
Sue Kirin snapped his fingers and blew out the candle in the room out of thin air.

The room dimmed in an instant, only the soft white moonlight scattered on Sue Kirin’s body through the window, coating the pair of slender feet with a thin layer of silver, but her eyes were Brighter than the Moon Wheel in the sky.

“Eh, Kirin.”

Tianji obviously didn’t want to sleep yet, so he pulled Sue Kirin’s hair.

“What are you doing?” Sue Kirin looked down at Tianji with a face collapsed, “You usually sleep, but now I want to sleep, but you refreshed, what do you mean? Oppose me?”

After that, Sue Kirin turned sideways and turned his back to Tianji.

“No, no, I just remembered one thing!”

Tianji didn’t hold back, set off to crawl over Sue Kirin’s body, walked up to her and sat down.

Sue Kirin wrinkled his head impatiently.

“What’s the matter?”

Tenji looked around divinely, as if afraid of ghosts in the dark, and even stiffened nervously.

“Kirin, don’t you think someone is staring at us today?”

“I’m staring at you now, and I will take your little head at any time. Give it a bite!”

Sue Kirin yelled “Wow” in a calm voice, imitating a beast. He also posed to bite the opponent, revealing a pair of small canine teeth.

The frightened Tianji jumped up and down for a long time, and crawled back some distance.

However, she was just an instinctive reaction, and she quickly calmed down, patted her chest and complained and said:

“Woo…bad Kirin, you scare me!” The corner of her eye Tears were still hanging.

Sue Kirin burst into laughter, curled up with laughter, and then suddenly realized that he might be annoying Ruoyou and the others, so he hurriedly fell silent, but what was the tremor of his shoulders? It can’t calm down.


Seeing that Tianji was about to cry, Sue Kirin was able to stop the act of playing tricks.

“Alright, alright.”

Sue Kirin soothed Tianji a little, and then went back to business:

“You mean someone was following at noon We, right?”

“Huh, did you know?”

Sue Kirin snorted when Tian Ji asked in amazement:

“Isn’t this nonsense? Don’t look at who I am! I have followed all day. But, anyway, it’s gone now.”

“Then why are you ignoring?” Tian Ji The tone is curious.

“Didn’t you tell me?”

“Woo, I’m sorry, I just realized it now…”

This fool didn’t Did you notice that someone was following us? It would be too much afterwards! Sue Kirin didn’t know whether he should be angry or laugh, shrugging his nose depressedly as if being pinched.

“That person is not malicious, he is just observing us. It is probably not the dísciple sent by Xiaoqi to inquire about the situation, but Xiaoyun doesn’t know where to hire it.”

“Hey, Qi elder sister and Shui elder sister?”

“Hey, isn’t it!” Sue Kirin said with a chuckle, “One or two of them are afraid that I will get lost!”

Tian Ji shrank her jaw in silence, and looked at Sue Kirin with her eyes upward.

“Does it matter?” She finally asked fiercely.

“They care about me, what do I mean, and there is nothing I can’t see. If I don’t want those people to follow, they may not be able to hang my tail if they try their best! They obviously understand this One point, I must have ordered that as long as I have the intention to escape, I don’t have to follow. In that case, let them know what I’m doing, what’s wrong with their hearts?”

Maybe this is too much. It was beyond imagination, and it was difficult to understand, Tianji was just stunned for a while.

“…Why have I never heard of it?”

“Hey, this is a tacit understanding-tacit understanding!”

Sue Kirin pretending to be The corner of his mouth was raised profoundly to answer, ending the topic.


2nd day, Sue Kirin woke up early.

Tenji, who didn’t wake up hu hu asleep, with bubbles blowing in her nostrils, slipped out of bed with ease.

“Hey, I’m not covering the quilt.”

Pinch the waist and look at the big font, lying next to the pillow, with a string of harrassed in the corner of his mouth. Sue Kirin sneered softly. She helped her Artifact Spirit pull the quilt, put on the casual clothes she went out, and finally pulled out the tub from the table to prepare for washing up.

“Kirin, good morning.”

“Oh, Xiaoyou, you are also early.”

As soon as I walked out the door holding the tub, Sue Kirin I saw the well-dressed grave Ruoyou coming here and waved in response to her.

Zhong Ruoyou should be here to wake up the girl.

“You got up very early, I’m afraid you won’t wake up.”

“I’m a girl who can do it if I want to be!” Sue Kirin responded playfully .

Zhong Ruoyou smiled happily.

“Then go to the store when you are ready. I am ready for breakfast.”

She pointed to the direction of the store, and then moved her fingers to the storefront. The opposite direction.

“For water, there is a well in the backyard, you can go there to fetch water.”

“Oh, I got it.”

Sue Kirin nodded, then Yawned. The body was a bit stiff, and the girl stretched out and stretched out her waist. As soon as the clothes that highlighted the lines of the body were tightened, the curve of her body became more obvious.

Probably didn’t expect that this petite girl would be so well-proportioned. Tsukaruoyou glanced more dullly, but she soon noticed something wrong and panicked. Even opened his sight.

“…By the way, Kirin, where’s your cat?”

Originally, it was just a topic I was looking for in a hurry, but after blurting out, I really cared about it. Past the door that hasn’t closed yet, stick one’s head around to look for in Sue Kirin’s room.


Sue Kirin tilted his head and thought for a while before realizing that she was referring to Tian Ji.

“Oh oh, still sleeping. She will naturally come to me when she wakes up later.”

“So sensible!”

Zukaruo There was light flashing in Yu’s eyes, and he obviously loved the black cat form Tianji very much.

“You know what a fart! Greedy and sleepy!” Sue Kirin waved his hands in disgust.

She had a hunch that Zhong Ruoyou was suspicious of this, and instinctively went to defend Tianji-the cute black cat -, so she rushed to speak before she spoke and threw a new topic:

“Speaking of which, what should I do?”

Like Sue Kirin just now, Tsukaruoyou blinked before suddenly coming over.

“Clean the storefront first, can you be responsible for it?”

“Clean up?” It’s been a long time since I cleaned it. Sue Kirin feels a little nostalgic.

“Sweep the floor, wipe the place.”

Zhong Ruoyou probably had some misunderstanding, specifically explained. She was embarrassed, I don’t know if she felt it was embarrassing like Sue Kirin, so when Sue Kirin said the word “simple”, she was relaxed.

It’s really not like a boss at all! Sue Kirin chuckled secretly.

Next, she bid farewell to Zhong Ruoyou and cleaned herself up.

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