Xia Xue is not where Shui Yun’er knows.

Xia Family has many businesses in Jinling. Most of them burned down overnight, and there must be a lot of problems. Xia Xue might have turned to other problems.

Sue Kirin entire group went through half of Jinling, and finally found Xia Xue in the burned Xia Mansion.

At this time, Xia Xue was standing in front of the hall of the main courtyard of the Xia Mansion.

She seems to be doing some paperwork. Xia Xue is holding a brush and a book pad in her hand. She doesn’t know what she is writing and drawing. There is an old man who looks like the manager of Xia Family standing next to her.

“Why are you so hard to find?”

Sue Kirin quickly approached, complaining at first.

Xia Xue seemed to have noticed her arrival a long time ago, and was not surprised at Sue Kirin’s sudden conversation, but the old man was taken aback and turned back quickly.

You probably know the identity of Sue Kirin. After saluting her respectfully, he asked Xia Xue to leave.

“Let’s go.”

Xia Xue readily agreed, and immersed himself in the work at hand. After Elderly walked away, she turned her face a little and glanced at Sue Kirin, then she smiled and raised her mouth: “You find me in many ways, but you have to use the most stupid method, you I’m so embarrassed to blame me.”


It is indeed like this, Sue Kirin scratched his head.

She would act in the stupid way Xia Xue said, probably because she didn’t want to rely on spell when it was not necessary. Once over-reliant on something, she will eventually collapse when she loses it. She doesn’t want this.

As for whether she is blaming or making trouble, she doesn’t care much about it.

She quickly withdrew her attention from her thoughts and transferred it to the thin notebook in Xia Xue’s hands. She was a little curious.

“Speaking of which, what are you writing?”

Asked, Sue Kirin looked at the notebook and found that the numbers were densely packed, almost dizzy. Yourself.

“In your opinion, what else can I do?”

paused, Xia Xue greatly sighed.

“I’m calculating the loss.”

“Xia elder sister, is the loss very heavy?”

Shui Kirin standing behind half of Sue Kirin’s body Yuner spoke for the first time. I don’t know if I sensed Sue Kirin’s mind, her question is exactly what Sue Kirin wants to ask.

Is she the bug in my heart? Sue Kirin curl one’s lip bar.

“hmph, can it not be heavy?”

The question is Bei Xiaolu.

She clasped her chest angrily, as if a little disdainful of those extravagant behaviors.

“This Xia Family is so rich that it is so rich. The materials used in every part of the mansion are very sophisticated. This burn is a lot of money.”

Recall Sue Kirin couldn’t help but nodded after seeing the scary string of numbers that I saw on Xia Xuebo just now, “That’s right…” sighed like this.

“After all, it is Qianzhu’s mansion.”

Xia Xue didn’t have any intention of defending, and even a little self-deprecating in her tone.

Sue Kirin really wanted to tease her, “Your room is also made of money!” But when the words came to her lips, she was shocked to see melancholy leaking out of Xia Xue’s slightly drooping eyes. Still dismissed the idea.

As a result, she didn’t know what to say.

“Bedai Sect Leader!”

Suddenly, someone called Huanbei Xiaolu from a distance.

Beijing Xiaolu looked back and found that it was Beggars’ Sect dísciple that was not calling him, and then dropped the sentence “I am going to see the situation!” and greeted him.

I don’t know what was said, Bei Xiaolu finally followed the Beggars’ Sect dísciple.

Should be to deal with things? Sue Kirin suddenly felt that the series of incidents that occurred in Jinling were more serious than he thought.

Xia Family suddenly had a financial crisis. Patriarch also died not long ago. It involved two Grandmasters and several Sects including the five Great Sect bis. The secret mastermind turned out to be Xia Fei’s Mo family and Shadow Sect, the deteriorating situation even involved the fifth spring and autumn of Jinling celebrities-such an event was enough to keep countless people awake at night, and the people of Jinling City were the first to bear the brunt.

While thinking about the consequences, Sue Kirin glanced at the already unrecognizable Xia Mansion.

In front of a few people, the originally majestic and luxurious building has been burned to the point where only the ugly skeleton remains, which looks like a dead wreck, turned into a pile of ruined tiles.

“It burned so clean…”

The glorious place of the golden wall in the past became ashes in the fire. How many people can dream that the Xia Family will fall here?

Looking at the ruined Xia Mansion, and the people in the Xia Mansion who are in it, tidying up things, Sue Kirin sighs.

She was sighed, and that sigh seemed a little sad.

As if affected by this, Xia Xue’s hand shook slightly. Sue Kirin caught this fleeting reaction with the corner of his eye.

Don’t you care as much as you seem on the surface? Sue Kirin thought.

However, what needs to be faced must be faced after all. After a long silence, the girl said casually:

“Xia Fei is dead.”

Xia Xue’s hand shook again, this time it shook more severely, but she remained silent, as if she hadn’t heard Sue Kirin’s voice.

In the end, she only said “en.” that she knew.

Sue Kirin was silent for a while, and then asked a new question:

“What do you plan to do next? You and the people–“

“Sue Kirin, who do you think I am?”

Xia Xue interrupted Sue Kirin’s seemingly random question with some excitement.

She closed the book book in her hand with a “Pa”, and turned angrily to stare at Sue Kirin, who was slightly shorter than herself.

“I’m tired enough, why are you like a fool who knows nothing, keep asking, keep asking, keep asking me questions!”

Facing Xia Xue’s sullen anger, Sue Kirin was calm.

The girl’s eyes tend to look extraordinarily bright at this time.

The pair of bright yellow is like a pair of beacon lights hanging in the air, and they are like a stunningly beautiful crystal, like having the power to penetrate the human heart.

“You are nothing.”

Facing Xia Xue shook the head, who was so angry that his chest was ups and downs, Sue Kirin did not restrain himself, just stated:

“In my eyes, you are just an ordinary person-you are all.”

Shui Yuner predicted Sue Kirin’s next words with a warm smile, while Xia Xue was hearing this is just dumbfounded.

“So, you will also have emotions, worries, and tears. Am I wrong?” Sue Kirin’s calm eyes clearly reflected Xia Xue’s silhouette, like It is a mirror that outlines the most real her to life.

The anger is mixed with sadness and melancholy–this is the expression on Xia Xue’s face at this time.

Then, just as it was so clear, Sue Kirin’s eyes reflected Xia Xue’s motion of shaking her head like giving up struggling.

“Sometimes, I really hate you.”

Xia Xue laughed ugly, but it was not a relieved smile, it was also like a knowing smile.

Sue Kirin also smiled back.

After looking at each other for a while, she seemed to be a little shy, and she seemed to be reminiscing something, holding the smile on her face and half hanging her head. The black hair on the front side is like a tent, half covering her delicate face, and while swaying in the wind, vertical ripples are outlined on it, like ripples.

“I’m not forcing you to ask me for help, I just want to know your real situation. If you need me, I will naturally reach out; if you need someone else, then I will go to him.”

The girl spoke softly, spoke very slowly and in a very small voice, but every word was like a knife in the hand of a carver, carved into Xia Xue’s heart.

“What if the other party is not willing?”

With a little resistance, Xia Xue asked.

“He dares, I’ll beat him.”

When he lifts the head, Sue Kirin fiercely raised his sleeves and waved a small pink fist. As if mocking this behavior as being too childish, Xia Xue chuckled and said:

“It’s really scary.”

Sue Kirin’s face stagnated, and then he muttered quietly. “I always feel that you are hurting me.” While putting down the sleeves and pulling it smoothly

Looking at her reaction, Shui Yun’er snickered a few times, while Xia Xue twitched the corners of her mouth. Higher.

These two people……! They are clearly showing their hearts, why do they like to play tricks on themselves? Sue Kirin was a little angry, and was about to complain–

“I really need your help.”

Xia Xue asked, “Would you like to make a cup of tea?” In a casual tone, he said quite incredible words.


Sue Kirin put on a blank expression and blinked at Xia Xue.

The girl’s eyes flickering around the ends of her hair, and her double 靥slightly red. These signs are telling her that she is ashamed.

Because of being formal and serious, I am embarrassed.

Although Xia Xue sometimes asked Sue Kirin for help in the past, it was more like running errands. It is the first time that Sue Kirin is officially asked for help.

So, does this mean that the other party is finally willing to rely on themselves? No longer like at first using an excuse to lure itself to Jinling, with a nature of near-use, but really making a request to yourself?

Well, it must be.

Sue Kirin, who each minding their own business so determined, couldn’t help overflowing with a happy smile.

“Let’s talk about it, what’s busy!”

As it should be by rights, Sue Kirin readily agreed, not listening to the content, and squeezed his waist with both hands and straightened his chest. Put on a posture of “I am the most reliable in the world”.


Under Sue Kirin’s expectant gaze, Xia Xue’s face suddenly became gloomy and she sneered.

“You close your beautiful mouth for me.”


Sue Kirin was dumbfounded and thought he would listen wrong.

Didn’t expect I said something that I thought was enough to move others, but only in exchange for such a direct and strong rejection.

Behind her, Shui Yun’er stared at Xia Xue slightly in sorrow, and spit out unexpected words during her scolding.

“Xia elder sister, even if it is a joke, it is too much!”

“A joke?”

Sue Kirin stared at a pair of Yuanyuan With big eyes, he cast a soliciting gaze on Xia Xue, but he would dodge a little, like a restless cat.

Xia Xue’s expression didn’t change much, just a slight red color on her cheeks.

“Heh, who told her to say that I am nothing.”

Xia Xueming still adopts the usual attitude, but at this moment it is a little unnatural. Is it because the ears are red? Sue Kirin thought, and then realized the fact that he was being tricked again.

“Damn Xiaoxue!”

Sue Kirin jumped annoyed, and threw his fist to express indignation.

Rarely, Xia Xue pu chi laughed out loud, smiling very cheerfully. Sue Kirin, who saw her like this for the first time, didn’t respond for a while.

This girl who looks dull, and unexpectedly reliable when it matters, always has an almost unreasonable and intrusive force, and this may be the key to her beloved! Xia Xue focused her eyes on Sue Kirin and thought secretly.

And Xia Xue never thought that one day she would fall into it.

However, I probably knew from the bottom of my heart that this day had arrived, and Xia Xue was shocked to realize how much she was not at all resisting. Well, she was originally a person who resisted this kind of “closeness.”

“Sit down over there.”

Xia Xue pointed to one of the few surviving buildings on the side–a pavilion. She only looked at Sue Kirin, indicating that she was only inviting Sue Kirin.

Sue Kirin noticed this, turned his head to look at Shui Yun’er with some embarrassment, and said:

“That…Xiaoyun, you──”


Shui Yun’er suddenly slapped his hands, interrupting Sue Kirin’s words.

“I remember that some things haven’t been done yet, let me say goodbye first.”

The considerate Shui Yun’er has long been aware of the situation and took the initiative to say goodbye quite interestingly.

Sue Kirin is now more sorry, but she has to look grateful at Shui Yun’er and watch her fade away.

Without waiting for Sue Kirin to regain her gaze, Xia Xue walked towards the pavilion, and Sue Kirin shouted: “Wait!” before she hurriedly followed along.

The two sat face to face at the table in the pavilion.

“There shouldn’t be much question about the ten-day appointment.”

Xia Xue didn’t make any confusion, straight to the point.

Sue Kirin responded quickly and immediately asked:

“Is the money enough?”

“Enough, there will always be enough.”

Xia Xue is not so sure, but she is very powerful and should have considerable confidence.

Next, she put her elbows on the table again, lifted her cheeks, and squeezed the exaggerated two halves on the table. She wandered around the ends of her hair bored, her eyes drooping, as if she couldn’t lift her energy, but she also seemed ashamed to face Sue Kirin.

An unfrank girl, the thin-skinned Xia Xue, is especially stubborn. “Although I burned most of it, my family’s property is spread all over the country. Selling all of it is enough to return the money to the people. Fifth Spring and Autumn and Beggars’ Sect also agreed to take over part of it, and Xianyizhuang will buy the rest. Now.”


A few unexpected words.

Xia Xue deliberately looked at the girl with a surprised face, sneered and said:

“Thanks to your usual contact with flowers and grass outside!”

“Wait, what are you talking about nonsense…” Sue Kirin was confused by this accusation, “What’s the matter with me here?”

“──Bai Ze.”


The name Xia Xue revealed in her mouth was Sue Kirin, dumbfounded.

“I heard that it was her relationship.’Shu Ji’ came forward, and the Xianyizhuang of the Academy of Common Origins naturally had to follow the orders.”

While listening to Xia Xuena With a ridiculous description, Sue Kirin flashed the face of the horned girl in his mind.

Speaking of which, she still hasn’t seen Bai Ze after waking up. So, is that because she is running for herself and seeking help from Xianyizhuang?

Sue Kirin and Bai Ze are not familiar with each other, but have a relationship in the forbidden library.

However, Bai Ze extended a helping hand many times during the short time they met. Not only did he save his life when the pseudo “Life and Death Seal” broke out, he even helped him break into the Mo family. Xia Xue was rescued from the manor.

Next time you see her, you must thank her very much! Sue Kirin is not an ungrateful person, these things are still quite heart.

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