Are you going to die?

Are you going to die here?

I have practiced spell for a long time, but can’t match the firearm I bought? Obviously I’ve messed up things once! In an instant, countless thoughts came to my mind, but more of them were unwilling.

“How can I lose──!”

In response to the master’s will, Tianli Sword blasted fierce flames.

Qiqi Qi, who is wrapped in flames, is like turning into a raging fire, like a blooming red lotus flower, raising her sword to the white glowing torrent.

The glow of white divided into two like a torrent crashing into a rock.

Qiqiqi is like a small flame swaying in the wind, as if extinguished at any time, but unexpectedly strong.

Little sword, little girl.

She endured the pain of being sputtered through the skin and clothes, dragging blood marks, and stood in the forefront of the team unrelentingly, facing the light of destruction with awe.

Blood gushing from the arm of the right hand holding the sword, dyeing the sleeves of the dress red. The sword of love that stood in the front kept shaking, and the palm of his hand was painful. He couldn’t stop retreating, and he couldn’t stabilize his figure at any time.

I can’t hold the sword, but how can I give up?

Qi Qiqi clenched her teeth and insisted, even if the flames were getting weaker and weaker around her, she would not give up.

That’s how she walked all the way, and she will continue this way in the future.

──Daddy Kirin Great Grandfather, are you watching?

I have worked hard, so…so, please give me more strength──please give me a strong enough heart!

How can she fall here with everything on her back?

The twin pupils, which are like boarding flames, are becoming more and more vivid in a piece of white.

Perhaps a moment, perhaps a thousand years have passed, that white torrent has finally ceased. The sudden disappearance of the shock and the silence of the visit made Qi Qiqi’s body shake in the smoke.

But, she did not fall.

Despite being riddled with scars, she still didn’t fall.

Her heart is not broken.

Qi Qiqi swayed to lift up the sky.

“Because I am the granddaughter of Qi Return to Origin, the daughter of Qi Yixin, and the disciple of Sue Kirin──!”

In an instant, the torrent of flames fell from the sky, A corner of Luoyang City burned blazingly. The igniting light seemed as faint as a starlight in some people’s eyes, but the sparks were often enough to start a prairie fire.


On the street not far away, the ray of flames swayed in the white wind and rain.

Sue Kirin saw everything there in his eyes, but just watched silently. But now the situation is critical, the girl will disappear into the light if she is careless, but Sue Kirin still does not move.

She’s side Tianji is in a hurry.

“Kirin Kirin, why don’t you help the elder sister?”

At this moment, Tianji, who sees people as a girl, is too anxious to know what to do. She yanks Sue Kirin’s sleeve and points So asked on the street not far away.

Yes, she ignored it.

She doesn’t understand why Sue Kirin just sits on the sidelines, speechlessly cold like this dark clouded night sky, not saving Qi Qiqi and the others in danger.


Sue Kirin did not answer this question.

Looking at the side face of his master’s squinted eyes, Tianji suddenly felt strange and unfamiliar. She didn’t notice how tight Sue Kirin’s fists were clenched, and her body was so tight.

“Kirin won’t go, I’ll go!”

She shouted in disbelief and was about to take the 1st Step, but Sue Kirin stopped her. This is the first time the girl has arrived here to watch.

“Idiot Xiaoji, where are you going?”

Sue Kirin’s eyes still didn’t move at all, fixed on the red silhouette.

“I’ll save the elder sister!”

“Don’t go, sit down for me.”

Sue Kirin strictly forbids Tianji from acting without authorization .

“But, Qi elder sister she──!”

“It’s okay.”

Tian Ji was excited to refute, but was lightly by Sue Kirin Interrupted.

“She can make it through.”

Sue Kirin said so, speaking very powerfully. That is pure trust.

What else does Tianji want to say, but the battle on the other side has changed again. She instinctively refocused her gaze there, just when she saw the white glow dissipate.

The flame of red is blooming.

Qiqiqi doesn’t seem to be a serious problem, Tian Ji relieved a little.

“…you worked hard.” Sue Kirin laughed lightly.

It was like a comforting expression to see that his child has finally grown.

“Go away, Xiaoji.”

After she greeted Tianji, each minding their own business walked back.

“Kirin, wait a minute!”

Tianji didn’t know what to do for a while, she looked at the flames rising into the sky in the distance, then looked at Sue Kirin’s back figure, in the end, he quickly followed his master.

She still couldn’t relax.

However, she felt that Sue Kirin had her own considerations, and she moved uncontrollably.

“…Overprotection is not a good thing.”

I just came to my master and turned back to the state of a black cat and climbed onto her shoulders. Hear this soft talk.

“Huh?” Questioning voice.

“No one can be by one’s side all the time…”

Sue Kirin sighed, melancholy floating in his eyes. She slowed down, stroked the soft hair of the black cat, and looked at the darkness ahead.

“There will always be times when you have to face difficulties alone.”

Yes, she whispered in a low voice:

“Neither you nor me, both The same. So, we must be strong-strong enough, otherwise one day we will get lost in the darkness. Well, one day.”

“Kirin, you…”

Tianji didn’t quite understand the meaning of Sue Kirin’s words, but she could feel the sadness of the master. She stretched out her padded paw and stroked Sue Kirin’s eye.

“Woo…Kirin, you seem so sad.” The black cat’s voice was worried.

Perhaps the hair is itchy nose, Sue Kirin wrinkles his nose, yells “itch”, and removes the black cat’s paw.

“It’s not enough to be sad.”

Sue Kirin seemed to respond casually, but Tianji felt quite depressed. It feels unfounded, and it’s just that.

“I’m just talking about helpless situations, do you always like to think about it?”

Sue Kirin rubbed Tianji’s head and grinned laughed. Then, her smile gradually faded, maintaining a trace of the trace, looking up into the depths of the sky. “If I can, I will stay here until I die.”

Sue Kirin’s profile looks more slender than usual.

Tianji rubbed Sue Kirin’s neck silently, and the latter wrinkled his nose again.


As if thinking of something, Tianji said again:

“Kirin, speaking of which Xie Nanfeng seems to be in trouble. .”

“What is my business?” Sue Kirin asked lightly.

“Well, it really doesn’t matter to us.”

There was silence.

“Kirin, don’t you really worry about the elder sisters?”

The problem of Dimensity went back to the original point.

This is probably understandable, after all, Sue Kirin’s performance today is too abnormal. She originally thought that her master would show up desperately and beat all those birds to the ground.

“It’s not too late for me to shoot before she can’t hold it, and she holds it.”

Sue Kirin’s answer is simple.

But then, there was a sigh.

“How could I not worry? It’s just that she worked hard. When you see her working hard, how can I bear to make it meaningless? She also has self-esteem and can be angry. She When I was angry, it was terrifying…”


The cat’s eyes were unclear, and the tail swayed. Sue Kirin asked it not to shake it like a numb.

“But, all the elder sisters are hurt.”

“A little bit of hurt, just a little heartache. But once your self-esteem is broken, how can you remedy it? Ji.”

“I still don’t understand.”

Tian Ji still shook his head, so Sue Kirin snorted jokingly.

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand, because you have no dignity at all. Anyone can take you away with something delicious.”

“Hey…Kirin, you are here Scold me?”

“What did you say?”

“Woo…you are so bad!”

a man and a cat soon Disappeared in the dark alley.


Qiqiqi’s flame paved the way.

Under the command of Yu Hanchi, while the blue and white gang was still in the space where the blue and white gang was still stunned by the flames, the entire group left through the chaotic formation gap of the opponent and quickly turned into the alley. disappeared.

“What are you still stunned? The blow Qi Qiqi just consumed a lot, she won’t last long, so she can chase after it?”

Just crawling out of the rubble, Zhang Biluo Then shouted with anger. His men did not react for a while.

“A group of rice buckets.”

Zhang Biluo knocked on his mouth and looked in the direction where Xie Nanfeng’s entire group disappeared.

“…I underestimated her.”

The firearms provided by the Mohist family are full of formidable power. The blow just now can match the realm of heaven, but it is still hardened by Qi Qiqi Resistance down.

Thinking about this, Zhang Biluo unwillingly clenched his fist and slammed the wall.

However, the phantom carved by the scene just now remained in his vision. He had never seen such an overbearing flame, as fierce and violent as a waterfall falling from the sky, capable of burning almost everything.

He looked at the traces of the flame burning the ground.

The part of the ground that was shaved off by the flames was still red with smoke coming out of the edges, wherever it went barren.

“…terrifying monster.”

This is the word he muttered after he retracted his sight.

At the same time, a piece of fire debris fell on his nose, making his nose itchy.

It was quiet at night, only the footsteps of one’s entire group echoed.

The alley along the way is deep and narrow, and a chill left over from winter invades Qi Qiqi’s single clothes.


The red clothed girl panting softly and leaning on Shui Yun’er, looks pale and frightening.

The “Heavenly Sword Stream” that broke up the opponent’s formation just now has almost exhausted all her strength, and now she has exhausted all her energy just to keep up with the team’s speed.



Suddenly, she staggered and lost her center of gravity, and fell to the ground with Shui Yuner . Both of them made painful noises.

“Master elder sister water elder sister!”

Gong Tianqing was shocked to see that the two suddenly disappeared from her side, and immediately stopped and looked back at them. The others stopped when they heard the sound.

Shui Yun’er got up first, but Qi Qiqi was a little bit unable to use her strength and needed her and Gong Tianqing’s help.

“It’s a burden to everyone…”

Qi Qiqi, who stood up with the help of the two, immediately apologized to everyone.

She felt a scorching heat in her right elbow. The blood was bleeding there, and I don’t know if it was a bruise from the fall just now, or a wound from an earlier battle. Shui Yuner used a handkerchief to help her easily and easily.

“Palace Master Qi, where are you? If it weren’t for you, we would still be in a siege!”

One of the guards sternly said.

He is carrying his companion who unfortunately lost his life in the battle just now.

This escort teacher’s speech was recognized by everyone in the field. They all nodded in agreement, and looked at Qi Qiqi with respect and gratitude.


Qiqiqi lowered her head to avoid their eager gaze.

She felt that she was ashamed. After all, if she hadn’t left her job because of her own breath, things might not have deteriorated to this degree.

The sound of chasing footsteps came from the other end.

“It’s a stalker.”

Yu Hanchi frowned, looked at the sound source, and then turned his gaze to Qi Qiqi.

“Palace Master Qi, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, can you still leave?”

“…Please don’t worry about me.”

Qiqiqi will never Let yourself be a burden. Her pride does not allow it.

“Okay, let’s continue.”

After Yu Hanchi finished speaking, he aligns Qiqi nodded again and leads the entire group to move on again. He has memorized the entire Luoyang City road, which seems to be the quality that a dart master should have. Under his leadership, the entire group is rapidly advancing to the place where the clinic is located.

Zuka Ruoyou has taken off his coat and is ready to go to bed.

However, she blew out the oil lamp and just walked onto the bed. Before she could lie down, someone knocked on her door.

“Is it Kirin?”

Looking at the petite silhouette outside the door outlined by the moon shadow on the paper, Tsukaruoyou called out the name of the person without any doubt.

Her younger sister never knocks on the door in her room and sleeps very early, so the only person she can think of is Sue Kirin.

“Hey, Xiaoyou is so smart.”

Sue Kirin’s always ethereal voice came from outside the door.

Zhong Ruoyou shouted “Waiting” and put on the coat that he had just taken off, then put on his indoor shoes and went to answer the door. After the door opened, Sue Kirin was still dressed up.

She seems to have gone to a poem meeting with her elder sister today. Judging from the fact that she hasn’t taken a bath and changed her clothes, she probably just came back. Zhong Ruoyou thought about something that didn’t matter. , While asking the girl in front of her, she said:

“Kirin, it’s so late, is there anything you want to do with me?”

The always kind girl doesn’t have much dislike, and she invited Sue Kirin advanced to the room and sat down, but was rejected by the latter.

“Xiaoyou, you can change your clothes quickly.”

“Hey, why?”

Sue Kirin’s words are very boring. Ruoyou couldn’t react, blinking without any movement.

Somehow, Sue Kirin seemed very impatient-perhaps, very anxious, seeing that Ruoyou was slow to respond, so he just started directly.

Sue Kirin grabbed Zhong Ruoyou’s arm, turned her around and pushed her into the room, and then each minding their own business ran to the closet in the room and found a set of clothes. Stuffed it to her.

“Hurry up and change it!”

“Wait, what’s going on?”

Zhong Ruoyou is more than confused, she even thinks Sue Is Kirin’s head going wrong? Came here most of the night and asked myself to change clothes, without explaining why.

Unfortunately, Sue Kirin still had no intention of explaining, and walked outside the room without looking back.

“The changed clothes will come to the store, and I will prepare medicine for trauma.” She just walked out of the room and suddenly stopped, “Oh, it seems that someone has been poisoned.”

“…Poisoning? Trauma?”

The sudden news was that Zhong Ruoyou couldn’t digest it. She stood there blankly, and it took a long time to understand the seriousness of the situation, and Sue Kirin was no longer there.

“…What is going on?”

Zhong Ruoyou frowned.

Of course no one answered her question, but she closed the door and started changing clothes.

“Really, I suddenly ran in and told me that someone was poisoned. It’s not a joke…”

The girl couldn’t help but doubt, the whole thing was too confusing. She was inexplicably irritable, but the change of clothes was not slow.

Although it is not certain, but someone needs her to save, as a doctor, she has to be cautious.

Well, Zhong Ruoyou is a doctor.

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