With the help of Shui Yun’er, Xie Nanfeng’s entire group finally saved the forest from a disaster.

After confirming that the fire was extinguished, they were almost exhausted and collapsed on the ground, but they were all burdened with heavy responsibilities and could not take care of the problem of rest. They just took a hasty rest for about a quarter of an hour. Set off to Luoyang City.

Because the horses suffered heavy losses and someone was injured, it took them twice as long as expected to arrive in Luoyang City.

“Thank you brother, Tang is really waiting to see you through it!”

They just wanted to line up for the investigation into the city, and a Pianpian Young Master brought two guards over . This young man was about the same age as Xie Nanfeng, dressed in glamorous clothes, in contrast with the entire group covered in dirt.

While greeting Xie Nanfeng, the young man also met with Qi Qiqi and the others.

“It’s Tang Yi, the son of the current prefect.”

After smiling back to a gift, Qi Qiqi, who walked side by side with Xie Nanfeng and was entertaining him, fell behind Shui Yun’er, side by side He whispered in her ear and said:

“That’s enough, why is he here? Isn’t he here to make fun of Xie Young Master?”

Qiqiqi’s attitude is like It’s for Xie Nanfeng to fight the injustice, but actually just look down on the behavior of hit a person when he’s down. She knew that Tang Yi once stood by Xie Nanfeng’s request for help, so she concluded that the relationship between the two was not good.

“I think Young Master Tang It shouldn’t be boring so far…”

Shui Yuner has another idea.

Perhaps she was right. When he saw that the person was Tang Yi, Xie Nanfeng’s eyes lit up and he took the initiative to greet him.

“Brother Tang, it’s been a long time since I saw you. How are you doing recently?”

“Hey, brother, don’t you think I’m fat and white?” Tang Yi responded jokingly, rolling up her sleeves to reveal the sturdy biceps underneath, “Look, the muscles are gone!”

“That’s really good.”

Seeing Tang Yi and Xie Nanfeng, the two Young Masters, one dressed in dirt and the other covered in dirt, talking and laughing, Shui Yun’er smiled enthusiastically.

“This Young Master Tang is also very interesting.” Shui Yuner blinked a single eye at Qi Qiqi, “It is the type that Qi elder sister is not good at.”

“It’s a good tongue, it’s a virtue with Kirin.”

Hugging her barren breast, Qi Qiqi poked her mouth in an uncomfortable expression.

“That…Master elder sister, Young Master Tang and Xie Young Master actually have a good relationship…Uh, that’s it…Before Young Master’s accident…I think Young Master Tang won’t help. There should be something unspeakable about Young Master…After all…”

Gong Tianqing said more and more quietly. In the end, she may feel that her guess is impossible, so she stopped talking.

The closest dísciple can’t find the courage to talk to herself, Qi Qiqi sighed, and it is hard to say anything about her. You must know that she has improved a lot in recent years, and she must be silent before.

You can only step by step, right? Qi Qiqi thought glumly.

Tang Yi and Xie Nanfeng said some kind words to each other, and then the former suddenly said:

“Brother Xie came back just right. Recently there was a Lantern Festival poetry party, and some old friends will also attend. If Brother Xie doesn’t dislike it, please come and enjoy it. Let’s talk about the past as well.”

Tang Yi’s tone is casual, but it can be seen that he has this idea long ago.

“This…” Xie Nanfeng showed a troubled smile, “I don’t think it is appropriate… Xie has many enemies, and I am afraid that it will make everyone happy.”

” “Tang Yi snorted, “You don’t know that Wang Hua’s guy is not self-aware, and he wants to turn up without being invited. I still want to give him face for his guilt, yours. How can I not give face? If they want to dislike Wang Hua as well, when will it be your turn?”

“Wang Hua is still the same?”

Xie Nanfeng asked with a little nostalgia Tao, Tang Yi closed one eye and squinted at him.

“Aren’t you still the same as you are?”

“It is true that Xie is so down and down now.”

Xie Nanfeng’s sigh just fell. Tang Yi raised one-sided eyebrows uncomfortably and said, “Talking, isn’t it still the same? It’s the same personality as it was a few years ago, but the clothes are a bit torn. “

Tang Yi laughed at the end, knowing that the other party was only joking, Xie Nanfeng didn’t hesitate to smile.

“I also invited Miss Jingzhong.”

After laughing for a while, Tang Yi suddenly showed a serious face that didn’t match him.

“You…” The gentle Xie Nanfeng frowned.

“The matter between you and her should always be resolved, right?”

Without letting Xie Nanfeng say more, Tang Yi spit out this question first, and then sternly said:

“No one is wrong about the matter between you and her, it is always impossible to leave it alone? After all, it is a thorn in someone’s heart. You know it’s not her, right?”

“Will you be a little nosy?”

Xie Nanfeng seems a little unhappy, his brows are raised high. Shui Yun’er and Qi Qiqi looked at each other, and they didn’t understand why they were so nice and upset suddenly.

By the way, the girl that Tang Yi said is Kirin’s employer, right? How can Kirin get involved in things wherever he goes? Qi Qiqi is not too happy either.

“Let me tell you, I really like Ms. Tsukasa. I have liked her since I landed. I just want to take care of this. I’m still your friend. Do you think it is too much? Nosy?”

Tang Yi was a little excited, and his tone became a lot harder.


Xie Nanfeng was speechless by Tang Yi, and he was speechless for a while.

Finally, he sighed and shook his head, and said with a wry smile:

“I think about it.”

“You just think about it, it’s not her fault “

Seeing Xie Nanfeng’s embarrassment, Tang Yi sighed and patted his shoulder.

“I understand what you said, but understanding and feelings are two different things…”

“I think you are quite rational.”

“You ……”

Xie Nanfeng was said to shake his head again in aphasia.

“What am I? Anyway, you give me careful consideration.”

Tang Yi spread out both hands, and then took a look at Qi Qiqi’s direction.

“I have something to tell Palace Master Qi, you should stay here and think about it for a while.”

Leave Xie Nanfeng helplessly, Tang Yi each minding their own business. Walking towards Qi Qiqi, the two guards behind him followed like a shadow.

He has something to do with me? Qi Qiqi feels unfathomable mystery. She didn’t know Tang Yi.

“Qi elder sister, this Young Master Tang may also be a member of the violent wave butterfly in the mouth of the little Master.” Shui Yuner teased Qi Qiqi and said, in exchange for a fiercely stare. At the same time, Tang Yi also came to Qi Qiqi and bowed in a big gift.

“Palace Master Huarongyue looks devastatingly beautiful, it’s better to see it after hearing it!”

It’s really glib! Qi Qiqi felt depressed for a while.

be that as it may, the other person looked towards him, only approval and appreciation, not at all, those possessive desires and so-called love at first sight, made Qi Qiqi a little admired.

“Young Master Tang’s reputation is also heard by the little girl.”

Don’t let her thoughts appear on her face, Qi Qiqi’s manners are correct and she returns with a dignified smile. Her pair of ruby ​​earrings swayed slightly with her movements, making her look a little more delicate.

Didn’t expect Tang Yi hearing this but put on a looking thoughtful expression, rubbing his chin and murmured:

“Hmm, little girl…”

“Young Master Tang?”

Qi Qiqi tentatively called him, and the latter immediately reacted and waved her hand with a grinning hearty smile.

“Ah, it’s okay, I thought Palace Master Qi would call himself my own palace.”

“Uh…haha…Young Master Tang is really interesting.”

Is this a Kirin joke? It’s so cold… Qi Qiqi laughed awkwardly.

“Palace Master Qi, can you take a step to speak?”

Tang Yi suddenly proposed and glanced at Xie Nanfeng. The other party was talking with Yu Hanchi and didn’t know what they were talking about.

Qi Qiqi looked at the two young men in surprise, thinking that what Tang Yi said next might not be heard by Xie Nanfeng, and Shui Yuner also looked thoughtful.

“Can Palace Master Qi enjoy the face?” Tang Yi asked twice, pulling back his eyes.

Qiqiqi hesitated for a few seconds, but finally nodded agreed.

Tang Yi let his bodyguards stay in place and made a sign of please, leading Qi Qiqi away from the city gate investigation team and came to a corner where there was only a small caravan sorting the goods.

“Young Master Tang, if it is a matter of the poetry club, I have already received the invitation and will seriously consider it.”

Qi Qiqi took the lead in speaking.

“It would be great if Palace Master Qi could appreciate the face, and our poems will definitely shine because of your presence. However, what I want to say to Palace Master Qi is not the case. “

“en?” Qi Qiqi tilted her head puzzledly, “What’s the matter?”

Tang Yi didn’t answer, just glanced at Xie Nanfeng in the distance. so that’s how it is, Qi Qiqi can roughly understand his intentions.

“Thanks to Young Master?”


Tang Yi slammed his folding fan, covering half of his face.

“I know how the rumors outside evaluate our relationship. Although they are facts, the facts do not represent the truth, and what you see and hear is not necessarily true—I am a little off topic. “

Qi Qiqi didn’t say anything, he suddenly laughed and shook his head to stop the words. How could this man talk to himself like this? She grumbled in her heart.

“I would like to ask Palace Master Qi to do my best to ensure that Brother Xie is well-rounded in Luoyang.”

Suddenly, Tang Yi bowed his body to give a gift and solemnly asked.

“Young Master Tang, what are you talking about?”

Didn’t expect that the other party would give such a big gift, Qi Qiqi quickly reached out to help each other, but the other party seemed not paying attention As she moves, continue to bend.

“At that time, I couldn’t help him; until modern times, I can’t help him either. All I can do is to bow to Palace Master Qi, that’s all… I am so ashamed of my friend’s name. ……”

Because Tang Yi bends, most of his face is hidden in the shadows. Qi Qiqi has no way of knowing what expression he has said at the moment.

However, the sigh in his tone did overflow with regret.

Qi Qiqi even noticed that he had clenched his fists, clenched very hard, and his knuckles were all white. Just to distinguish whether it was true or false, she was powerless.

“There are no two perfects in the world. Living up to Tathagata and Living up to Qing is always a joke! I can only lose Xie to live up to father, but…I still want to do my best. None He just feels at ease for himself that’s all.”

He lowered his eyes and smiled.

It was a vague smile mixed with bitter sighs and self-deprecating colors, faintly depressed.

“…I understand what Young Master Tang said.”

Qi Qiqi peeped at Tang Yi’s expression slightly, and cautiously agreed.

Somehow, she could understand Tang Yi’s mood. Probably because it is purely such is human nature. People always spare no effort in order to be able to feel at ease and to obtain peace.

“Palace Master Qi is able to go out in person, Tang Mou is considered relaxed.”

be that as it may, Tang Yi’s serious expression did not relax at all, and seemed to be worried What’s going on.

“But don’t underestimate the enemy of Brother Xie…” Tang Yi’s expression became more serious, and he put away the folding fan and tapped his palm, “As you can see, Zhang Biluo should have used some weapon , Right?”

How did he know? Qi Qiqi raised her head blankly and stared at Tang Yi in a daze.

“Sure enough…” Tang Yi sighed.

“Are you talking about me?”

Qi Qiqi raised her beautiful slender eyebrows with a little disapproval, and her smooth eyebrows twisted.

“Palace Master Qi, don’t get me wrong, Tang Yi just knows something.”

Tang Yi calmly replied, but his eyes were not matched by Qi Qiqi’s eyes. Move away. Those red eyes were so vivid, as if flames would pouring out of them at any time.

Keeping a proper distance, the flame can bring warmth to others. Once it gets too close, it will be burned and even burned to fly ashes. Tang Yi felt that the girl in front of her was such a person.

“What’s the matter?” Qi Qiqi’s tight expression eased slightly, “If it is convenient, I would like to thank Young Master to tell the little girl, this may be related to future judgment.”

“Recently, people in Luoyang City are peddling firearms with great lethality. They are all on the black market. They are not big businessmen. The lord of the palace must also know that firearms are prohibited items, and no one dares to sell them arrogantly. Although most of the time the Imperial Court still tolerates small-scale smuggling and smuggling, those big businessmen or aristocrats with self-pity wings regard it as taboo.”

“You said Qinghua Gang Sect Leader Zhang Biluo bought a batch of formidable power firearms from the black market?”

If this is the case, Qi Qiqi feels it is necessary to re-measure the strength of the Qinghua Gang—even the whole thing. risk.

Xie Nanfeng’s enemy is not only the Qinghua Gang, but also many businessmen or officials. The biggest reason why Tang Yi stood by Xie Nanfeng was probably because he was afraid that offering a helping hand to Xie Nanfeng would offend some people, and thus implicate his father.

Qiqiqi’s eyebrows become more frowning and tighten.

“I’m not sure yet. It’s just that there is relevant information showing that they have contact. That’s why I came to remind Palace Master Qi.”

Tang Yi didn’t dare to decide easily, just as he said Purely to remind Qi Qiqi. He then laughed rather weakly and glanced at Xie Nanfeng again.

In that short glance, there was still guilt overflowing.

Xie Nanfeng seemed to notice the look in Tang Yi’s eyes this time, and glanced over it suddenly. The latter was a little dazed by surprise, and finally grinned back.

“There is only so much I can do for the time being.” He said with a smile.

Glancing sideways at the young man who was half a head taller than herself, Qi Qiqi was sighed. How many people can do as one pleases in life? Tang Yi is not free, and she is also not free.

“I understand.”

Qi Qiqi is cautious, but inviolable.

The breeze flicked from a distance, and the girl’s long hair that was naturally pouring down was fluttered in the wind. She pressed one side of the hair to suppress its restlessness, and her eyes chased the wind.

The other side of the sky is already covered with clouds.

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