Xia Xue’s mood was extremely bad, and her pace unconsciously accelerated again and again, and in the end she almost stepped forward.

“He is the one you hate?”

After catching up with Xia Xue, Sue Kirin found that the other person’s face was ugly, so he couldn’t help asking. In yesterday’s conversation, the two sisters Xia Family seemed to mention the man’s name, but the girl did not remember it.

“Why do you often have a lot of questions? Huh, the whole world is like you with a lot of problems, except for three-year-old children.”

Xia Xue said badly, the voice was very loud. Being irritable has more or less the meaning of anger. Sue Kirin shrank his shoulders, a little scared, but still did not flinch.

“He is your younger brother? He called you elder sister, is it your younger brother?” The girl changed her question.

“Are you curious about him!”

The annoying Xia Xue stopped and stared at Sue Kirin fiercely.

Her voice spread far in the corridor.

Sue Kirin, who had never been yelled like this, was stunned on the spot. Upon seeing this, Xia Xue realized that her behavior was inappropriate, and whispered “Sorry, I got to my head.” Then he moved forward again.

Sue Kirin not even think catches up, but the other party suddenly stops.

The girl almost couldn’t stop and ran into her.

“Xia Fei.”

Xia Xueban threw out these two words.


Sue Kirin made a questioning voice, but Xia Xue hesitated.

“Come in and talk about it.”

For a moment, Xia Xue glanced at Shui Yun’er’s room. Sue Kirin looked to the side, only to realize that the two of them had come to Xia Xue’s room while chasing and stopping.

Xia Xue opened the door of the room, walked in, and asked Sue Kirin who followed behind to close the door.

Despite being in a wealthy home, Xia Xue, who has lived alone in Heavenly Jade Shanxi Peak for a long time, seems to be not used to being served by someone. She flatly refused Xia Yu’s request to deploy a maid to serve her the night before, so not at all The maid stood by at her neighborhood, but she was also happy to support herself.

Xia Xue first lit the candlestick in the room, and when the room became bright, she began to make tea with the tea set.

I don’t know if it’s too irritable, the tea making process didn’t go smoothly, she almost broke the teapot inadvertently. Sue Kirin finally took over and used spell to heat the water to make the tea well. Up.

“He is my cousin.”

When Sue Kirin pushed the tea cup filled with tea to Xia Xue, he sat at the table and stared silently Xia Xue on the desktop said.

“Is that the one mentioned yesterday?”

Sue Kirin took a seat opposite her, rubbing the tea cup in both hands.

“Don’t you remember it clearly?”

When she said that, a self-deprecating smile appeared on Xia Xue’s face.

“Your relationship with him is not very good…”

“I think I was already very obvious yesterday.” Xia Xuewang didn’t even look at Sue Kirin. “You I was asking knowingly, you noticed it yesterday.”

Unexpectedly, Xia Xue caught the tiny reaction and Sue Kirin stayed for a while.

“…I remember, he should be your younger brother now?”

“His parents have died and the family is also bankrupt. Xia Chengye doesn’t know where to ask for it. Bodhisattva Heart, adopted him for the dead old fogey.”

At the end of the conversation, Xia Xue made a sound that was both a laugh and a mockery. Then, her words, “Obviously I am so hard-hearted to my biological younger sister.” followed immediately.

It seemed like a word uttered inadvertently.

So it is more convincing.

Sue Kirin was thinking that until now, Xia Xue must still be worried about what Xia Chengye did to her before. This is probably due to the reason of “the depth of love and the responsibility”.

Foreigners to exclude themselves and fear their own talents are justified.

No matter what, the other person is a close relative.

Because of this, Xia Xue couldn’t accept it and couldn’t let go.

This mood is still clinging to her in the days to come.

Faced with Xia Xue who inadvertently revealed a touch of sadness and accusation in her eyes, Sue Kirin only felt unexplainably uncomfortable.

In her eyes, the girl who seemed to be able to deal with everything with disapproval, how deeply hurt did she show this expression?

Sue Kirin felt that she could hear Xia Xue mumbling as and so on countless times when she was persecuted by her big brother.

That must be…it must be very uncomfortable.

“So, you won’t go home anymore?” she asked.

And Xia Xue was silent.


“At that time, there was no one to help me, and even my father shut up.”

In the words, I can realize her weakness at the time, and Sue Kirin extend the hand and press it in the summer On Xue’s palm, she tried to use the warmth of her palm to relieve her pain.

Xia Xue looked at the palm that was smaller than his own, and did not speak for a long time.

“…I used to hate you very much, Sue Kirin.”

This time Xia Xue dispelled the silence, but the words she said made Sue Kirin’s heart tense. She opened her eyes wide and stared at Xia Xue as a wounded kitten.

“It’s this appearance that makes me hate.”


Sue Kirin asked very hard, and his voice became hoarse. . She not at all noticed that Xia Xue had not withdrawn her hand covered by her palm so far, but was still absorbing her warmth.

“It’s easy to be hurt by a word from others, which proves that you care about them more than yourself. You once said that you treat them all as “family”, so you are willing to They give everything.”

Sue Kirin nodded, she did say something similar.

“You are also my’family’.” She did not forget to repeat.

“That’s why I hate you.”

Xia Xue smiled bitterly, shook the head.

“I hate and like you, I can’t help being close to you and scolding myself for disappointing-I am also contradictory.”

The wry smile turned into a self-deprecating smile, Xia Xue raised Look high at the ceiling.

“They should be the ones who treated me like you. I like the warmth you give me, but it shouldn’t be you who gave me that warmth, so I hate you. I hate you for letting me realize that they are so unbearable.”

“There is nothing that should be or shouldn’t be, it’s just what I want.”

Sue Kirin emphasized that it is almost a false statement , Xia Xue frowned.

“And you never asked me if I want.”

“Actually, you like it, don’t you? Humph.”

Sue Kirin He grinned, his face full of lust. “Cunning.”

The words like a mosquito scream leaked from her lips. For the first time, Xia Xue gave in verbally and secretly admitted Sue Kirin’s statement.

For Sue Kirin, this alone is enough.

He has a place in the other’s heart, and Sue Kirin smiles happily.

However, only a few seconds later, she suppressed her smile, tucked her chin and eyes upward, and asked Xia Xue tentatively:

“…Xiaoxue, actually Do you care about them?”

If you really didn’t care about your relatives, Xia Xue wouldn’t have said that just now.

Xia Xue did not answer this question, she was just in a daze, and Sue Kirin thought she was actually tacitly acquiescing.

The girl can feel the entanglement in Xia Xue’s heart.

“What about Xia Fei? What does he have to do with you? What is the marriage contract just now?”

So Sue Kirin didn’t go further and asked about the second one. Very concerned about the problem.

Men should be married and women should be married, Xia Xue has reached the age of marriage, and the conditions are also the right position. Marriage is originally a matter of as it should be by rights, but if her object is like this Unbearable, Sue Kirin will stop at all costs.

“My dad had deliberately betrothed me to him, but someone kicked me in and the matter was delayed. When I got to Heavenly Jade Palace, I didn’t stop it.”

“This is not chaos…Uh, will there be a problem?”

Sue Kirin has not forgotten that Xia Fei and Xia Xue are cousins.

“Oh, do you mean incest?”

Xia Xue took the initiative to say those two words that would make people stink for years. For a moment, Sue Kirin felt that his hesitation just now was simply unnecessary.

“Yes.” She gave Xia Xue angrily.

Xia Xue curled up the corners of her mouth happily, and finally she was able to put on that kind of disapproval attitude again, and she said with her beautiful round eyes that were not too small when she was half-closed:

” There is history that the emperor married a younger sister, and in the Great Family like us, in order to prevent the exodus of the family business, and there is no shortage of close relatives to marry, it is still necessary for a cousin to marry a cousin—huh, it’s not uncommon. .”

She was almost disdainfully snort, and her tone was extremely contemptuous.

Sue Kirin also understands that although there are many rules and regulations in this era, they are only limited to the powerless ordinary people. In fact, there are often bad rules in the Great Family, especially when it comes to Aspects of interests and desires.

“…He seems to like you very much.” Sue Kirin said casually.

“Am I not worthy of his liking?”

Xia Xue asked as it should be by rights, and Sue Kirin shook the head negative.

“He really likes me.”

paused, Xia Xue added the word “body”, and then sneered again and again.

“The pampered young master who was in estrus all day long and did nothing in his mind, I am afraid he has violated me thousands of times. Even if I stand in front of him as a whole, he thinks I am naked in his eyes. That’s it.”

To be able to speak so bluntly without shyness may also be a talent.

Sue Kirin thought that Xia Xue’s face was also very thick.

By her side–whether it is Qi Qiqi Shui Yun’er or Gong Tianqing, there is a fish in the north, they certainly can’t say so blatantly.

“It seems to be’My heart is toward the bright moon, and the moon shines on the ditch’!”

Sue Kirin blinked playfully and commented, trying to mediate the current atmosphere, but Xia Xue Taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune laughed.

“So, just like you and Zi Xuanzi?”


didn’t expect moved a rock and hit himself in the foot , Sue Kirin’s expression froze suddenly.

“Could you not mention him?”

Sue Kirin protested with an upside-down triangle of lips.

When she thinks of Zi Xuanzi, she gets a headache.

To be honest, she didn’t know how to deal with the other party’s pursuit. Even if she wanted to give up the other party, the friendship that had spent time in Imperial Capital together made her feel hard.

She might just be a softhearted person.

Sue Kirin, Sue Kirin, you are such a big bunny! Sue Kirin couldn’t help but scold himself for disappointing.

Seeing the girl’s face, Xia Xue seemed to have some fun from it, and raised her cheek with a faint smile.

“You are so funny,” she said.

Knowing how bad Xia Xue’s mind is right now, Sue Kirin showed an expression of deep disgust.

“You just like to bully me? If you don’t believe me, I will spank you?”

Sue Kirin said angrily, waving a small fan fist that was not very threatening. Xia Xue cast out her contemptuous eyes, and replied with the words “You only have a mouth that can be useful.”


Sue Kirin is so angry that he gnash the teeth, like a cat with fried fur, will rush to fight Xia Xue at any time.

However, she is also a person who is easily distracted.

“Sue Kirin, do you know why I hate him?”

Xia Xue just raised a new question, Sue Kirin forgot to be angry and blinked instead. Thinking stupidly.

“Because he is lustful?”

When I answered like this, Sue Kirin’s eyes fell involuntarily on the white greasy patch on Xia Xue’s chest, and he swallowed it under some instinct. To swallow saliva.

“Eat, drink, prostitute, gambling, rob civilian girls, have no talents and no virtue, deceive good and fear evil, and make a mess to wait for those fools to clean up.”

Counting Xia Fei’s shortcomings and evil deeds with one face, the disgust in his eyes became more obvious.

“Will you like this kind of scumbag?”

Xia Xue is not only disgusted with Xia Fei, but also dissatisfied with those who shelter him.

Then, Sue Kirin felt that Xia Xue was actually a member of his shelter.

Whether Xia Fei is worthy to continue to live, if Xia Xue wants to kill him, there are 10,000 ways.

Like just now, if her kick is harder, Xia Fei will definitely end up with a “dead loss”, but she will show mercy.

“Then why did you just let him go?” Sue Kirin’s tone was almost questioning, “Let him take advantage of you.”

Xia Xue was shocked by hearing this. As if only realizing this problem, his eyes widened. The emotion in those eyes was shaking, showing the master’s shaking.

The girl was lost in thought, her beautiful eyebrows were deeply locked.

“It’s probably to see how he will do it, I’m really stupid.”

Xia Xue finally sneered and declared so.

However, Mingyellow’s eyes keenly caught Xia Xue’s dazedness and confusion that Xia Xue tried to hide. Obviously, the answer that the other party got after a long period of contemplation was just an excuse.

It’s not self-deception, but really don’t understand it.

Sue Kirin let out a long sigh, which made Xia Xue look up at her again. “Xiaoxue, you’re just…”

Sue Kirin stared at Xia Xue deeply, her eyes were deep and clear, and Xia Xue’s slightly sluggish face was clearly reflected like a mirror.

“It’s just because his surname is’Xia’ that I can’t get the job, right? Your inner softness has been exposed.”


Xia Xue was silent, unresponsive, and gradually looked away.

Clearly seeing yourself is a terrifying thing, because everything will be exposed from it, and those embarrassing things that try to deceive themselves in the past are absolutely impossible.

Having instinctively avoided it, it was enough to prove that the unknown true idea was said. Realizing this, Xia Xue just ridiculed herself and raised her mouth bitterly.

“That’s why I hate you.”

“But you like me better?”

Sue Kirin thought so without authorization, but Xia Xue did not No, even though the girl’s most dissatisfied smile is on the girl’s face.

“If there is another time, he dare to have another time──”

The voice echoed.

Sue Kirin’s half-contracted eyes have no emotion, and there is a rare sneer on his face.

It was a chilling sneer.

She doesn’t like killing, but she never minds killing a wicked person who blasphemes the one she loves. This has been true in the past, and so will be in the future, and it should be the same now.

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