Bathed in Xia Xue’s sight, Ye Zhen naturally noticed her arrival immediately, but only glanced at her, and then continued to exercise without interest.

He is indulging in his world, his eyes seem to be a little poetic.

Xia Xue felt a little admired.

Even though Ye Zhen is busy at work, he still does not neglect to exercise. There is no lack of progress in martial arts. It seems that he has already reached the boundary of the great realm. This alone is worthy of many people to learn.

Xia Xue didn’t bother Ye Zhen, but just waited aside, watching his long immersed Sword Art accomplishments.

gradually, her expression is a bit intoxicated.

There is no other reason. It is pure Sword Art’s Sword Art that fascinates her. It is based on a kind of appreciation and respect. It has nothing to do with Feng Yue and whether the relationship between the two is unfriendly.

I don’t know how long it took, Ye Zhen’s sword power finally slowly exhausted.

He used Spiritual Qi to influence the scabbard resting on a stone chair, causing it to rise from the ground and take off into his hand. With a bang, the Tianhuang sword returned to its scabbard, capturing the intimidating glory. mango.

Then, his luck was shaken off his sweat, and the sky was full of water instantly.

Xia Xue picked up the clothes he had prepared and threw it over, smiling silently and patted palms.

“My nephew Xia was awarded.”

I was surprised that Xia Xue would applaud herself, but Ye Zhen, who took off the clothes, lags behind for a short time before returning to the reserved reply.

“Martial Aunt Ye never forgets to exercise all the time. I really should be admired.” Xia Xue said flatly.

Although the attitude still seems a little alienated, it is much better than before. There is no sentence giving tit for tat, and this is probably due to the appearance of Sue Kirin.

Looking back on the past, Ye Zhen could not help but sigh, and Ye Zhen lightly sighed. The white breath full of Spiritual Qi rises slowly like a winter breath.

“Xia Shinephew is a rare visitor.”

Ye Zhen flipped the clothes in his hands, put his arms through his sleeves, and began to put on his clothes.

“Heh.” Xia Xue laughed, “I can’t say that the rare guests, but everything is not listed in the Three Treasures.”


One by one. Ye Zhen, who buttoned the cloth buttons on his clothes, trembled slightly.

“It seems that Nephew Xia didn’t go back and look at my Martial Uncle…”

As he said, he was already dressed, and Ye Zhen did it. He made a “please” gesture and pointed to the only stone table in the yard.

There are tea and some simple snacks on the stone table.

The two sat opposite each other on the stone table. Ye Zhen picked up the pot and poured a cup of tea for Xia Xue and pushed it in front of her.

“It has been a long time since I had the tea that Martial Aunt Ye poured me.”

Xia Xue used a mocking tone, but there was a mixture of indelible emotions.

“Disagreement is still common.” Ye Zhen replied briefly.

“When you say this, you always make me feel that I am a person who is unable to tell good from bad.”

Xia Xue’s old problems are attacking, she said slowly. There is quite a feeling of provoking Ye Zhen.


Ye Zhen pushed the plate of pastries on the table in front of Xia Xue.

“This is the pastry prepared by dísciple. I don’t like snacks, just because you are here.”

This man who is not good at words seems to express himself in some way. Xia Xue’s care.

“Does Martial Aunt Ye treat me as a garbage disposal?”

Xia Xue made another joke.

But there is one point worth explaining, this does not mean that Xia Xue also has this statement in her heart. She immediately stretched out her hand to twist a piece of pastry, and the action of taking a bite explained that she was actually just talking casually.

It seems that he was also aware of this, Ye Zhen raised the corners of his mouth slightly, laughed a bit stiffly.

He picked up the tea cup and drank the tea to replenish the lost water, and then when he put the tea cup down, straight to the point asked:

” Why did you come here today?…Is there any difficulties in the affairs of Xia Family?”

After a long pause, he unnaturally asked more.

Didn’t expect Ye Zhen will rarely take the initiative to care about herself, Xia Xue freezes for a moment.

“No.” She then answered briefly.

After a long while speechless, Xia Xue thought about the tips of her hair, and added:

“It has been dealt with almost.”

Xia Xue showed disgust and snorted coldly.

“There are not many people who are willing to provide timely help. Some people who are willing to accept the Xia Family industry are just looking at my relationship with Heavenly Jade Palace. They hope to buy things at a low price. , I also want to establish a certain trade relationship with Heavenly Jade Palace. The swords we cast are very popular, aren’t they? There are also some medicines and the like… Some people also want to get better at the dísciple of Heavenly Jade Palace, Gu’s servant. The preferential price is really unforgettable, and greedy is not enough to swallow the elephant.”

“It’s not hard to imagine.”

Ye Zhen just commented lightly, and then holding a tea cup. Take a sip of tea. Peeking at his indistinct expression, Xia Xue couldn’t judge his position.

She had no choice but to continue:

“Some things I think are acceptable are beneficial to both parties. I have discussed with the palace lord, and she probably thinks there is no problem.”


Ye Zhen was nodded and determined Xia Xue’s intentions.

“You are here to ask my opinion.”

“Hey, are you not very clear?”

He actually mentioned this from the beginning of my mouth You know what I mean right now? Xia Xue was frustrated for a while, and her dislike for Ye Zhen originated from here.

Ye Zhen ignored Xia Xue’s sarcasm, and said to himself:

“Tell me.”

Although his naive rebellious heart suddenly came to life, he thought Xia Family’s problems must be resolved as soon as possible, so Xia Xue can only exercise restraint.

Next, she and Qi Qiqi discussed the things she had discussed and told Ye Zhen carefully.

And Ye Zhen’s answer is–

“It’s okay.”

He just agreed without thinking about it. As a result, Xia Xue was a little surprised.


“It is reasonable, and the palace owner also agreed, I have no reason to object.”

This man is always public and private. distinct.

Perhaps, his relationship with Xia Xue is not good, and there are many differences in opinions, but he never mixes personal affair with official affairs. This is why Qi Qiqi can sit high in the palace before Sue Kirin appeared. In position for so long, there is no reason to be threatened by Ye Zhen’s military force.

Now it seemed that she was narrow-minded, and Xia Xue smirked with self-deprecation.

She rubbed her fingers along the edge of the tea cup, and the cherry-colored lip prints left on it while drinking tea were so clear, as if she was mocking her as a woman, and her belly volume was naturally less than Ye Zhen This kind of a real man is the same.

Xia Xue doesn’t like this feeling-very much. She used to have beautiful long hair, and the reason why she would cut it off in anger was because other people had a prejudice of “hair is long” against her.

In spite of this, she remained silent at this time.

Who told the facts to be in front of him, Ye Zhen’s belly is indeed much larger than her.

After that, she realized that thinking about this kind of thing would not help, it would only make her feel more and more uncomfortable, so she looked up at Ye Zhen and refocused on the current issue.

“Then I will proceed to deal with this matter.”

After that, Xia Xue suddenly turned aside her eyes unnaturally, but still forced her face to be calm, as fine as lines Said:

“Thank you Martial Aunt Ye.”

Ye Zhen was stunned for an instant, thinking that he had misheard, until he noticed the redness of the other’s ears, he didn’t know Xia Xue Xue did thank herself just now.

This girl, who is more unconvinced and awkward than Qi Qiqi, would actually thank herself?

Ye Zhen couldn’t believe it, but soon realized that it should have happened after something happened in Jinling, which caused some changes in Xia Xuenei.

So, is it the little Ancestor Master again?

The seasons change, and it is a new year, and it is not only the outside of Heavenly Jade Palace, but also the people and things inside. Thinking of this, Ye Zhen raised his mouth unconsciously and smiled knowingly.

Maybe it was consciously being made fun of, Xia Xue was so depressed, not even that sneer was imposing manner. Ye Zhen who noticed it coughed awkwardly.

There was another silence between the two, only the little voice of Xia Xue chewing the cakes lingered.

This embarrassing situation lasted until Ye Zhen realized that Xia Xue hadn’t got up to leave after talking about important matters, and it seemed that there were other things to discuss with him.

“Anything else, Nephew Xia?”

Looking at Xia Xue who drwsily supported her cheek, Ye Zhenqing coughed his throat a few times, and actively asked. Xia Xue paused when hearing this, put down the half-bitten pastry, and asked him with a faint smile: “Oh, do you mean you don’t welcome me anymore?”

“Naturally not.” Ye Zhen steadily denied.


It’s too boring to tease a man who doesn’t have much sense of humor in front of him, and Xia Xue sighed regretfully. The proud chest moved away from the table, she straightened up, and then put on a serious expression rather abruptly.

“In Jinling, a man saved me.”


Is this man special? Ye Zhen’s frowning expression carried this overtone.

“I don’t know if I misunderstood…”

Seeing Xia Xue hesitating suddenly, Ye Zhen felt even stranger.

Who did she meet to have such a difficult reaction? He cast a hastening look at Xia Xue.

“Who is it?”

Xia Xue continued to be silent, with multiple emotions such as unbelief, entanglement and sadness lingering on her face, as if she was resisting something harmful. Her sweet face seemed to have several points of dim and fuzzy.

She is so depressing.

Finally, she woven a name lightly lightly with her voice.

──A name that makes people feel like a hit just by hearing it.

When the “name” leaked from Xia Xueying’s lips, it was as weird as a feather that was light on the surface of the lake but it shook huge ripples, Ye Zhen immediately froze his body tightly.

As if responding, a gust of wind blowing from a distance.

It messed up the flowers and plants in Ye Zhen’s yard, messed up the hair of the two of them, and messed up the mood of the two, making a rustling sound.

While the side hair was swaying and shaking, Ye Shaking’s eyes widened in disbelief.

The girl who said the name was also at a loss, as if she would tell Ye Zhen that she wanted to get a denial from him.

Ye Zhen did not deny.

He can only mutter “…how is it possible?”

It took a full quarter of an hour before Ye Zhen reluctantly suppressed the consternation in his heart and broke the air that seemed to have frozen between the two with extreme seriousness.

“Is this what you saw with your own eyes?” he asked in a deep voice.

Xia Xue sighed quietly and looked back at Ye Zhen with a wry smile.

“I hope not.”


Ye Zhen lost his words again, fell into a certain kind of contemplation, but his mouth continued The retelling whispered the word “impossible……”.

Indeed, Xia Xue also feels impossible.

If she had not seen that man rescued herself under Xia Fei’s clutches, she would have heard from his population that she would only laugh at it, thinking it was just a bad joke.

“Is there any other evidence?”

“No.” Xia Xue could understand the reason for Ye Zhen’s questioning, “I’m not sure if it was him, or something else. There is someone else-a martial artist who looks purely like him.”

Ye Zhen nodded gestured to understand.

“I will investigate this matter.”

Next, he sternly and unquestionably exhorted Xia Xue and said:

“Nephew Xia, you Be sure to keep silent. It’s a big deal. You should know how big a problem it will be if you say it under unclear circumstances.”

“Who do you think I am? Such a simple truth to me Naturally, I know.”

Xia Xue is not a person without distinction, and naturally understands the pros and cons, and after a dissatisfied rhetorical question, she also adopts the due serious attitude.

“I will.”

“Very good.” Ye Zhen appeared satisfied, “I will investigate this matter as soon as possible.”

“Then Okay.”

Xia Xue’s eyes floated to the sky, bright and orange eyes are full of bottomless melancholy.

“After all, that person shouldn’t be alive anymore.”

Ye Zhen followed and looked up at the sky.

In the other corner of the deep blue sky, there are layers of dark clouds accumulating, like a gap, oozing endless melancholy and sorrow.

“Thunderstorm is coming soon.”

Ye Zhen said quietly, and then the sigh sounded dullly.

“If he is still alive, Nephew Luo will be very happy.”

If he is still alive, he will be so happy to cry. It is certainly not the only one Senior Sister Luo. , Xia Xue had never had such a strong expectation, but she couldn’t drive away the ominous premonition deeply mixed in it.

Well, those who should have passed away are still alive, which is not necessarily a lucky thing.

This is a rainy night.

Like a vivid fire cloud embedded in a rain curtain, and like a blooming flower, Qi Qiqi holding an umbrella, dragging her red skirt and carrying a lantern came to the Book Collection Pavilion .

However, her destination is not the Book Collection Pavilion. In order to allow Book Collection Pavilion Elder, who is responsible for the Book Collection Pavilion Guardian, to better perform its duties nearby, a small courtyard is built next to the Book Collection Pavilion for living.

However, unlike the Book Collection Pavilion Elder of previous dynasties, Ning Chenyuan loved books like his life, and simply lived directly in the Book Collection Pavilion, which led to this companionship with the Book Collection Pavilion. The yard only separated by a garden was left empty for a long time. It was only when Bai Ze came to Heavenly Jade Palace to play a misleading guest under the name of “The Nearest Biography” and was arranged to live in it before it came into play again.

Generally speaking, Bai Ze, as a “book teacher”, although his status is honorable, but after all, people who are not at the Master’s family should be arranged to live in Xifeng’s VIP Guest House.

However, considering that it is equivalent to-or even more than the rank and status of “Grandmaster”, and the yard where she intends to live long, and her love for books, Qi Qiqi made an exception and settled her here. In a courtyard with a small area.

And Qi Qiqi just wants to visit this world-famous “Book Master” at this moment.

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