“Talking tortoise… Mugan chicken?”

The two walked side by side on the street.

Sue Kirin asked vaguely while chewing on the three-color dumplings he just bought.

hearing this, Qi Qiqi, who was looking at everything on the street enthusiastically, turned around and glared at her.

“Will you finish eating first, okay?”

Sue Kirin said, chewing quickly, swallowing the dumplings.

“I ask you, is it okay?” she asked again.

“Sorry, this question is too vague, I don’t quite understand it.”

Qiqiqi responded absent-mindedly, still focusing on the people and things on both sides of the street.

“I’m serious.”

Sue Kirin pulled the girl’s arm with dissatisfaction, and the latter pulled his eyes back and asked in a loud voice, “What’s the matter? “

“Isn’t it a poem meeting today?”


Accordingly, Qi Qiqi’s attention was hooked by a painting booth live.

Sue Kirin looked over and found that the character written by the scholar who looked downright–the stall owner–was not as good as Qi Qiqi. She doesn’t understand why Qi Qiqi looks like with keen interest pleasure.

“Xie Nanfeng will also attend the poem meeting, right? You said yesterday.”


Qi Qiqi looked at the calligraphy and painting Move to the busker a little further away. Those artists seemed to be performing with a boulder on their chests, surrounding a group of people who were yelling.

“Then what? Are you trying to protect him? It doesn’t matter if you don’t go?”

Although Qi Qiqi invited herself to go shopping, Sue Kirin had to admit that she was a little happy. But if it breaks down the business, it will be a shortcoming, and even turn the cart before the horse.

“Ai, why did you ask this until now?”

Qi Qiqi pouted to express her dissatisfaction.

Regardless of her identity, she is just a beautiful and unbelievable young girl. At this moment, she is still showing this kind of daughter’s demeanor, which is very affectionate. The people nearby have long since turned Divine Soul upside down.

“Because it’s important, right?”

Sue Kirin barely held his heart, and didn’t give up because of the other party’s tenderness.

“You really hate you sometimes!” Qi Qiqi punched Sue Kirin in the shoulder, half lamented and half unpleasant-of course lightly, “It’s like I’ve done something wrong. “

“…hey hey hey, didn’t you steal it out?”

Helplessly, Sue Kirin didn’t forget what Qi Qiqi said this morning.

She waved her pink fist at the time, “I came here secretly, don’t let the appointment happen, or we will wait and see!” This threatened Sue Kirin.

“It’s all up to now.” Qi Qiqi said somewhat guilty.

Indeed, she has all come, and it seems a bit of an afterthought to mention this matter now. Sue Kirin thought, scratching his head awkwardly.

Seeing her embarrassment, Qi Qiqi sighed helplessly.

“Really…it doesn’t matter.”

“How do you say?”

Qi Qiqi finally answered her question, and Sue Kirin asked it.

“That poetry club is a group of celebrities, I think those people are not bold enough to start in the poetry club…unless they are crazy, if accidentally hurt others, things will be serious. They are not stupid, Zhang Biluo still knows how to advance and retreat that day. Without really being an enemy of me, he can prove that he is not desperate.”

Qi Qiqi, who is so clear, is still angry. It’s bulging, but there is light shining in the bright eyes. She was never a fool. A fool can not support one of the five Great Sects.

It’s just that Sue Kirin felt that there was a danger of stepping on the steel wire.

Is she slack? This kind of thought emerged spontaneously, and Sue Kirin squinted at Qi Qiqi’s eyes unavoidably showing concern.

“What are you doing?”

Qiqiqi’s proud voice sounded.

She noticed Sue Kirin’s eyes.

Presumably also aware of the problem, she then explained as if to cover up:

“And Young Master Tang also greeted Zhen Guowei, the security of the poem meeting venue The strength is also quite enough, don’t worry too much!” Qi Qiqi’s eyes flickered a little.

Sue Kirin thinks there is a reason. The problem is that Qi Qiqi would never abandon her business for personal reasons. Could the reason be that she prefers to go shopping with herself? The girl didn’t find good words to express her thoughts for a while.

So, she was silent.

And Qi Qiqi seems to interpret her silence as tacit consent, relaxed imperceptibly.

“Okay, let’s not talk about it yet!” She changed the subject rather stiffly, “Qing’er will inform me with’Xingyan’ if there is anything. Here is a poem. The venue is not far away, so you can get there in no time.”

It is said that the further east street will be more lively.

Sue Kirin thought Qi Qiqi would suggest to go there for a look, but she kept walking around here because if an accident happened, she could rush over as quickly as possible.

It always feels like she is trying to force herself… Sue Kirin is a little uncomfortable.

It’s like the other party is already busy enough at work, but he just wants to spend time with himself.

Sue Kirin is walking beside Qi Qiqi with her chin curled up. She cast her gaze on the surrounding things, as if she was also affected by the festive atmosphere. The whole person glowed with a distinctive brilliance. She also pulled Sue Kirin’s arm to point at different places and commented on it.

It looks like a child who has just arrived here and is curious about everything.

“Little Qi, are you…especially interested? You feel like you are very happy?”

Sue Kirin pretended to be puzzled, and Qi Qiqi was right now. Pulling her arm to walk to a stall selling snacks.

Hearing this question, Qi Qiqi paused for a while, but did not answer the question. She bought some cakes from the stall owner, tried a piece first, commented “It’s delicious!”, and then asked Sue Kirin to try too.

Sue Kirin had no choice but to twist a piece of her wish and throw it into her mouth.

Mung bean cake.

The taste is just like Qi Qiqi said.


Seeing Sue Kirin’s eyes lit up, she reached for the second piece again, Qi Qiqi smiled. However, after a few seconds, her face suddenly changed from bright to dark, and she was depressed.

“Uh, what’s wrong with you?” Sue Kirin asked in surprise.

“I… am I a little overwhelmed?”

She asked so abruptly that she looked like a child who did something wrong. “Huh…?” Sue Kirin blinked, not understanding what she meant.

Qiqiqi didn’t answer, instead she stepped forward and continued to move forward, but her eyes did not fall to the side. She looked ahead–a ​​place far beyond her sight.

“I am really happy today.”

After walking a section of the road, Qi Qiqi finally opened her lips.

“I know, I shouldn’t leave Xie Young Master to ignore it, but…”

Qi Qiqi turned her face slightly and put on a sad smile. This expression really doesn’t suit her… This is Sue Kirin’s first thought.

“I haven’t visited the Lantern Festival for a long time.”

Because of Luo Qing’s death a year earlier, the Lantern Festival can’t be called reunion, so it was Did not participate in the Luoyang Lantern Festival.

Because of this, this is the first time Sue Kirin and Qi Qiqi go shopping together.

“Eh, Kirin, this is a reunion festival, right? Yes, it is a reunion festival… Before, my father would take me out to visit the Luoyang Lantern Festival every year…”

She looked around all around, with a daze.

“It’s still the same scenery. That stall has been set up for a long time, and the business is good every year! Another distance there is an old lady selling glutinous rice balls, I don’t know if they are still there this year? How good is her glutinous rice balls Eat…”

Qi Qiqi’s gaze returned to the distant “front” as if she didn’t know where to go.

“It’s all the same, but her side is different.” Her smile almost fell into a ball.

How to comfort this girl who is afraid of loneliness? Sue Kirin is thinking about this issue.

However, the hand has already moved.

It was almost instinctive. She took Qi Qiqi’s hand-a slightly cold hand.

“I said, am I not with you now?”

Sue Kirin deliberately put on an expression of dissatisfaction, Qi Qiqi looked at her blankly, and even forgot to walk , Just stopped on the street. The person behind almost ran into her, and it was Sue Kirin who gave her a hand to avoid the collision.

“Yes, I have you this year.”

Qiqiqi’s smile became a little brighter, and she held Sue Kirin’s hand back tightly.

The two walked forward again.

As long as one is alive, one cannot stop.

“But baa, you are not alone, are you? There are Xiaoqing, Xiaoxue and others…”

“It feels different.”

Qiqi Qi Answered somewhat obscurely.

If Sue Kirin asked her what was different, she would not be able to answer it.

“Well, take a step back and say-you are not a devastatingly beautiful big beauty? As long as you beckons with the hand, open a golden mouth, all Aristocratic Family Young Masters in Luoyang City will do Are you swarming? They can’t wait to get you on the Blade Mountain and get into the pan!”

Sue Kirin said, just gnashing teeth, like those Aristocratic Family Young Masters and what does she have The sea of ​​blood hates the same. She summarized this reaction as the reaction father should have when he sees his daughter being pursued.

“You really hate this statement!”

Qi Qiqi pursed her mouth in dissatisfaction and gave Sue Kirin an elbow.

“Those people are harboring malicious intentions. They simply don’t know me, right? They just covet the beauty of others! Otherwise, they are eyeing the power of Heavenly Jade Palace… They simply It’s not sincere. I feel sick after thinking about it.”

So how can it be true? Sue Kirin almost blurted out the question.

Isn’t it a liking to like a person’s looks?

Perhaps it is a bit superficial, but it cannot be said that such a liking is not a liking. And Qi Qiqi dared to deny it this way means that she would never like someone because of her appearance.

Speaking of which, when I mentioned “coveting other people’s beauty” just now, Qi Qiqi’s face turned red and hesitated for a moment. Is it because she was ashamed to export? This Xiaoqi is as thin as ever! Sue Kirin laughed while thinking.


“Eh, Xiaoqi, you really don’t have anyone you like? Oh, I mean boys.

Sue Kirin will ask This problem is caused by curiosity.

Qi Qiqi is at the age of first awakening of love anyway. It is also as it should be by rights to have a good impression of the opposite sex, and it is also better than other age groups. It’s easier.

“You…Huh? Ok? “

Qiqiqi’s reaction is quite cute.

She made an unclear voice and kept blinking bright red eyes as if she didn’t understand what Sue Kirin was talking about.

“Come on, what did you say? “

Just a few seconds later, Qi Qiqi’s ears were red. Sue Kirin thought of the white tobacco on her head and almost laughed.

If If this continues, Sue Kirin probably won’t get any answers.

“Okay, then I will ask you another way! So you don’t have anyone else who wants to go shopping with him? Oh, I mean boys. “

Sue Kirin behaved too casually, Qi Qiqi suddenly felt that she was so flustered and stupid, but she was able to calm down a little.

“Ai, Kirin, you ask… and What was the difference before? “She muttered flatly.

“If you say yes, there are some, if you say no, there is no. “

Qiqiqi hesitated for a moment, and finally gave an ambiguous answer.

“What kind of answer is this?” “Sue Kirin has a weird look.

“You are so annoying, that’s the truth!” How can I answer? “

“Yes, or not? “

“It’s not that kind of relationship! “

Qiqi Qi fly into a rage out of humiliation.

However, this sentence also gives the answer.

The image of Sue Kirin who got the answer It’s blocked, stuffy, like a breath stuck in the throat but can’t vomit it out.

She doesn’t know what happened to her.

“Yoyo Yo, who is the other party? “

Sue Kirin not at all realizes that his tone is full of jealousy.

“My childhood playmate, I haven’t seen it for a long time…The other father is Daddy’s friend , So…”

The topic turned back to Qi Qiqi’s father, her expression naturally became lost.

Tears even ooze out of her eyes this time.


Can’t resist Qi Qiqi’s tears, Sue Kirin scolded herself for nothing to look for, and quickly searched for excuses to make Qi Qiqi happy, but he didn’t know why, the usual cleverness suddenly disappeared, and he waved his hands in a panic for a while I didn’t find a suitable explanation.

As a result, just when Qi Qiqi’s tears were about to flow out, Sue Kirin accidentally caught a stall on the side surrounded by a lot of people, which looked quite lively.

“Eh eh, Xiao Qi, look over there! Surrounded many people! Don’t know what’s so exciting? Let’s go and see! “Ahhhh, Kirin, wait a minute!” “

Before Qi Qiqi could react, Sue Kirin pulled her to the distant crowd.

It was a stall with delicate lanterns. .

These lanterns are different from Baizawa Nasheng. Most of them are shown in animal shapes. They are quite clever and cute. They are a type that can please girls.

“Wow, so cute. . “

After finally squeezing to the nearest place, Qi Qiqi happily looked at the lanterns, she was obviously attracted.

She has rarely shown feelings about this kind of cute things. Interest.

That’s probably because of her identity. She needs to maintain her so-called palace master demeanor, so even if she really likes it, she won’t be able to show it in the public. Today she seems not at all worried. that many.

For this moment, she might be the most suitable one.

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