The Fifth Spring and Autumn Period sighed then said, wittyly no longer asking about it.

“What is the reason why you went and come back?”

He cut to the point, facing Xia Xue with a scrutiny eye, a little bit of composure as if he had been clearly understood Wise about what major event is about to happen.

“If you tell me that you miss me, so you can’t wait to wake me up, I might be very happy. But you are not.”

“You Very clear.”

Xia Xue’s indifferent expression, on the contrary, Sue Kirin grinded his teeth. Xia Xue thought she was noisy, and in the invisible corner of the Fifth Spring and Autumn Period, she pinched the soft flesh of her waist and twisted it suddenly, causing her to bounce up in pain.

“Snow Senior?”

The fifth spring and autumn looked towards the girl in amazement.

Sue Kirin quickly said it was okay, and glared at Xia Xue as he sat down again. She wanted to make a counterattack, but Xia Xue avoided the pinch with a clever way, and she was angry with gnashing teeth again.

Probably what I can realize, the fifth spring and autumn smiled heartily, didn’t expect to attract Sue Kirin’s stare.

“What are you laughing at! Great aunt, I forbid you to laugh!”

Fifth Spring and Autumn season acquaintedly listened to the girl’s yells, and hurriedly corrected the expression. He didn’t want to be crushed to ashes in the huge imposing manner that Sue Kirin occasionally leaked.

“I’m here to warn you.”

Choosing the fifth inadvertent moment, Xia Xue spoke. She lifted the tea cup to her lips, and blew the tea hu hu, making people think that her words were just unintentional words.

However, the fifth spring and autumn knew it was not, and the eyebrows trembled imperceptibly.

“Warn me?”

He gave a long “Oh” to show his curiosity.

“Xue’er, are you here to warn me and so on?” The fifth spring and autumn glanced at Sue Kirin, “Warning me not to like you anymore?”

It seems that Xia Xue Xue was a bit alarmist, and the Fifth Spring and Autumn Period made a harmless joke.

For unknown reasons, Sue Kirin always sees the fifth spring and autumn a bit unpleasantly. The feeling is close to father’s instinctive disgust reaction when he sees his daughter being approached by a man who doesn’t know the details.

She snorted and declared her dissatisfaction with the joke of the fifth spring and autumn.

“Don’t say Xue’er before and after Xue’er, I’ll think I’m calling me bleat.”

She closes one eye and stares at the fifth spring and autumn with the other. . Facing her giving tit for tat, the fifth spring and autumn smile.

“I understand.”

Does he really understand? Sue Kirin hung up an expression with this question.

“Little Ancestor Master, please stop interrupting the topic.”

Xia Xue looked at Chashui and said, but the loneliness outlined at the corner of her mouth seemed to mean she was quite satisfied Sue Kirin’s reaction was average. She took a sip of her tea, leaving a pink lipstick with the same curvature on the tea cup.

“Since I walked into your mansion, you have been stared at.”

Xia Xue’s voice blew into the tea cup, pouring out some tea, for a long time no respond.

“Once early, or this time?” Fifth Chunqiu asked.

Xia Xue blinked her eyes for a moment and gave a rather ambiguous answer.

“This time, I think.”

“In the case of Xia Chengye’s death, our meeting will affect someone’s interests, so someone wants to take my life? “

“Accordingly speaking, it is me or you–but not sure.”

“Not sure which one of us is looking at, or…” Fifth Chunqiuyang The corner of his eye was raised, “Isn’t sure if someone is really staring at us?”

“Not sure.”

Xia Xue raised her eyelid and peeked at the expression of Fifth Spring and Autumn. .

“Will you not be able to look forward to it? I don’t have the ability to predict or have any evidence.”

“Do you suspect Xia Fei?”

Suddenly After finishing the extremely mysterious and abstruse answer, Fifth Chunqiu asked directly, without any thought or consideration.

Sue Kirin almost exclaimed “How does he know?”

She tried her best to look at Xia Xue silently, the latter signaled to her to don’t be impatient, the expression on her face was quite calm, as if the Fifth Spring and Autumn Period could guess that this is not a strange thing .

As affirmation, Xia Xue is nodded.

“The question of the right to continue?”

Without waiting for Xia Xue to answer, Fifth Chunqiu seemed to have recognized his guess, stretched out his slender fingers to pinch his chin, and began to meditate.

“In this case, the person who cooperates with Xia Family is most likely to be the Mohist, right?”

He still did not wait for a reply this time.

“Xia Fei has disguised wasrel for so many years, no matter whether it is light or dark, there is not much power-I have checked. He simply seized this opportunity? He should have promised better terms for the Mo Family. Will the Mo family not hesitate to kill the cooperator and push him to sit in the position of the main patriarch?”

With a little intelligence alone, the situation can be brought to a pretty close, and the fifth spring and autumn ability seems to have arrived. The degree of terrifying.

It is different from ordinary people.

This is a “monster”, Sue Kirin finally understands why he can only be a mortal. How can the emperor not be afraid of a talented survivor from the previous dynasty? If he wants to live, he can only pretend to be an ordinary person.

Compared to Sue Kirin who looked at her differently, Xia Xue was much calmer. She has long been familiar with the personality of Fifth Spring and Autumn, and she is also very aware of his capabilities.

“The ancestor was a very unreasonable person. He noticed that the separation of the family would continuously weaken the power and resources of a family leader, so he set the rule that non-heirs must be cleansed to leave the house. , Which promoted the high concentration of resource power and property, and achieved the only Jinling Xia Family.”

Following Xia Xue, the fifth spring and autumn made a sound:

“So, Xia Fei I caught the opportunity.”

“Yes, this is my guess.”

“Your guess is inherently convincing.”

The fifth spring and autumn this remark is to admit Xia Xue’s eyes in disguise.

Some people, even if they don’t need evidence, can clearly understand everything based on their intuition and a trace. Xia Xue is playing this role right now, and so does the Fifth Spring and Autumn Period.

“He obviously didn’t plan for a long time, but just took advantage of the trend.” The Fifth Spring and Autumn Period was quite sure.

Xia Xue nodded in agreement, and said with a sneer:

“This is also his cleverness, because as long as he doesn’t prepare in advance, no one can detect any disturbance. He is waiting for one. Ascending to the skies with a single leap opportunity, and he plans to remain silent before waiting.”

Sun rain is always the most difficult to avoid.

──Because there is no evidence.

The reason why people can predict the occurrence of certain things in advance and take precautions is because most things have precursors, which is why accidents are often the most difficult to avoid.

“The Mo family is involved, I am indeed in danger.” The Fifth Spring and Autumn Period sighed then said, holding a tea cup, drank the tea in one sigh, and then turned to look towards, because the two seemed to clearly understand everything. Sue Kirin fell into a state of dementia with his remarks.

“Snow Senior, if the Mo family strikes, can my nursing homes fight it?”

“Huh?” Sue Kirin, who was in a daze with his hands around the tea cup, reacted momentarily But then, “What did you say?”

The fifth spring and autumn asked again, without any impatience.

“Well…” Sue Kirin’s eyes rolled a few times, “I think, just a mechanical weapon is enough for you to drink a pot.”

“So unbearable?” Wu Chunqiu asked, “Even if I am in the realm of heaven?”

“I can hit you on the ground with one palm, and Mo Weiyang will naturally do.”

Sue Kirin waved his hand Palm, as if really wanting to shoot the fifth spring and autumn on the ground. The fifth spring and autumn made two bitter voices, but saw the girl put up two fingers again.

“Well, two palms at most, no more.”

“so that’s how it is.” Fifth Chunqiu nodded calmly.

“Hey, don’t you panic?”

“If you can’t do anything to prevent it, you might as well sit back and enjoy it. Besides, I will talk to Xue – Miss Xia Xue stays in the same boat, Xueer will not die without saving.”

Fifth Chunqiu calmly and firmly believes in such a claim.

His “Xue’er” faintly alluded to Sue Kirin, and he made the girl show a weird look. However, she couldn’t say that Fifth Chunqiu had fooled herself just now, so she had to pretend that she couldn’t hear her.

“This is the end of the matter. Is it Miss Xia who moved into the Fifth Mansion, or should I be a guest at the Mansion?”

The Fifth Spring and Autumn Period uses “Senior in this way can protect us well” His expression looked towards Xia Xue. Xia Xue rubbed her white and slender index finger along the top edge of the tea cup, and answered slowly with her cheek in one hand:

“You live in your house, I live in my house, I don’t want to make any noise. Misunderstanding, lest my little Ancestor Master is unhappy and slap you to death with one palm.”

“Then I must be careful.”

The fifth spring and autumn answered cooperatively. He said, but then looked towards her with a questioning look. Xia Xue faced his questioning gaze, treacherously said with a smile:

“You must put the place of death first before you can survive.”

No surprise in the fifth spring and autumn. , Still maintaining the questioning eyes, seemed not satisfied with this answer. Xia Xue noticed it and put out a breath a little boredly.

“I don’t want Xia Fei to find a chance and fall silent, so one of you and me must die.”

The fifth spring and autumn still face doesn’t change, But finally opened his mouth:

“The reason?”

“I want to have no worries.”

Xia Xue stretched out her index finger again to go around her The hair, as a result, a strand of hair was wound around, but one of them suddenly broke, lightly falling on the tea cup, making a small ripple.

“I neither want to inherit the Xia Family, nor do I want him to continue the Xia Family.”

Staring silently at the hair for a long time, until the ripples dissipate, this sentence It came out lightly from her lips.

“You can always surprise me, Cher-whether it was before or now, it will definitely be like this in the future.”

Speaking, the fifth spring and autumn reach out Starting from Xia Xue’s tea cup, the raised hand poured all the water inside out of the water pavilion.

The drop of water fell on the lotus pond, and there was another ripple on it.

Jinling is surrounded by mountains.

Being in the mountain closest to Jinling, climbing up to its mountainside, you can almost take Jinling City in the entire scene. Mo Weiyang was standing on the mountainside of this mountain, looking at the fifth mansion, which was about seven-eight li away, covering a vast area.

He is accompanied by two young girls, one of them as it should be by rights is Mo Lele.

She is not in a fighting state at the moment. She is wearing a light black outfit, and her slender and powerful legs are wrapped in red socks, which seems to have several points of coquettish and sexy.

The girl standing on the other side is also dressed in black.

The long gray hair in pink was tied into a thick braid, wrapped around the neck to the chest, and naturally dropped to the waist. The bright and intelligent brown eyes looked extraordinarily bright in this starless night. The young girl looked very outlandish and did not match the dark dress.

However, her clothes are deeper than Merlele, and her outline is swaying, like a group of invisible shadows entangled on it, seeming to melt into the darkness and disappeared at any time.

And before noticing the beauty of the girl’s appearance, people should pay more attention to the-

the pair of huge wings extending from her waist.

The roots of the wings connected to the waist are made of metal – no, almost the entire pair of wings are made of metal, with a dull metallic luster, except for the feathers hanging on them, which look weak and weak. Excellent luster.

Well, it is obvious that she is also an institutionalized character.

Perhaps it is not possible to see a lot on the surface, but this girl must not only show signs of institutionalization on the surface, but also the existence of institutional structures inside, otherwise it will be difficult for her to have many wounds that have not fully healed. explained.

I don’t know how long Mo Weiyang stood on the edge of the protruding cliff after standing in the forest where the mosquitoes have begun to be active.

He pulled back his gaze from far away, and turned to look at the girl with wings.

“Xia Fei asked you to kill the owner of the Fifth Mansion?”

As if afraid of the cold of the night wind in the mountains, the girl shrank her wings and covered herself. During the movement, she shook off a few feathers, but the vacancy was quickly filled by new feathers, which was quite strange.

“Yes.” The girl was lightly snorted, “He said, no matter who is alive, it is not good for him.”

Mo Weiyang sighed, then equipped with a playful expression .

“It is true. Xia Xue probably hasn’t controlled the evidence yet, otherwise he would have killed him. This baby is most likely to be suspicious, so this method was adopted to block his way.”

“Master, I don’t quite understand what you mean.”

Milele interjected.

She carries a box on each shoulder, one is hers, the other is Mo Weiyang’s. The boxes looked heavy, but she was still comfortable, and at this time she adjusted the positions of the two boxes.

“Lele still likes to ask questions as always.”

Mo Weiyang looked at Mo Lele, then glanced back to the other side after speaking.

“Right? Black cat.”

“Please make no mistake, this Miss is not called by that name.”

The girl replied flatly dissatisfied , Mo Weiyang patted his forehead like a awakening.

“Oh, that’s not it.”

He looked at Merlele again and reached out to pinch Merlele’s face, but his hand was slapped away. “Lele, you might as well learn from me and treat the new’shadow’ and make more facial expressions.”

He rubbed his painful palm, earnest and well-meant advised. Persuaded, but Mo Lele only responded with a cold eye.

Mo Weiyang sighed again. He grabbed his messy hair and found that he was very sad. Whether he was a newcomer, he didn’t mean to give himself any face.

I heard that Sue Kirin seems to be the same? Mo Weiyang thought it was ironic.

“What’s your opinion? Should this Miss listen to him?”

Looking at the mansion in the distance, abandoned the old name and inherited the name of “shadow” The girl suddenly asked.


Enough! What kind of shop to lay, let’s have some direct tomorrow. I’m crazy about writing!

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