Ashamed of Xia Fei’s non-response, Shui Yun’er was sighed.

“It’s difficult now.” She looked at the young organist with her completely empty, even hollow eyes, “Young Master Xia doesn’t seem to like others talking to the girl he likes.”

What does she mean? The kind of tone that seemed to state that she was in love with her… Xia Fei frowned.

“I had no choice but to…”

Shui Yun’er’s affectionate face was suddenly dimmed, adding a sad color.

“Kill you.”

As soon as the voice fell, the stream of the girl’s side condensed into a thick line and shot out.

“Be careful!” Xia Fei quickly warned loudly.

Unfortunately, it is too late.

The water-colored silk thread crossed the neck of the engineer.

When the mechanic was completely unaware of the situation, only subconsciously showed a painful expression, and then his consciousness turned into darkness with his vision.


Xia Fei’s last agency division ended up with a separation of head and head.

His blood was sprinkled under the curtain of the night, reflecting the light of fire and the moonlight. The demon-like color made people feel unconscious.

Blood dripped on Xia Fei’s nose, trailing bright red traces like someone’s caress.

And the Shui Yuner at the other end is still spotless.

“What do you want…what…?” This sentence was asked completely unconsciously.

“I’m here to complete the transaction.”

Shui Yun’er smiled as it should be by rights and said, slowly leaning towards Xia Fei.

The man who vowed never to be embarrassed and struggling finally caught the darkness deep in the girl’s eyes, like the stale mud in the depths of the swamp, forgetting his previous determination, disappointingly trying to withdraw from being frozen again Live heels.

──It doesn’t help.

He couldn’t move, and the girl also came to him.

Her beautiful face is closer, so it looks so beautiful, and her soft eyebrows are delicate, but Xia Fei has no time to appreciate it.

At this moment, his body is full of deep chills.

It was only now that he noticed that behind those eyes that were too calm, there was a deep abyss that was difficult to see. There is a kind of twisted darkness inside.

“The’injury’ you gave to my little Master, whether it is physically or internally, we have accepted it with deep gratitude.”

The girl smiled. .

It was an ominous smile, which made people have one’s hair stand on end smile. Xia Fei, who was bitten by her with such an expression, couldn’t move.

“And now, I brought you what you deserved.”

Immediately after this sentence, the darkness hidden in the water-colored eyes poured out Out.


Xia Fei, who felt a sudden pain, groaned her head down, and saw that the handle was unsheathed at any time and penetrated her chest. Knife. The girl’s white and slender right hand was holding the knife handle.

“Is this kind of return satisfactory? Xia Young Master.”

The girl is smiling, but her face is abnormally distorted. The beauty just now has been wiped out, replaced by thick The haze.


Xia Fei wanted to talk, but only vomited a mouthful of blood.

The blood stained the girl’s face, and the end of the white hair with the slight aqua color was also inevitable, making her especially charming and mysterious at this moment.

“Of course, not only that.”

Shui Yuner pulled out a horizontal knife, and Xia Fei’s chest wound spurted out a lot of blood, staining her skirt. .

But she didn’t care.

She focused on Xia Fei, covering her chest, and slowly fell down with rapid breathing. In order to make his body smooth, he even drove away the thin ice covering the ground and gave his feet a freedom.

On this, Xia Fei only felt ridiculed.

The night came into his eyes.

Today is a starless night, and the moon is also covered by a dark cloud from the night wind. Lying on the ground, he could feel that important things were constantly being pulled away from the ends of the gap that penetrated his chest and back, and he was quickly bathed in warmth.

Next, there was a burning sensation throughout the body. It was very hot and painful, and Xia Fei’s breathing became rapid and messy.

The girl at the bottom of his vision just looked at him with a small smile.

She is smiling, but there is no smile or emotion in her eyes. It is empty, like an empty tomb that will be used to bury others. Is this person broken? Xia Fei actually cared about this matter.

Well, this girl is not normal.

So does Sue Kirin know? Xia Fei thought for a while, but unexpectedly curled up the corners of her mouth.

“Sue Kirin… don’t you know?──cough cough cough!” He said hard, and coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood. “You look like you, hasn’t she seen it?”

As if not understanding what he meant, Shui Yun’er tilted his head, arousing love and affection like a bird.

“I understand now.” She thought for a while, and suddenly high-five, “Must be dissatisfied, right?”

“If you take your clothes… undressed and snuggle If I come up, I might be satisfied…”

Is it a relationship that has no thorn in the point? Or is it already back? Xia Fei felt that his body was weaker, and although his speech was intermittent, he was still quite powerful.

“I understand.” Shui Yuner was nodded.

Xia Fei was surprised, is she really going to take off her clothes?

While his eyes remained clear for the time being, the girl knelt on him, but did not touch him. The thin and round thighs were on his waist, as long as he wanted, At your fingertips at any time.

“Is this better?” Shui Yuner asked.

However, before Xia Fei had time to speak, the girl raised the horizontal knife and poked him in again.

The blood splattered out all at once, and his painful shouts rang across the sky. The sharp blade plunged into his palms covering his chest, embedded between the bones, and passed through the wound on his chest.

“This way, you can relax a little bit.”

Shui Yun’er bends her lips into a satisfactory arc, and doesn’t care how much Xia Fei has been on her cheeks Blood.


The pain caused Xia Fei’s face to be distorted, and her voice became tense together with her body, making her look very deep and solid.

Shui Yun’er didn’t make any verbal response, just twisted the horizontal knife forcefully, and the man cried out in pain again, only to realize that the other party was abusing herself.

As if responding to his guess, Shui Yun’er muttered “not enough…” and stood up.

She walked to the two dead engineers, picked up their weapons, and walked back. She held one blade one sword in her left and right hands separately, and she circled Xia Fei, seeming to be measuring and so on. Before long, she smiled with satisfaction as if she had received the answer, and suddenly plunged the organ sword into Xia Fei’s thigh, and then in Xia Fei’s screams, she used the remaining knife to penetrate his other thigh.

“Kill me! You fucking, kill me if there is a kind! Kill me!”

Xia Fei roared frantically, and his body was penetrated in many places The pain was unbearable, and the pain was so painful that he cried, his nose and tears muffled his delicate and pretty face.

“Killing you, it would be too cheap for you.”

Shui Yun’er’s expression changed from clear to dark.

She stretched out her slender right leg and stomped on the man’s crotch.

The vital part of the lower body couldn’t withstand such a heavy force, and wanted to scream, but in the end only a series of coughs and a lot of blood came out.

As if satisfied, Shui Yuner retracted his foot.

Xia Fei was so painful that he didn’t want to live, but his arms and legs were already restrained, and he couldn’t even do something as simple as suicide. He would bite his tongue and kill himself at one time, but he also knew that it would only add pain. Gite your tongue simply can’t kill people.

The girl did not move any more, just looked at him silently, with a calm expression on her face.

Perhaps it was getting closer and closer to death, Xia Fei felt that the pain was gradually diminishing, and even his breathing became a little smoother. His neck was a little weak, he tilted to one side, and then saw the fiery redness of the sky at the other end.

That is the direction of Jinling.

Like sunset or evening, the sky above Jinling City was stained red, as if oozing scarlet blood, forming an extraordinarily awkward scenery, as if to foretell some kind of destruction.

He laughed.


Shui Yuner noticed his expression, followed his gaze, and saw the blood-red scene. She discerned that it was the light of a big fire, the color that only appeared when reflected in the sky.

──The sky of Jinling is burning.

“It’s burning! It’s burning! Hahahaha ──! It’s burning well, Xia Family is burning!”

Xia Fei laughed arrogantly.

He didn’t care that he would cough up blood after every few laughs, and poured out a very refreshing laugh.

“What are you laughing at?” Shui Yuner asked.

Seeing her frowned for the first time, Xia Fei smiled even harder. The laughter mixed with blood almost consumed his remaining life.

But he still laughed, as if he didn’t want to live another second.

That is actually a wanton laugh for long-term liberation and satisfaction.

“Is Xia Family burning up?”

Shui Yuner came up with this answer after thinking a little bit, and answered Xia Fei in surprise.

Although Xia Fei seemed to be struggling, the corners of his mouth were raised, and the answer was obvious.

“Not only the Xia Family, but everything related to the Xia Family burned up.”

He burned down the Xia Family and Xia Family properties? Shui Yun’er blinked, and then noticed that Xia Fei was looking at him mockingly.

He seemed to be looking forward to Shui Yuner’s expression of regret.

But the final result disappointed him. Shui Yun’er only showed a brief expression of surprise, and there was no other reaction.

“I don’t care about the inheritance rights of Xia Family at all. All I really want is to watch it go to destruction step by step, and Xia Xue and the others are unable to save it!”

Xia Fei roared to vent with all his strength, his wishes for many years turned into intense emotions rushing to Shui Yun’er.

Yes, he actually just wanted to make the family feel powerless.

He only has such a simple wish.

If he can, he really wants to shout out those words in front of Xia Xue at this moment, but he probably won’t wait for that moment to come–God didn’t have mercy on him and wanted him to die here. .

So, as long as it is an individual, he wants to tell each other his anger.

“It doesn’t matter.”

As a result, Shui Yuner didn’t care.

She looked down at Xia Fei with regretful eyes of “You may be mistaken”, and replied calmly and forcefully:

“I don’t care about the life and death of the Xia Family.”

“You…” Xia Fei was speechless, opening his eyes in disbelief.

“But…” Shui Yuner’s expression was dim, sighed sadly, “Little Master must be sad again.”

After only opening and closing her eyes, the girl’s eyes There was more hatred that overflowed, and the soft voice like water turned into an undercurrent of deprivation.

Even though it is Xia Fei who has been entangled in death, at this moment there is still one’s hair stand on end.

Perhaps, the girl in front of her is more terrifying than death.

“You really deserve to die, you hurt her.”

The girl twisted her face, her beautiful face suddenly became hideous, she slowly pulled out and buried it in Xia Fei’s chest The horizontal knife.

“How do you pay me?”

The next moment, blood spattered.

The horizontal knife pierced Xia Fei’s neck neatly, and this time he could only yell “Ah──!”

It didn’t take long for the overflowing blood to fill his throat, and his remaining voice was also lost.

Death is gradually approaching, and consciousness sinks into the darkness.

In the dim vision, the trembling girl lightly turned and left.

“Oops, it’s covered in blood… Later, the little Master asks how to answer so that she doesn’t worry? Nor can she know that my spell is progressing so fast, otherwise she I’m going to be lazy again and not come to teach me…”

She sighed repeatedly, her face looked like a girl in a sad love.

It’s a hell of a ghost–if it was Xia Xue who stood by her side now… Xia Fei sneered at himself.

Next, death came as scheduled.

In the narrow aisle, the shadow also noticed the fiery red on the other side of the sky.

Is Jinling City burning up? Shadow thought, and finally came to this answer.

However, she doesn’t care if Jinling City is burned, let alone where it burns. She only cares where Sue Kirin’s person is and if she has the opportunity to hand her blade.

At this moment, she is leaning against the wall and staggering forward, she can only be described as “worried”.

The black wrapped in the lovable body is lightly packed and damaged in many places, exposing the snow-white skin mixed with blood and scars underneath. A pair of wings formed by the combination of black metal skeleton and feathers extends from the waist. Hanging on the ground, the hair that had been braided in twists spread out and spread out on the body in a disorderly manner.

The clothes on her belly seemed to have been blown apart, and it seemed to be torn apart by being grabbed. There was a gap in the shape of a circle with a small edge, and the skin underneath was bruised. green.

That is the trace left by Bei Xiaolu’s surprise palm. Not only on the surface, but the shadow can also detect a mess in her body, damage to many organs, and replace it with a normal situation – or she may have been bode ill rather than well before, but the newly acquired body But unexpectedly tough, persisted.

However, the situation is still not optimistic.

Just like reminding the girl that she is not in good health, the shadow suddenly became unstable and fell forward to the ground.

The smell of earth filled the mouth immediately.

“Hurry up…”

Although she felt comfortable when lying on the ground, she still braced herself, wiped away the blood that overflowed from the corners of her mouth and moved on.

“Sue Kirin is just ahead…” she murmured, like a demon.

At this moment, if the girl can’t be killed, the shadow won’t know when he will hate it. After all, Mo Weiyang is still working with his weapon ghost to deal with Sue Kirin, and there is a restriction against her.

──There are really few opportunities like this.

So, even if it can move, the shadow must seize the hard-won opportunity this time.

“Sue Kirin, wait for me…”

The shadow’s voice is weak, destined to not reach Sue Kirin’s ears, but it is still inexplicably powerful.

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