“I was a little angry just now.”

“…You mean, don’t you be angry now?” Sue Kirin asked with her chin curled up.

“Who knows.”

Zuka Ruoyou put aside her face, Sue Kirin couldn’t see the expression on her face, and couldn’t tell the truth from the false. Anyway, apologize first, Sue Kirin sighed to himself.

“Sorry, I shouldn’t ask more.”

“Drink tea?”

Zhong Ruoyou asked questions that were not related to the current topic.

“Uh…ok.” It took Sue Kirin a few seconds to react.

So, Tsukaruoyou turned his face again and lifted the teapot to pour a cup of tea for Sue Kirin. The expression on her face was calm, Sue Kirin didn’t know how to face it, so she had to lift the teapot and drink.

The silence continued for a while.

Finally, like a sudden wind blowing, when Sue Kirin drank the third cup of tea, Tsuka Ruoyou seemed to speak casually:

“I Daddy is a great doctor.”

I can hear a lot of depressed feelings in it. This sentence is not steady and trembles slightly. Despite the sudden arrival, Sue Kirin was incredibly able to immediately understand the situation, knowing that Zhong Ruoyou really intended to tell her the unknown past.

“…is it okay?” she asked.

All people have secrets that they don’t want others to know, and they always want to hide them. Sue Kirin was thinking that what she was going to tell her next must also belong to this.

“It’s not something worth concealing. I think, Kirin, you don’t look like the kind of person who rashly inquires into the past of others. Are you just worried about me, right?”

Sue Kirin indifferent expression.

Worry that Zhong Ruoyou might take up a part, but it is more because Xie Nanfeng is now closely related to her most important people. She has to explore whether the ins and outs of it will involve Qi Qiqi and the others.

There is no denying that she also has some curiosity.

Zuka Ruoyou quite wishfully took Sue Kirin’s silence as a tacit meaning.

“My dad is a great doctor.” She repeated what she had just said, but then added: “I thought it was, but he was not.”

She laughed silently, and Sue Kirin didn’t say anything after thinking about it.

“He has saved many patients, regardless of fame and fortune, regardless of high or low. As long as someone is sick or injured, he will treat him. He is like this when he is self-conscious. He always puts patients first.”

The heart of the doctor’s parents.

Is a doctor who gives priority to patients a good doctor? Zhong Ruoyou’s father may be a good doctor.

──Zhong Ruoyou said he was not.

Is it because of Xie Nanfeng’s father? Sue Kirin thought of this intuitively. She did not ask for this, but Zhong Ruoyou had already said: “Xie Zhifu is poisoned.”


Sue Kirin thought Xie Zhifu died of illness, and didn’t expect was poisoned. I am afraid that there will be a lot of entanglements in the back, thinking about this, she is a little irritable inexplicably. She hates this kind of crafty plots and machinations and power struggles.

“That’s a very strange poison.” Tsukaruoyou frowned unhappily, and glanced diagonally at Sue Kirin from bottom to top, “Medicine Valley, do you know? It’s a The more mysterious…Sect?”

Zhong Ruoyou couldn’t find a suitable vocabulary, and finally used the word “Sect”.

“I know.”

According to Sue Kirin’s rank and status, many secrets of the world are no longer secrets, but common sense.

Medicine Valley is closer to a research organization. They specialize in medicine and sell them. These high-quality medicines are rarely seen in China, and the prices are natural, but few people know the location of this organization. The level of mysterious is no less than Shadow Sect.

“Oh…you know.”

Zuka Ruoyou’s eyes were a little surprised, and the reason was obviously that Sue Kirin knew about “Medicine Valley”. But she didn’t pursue it much.

“My father said that it was the poison of’Medicine Valley’.”

Zhong Ruoyou lowered his face slightly and looked towards the tea cup in front of him. Her slightly thick front bangs hung down like a curtain, and her face half buried in the shadows had a steady expression, as if she was stating a matter of no concern to oneself.

“Many doctors are helpless, but fortunately, Xie Zhifu’s poison is still relatively early when it is launched. It seems that the poison will only take effect when it reaches a certain dose. The flexibility is quite high. A small amount of poisoning can be regarded as a chronic poison, and a large amount of poisoning at a time can be used as a potent poison. Xie Zhifu should belong to the former. The situation at the time of the poisoning is not serious, but the problem is that there is no cure for this poison. Nor can it be discharged naturally within the body, it will accumulate in the internal organs…slowly kill people.”

“And your father, is there a way to cure it?”

Sue Kirin asked logically.

Zhong Ruoyou shook the head like he was about to throw it away, but then it was nodded and he was rather ambiguous.

“When I found my dad, Xie Zhifu had already seen most of the doctors in Luoyang City. My dad’s reputation is not that big, he is just a commoner doctor, if not everyone is helpless, it is very likely I will not ask him to treat Mister Magistrate for the rest of my life.”

This is the so-called destiny, right? Tsukaruoyou smiled troubledly.

“Now I often think, if I didn’t find Daddy at that time, it would be fine.” She whispered.

If the father of Shangzhong Ruoyou was not found at that time, the matter would not have progressed to this point, and unfortunately would not come. However, as Zhong Ruoyou himself said, this may be destined.

The fate is inevitable.

Sue Kirin felt a lot, and suddenly remembered many things. She doesn’t think that destiny can control everything and that humans can overcome the sky, but occasionally… occasionally feel that everything has its own trajectory, and she herself is surrounded by this.

The girl subconsciously picked up the wooden teacup, only to realize that it was empty. Ruoyou noticed it, and he raised the teapot to fill her up, and said:

“My dad diagnosed Mister Magistrate and said that Mister Magistrate was poisoned, and this poison will slowly be taken away. Life, was echoed by several other doctors, but when Mister Magistrate asked them if they had a cure, most of them said they were powerless, only my father was silent.”

“He has a way, Isn’t it?”

Taking a sip of tea, Sue Kirin turned his smart eyes and raised this question.


Zuka Ruoyou was nodded, carrying the teapot and pouring tea to himself, but suddenly he was stunned until the tea was about to overflow, and then quickly put down the teapot.

“But that can’t be called at all is a method.” Is it not a method? She meant that the method that failed to achieve the goal was not a method? Sue Kirin has a headache with this ambiguity.

“Eh, can you tell me something more clearly? It’s not a good habit to use Profound Void!”

“Ah, okay…”

Zhong Ruoyou looked embarrassed. She then put on a serious expression.

“Our doctors have always had the term’fight poison with poison’.”

“It does.” Sue Kirin heard it naturally.

“Many diseases, or evil poisons, can be cured with poison, but of course this kind of thing itself is an extreme danger. And father also proposed fight poison with poison to cure Mister Magistrate’s disease.”

Speaking of this, Sue Kirin can already know the final result.

“As a result, the poison to death killed Mister Magistrate?”

The girl sighed and tempted.

Before nodded said yes, there was a silence of tens of seconds in Zhong Ruoyou. Sorrow and guilt filled her eyebrows during that time.

“…Is it just not cured?”

After asking, Sue Kirin felt that this question was an idiot.

Zhong Ruoyou must have considered this probability, and only after he got the answer would he make such a conclusion. On the bad side, those who will not easily determine that they are important will be so.


Sure enough, Sue Kirin’s guess was denied.

But to her surprise, Zhong Ruoyou replied in a very excited tone, and her voice rose more than octaves, which shocked her.

“Mister Magistrate was not serious when he was poisoned. As previously said, he was chronically poisoned. As long as he no longer takes drugs, he should be able to live for more than the first half of the year if there is no accident!”

Zuka Ruoyou put out this argument heavily, looking very angry, but tears came out of the corner of his eyes.

“But… But, after taking my father’s medicine, Mister Magistrate only lived for three days! He vomited blood on the third day and died. His face was dark, hemorrhage from Qi orifices, and his throat burned! It is a typical acute poisoning!”

Unconsciously, Zhong Ruoyou has clenched his fists. Very hard, the knuckles turned white, and the nails were sinking deeply into the skin, and they would pierce them at any time.

Sue Kirin didn’t stop him.

She thinks she should say something, but if she stretches out her hand and gently covers the back of the other’s hand, telling her that there may be something else hidden, maybe it’s too irresponsible.

I don’t know the details, any more comments will be my own words.

To this day, using such unfounded words to comfort Zhong Ruoyou will definitely arouse disgust and spurn.

The most important thing is that Zhong Ruoyou is not Qi Qiqi, and Sue Kirin cannot do everything to be responsible for what he says to her.

“He decocted the medicine himself, he bought the medicine, and he fed the medicine to Mister Magistrate himself… He was not sure to cure Mister Magistrate from the very beginning. Kirin, you teach me, Teach me how to believe in other secrets? Why don’t I understand these.”

She must have strongly hoped that she didn’t know medical skills.

As long as you don’t know the art of medicine, you can’t personally conclude that Mister Magistrate died after taking his father’s medicine, and you can have an excuse to say the words “I don’t believe”.

Sue Kirin was able to experience that mood and had expected it so. If she didn’t have any spell knowledge back then, she would not despair because of her niece.

On the other hand, she doesn’t understand.

Sue Kirin doesn’t understand why the father of Zhong Ruoyou should bring about one’s own destruction. poison to death A prefect, that is a felony of murdering an Imperial Court official, not to mention that the prefect is not a Grade 9 sesame official, but a real imperial court official.

“He was bought…The government found a large stack of cash in his study room, and letters that I don’t know who communicated…”

It’s like seeing through Sue Kirin’s Suspiciously, Zhong Ruoyou answered the question in one sentence.

But, a doctor who doesn’t care about fame and fortune, will he be sold easily to poison a beloved Mister Magistrate?

Take ten thousand steps, even if it is true, is he not afraid of harming his family?

How did Zhong Ruoyou survive?

Sue Kirin has more questions, but Ruoyou should know the answer to this kind of thing. Now that she knew it, she still asserted that her father was the murderer of the poison to death Mister Magistrate, and Sue Kirin now asks it in vain.

“My father poisoned Mister Magistrate to death.”

Zhong Ruoyou’s tone was real, full of ups and downs.

Then the tears fell again, reflecting the dim flame. She cried bitterly and covered her face.

She definitely doesn’t want to admit that it is true, but she has to admit that because of this, she is more sad than anyone else.

It’s like the complete collapse and disintegration of the faith that I have believed in for many years. It must be a painful and painful thing, making people distressed, confused, and making people want to die.

“He’s not a good doctor. He took Mister Magistrate’s life for half a year…”

Zuka Ruoyou’s voice was muffled, mixed with crying, and it seemed to be mixed in. The tidal sound of gravel.

“He… is a murderer…”

Her voice lingered lightly in the room, but the candlelight shook.

“…Why did it become like this?”

The shaky shadow seemed to be softly echoing the girl, and Chu Ruoyou’s question was not answered.

The aroma of coffee is twisted and twisted.

The white mist rose slowly, blurring the clear night sky outside the window.

This is just right.

Mo Weiyang doesn’t like the scenery outside the window, because every time he looks through the window, it is a new scene. He doesn’t like this kind of freshness, it will make himself more old and decadent.

However, he likes to sit by the window.

Being stuck in a dark place for long enough, he hates sealed places, so he always sits by the window, which makes him feel at ease.

I’m really a master craftsman in vain… He shook the head, threw away unnecessary thoughts, and took a sip of the coffee on the coffee table beside him.

It’s a bit bitter.

He then opened the earthen jar containing the sugar, used a silver spoon from the Western Regions to scoop a few spoonfuls of sugar into the dark brown drink, and then unplugged the water bag filled with goat milk , Poured a little into the coffee. The color of the coffee faded a lot.

After finishing this system action, he took another sip of coffee. This time he nodded with satisfaction, sticking out his tongue to lick away the residue on it.

“Lele, do you have coffee?”

After putting down the teacup, Mo Weiyang asked about the Western Region porcelain pot on the coffee table.

In the corner, the girl is working on a document, her long agate red hair tied into a braid swaying with the movement. She wore the same black dress as she always did, and she was obviously capable and neat. “Thank you for being insensitive, Master.”

Merole replied without raising his head, with a cold tone, revealing a sense of rejection that could not be covered. She really didn’t like this drink called coffee, and she didn’t understand why her master would like it so much.

“It’s a pity, this thing tastes like our life…”

Mo Weiyang shook his head with an expression of “You really won’t appreciate it!” He took another sip of coffee.

“What does it have to do with our lives?” Mulele still did not look up.

“Bitterness brings sweetness.” Mo Weiyang stared at the coffee, “Life always has more suffering than happiness, but it is also because of suffering that happiness is especially precious. What do you think?”

“Teacher, the reason may be right…but your coffee should be more sweet than bitter, right?”

Mule can’t bear to complain, she can I didn’t miss the scene where my master suddenly added sugar and milk to the coffee.

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