Gong Tianqing’s reaction was quick, but the arrow was faster.

She staggered a pair of long swords to resist when she was too late to escape. The point of the arrow hit the position where the two swords staggered, but it knocked the petite girl out like a hammer and fell to five feet. On the meter away ground, she rolled in embarrassment for several laps, and the soil stained her.

──The arrows of the realm are not something that Gong Tianqing of trifling human realm can block.

The second arrow shot at Gong Tianqing, but she failed to get up in time.

“Gong younger sister!

Shui Yun’er screamed out of exclamation, and while rushing out to help, the lovable body floated up with a blue pattern like a tattoo of water, and it turned out to be a few pieces of ice. The arrow was shot and successfully intercepted the second incoming arrow in the air.

The third arrow was rolled on the ground by Gong Tianqing and avoided.

The fourth arrow was blocked. The three successively rising water walls of Shuiyun’er, which arrived in time, blocked it.

Shuiyun’er, who was blocked by Gong Tianqing by Yokohama, was surrounded by a circle of water, and the Formation technique ” “The Curtain of Cangshui” has been activated.

“Water elder sister, that person will go to the east of us in three seconds. “

Shaking her numb hands, Gong Tianqing shook her body up and made a conclusion like this in a different tone of confidence.

Shui Yun’er nodded signaled to understand. After silently calculating for three seconds, she waved her sleeves abruptly, and the water circling around her immediately swirled, throwing more than a dozen water arrows to the east.

Gong Tianqing’s prediction was extremely accurate.

The breath of fighting against the water arrow exploded in the distance, and Wuzao, a place where he would hide his breath every time he shoots an arrow, was finally caught for a long time, and Yu Hanchi kicked to the place where the breath came. The ground rushed out, intending to capture the thief and capture the king first.

The first thing he met was the silver shadow that was like a shuttle of electricity.

It was still flying in the sky a moment ago. Amidst the fallen leaves, like a gust of wind through the forest, the next moment came in front of Yu Hanchi. The sound of breaking through the air was not as sharp as before, but as heavy as a roar of thunder.

The arrow is not fast.

Spiritual Qi wrapped around it directly shredded the fallen leaves within a few feet, wrapped in leaf debris and sand dust, biting towards Yuhanchi like a wild dragon.

In Shui Yuner’s cognition, There are many changes in the arrow technique of the fish in the North Ming, but the unknown martial artist’s arrow is extremely single, only domineering and heavy, and each arrow is powerful.

“Blue and White Sect Leader! “

Yu Hanchi finally recognized who the enemy was, with a surprise on his face that he did not expect that person would go out in person at first, and cut it out in the air.

The blade light dragged out of the Tao is extremely powerful, and it is a masterpiece of wind and thunder.

When the same overbearing things collide with each other, the scattered Spiritual Qi impact rolls up countless fallen leaves and rocks, Yu Hanchi It flew back a long distance in the air, and even after landing, it dragged a long trail to stabilize.

As for the sharp arrow that came from the strong attack, it was shattered into pieces and brought With strong force, it scatters in all directions.

These sharp fragments of various sizes have also become deadly weapons. Shui Yuner built a water wall about several meters high to resist. , And included the closest escorts into their protection.

The remaining escorts were not so lucky.

They were more or less fragmented Wounded, one of the worst luck’s left eyes was recruited, and he wailed and announced that he had lost half of the light.

“Damn it! “

Yu Hanchi loudly shouted, swung his knife to meet the arrows shot by the blue and white gang Sect Leader’s successor, and fell into the state of being unable to attend to other things again.

“Gong younger sister , Can you get rid of the opponent’s archers? “

While Shui Yun’er is driving the curtain of Cangshui to resist the enemy’s arrow attack, she asks Gong Tianqing, who has been relieved from just blocking the situation.

“I see. “

Gong Tianqing didn’t answer, can I just agree to it.

“I will try my best. “

After leaving this sentence, she jumped up and danced with a pair of long swords to resist the chasing arrows, and fell to the side of the forest and disappeared in silhouette. Yu Hanchi noticed Heavenly Jade The two men of Gong asked the robust man and the slender man who had greeted Shui Yun’er and Gong Tianqing yesterday to help.

Maybe it was a little anxious, the martial artist of the martial artist had more and more arrows. Dense.

However, judging from the power they fought with the big sword in Yu Hanchi’s hand, the arrow’s strength has not been reduced.

──The arrow is not dense, but flying The distance is shorter.

The arrows are getting denser and denser, and the rain is pouring into the Yuhanchi where the steel knives are dancing into a whirlwind. The arrows that are knocked down fall all over the ground, and there are several in an instant. Ten branches.

Despite being caught in a bitter battle, the men on both sides still couldn’t help holding their breath because of the scene of the two clashing.

The rustling of the branches and leaves continued to sound. And chasing the arrows, the last silhouette also jumped out horizontally between the branches and leaves of the tree, and several arrows were thrown out while turning around, which instantly captured the attention of most people.

Arrow dropping from the sky.

And the steel knife turns sharply with a determination to never return, cutting out one by one forcefully, intertwined into a series of golden swords. The arrow fell with the sound, and then the majestic blade light swayed like a waterfall against the current without warning among the scattered arrows, slashing straight towards the archer who was still floating in the air.

The archer has nowhere to use force in the air, it seems inevitable.

Seeing that he is about to be cut in two by the sharp blade light, he suddenly shoots an arrow backwards, pushing back Leaving the blade light, it landed at Yu Hanchi’s five meter away.

A composite longbow with five quiver diagonally on the back, the source of the large number of arrows is already clear. Revealed.

This martial artist is a martial artist with a sharp bow, but he wears a gown worn by a classic scholar instead of a strong dress that is easy to move. However, the color of the clothes is quite rare and it is close to the surrounding tree trunks. Brown──It should be a protective color.

The man has a handsome face, and his body looks very thin. He is about thirty. He is a bookish middle-aged man. It is hard to imagine such a domineering arrow. It turned out to be in his hands.

However, his eyes are quite sharp and fierce, eagle-like, and it can be regarded as matching the bow in his hand.

Seeing his dignified debut, The enemy first stopped the confrontation and retreated for a certain distance, and the escorts did not rush to pursue and expand their positions – they were already short.

“Zhang Biluo. “

Yu Hanchi looked at the expressionless man in front of him, looked at his four empty quiver, raised the steel knife in his hand and pointed finger towards the other party.

“Qinghua Gang Sect Leader will actually go out in person. It seems that the’dart’ I bet is invaluable. “The man named Zhang Biluo glanced at the escorts in the room, and stayed on Shui Yun’er and Gong Tianqing for the longest time, and then leisurely took out a silk kerchief from his sleeve and wiped the sweat from his forehead. .

“This Zhang is not sure how much your’dart’ is worth, but I am determined to win it. “

“haha, am I going to win?” “Yu Hanchi laughed out loud as if he heard something funny, “Then why are you showing up in front of me?” You are the best at imitate the dog and steal chicken, hiding somewhere out of sight is the best choice! “

Shui Yun’er has the same question-no, it must not only be her, only people with a little concept can produce such questions.

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