It didn’t take long for Qi Qiqi to return with a heavy basin of hot water. She banged down the tub, and the sound could tell that the pot of hot water should not be light.

Well, there is no lack of strength in that slender body.

Next, she began to talk about other useful items.

The young girl found out all kinds of things she needed from Sue Kirin’s room, pulled out the white cloth from the drawer under the closet, and opened the door of a low cabinet. The water bag was found in the mess of clutter, it looked like she had entered the land of no one, as if the owner of this room was her.

“Take it off!”

Qi Qiqi walked over with a bunch of things and threw it on Sue Kirin’s bed, pinching her slender waist, and unquestionably ordered this.

“Take it off?”

Sue Kirin glanced around for a while, pressed her voice and asked Qi Qiqi’s back:

“Take off your pants?”

“If not! Really, do you want me to help you take it off?”


Sue Kirin hesitated embarrassedly After a while, his face blushed and he pulled his pants down, leaving a large piece of underwear that was wrapped around the hips and had been dyed red.

The girl trembling hands stretched out to both ends, and then suddenly stopped.

“Do you really want it?” she whispered.

“Sue Kirin, you don’t want your mother-in-law!”

Obviously, Qi Qiqi’s cheeks are also scaryly red, just pretending to be calm.

“Didn’t you run around in my room naked before?”

“This is a different statement!”

Sue Kirin cried Zhang Sanglian finally understood the reason why those girls always looked embarrassed when they first came to the moon.

“hmph, then you can handle it yourself!”

Qiqiqi put aside Qiaohua’s face impatiently

I have to say that the threat is indeed right. Given Sue Kirin’s weakness, she has no experience at all, and simply doesn’t know where to start.

There is no other way.

She could only try not to meet Qi Qiqi’s sight, clenched the teeth quickly took off her panties and threw them aside.

Qiqiqi’s eyes caught her move, she was about to stare at her and scold her, but she saw Sue Kirin embarrassingly covering her face, showing a very surprised expression.

Sue Kirin is usually not ashamed or irritable. She has a thick skin. She didn’t expect to feel embarrassed.

Suddenly, Qi Qiqi felt refreshed, she unconsciously raised her mouth like a revenge, but when she thought of helping the other party deal with that kind of problem, her joy suddenly regained. Dissipated.

“That’s enough…”

Qiqiqi gave a soft voice, and began to help Sue Kirin deal with it in a depressed manner.

With the help of experienced Qi Qiqi, the corresponding countermeasures were quickly completed. The blood on Sue Kirin’s body was wiped clean with a cloth, and the discomfort in his belly was covered with a water bag filled with hot water. Relieved after staying.

The only thing she is dissatisfied with is the long white cloth covering her buttocks.

The white cloth was heavy and tight, wrapped in several layers, quite airtight, and it made her skin itchy. Even if she reached out and scratched her ass, she would still be unable to scratch the itchy area because the cloth was too thick.

I will make a water-absorbent charm and stick it up later! Sue Kirin curl one’s lip bar.

She knows how to spell, and the water-absorbing charm is not a very advanced technique, so she is sure to get it done. She can even embroider the thread processed by spirituality into her underwear.

Take out the new clothes from the closet and put on them. She turned around in the vanity mirror and saw that her buttocks seemed to be swollen, and she began to wonder if Qi Qiqi was playing tricks on herself.

She has never seen Qi Qiqi look like this cumbersome “in those few days”.

However, Qi Qiqi just now can be said to save herself from danger. If Sue Kirin really questioned the other party on this, it would be too unkind, and sorry to do so.

Qi Qiqi naturally did not notice Sue Kirin’s bad thoughts.

Compared with Sue Kirin, who was already kicking around, she looked a bit sluggish. She leaned weakly on the rocking chair, unable to lift her energy.

The situation just now was really embarrassing. It made the process that should have been familiar with become quite heavy. The short quarter of an hour seemed to extend indefinitely, and she felt as if a thousand years had passed.

She never imagined that the problem of helping people deal with menstrual issues would be so tiring.

Seeing that I had caused such a big trouble to Qi Qiqi early in the morning—at least she thought it was a big trouble—but Sue Kirin couldn’t help but feel a little guilty.

“Seven Eldest Miss, you drink tea.”

Sue Kirin reluctantly took out the agave tea from Xihe, as if every piece of tea was its own flesh, grinning Twisted out Xiao Xu, soaked a pot to pour a cup for Qi Qiqi, and brought it to her flatly.


Qi Qiqi first glanced at the light green tea, and then at Sue Kirin’s smiling face, before she took it reluctantly Drink that tea cup in one breath.

After sighing comfortably, she shook the empty tea cup.

Understanding what she meant, Sue Kirin filled her with the teapot again.

Then, she said, “I’ll help you beat your shoulders!” She walked around behind Qi Qiqi, and eagerly pinched her shoulders and back, and she did it well.


As if enjoying Sue Kirin’s service, Qi Qiqi squinted her eyes with a little triumph, and the corners of her mouth curled slightly unconsciously.

This is actually no wonder.

Usually, she is the only one to clean up the mess for Sue Kirin. It is a strange thing that Sue Kirin can’t beat her shoulders and deliver tea.

Whenever she said that she was tired and hoped that the girl would show something, the girl who likes to lie on the bed while reading novels and eating snacks would only scratch her feet with an “Oh” to signal that she knew , Let her go to bed early.

However, things have changed a bit recently.

Sue Kirin not only stops at words, but starts to show some concern with actions, and this is probably related to the secret she concealed from herself.

Well, girls more or less mean compensation.

Qi Qiqi does not force the other party to make apocalypse, and it may be because she has a premonition for a long time, and she was not surprised when she knew the facts. She can understand that the secret is really hard to tell, and she can feel the girl’s difficulties.

Nevertheless, this does not prevent her from asking Sue Kirin for more attention.

──Because that kind of care makes her feel warm.

Unfortunately, this current leisure time is destined to not last long. I don’t know how long it took, just when Sue Kirin pinched his shoulders and thumped his back for himself, and moved his hand top secret to his thigh, the sound of pushing the door suddenly came downstairs.

At that moment, Sue Kirin was shocked like a gangster who had been smashed by a gangster, and sat down on the ground.

“What are you afraid of?”

Seeing the girl frightened and flustered, Qi Qiqi unsatisfiedly picked frowned, her eyes showed suspicion.

“Fuck, did you do something bad again?”

When she asked, Sue Kirin immediately shook his head into a rattle. The long hair dangling like a curtain.

“I swear to God, I absolutely didn’t mean to wipe oil, nor is it to control my legs!”


Although Sue Kirin was already suspected of leaking, but Qi Qiqi hadn’t noticed it long after she got up and had been busy for a while.

“Really real.”

Sue Kirin nodded again and again, giving each other a big smile.

She’s not stupid, so she won’t admit that she was a bit unreasonable just now, even more how to blame the pair of curvy legs is really white, you can’t blame her Can’t help but want to touch it.

Qiqi Qi still looked at Sue Kirin dubiously.

The girl knew that the other party might soon realize her speech loophole just now, and she hurriedly broke the topic, pretending to be dissatisfied, and said with her mouth:

“speaking of which is who 咩So early…”

Sue Kirin probed over Qi Qiqi’s shoulder and looked towards the stairs. I was really curious about who came.

Her room is basically not locked, but whether it is Qi Qiqi, Shui Yuner Gong Tianqing and other regular guests, they will knock on the door in compliance with the rules before pushing the door, and rarely do not ask. Self-advanced situation.

However, this person pushed the door directly in.

The Chaoxue Tower is located in the depths of the Heavenly Jade Palace. Those who can sneak in silently can be counted on one’s fingers in the world. Sue Kirin didn’t worry about being an uninvited guest, and he didn’t deliberately perceive the breath of the incoming person to identify who the other party is.

Sometimes, what is expected can make life lack many surprises.

Qi Qiqi also seems to be a little curious about the identity of the visitor. She stared at the top of the stairs, but she did not see the visitor showing up for a long time. As a result, Sue Kirin looked towards the balcony nonchalantly and wrinkled unconsciously. Raise your nose.

“Why don’t you have stairs but baa?” she said.


Qiqiqi was puzzled for a while, she looked at Sue Kirin and the balcony.

“I saw you are all upstairs, so I came straight up.”

The sweet voice sounded quickly.

The tone of the faint smile, Sue Kirin, is always familiar.

As if stepping on parallel wood, the girl stood on the railing of the balcony. From one end of the part that was covered by the wall, she walked into the range of sight of the two of them–inside the door frame.

The dawn of Chenhui outlines a plump outline, and the slightly curled hair tips make the rounder face smaller and more pointed. She is obviously exquisite and convex, but she has a childish look, so strong The contrast creates a certain fatal beauty.

Sue Kirin does not trust Xia Xue’s explanation.

This Heavenly Jade palace deacon Elder not only has a vicious tongue, but also has an evil taste that is not inferior to Shui Yuner. She must be deliberately not going the right way and want to play tricks on the people in the room.

“Xia elder sister!”

Qi Qiqi, who is familiar with Xia Xue’s character and somehow guessed the reason, called out the other party’s name in an agitated manner.

“The younger sister of the lord of the palace is here too.”

Xia Xue’s eyes flowed and cast a mocking look at Sue Kirin.

“Is it possible that, our little Ancestor Master forced to stay with the younger sister of the palace lord for the night?”

At first it sounds a bit wrong, once you taste it carefully It’s hard to hear a certain hint. Sue Kirin rolled his eyes immediately, and the thin-skinned Qi Qiqi couldn’t help but blush.

“What nonsense are you talking about?”

“Heh, who knows…”

Xia Xue went around the end of her hair one after another. Turn around and take a step towards the room. She obviously stepped on the void, but the whole person slowly fell to the ground as if in water.

Only when she finished speaking, she whispered, and her eyes fell on Sue Kirin’s scary butt.

“Our little Ancestor Master’s ass is swollen, it shouldn’t be…”

There was a smile on the corner of her mouth, and she uttered two or three words profoundly:


“You are incontinent, your whole family is incontinent!”

Sue Kirin was so angry that he jumped left and right, waving his fists wildly.

Xia Xue ignored her protest as it should be by rights, and each minding their own business walked into the room and swaggered down at the table.

Next, she turned over a tea bowl and tapped the table with her index finger, which obviously meant that Sue Kirin was serving tea.


Sue Kirin hates gnash the teeth, and feels suffocated. Naturally, he won’t use his hot face to press his cold ass.

“Never mind.”

Xia Xue laughed and didn’t care too much.

Didn’t expect, her next sentence is—

“The younger sister of the palace owner, a while ago, our little Ancestor Master came to me and said that she was not careful ──”


Sue Kirin suddenly felt bad and waved his hand hurriedly, blocking Xia Xue and Qi Qiqi. The latter tilted his head unclearly and looked at Sue Kirin suspiciously.

Sue Kirin ignored her, rubbed his palms and smiled and said:

“Xiaoxue, you are all guests at the door! Just be in your own room, drink tea? This But Xiaohe gave me a good tea brew, do you want to try it?”

She was diligent and proactive in terrifying, which made Qi Qiqi feel unhappy.

Sue Kirin didn’t notice that a certain problem was brewing, nor did she see Qi Qiqi’s bulging cheeks panting with rage, just holding a teapot to pour Xia Xue tea.

“Thank you little Ancestor Master.”

Xia Xue smiled back and did not reveal to Qi Qiqi that Sue Kirin had broken some vases in the main hall earlier.

She took a sip while holding a tea cup, with a leisurely smile on her face, as if everything were as it should be by rights.

In this regard, while Sue Kirin was relaxed, he was vaguely uneasy.

One day, I will spank her until she kneels to beg for mercy!

The girl uttered cruel words in her heart, as to whether it can be realized is another matter.

“By the way, is Xia elder sister looking for Kirin for something?”

Qi Qiqi asked suddenly, and she straightened up on the chair.

hearing this, Sue Kirin patted his forehead and cast a puzzled look at Xia Xue.

“Yeah, you are the master of one doesn’t visit a temple without a cause! Is there something to do with me?” “Heh, that’s not good.” Xia Xue mocked. “I’m not as busy as a certain idle cloud wild crane.”

For Sue Kirin, Xia Xue is indeed a rare visitor compared to Qi Qiqi who sees it all day and night.

This is not to say that their relationship is estranged, in fact their relationship is not bad.

It’s just that Xia Xue has always been busy with palace affairs, no less than workaholic Ye Zhen and Lord of a Palace Qi Qiqi, who also lives in Xifeng, rarely visits Chaoxue Tower as a guest, and Qi Qiqi has the geographical advantage of Innate. Advantage.

“Yes, yes, I am a big idler. I eat and drink for free. I only get up three times a day.”

“It’s fine if you know.”


Said Xia Xue, holding a tea cup and sipping tea. The name of agave tea is not in vain, her eyes narrowed into a beautiful crescent shape, and she was enjoying herself.

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