That was many years ago, and the father of the man had problems in business.

The man who had helped the family take care of the business at the time—he was still a youngster—thought of his great talents. He thought that the problem was not necessarily very serious, and the countermeasures he thought of were all in vain.

Father and son, the two are experienced and talented, but they stopped before the problem, worrying for several days and nights.

The one who finally solved this problem was his youngest sister.

No one thought that she could solve the problem, and the details of the matter were only revealed to her by accident. As a result, his younger sister only spent one night and came up with a countermeasure.

When she came up with the countermeasures, both father and son thought it was just a child’s attempt, not at all, and regarded it as the same thing, until the matter reached the point where the father and son Trying the attitude of a dead horse as a living horse doctor, didn’t expect really solved the problem.

The girl who perfectly solved this problem was only under ten years old at that time.

──I’m less than ten years old.

For a long time, men thought it was just a coincidence, but that incident brought his younger sister into the sight of him and his father. They paid attention to her, gradually Found that her talent is genuine, and to the point where she can be called a genius.

That is a monster.

Some people seem to be born for something, and his younger sister seems to be born for business. The sharp sense of touch and advanced consciousness have given her extremely excellent business ability, just a test Xing gave her a restaurant to manage, and within a year she became the largest restaurant in Jinling. The annual income has doubled, and the results are obvious to all.

──”It’s a pity that she is not a boy. It is a pity that she is a concubine. It is a pity that she is the youngest among the brothers.”

I don’t know how many nights a man will hear himself Father sighed so much that he was depressed until he was dying.

It can be a sin to fall on someone who shouldn’t have it.

Since his younger sister is a daughter, she is destined to be unable to inherit the family business, because she cannot inherit the Xia Family. If the family business falls into her hands, it will eventually become something of an outsider, his father I don’t want to destroy the fire of the Xia Family’s ancestors’ inheritance in my own hands. I can only watch this kind of ability to stand by, and even deliberately neglect the girl.

His father is scared, afraid that one day she will complain about the unfairness of Heaven and Earth, and eventually take revenge on herself and her home.

Men are also scared, afraid that one day she will come to grab their own things.

So their anxiety ruined the girl and prevented her from touching the family business. They asked her to learn how to be a good woman defined by the Hua Dynasty. With the martial arts talent, she also found a Master for her, allowing Martial Dao to occupy most of her time.

They plan to marry her when she reaches the marriageable age.

That would be a good way, they thought, but they ignored that in addition to the supernatural talents given by innate talent, geniuses also have the ability to be an enemy of nature.

With the monthly money, she started some small businesses in private, and achieved a large scale in just a few years.

It won’t work forever.

The man became more anxious. He ruined her business because of his anxiety, and when she found out that he was the culprit, she filed a lawsuit in front of his father, who stood by him with a complicated expression. On this side.

The girl was naturally very unconvinced, complained, and hated.

There was a crack in the originally good family because of this. In order that the crack would not cause an irreversible man-made disaster, the girl was sent out of Heavenly Jade Palace and indirectly kicked out of the house.

His younger sister is very clever and realizes the anxiety in their hearts, but she said that she added countless bad attributions to her for peace of mind, which is too selfish.

Are you selfish?

Man asked himself many times, only to get the answer that made him smile.

However, people are like this, and he doesn’t think he is wrong. Blame it on your bad time! He thought so, apparently reluctant to give up the girl in reality, and got everything as he pleased.


She returned despite the years passed.

And he had to welcome her back, because everything about him was going to be destroyed, he needed her.

How ironic is this?

The man thought, but he was helpless.

When this mood mixed with the little guilt left over many years ago and became the most complicated emotion in the world, he realized how much he persecuted his younger sister, but still escaped. But the fetters of bloodline.

Yes, some choices are always a dilemma.

“I just hope that she doesn’t hold her hate anymore…”

This man’s sigh lingered in the carriage for a short time, and then it was given by the sound of wheels rolling Dispelled.

No matter how many experiences, there are people or things that don’t know how to face.

Almost suddenly, he doesn’t know how to face the younger sister who has returned home, but no matter how long the journey is, he will eventually finish it──

“Master , We’re almost home.”

The sound of people pulling the car came to my ears at night.

The man lifted the driving curtain and looked out, and the huge mansion on the other side was faintly visible.

At that moment, he wanted to escape.

It seems that he needs some time. He returned to the carriage and was silent for a while:

“Fu, go around the back door.”

For this decision, the coachman was obviously surprised and did not say anything for a while.

“──Ok, sir.”

As soon as the voice fell, the whip fell fiercely on the horse’s ass.

The carriage of the Patriarch Xia quietly turned a corner in front of his house, and walked around the back door of the Xia Mansion like an invisible thief.


Sue Kirin’s index finger moved with the table full of dishes Immortal Wine.

In order to celebrate Xia Xue, who has not returned home for many years, finally came home. Under Xia Yu’s suggestion, Xia Family held a family banquet. Almost everyone in Xia Mansion ran for the four Young Lady to go home , The cook had obviously worked hard to cook this full table of exquisite meals.

However, Sue Kirin can only watch his hands without moving.

The reason is that Xia Family patriarch hasn’t appeared yet. Since The head of the family hasn’t appeared to host, the family banquet will naturally not start.

Xia Family’s family banquet adopts the old system.

There are low tables on the left and right sides of the main hall of the main courtyard, and the guests and the host are seated opposite each other. Sue Kirin at first, kneeling and sitting in the first column on the right, felt that this kind of family banquet didn’t taste like home at all, sitting too far away, but when the meal was delivered, she just looked at the swallowed saliva of good-for-nothing. , Began to complain why this Xia Family patriarch hasn’t appeared yet.

Xia Family seems to have not held a family dinner for a long time.

Normally, the dishes are moved out when the host orders the dishes, but it seems that a deputy steward mistakenly made a normal dinner and ordered the dishes to be served first.

The food is on, and it’s hard to remove it.

As a result, it created a rather embarrassing situation. The guests stared at the case of food, and Xia Yu sternly criticized Song Shu, and Song Shu again. My own son, the deputy steward, had a meal and drove him home with a broom.

“How long will I have to wait…”

Sue Kirin covered his stomach and complained that the Tianji sitting next to her was also doing the same, biting his chopsticks and staring blankly. Meals drooling.

“Woo, Kirin, I’m so hungry…Can I eat first?”

“Little Master, bear with me. It’s impolite for a guest to move first. It’s not good to lose Xia’s elder sister’s face.”

Shui Yun’er, who was sitting on the other side, smiled wryly, quietly comforting his Master.

She didn’t look hungry, she sat softly and smoothly, and the pair neatly resting on the chopstick rest hadn’t moved, and she had a showy demeanor.

Xia Yu once again apologized to several guests, and ordered his servants to urge him. She has been married as a mistress, and she is really not good at hosting family banquets without authorization.

“Xia Chengye’s stomach may be beaten with iron, so he won’t be hungry, and then I thought everyone was the same as him.”

Xia Xue sitting opposite Sue Kirin with one hand He was standing on the table, boring around the ends of his hair, with a smile that seemed like nothing at the corner of his mouth.

Xia Yu wanted to be reprimanded, but in the end she sighed helplessly and seemed to think that her big brother was a bit unkind.

Followed by──

“hahahaha, it’s not mine anymore! I have to punish myself for three cups!”

With a burst of hearty Laughter, the man walked out from the back hall, Xia Xue laughed “he” when she saw him, but didn’t say anything bad.

I’m almost at the age of my first old age, visually, I’m 50 or 60 years old.

The man is dressed in a luxurious silk robe, his long hair mixed with gray and white is tied up nicely and fixed with a jade crown. The body after training looks full of vitality, but the brow But there was a faintly elegant look in between.

He seems to have such a taste of a crazy scholar.

Is it finally here? Sue Kirin looked at the man unabashedly.

The man also seemed to notice her gaze. He looked back at her with a stunned look, but quickly looked away, and the girl continued to look at her until the other person was seated.

She wants to see who Xia Xue’s big brother is, but it’s probably because of the hearty smile on his face. This big businessman doesn’t seem to be at all, and it’s not like a very deep shrewdness. Old fox, on the contrary, gives people the feeling of being straight forward.

“I really can pretend.”

I haven’t missed all the suspicions in the other person’s eyes when he looked back at him. Sue Kirin curled his lips to comment.

After both parties met the ceremony, Xia Yu blamed her big brother, and the man laughed and punished himself for three cups. He appeared sincere and made life unrelenting.

Experienced skills.

That’s probably a mask trained in a mall, able to cope with various situations in an elegant manner.

“Okay, quickly pick up the chopsticks, this Xia was not well served, and the guests must be very kind.”

After Xia Chengye finished speaking, he toasted and drank again. Although the family banquet in Xia Mansion arrived slowly, it finally started.

After Tianji cheered, he immediately picked up the chopsticks to poke the chicken and put it in his mouth, making his lips greasy, and Sue Kirin was not far behind, picking up the chopsticks and picking up the vegetables. Fill the stomach.

However, she just picked up a chicken leg, and heard Xia Xue say:

“Wait, we still have a Five Young Master yet to arrive.”

She said lightly, her voice was not loud but it happened to be heard by everyone in the hall, including the people.

hearing this, Xia Chengye was stunned, looked at Xia Yu and saw her helplessly nodded, and immediately revealed an embarrassed expression.

“Sister Xue hasn’t returned home for a long time, and the big brother is very worried…It seems that you still hate the big brother.”

“Xia Chengye, frankly, ask me to hate If I don’t hate you, I really don’t hate it anymore.”

With the meaning of “Don’t be passionate anymore,” Xia Xue hugged her chest contemptuously and said:

“You think How many years have passed? I’m alive and well now, I just said that the people are not there yet.”

──Do you think everyone is like you?

Sue Kirin, who was gnawing at the chicken thigh, looked at the two with subtle expressions, as if hearing Xia Xue’s heartfelt voice.

She took a sip of wine and decided to stay out of the matter.

Instead of speaking out to make the atmosphere more awkward, silence is treated as inaudible.

“Xuemei, Xiao Fei’s matter, the big brother is just out of heart. You should know that the uncle died early, and the branch went bankrupt. You should also know that I’m always impossible to watch Xiao Fei cross the street. Huh?”

“So, you welcome that hedonistic son of rich parents into the Xia Family.”

Xia Xue seems to really hate that cousin named Xia Fei , The words are full of explicit disgust.

“Do you still make your own claim to adopt that bastard father as an adopted son? The reason why his family has fallen to this point is inseparable from him, who knows──”

“Sister Xue, take it!”

Xia Chengye shouted again, and Xia Xue might not expect that the other party would burst into such a big temper and was frightened for a while, but when she came back to his senses, and think of a frigid irony and scorching satire when he exits, the man has already said with a wry smile: “Sorry, I’ve been a little irritable lately, don’t blame the big brother, Xuemei.”

It’s just a wry smile, with a shock that penetrates the chest. The imposing manner cultivated by being in a high position for a long time suddenly overwhelmed Xia Xue’s arrogance.

It’s not someone who is easy to deal with, Sue Kirin clicked his lips.

Tianji has no interest in these quarrels at all, and puts food into her stomach as much as possible, maybe she didn’t notice the fleeting conflict just now.

“Sister Xue, I know you have a slight comment on this, but…”

Xia Chengye scanned Sue Kirin and the others with embarrassment, the meaning was obvious.

“Let’s discuss it later, okay? Today is your rare day to return home. Let’s not be distracted by these little things!”

“Little things? “Xia Xue snort disdainfully, her blatant displeasure appeared on her face.

“It seems that my good big brother is the type of being covered when the sky falls. I think the crisis we are facing is just a small matter, right?”

Hear my younger sister With a pun, Xia Chengye wrinkled frowned unhappily for the first time.

He has been running around for a long time because of the theft of cash, and his mind is full of worries, but now he has a hot face and a cold buttocks, and he is like a younger sister who he doesn’t know how to face. , The originally complicated mood gradually goes in a negative direction.

“You still do this for so many years!” He grunted his sleeves.

“Okay, okay, why are you awkward? Hurry up and eat!”

Seeing that the conflict is about to occur, Xia Yu quickly became a peacemaker and warned Xia Xue gave Xia Xue a stare.

Sue Kirin just bowed his head to eat, Shui Yun’er also looked like a matter of no concern to oneself, the shallow smile on his face never wavered, and there was a big gap for Sue Kirin I picked up an order.

Together with the dizzying Tianji, they seem to be living in another world within the realm.

“I am also your big brother anyway, don’t you have any respect?”

Find the gap to vent the irritability and distress in my heart, Xia Chengye not at all Stop the anger.

“Oh, my good big brother, you have made a mess of the property that father left behind. Do you really have the face to be a big brother before me? What you have done before, you and I Clear.”

“hmph, I don’t remember hate, but I actually hate.”

“yes and how?”

Xia Xue waited coldly.

“Or, can you deny those things?”


Xia Chengye was so angry that his chest was ups and downs violently, staring at Xia Xue angrily speechless.


“I think it’s better for family members to be considerate to each other.”

Sue Kirin said leisurely without looking up, and said It meant to Xia Chengye, but it was more persuading Xia Xue.

Her speech caught the eyes of the three members of Xia Family. She ignored them, smiled, and raised a bowl to pick up the vegetables from Shui Yun’er.

“en? Why are you looking at me? You guys will eat it soon.”

Then, she blinked innocently in response to the three of them.

I also realized that I was embarrassed, and Xia Chengye regained his gaze and made concessions with a cheerful expression.

“Snow sister, isn’t it from the big brother, this kind of major event should also require your opinion.”

I know that Sue Kirin is serious, and Xia Xue also He closed his mouth wittily.

However, after this episode, the atmosphere of the following dinner party became dull, and eventually it could only be lost without joy.

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