Suddenly all kinds of sounds rang in my ears.

Unconsciously came to a clearing of the manor, and a sudden change came to Sue Kirin.

The killing intent gushed out from the buildings on all sides, countless arrows were thrown into the air, and there was a sharp sound that broke through the air, and the rain fell on the fast-moving Xue Ma Lin.

Among them, there are mixed shells and large crossbow arrows.

Is what is going to come after all!

Sue Kirin is very annoying, but can’t ignore the drizzle of steel dumping. Her big counterpart pupil glowed like gold, as if vortex was flowing slowly.

“Grasp it!”

At the same time as Bai Ze was instructed, she leaned forward with her right leg, and a round of blue halo appeared on the soles of her feet.

Sue Kirin flexed his right leg like stepping on a halo, and then kicked back hard! The halo spread out immediately, as if being impacted by the remaining circle, the girl suddenly climbed into the air at high speed to avoid the intensive attack of the arrow rain.

The sharp arrow that missed its target fell on the ground, and the bombing of the shells lifted up huge clouds of dust.

None of them touched the girl who was floating in the air with a circle of aperture on her back. Only the small iron piece suddenly scattered by the large organ arrow of the bed crossbow could reach the girl.

However, those iron pieces were still wiped out by the Thunderbolt realm just before they touched the girl.

On the open space of the manor, a thin smoke fills the outline of some things.

In one of the corners, the black silhouette stands tall, like an unshakable lone boat in the waves of the angry sea.

The shadow outlined by the moonlight at the foot of the silhouette is swaying, like a lake of unknown ink leading to the abyss, continuing to erode and spread in all directions at the speed of naked eye visible.

“…Mo Weiyang.”

Sue Kirin squinted the eyes whose pupils had shrunk into vertical lines, and whispered the other party’s name in a low voice.

Holding Bai Ze one hand around her slender waist with one hand, her brighter eyes gave the illusion that she was more dazzling than Yellow Springs, clearly reflecting the man in the clearing. In the deepest part, there was a little scarlet flickering.

Although she focused her gaze on Mo Weiyang’s body, the corner of her eye still did not ignore the large number of organ weapons that had been hidden in the building for a long time and had just made a surprise attack on herself.

“Mo Weiyang.”

Sue Kirin opened his throat and shouted, naturally not in a cordial tone.

“hmph, I have been hospitalized by you many times these days! How do you want to entertain me this time?”

The man on the other side of the line of sight does not answer, and shook the a little helplessly head.

His actions seemed to be asking: “Why are you still asking this question?”

This man harmed himself and the people around him again and again , And even took Xia Xue away again, and continued to use maliciousness towards him, Sue Kirin naturally didn’t have a good face to deal with him, and he didn’t bother to talk nonsense.

The aperture behind Sue Kirin gradually distorted, and more blue phosphorescent light strips peeled off the skin of her back, spreading to the sky behind, and soon covering a large area . These living creature-like lines continue to twist and sway, once interlaced and combined, and some are separated again, and finally outline different patterns of contour lines.

“Innate three, the day after tomorrow six.”

Sue Kirin chanted marvelous and short words, and vortex of flames appeared out of thin air on the left and right sides of the back.

The number of vortex is five.

The speed of their speed gradually increased, eventually exceeding the level that can be captured visually. The center of the vortex gradually formed the contour of the dragon head.

“Turn me into skewers!”

Sue Kirin raised his sword and pointed his finger towards Mo Weiyang on the ground. The ten dragon heads that had already formed were silently roaring and staring at the same time. he. Mo Weiyang on the ground suddenly raised his mouth.

“Thunder Flame Dragon–“

The last word did not fall.

Before that, a dark shadow with a complicated silhouette was stunned in a corner of the clearing, and it soared into the sky like a bullet bursting out of a bow and hit the girl.

For an instant, the black shadow swept behind Sue Kirin, and the axe in his hand fell ruthlessly.

“You are not allowed to harm the masters and craftsmen.”

“It’s you again!”

Sue Kirin fought with his sword, and the sword burst out A blast of air current mixed with green debris.

In front of her, there is Merlot wearing Battle Armor.

But unlike the previous ones, the Battle Armor structure on her body is more complicated than before. The most different is that she has a pair of wings hung on her back, composed of several boards. Into a strange organ.

Her Battle Armor is probably strengthened.

Wu Mo Lele’s strength is greater than the previous few times. Sue Kirin was pressed back in the air, step by step to the ground.

Hugged by Sue Kirin, Bai Ze didn’t say a word, watching the strange wings behind Merlot Battle Armor.

“Be careful, there is a mystery behind her.” She reminded Sue Kirin in a low voice.

The girl who is fighting has no time to respond, thinking: You are telling me what mystery is inside!

The weapons of Sue Kirin and the ghost girl are still at a stalemate, and star-like sparks shake off during the friction.

The former is blessed by the Ghost God symbol, and the strength is improved, while the latter’s Battle Armor has been strengthened. The wrist strength is much higher than the previous one. It can be considered evenly matched, but in fact, pure strength alone, Sue Kirin is still slightly inferior to the ghost girl.

Sue Kirin’s wrist is a little bit too much to hold on, and it starts to tingle and tremble.

She knows that it’s not the way to go for a long time, not to mention the existence of a cumbersome Shirasawa beside her, so she drove five of the ten Fire Dragons to turn around and changed to glare like a tiger. watching his prey.

“The third of thunder and flame dragon!”

Five Fire Dragons responded to the commander’s command and shot three Fireballs respectively, whizzing towards the empty place. .

Where did she shoot? Merlele was surprised.

As a result, in the next second, Sue Kirin kicked the handle of the axe, and Merlele, who was distracted, did not notice for a while, and retreated a certain distance under the force. Didn’t expect just right. Land on the trajectory of several Fireballs about to rendezvous.

She reprimanded herself for her carelessness, and she drew out a round of beheaded with a weapon in her hand. The Fireball that was about to hit all suffered a single knife or two, and then exploded, and the raging flame that swept away engulfed the silhouette of the Battle Armor girl. Five Fire Dragons, which rushed out of the vortex after shooting the Fireball, also crashed into the flames, causing a larger flame explosion, igniting a corner of the night sky outside the Jinling effect.

Turning around, Sue Kirin swung his sword out of thin air.

“Seventh of the Thunderflame Dragon!”

The remaining Fire Dragon rushed out neatly, burning the moisture in the atmosphere, twisting the tobacco and biting towards him Mo Weiyang at the end.

Mo Weiyang’s vision was illuminated by the fire.

He didn’t mean to avoid dodge at all, his tattoos didn’t move, he just looked at the fierce thing dropping from the sky with his hands upright.

But that does not mean just sitting and waiting.

Before his feet, the shadow that had already encroached on a large part of the open space swelled.

Dozens of large shields with a height of one person rose from the ground. At the crucial moment, layers of layers were built to form a huge barrier to block the Fire Dragon that had already pounced on.

Five streams of red flames hit the shield with one head, rising up into the sky like a torrent of hot springs, spreading in all directions in a scribble manner. The extremely overbearing flame instantly ignited several nearby buildings, and they plunged into the fire sea at the speed visible to naked eye without resistance, along with a series of mechanical weapons arranged inside.

The flurry of fire was flooded, and this corner of the manor had a smell of burnt lingering.

The flame still failed to penetrate Mo Weiyang’s shield.

Although the black shields were burned red and in a semi-melted state, they still stood tall in front of Mo Weiyang.

They were once again buried in the shadow of black, and Mo Weiyang’s undamaged silhouette appeared again.

Looking at the other side, as if laughing at his standing man, Sue Kirin knocked his mouth impatiently. There is another splitting the air sound approaching behind her.

“Are you annoying!”

Sue Kirin turned back and cut out a sword energy, while speeding down to the ground.

The majestic sword energy solitary light was smashed to pieces by Mo Lele, but she still slowed her approach.

Sue Kirin landed on the ground not yet covered by the Mo Weiyang realm. He whispered to order Bai Ze to retreat to the side, once again undressing the universe of the sky to become “Black Tortoise of the Shield” “The status is handed over to the other party body protection.

“Be careful yourself.”

Bai Ze didn’t get entangled, and immediately leaped towards the edge of the battlefield with a light in one hand and a shield in the other.

Sue Kirin didn’t have time to watch her reach the edge, and then turned his eyes to the sky, holding the remaining long sword ──Li Qiankun── against the ghost girl who was pressing down from the sky.

The sword light flickered, bursting out bursts of shocks and sparks.

Sue Kirin’s sword and Merlot’s axe and halberds struck dozens of times in the blink of an eye. The sudden metal collision sounded endlessly, shaking the eardrums. Merlele’s strength is dominant, and Sue Kirin retreats, his arm numb.

Mo Weiyang did not let go of this opportunity, and once again drove the weapon that had already been deployed to attack.

Said it is too late and then fast, and another wave of arrows falls, regardless of the enemy or the enemy.

“The slot is so good, so confident!” Sue Kirin yelled at the sight. She knows that Merlele has the Battle Armor, which can resist the direct attack of most organ weapons, but she is a flesh and blood body. If she is hit, the consequences will never be insignificant.

Frewns, biting his lower lip, bearing a rainstorm-like axe and halberd, Sue Kirin twirled his ankle to quickly draw a base circle on the ground.

“Come out of the ground!”

Tenderly shouted, Sue Kirin pushed Long Sword again, forcing De Merle to back away a little. The stone pillar immediately pierced out of the ground between the enemy and us.

Sue Kirin immediately jumped back a few feet, and his body was pulsing and flashing.

In a flash, she flicked her finger, and the electric and optical torrent wrapped around her inflated in a breath, intertwined into a net of bombs flying almost in all directions.

“Two pairs of people, you are also capable!” She scolded bitterly.

The green electricity gradually shattered, as if the weathered things were blown away. Sue Kirin didn’t wait for it to dissipate completely, turning around and slashing again, and two more sword energies went to Mo Weiyang and Mo Lele respectively.

Her counterattack as it should be by rights does not work.

The two easily disintegrated the attack of sword energy by means, so Sue Kirin’s counter-offensive momentum has not ceased.

There is another pattern outline on her back, two torrents of flames gushing out from her sleeves. This time, the tongue of flame penetrated the void like a spiral, and it burned more and more fiercely, biting the enemy two.

A shield appeared in front of Mo Weiyang to form a wall to block the torrent of flames, while Merlot rotated the weapons in his hand to form a vortex-like barrier that crushed the flame torrents.

Catch the thieves first!

Sue Kirin, who made up his mind in an instant, glanced at Mo Lele, who was able to do a good job, but couldn’t get out of it in time. Without thinking about it, he rushed towards Mo Weiyang, and the long sword in his hand was entangled with the torrent of electricity.

Mo Weiyang looked as expected.

The black boundary beneath him began to appear abnormally uplifting again, dozens of organ weapons of different styles appeared on the world, and the organ weapons around him were again the sound of stringed cannons.

Sue Kirin drives the realm to the limit, and every step of the landing is stimulated by green electricity.

At this moment, the petite girl is like turning herself into a torrent of blue electricity, like the raging thunder that tore through the night sky, pressing forward to Mo Weiyang. Those who peeled off as if they couldn’t keep up with the high speed, and entangled her hundreds of arrows and shells scattered in the air, blocking the rain of guns and arrows from the sky for the master.

The closer, the more intense the attack.

Heaven’s net is wide, and none can escape its mesh, and there is also a fish that escaped the net. Sue Kirin’s body was scoured by sharp arrows. The blood she shed is like flying petals being threw away, mixed in the blue electricity, exuding a strange beauty.

Perhaps didn’t expect to be so unstoppable. Seeing the group of agency dolls being washed away, Mo Weiyang’s expression was once lost.

“As expected of Snow Girl.” He whispered, the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously.

It was a kind of excitement.

He hasn’t experienced it for a long time, and the excitement of encountering a strong enemy-the uncontrollable excitement almost numbed him.


Not far away, Mole Lego, who tried to rush to help, reminded him. The wings behind her suddenly separated, separated into eight black metal plates, and quickly wrapped around Sue Kirin. At the same time, Mo Weiyang heard the sound of organ biting in front of him.

Since the ink tank has appeared in the realm, it has hidden most of his silhouette.


When the box is opened, there is a strong light revealed. Sue Kirin can feel the extremely majestic and pure Spiritual Qi highly concentrated in it, not even think. Twist the body hard to change direction.

It’s just that her speed is too fast.

The dazzling pure white light pours out of the extremely inconsistent black box, and all of a sudden fills Sue Kirin’s vision, who only had time to reverse the direction.

Scattered ashes and smoke scattered ashes and smoke dispersed like the Spiritual Qi torrent erupting from the spirit vein, and the torrent that swallowed the shadows like a giant beast.

Seeing that the black shadow representing Sue Kirin was involved in the light and scattered ashes and smoke dispersed, Shirasawa was shocked and walked forward involuntarily, but at the next moment, I saw Sue Kirin got out of it and stopped.

In a short period of time, Bai Ze felt dizzy after experiencing the rapid ups and downs in his heart.

In the aftermath left by the torrent of Spiritual Qi, the crumbs condensed by Spiritual Qi float away, and Sue Kirin who is in it is not unscathed.

Her right arm holding a sword is already bloody, it seems that she can’t stand minor injuries, and her breathing is a little short.

“Surgery weapons, you really look up to me!”

Floating in the air, Sue Kirin stared at Mo Weiyang with lingering fear.

There are huge traces on her back that were excavated by the shining stream just now and reached the other end of the manor. The cut surface in the trace is smooth and red because of the high temperature.

The sudden attack just now has been close to Grandmaster’s full strength. The formidable power is comparable to the sky flying, but Mo Weiyang can display it in a very short period of time. Obviously, he was prepared.

Faced with such a blow of formidable power, I am afraid that I will die long ago in exchange for others.

Fortunately, Sue Kirin drove the body protection of Tianlei in an unfavourable time, offsetting the initial impact, and quickly escaped by this gap, otherwise even she would only bode ill rather than well.

I’m still too aggressive! Sue Kirin bit her lower lip.

As if taunting her, Mo Weiyang shook his head and sighed, hypocritically said:

“Snow Girl, my hospitality is more than that!”

” What more horses are there, let them go!”

Sue Kirin did not show weakness, raising his sword to announce.

“It’s already here.”

Mo Weiyang was surprised that Sue Kirin would ask this question.

Already here? Sue Kirin was stunned and glanced left and right, only to find that there were eight black metal plates hovering around him. They formed a circle with the girl as the center, as if they were supporting her.

“What is it?”

Sue Kirin realized that it was something that Bai Ze reminded her to pay attention to, but she didn’t know its function, and she couldn’t be wary of it.

──She soon knew what was hidden inside.

After circling several times, the metal plates were erected at the same time, and the surface showed a complex pattern of light. That means the spirituality circuit contained in it is activated.

An invisible force arises out of thin air, and slowly converges from the center in a circle around the edge of the plate.

Finally, it is tied to Sue Kirin like an invisible rope. “Um-!” Sue Kirin groaned, as if he was punched hard.

Single knelt on the ground, behind her like a light-wing stretched spiritual ink seal, the cracks shattered instantly, and countless light spots scattered in the sky scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

She finally knew the hidden mystery.


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