Hangover is uncomfortable… In the past two days, a friend was about to fly to the United States. Playing with him for two days was considered a ride. I drank more, so I updated 2000 words… Please forgive me, after all, my friend is leaving, and I don’t know when to see you again. In retrospect, Yipai is almost two years old. It’s been a blessing to meet readers during this period, and I hope to continue this fate no matter what! Well, my friend is leaving, a bit sad. The sad house looks like a fool.


The attack occurred on the street where they had just left the Shihui.

Although this street is considered to be one of the least lively places today, Qi Qiqi can still see a few passers-by when she comes, but at this moment she is so secluded and weird that she can’t see the silhouette at all.

There is an ambush!

Qi Qiqi intuitively thinks so, but she can’t perceive any breath, and the other party may have come prepared. The leader waved her hand to stop the entire group that was advancing rapidly.

“…Palace Master Qi?”

Tang Yi went to the ground and called her out for unknown reasons.

Qi Qiqi gave him a dignified look, but did not answer the question in a voice. Instead, after that, she cast her gaze on Yu Hanchi in the middle of the team.

Two people four eyes intersect.

Yu Hanchi, who is very experienced, has not noticed the emptiness, and nodded response cautiously.

“The idea is here.”

He turned his head and gave orders to his men next to him. More than a dozen dartists immediately changed their formation and supported the dart carrying Xie Nanfeng. By the side of the division, he drew his sword to warn all around, while Yu Hanchi retreated to the back of the team.

“Shui younger sister Qinger, you go and protect both sides of the team.”

Qiqiqi also gave instructions to the two dísciples of Heavenly Jade Palace.

Shui Yun’er and Gong Tianqing obeyed without saying a word, the two moved to the two sides of the team after looking at each other, the weapons in their hands were removed at the same time.

The entire team has entered a combat stance.

Seeing the situation like this, Tang Yi understood that the current situation was critical. The two guards beside him stopped in front of him sideways, protecting him from rash actions.

“Palace Master Qi, let’s go.”

Yu Hanchi solemnly proposed.

Qi Qiqi nodded, winked at Shui Yun’er and Gong Tianqing to make them be careful, and then continued to lead the team to move forward.

The team stopped again after not getting far.

Dragging in azure clothes, Zhang Biluo, Sect Leader of the Blue and White gang, suddenly appeared from the shadows on the other side of the street, and bowed his hand to Qi Qiqi from a long distance away.

“Palace Master Qi, we meet again.”

Although his voice is not loud, it is clear enough in the strangely quiet alley.


A dull sound echoed.

Zhang Biluo unloaded a big box from behind. I don’t know what’s in the box, it’s about the same size as an adult. Qi Qiqi did not notice its existence at first because the box was black.

“Sect Leader Zhang, the night is already late.”

From the corner of her eyes, she continued to stare at the box, Qi Qiqi frowned solemnly in response. She tried not to let her voice reveal too much anxiety.

“Don’t you have a good rest, what is your intention to block the way here?”

Qi Qiqi drew her sword and pointed finger towards Zhang Biluo, the red in her eyes seemed to flow, in this quiet The bright red was dazzling in the night.

“Sect Leader Zhang, this is in Luoyang City.” She said pointedly.

Luoyang City is a major city, and it is by no means a place where martial artists can do whatever they want. Qi Qiqi is reminding the other party not to act rashly to avoid getting into trouble.

Zhang Biluo naturally heard that there was something in her words.

“Palace Master Qi really took a lot of pains…” He laughed and shook his head.

In response to his voice, Qi Qiqi glanced back and found that the way was blocked. It’s the dísciple of the Blue and White Gang, they all hold the sword, shaking the cold light after another.

A group of people wearing black clothed appeared on the roofs on both sides.

Qi Qiqi’s face became more and more serious, and a little cold sweat leaked out of her forehead.

She believes that the black clothed persons on the roof are not dísciples of the Qinghua Gang. Since the dísciple behind the Qinghua Gang does not have any disguise, if the people on the roof are also from the Qinghua Gang, they do not need to cover their faces.

It’s an assassin.

Qiqiqi judged this, and then the name of the organization “Shadow Sect” came to her mind.

Well, one of the five Great Sects that have been silent for a long time.

So, was the assassination of Xie Nanfeng also under Shadow Sect? Qi Qiqi thought that the Qinghua Gang didn’t have the kind of expert who was good at assassinations—perhaps, but it wasn’t something that could be done with half a bucket of water to hide from Yu Hanchi.

“…Sect Leader Zhang, it seems that you really want to take the life of Young Master here? Even the assassins of Shadow Sect are invited.”

Qi Qiqi carefully scanned the assassins.

Their threat is no less than the box beside Zhang Biluo’s feet, and what’s more terrible is that the effort of this group of people to hold their breath is almost to the level of Major Perfection, she can’t accurately estimate how many people there are.

“hahahaha ──!”

Zhang Biluo burst out laughing suddenly.

The bright laughter resounded on the street as if it was something pleasing to the people. Qi Qiqi didn’t understand what he was laughing at, and stared at him with a delicate face.

“What are you laughing at?” Yu Hanchi did not hold his breath, and took the lead in shouting.

“I laughed at you innocent.”

Stopping the laughter, Zhang Biluo sneered mockingly.

“Do you think I care about it? Tang Yi is here. If I care about Luoyang government office and Zhen Guowei, I won’t be here. Yes, I simply don’t care. Qi Gong Lord, haven’t you noticed? Zhen Guowei simply didn’t appear.”

He finally showed a wild expression.

Qi Qiqi suppressed the shock in her heart, and looked back at Tang Yi next to her. She saw that the other party was slightly hanging her face not knowing what she was thinking, and her expression was quite gloomy.

Then, there was a brief silence.

Tang Yi quickly pulled away his crosshands to block his bodyguards, walked to the forefront and stood side by side with Qi Qiqi, and raised this question without fear:

“Zhang Biluo, you Is there any unseen deal with my father?”

“Young Master Tang ──”

Tang Yi’s remarks are tantamount to questioning his father and Qinghua Gang Sect Leader was embarrassed.

Qi Qiqi, who understood the stakes, wanted to remind the other party with a slightly startled expression, but Tang Yi waved her to keep quiet.

“Zhang Biluo, what benefit did you promise my father?” “The son of the former prefect is far less important than the stability of Luoyang City. Young Master Tang, don’t you know how many properties Qinghua Gang owns in Luoyang City? And business?”

For those in power, the criteria for all decisions are not right and wrong, but more and less.

Sacrifice the few to achieve the majority-taking care of the overall situation is always their first consideration.

If the Blue and White Gang used their own forces to force them, the prefect of Luoyang could only turn one eye and close one eye. After all, for the stability of Luoyang City, Xie Nanfeng’s life was too insignificant. Up.

Xie Nanfeng’s family in Kaifeng may have some power, but their power must not reach Luoyang, otherwise Xie Nanfeng does not need to hide in Kaifeng.

“Young Master Tang should avoid it first! This Zhang hasn’t been so frantic enough to do it at you, but then the situation is chaotic. If it hurts you, things will not be beautiful.”

Zhang Biluo squinted his eyes to persuade – threatening Tang Yi, but he still has several points of taboo in his eyes. He should not at all in advance, expecting Tang Yi would also be with him.

I made a mistake.

Qi Qiqi seemed to hear his voice, and glanced at Tang Yi inadvertently.

If he is a threat, can Zhang Biluo refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases temporarily? Qi Qiqi is not afraid that her own side is no match for the other side, what she is afraid of is time.

Xie Nanfeng’s body is very poisonous, and there is not much time.

Seeing that he is getting weaker and weaker, Qi Qiqi is getting more and more anxious. After all, Xie Nanfeng will be poisoned, and she will more or less bear some responsibility.

But if Tang Yi is hijacked for this, her conscience will not survive.

More importantly, she is the face of Heavenly Jade Palace. The dignified Heavenly Jade palace lord’s holding of the son of the current prefect will not only ruin the accumulated reputation of Sect, but may also cause a series of troubles later.

Did you have to rush through?

Qi Qiqi thought, hesitated in this race against time. It was too shameful. She knew how embarrassing she was now, but she still couldn’t make a decision easily.

If it were not for Xie Nanfeng’s guilt, she would probably not hesitate to this point.

In the end, Zhang Biluo made a decision for this kind of her──

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