she frowned “en?” and walked to Qi Qiqi’s side as lightly as possible.

“…what’s the situation?”

Qiqi Qi shook the head frowningly.

“…That’s it.” Sue Kirin responded with a sigh, looking towards Zhong Ruoyou.

The girl thought for a while and felt that she should do something, but before she really took action, the young man who had been silent until now finally came forward. Tang Yi pushed away the guard who was bandaging himself, and walked steadily.

“Too embarrassing, Ruoyou Shizuka.”

He started to say, his voice echoed in the silent storefront, and it was particularly harsh.

Zhong Ruoyou shrank, but ignored him.

“Let others go and rest first.”

Sue Kirin glanced at the embarrassing escorts, Qi Qiqi suggested. Qi Qiqi lightly said “Um…”, then turned her head to convey the girl’s meaning to Yu Hanchi.

Yu Hanchi stayed for a while, then glanced at Zhong Ruoyou. He probably understood the meaning of the two, and led his men into the back hall to rest under the guidance of Sue Kirin.

Qi Qiqi asked Gong Tianqing to follow along, Tang Yi also gave instructions to her guard, and Shui Yuner said she wanted to stay here.

In an instant, only the sisters of Tang Yizhong Ruoyou Qi Qiqi Shuiyuner and Sue Kirin were left in the clinic store.

Sue Kirin retreated to the corner of the store with Shui Yuner and Qi Qiqi, and pulled up the reluctant Zhong Ruo Ming.

In order to appease this girl who is worried about her elder sister and does not want to leave her side girl, Sue Kirin cold blooded and emotionless stuffed Tianji, who had returned to the state of a black cat, to Tsuka Ruoming, and said she hoped her Take care of it.

Tang Yi gratefully expressed gratitude to several women nodded, and then refocused on Zhong Ruoyou. She was still crying with her head down, half of her face hidden in the shadows.

“…I thought you were a good doctor.”

Under one-knee kneels in front of Zhong Ruoyou, Tang Yi looked around clinic slowly.

“Even if the father died on the charge of poisoning the prefect, leaving behind a mess… Do you remember, what did you say at the time? Those people came to force you to sell the store to When they were.”

If Chuanyou didn’t answer, Tang Yi continued talking to himself: “…you said, I want to continue business, as long as there are patients who need doctors, you will To continue business-do you remember this sentence?”

“…Do you want to force me too?”

Zhong Ruoyou finally spoke.

A trembling cry, it must be not only because of crying.

“Yes, I am forcing you.”

Didn’t expect Tang Yi directly admitted that Zhong Ruoyou’s body shook suddenly.

“It’s fine if you hate me afterwards, but I don’t want to regret it anymore. Last time, I was forced by my father and didn’t extend a helping hand to Brother Xie…I regret it. At that time, I was thinking , Are we friends? My friend is in trouble, why should I stand by and blame myself. It was really painful at that time… I was almost worried. Even now, I still blame myself. I don’t want to You follow in my footsteps and don’t want to watch Brother Xie die, so you have no choice but to find ways to get you to heal him.”

“I said…I can’t cure him. The medicine can be solved.”

Tang Yi’s sincere heart did not exchange the response he expected, and Zhong Ruoyou still shook his head and refused. She seemed to have become a doll that only shakes her head.

Seeing her like this, Sue Kirin was inexplicably ignited, let alone Tang Yi. He intensified his tone and asked:

“Aren’t you a doctor? Why don’t you jump to conclusions without trying? Are you still a competent doctor like this?”

“I don’t want to kill people. .”

Zhong Ruoyou responded unexpectedly and quickly. She answered almost quickly, and that was probably what she was saying.

“Don’t want to kill someone? What is the difference between killing him if you die?”

Tang Yi paused, slightly slowed down:

” Ruoyou, you are just afraid, afraid that you will follow in your father’s footsteps, so you have always been very cautious, you are very careful in consultation, and you have to be 80 to 90% sure about the medicine. You are actually just afraid of becoming a murderer. ‘That’s it.”

Tang Yi’s words were as sharp as a knife, fiercely cut into Zhong Ruoyou’s heart. Or because of this pain, Zhong Ruoyou’s reaction was quite intense──


Lifting up that delicate and pretty face that was messed up by tears, Zhong Ruoyou roared the word loudly, but then dropped his head again, falling into silence like something was brewing.

After approaching one minute of silence, Zhong Ruoyou finally murmured in a worm-like tone:

“I am… so what? Who will Want to be a murderer? I just don’t want to be a murderer… I am a doctor, I want to save people, not kill people… Is this wrong?”

so that’s how it is, Sue Kirin woke up suddenly.

While working here, she has long had doubts about Zhong Ruoyou’s being too cautious and careful.

As a human being, Zhong Ruoyou’s idea can’t be called is definitely “wrong”.

However, she is a doctor. If a doctor gives up treatment because he is not sure to cure a person, it is tantamount to giving up the life of others.

The world was originally unreasonable.

In the eyes of many people, doctors cure people as it should be by rights. If a patient accidentally dies during his treatment, people will scold him.

Well, it is very unreasonable. The doctor is not omnipotent. It is always impossible to cure all the patients.

If any illness can be easily rejuvenated, then life will definitely become quite cheap.

Because of the fragility of life, life is extremely precious.

A doctor who does not dare to bear the risk of “saving the patient” is definitely not a competent doctor, Sue Kirin thinks so.

“But if you don’t save him, he will die, and you will become a murderer. In that case, why don’t you try to work hard?”

“That’s not the same “

“Where is it different?”

“At least, he didn’t die in my hands!”

Zuka Ruoyou took off his own The shoe was grasped in his hand, and then lifted up, seeming to be thrown out with all his strength. She presumably wanted to express her rejection to Tang Yi, and there was an element of anger mixed in it, but the shoes just fell to the ground in the end.

She failed to throw it out.

That’s because──


Tang Yi grabbed the skirt of Zhong Ruoyou and lifted it up. It’s due to instinct. Therefore, there was a very brief delay before he slapped him down.

With this brief moment, he was able to perceive the expression on Zhong Ruoyou’s face.

It was an expression of distress and misery crumpled up, in which sadness suddenly poured out like a torrent. very ugly. But it is also heartbreaking.

Tang Yi couldn’t help letting go, and Zhong Ruoyou fell to the ground again weakly.

This girl has never been as strong as she imagined, nor is she noble as she imagined. She is just playing a corner. Tang Yi is deeply aware of this and regrets herself for expecting her without authorization.


The girl who knelt down beside Tang Yi was Sue Kirin.

She used the handkerchief she borrowed from Qi Qiqi to wipe away the tears from Zhong Ruoyou, tilting her head as if she didn’t understand anything, and asked calmly:

“Then why are you Don’t simply give up? If you don’t be a’doctor’, the things you are afraid of will not happen, so why do you want to be a doctor?”


Ruoyou showed the expression that his heart was hit directly by someone.

She stared at Sue Kirin with a shaken stare, reflecting a pair of beautiful eyes that seemed to be able to clearly understand the world.

“I think, you are probably very scared, but you don’t want to give up’saving people’, right? That’s why you inherit this clinic and continue to’save people’ with your father’s concept.”

Sue Kirin said with a smile.

“One thing I want to correct is that’cannot save’ and’killing’ are two different things. Maybe the result is the same, but the meaning is definitely different. When you heal others, it must be From the beginning to the end, I always hold the intention of “I want to save him” and “I want to heal him.” That is a very beautiful and very precious kind of intention, I think! Defining a person’s quality is definitely not The result is what he thinks, isn’t it?”

“But, it’s useless for me to do anything! The poison simply can’t be solved!”

You loudly shouted, but the imposing manner is already much weaker.

“Why can it be concluded that nothing will work when nothing has been done? Only when you have tried your best and worked hard can you be qualified to discuss this issue. You are not yet qualified. “As if trying to stop Tsukaruoyou’s retort, Sue Kirin immediately raised a question:

“And, is there really no hope?”

“…Huh “

Zhong Ruoyou’s eyes widened, asking some not knowing what to do.

“Don’t you want to try to prove it? Is your father a murderer or a man of superb medical skills.”

“…is it possible that?”


Zhong Ruoyou turn pale with fright, his tone hesitated, but Sue Kirin showed a treacherous smile like a prank.

“The prescription that your father left behind should still be there, right?”

The prescription that Chu Ruoyou father claimed can detoxify the body of the former Mister Magistrate.

Sue Kirin is not sure that the prescription is still there, and Ruoyou Ruoyou knows the details of the prescription, but she believes that Ruoyou must have delved into the prescription.

No one can easily let the belief that supports her collapse, she believes so. And Zhong Ruoyou’s lost response well proved her guess, and she saw her uttering unclear words no matter how many times she said:

“That…that prescription…I… “

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