“…Little fish.”

How long have you not heard him calling his name?

The voice that should have been clear by the name he took, the face that can be recognized at a glance even if it becomes completely different because of the passage of time.

Perhaps, some things will never be obliterated by time.

It looks like a lifetime, but also like yesterday.

So much that──

“Is it you?”

When the youth asked like this, the girl didn’t respond well.

The heart beats so fast, and the body seems to have been shaken by it, shaking with the pulse in the body, even the lips are no exception.

She wants to speak and then stops, afraid that tears will gush out once she speaks.

She didn’t want to cry, so she didn’t answer the question immediately.

However, thinking that at least she can’t escape, she can’t behave so embarrassingly, she raised her eyes and faced the man who was stepping closer here.

“It’s me.”

After reluctantly cleaning up, she squeezed out the answer from her throat. Her voice was dry, like the harsh sound of two dead trees rubbing, but she was deeply saddened.

It’s her own voice, but it sounds so far and far away…

She thought to herself, has her voice been conveyed well? If possible, she really wanted to catch the awful voice back and say it again.

Then she stopped when she saw him.

At that moment, there seemed to be a heavy punch, fiercely hitting my heart.

Beijing Youyu doesn’t know what that stop means.

She just felt very uncomfortable and unconsciously took a step back. She thought that even though she could easily recognize the other side, something changed between the two.

Time may not obliterate unforgettable feelings, but it can mix impurities into it with unnoticeable influence.

It was probably the step that saw Beiming Yuyu retreating, Qi Return to Origin also retracted the raised leg, and stopped at her five meter away without taking the next step.

five meters.

Even if one stretches out both hands as hard as possible, they can’t touch each other’s distance. The irony is that they can hug each other immediately if they want, but they don’t.

A transparent wall cuts them off.

There is another long silence-a long, long silence.

Finally, Qi Return to Origin put away the sword, inserted the sword with its sheath into the ground next to it, and finally broke the silence with a loud voice:

“I have found you a lot Year.”

“I don’t know.”

Beiming Youyu said lightly, her lips trembling slightly.

She may or may not know. The girl who had expected so much has not figured out whether her “knowing” is due to personal strong expectations, or she has actually heard about News.

Remembering billions is deceptive.

In this case, she simply replied that she didn’t know, she wanted to see how the man in front of her–the former youth would react.

“It looks like I messed up…”

He scratched his head and gave a wry smile that was the same many years ago.

This person always says unfathomable mystery, which makes people confused, but the girl still groaned in response.

“But, you gave up in the end.”

Beijing Yu Yu squinted his eyes, and Qi Return to Origin whispered:

“…I thought You are dead.”

“No, you lied.” Beiming Youyu asserted.

When Qi Return to Origin lied, there was always a slight inconspicuous movement in his vision, which she saw just now.

“haha, I haven’t told you…”

“Because you haven’t changed a bit.”

She answered in a cool voice, no A trace of fluctuation.

Actually, she didn’t even realize how much her answer is as it should be by rights, as if she believed in so firmly and unwaveringly from beginning to end

“What about you? Have you changed?”

The man wears the same clothes as in previous years, holding a long sword that is exactly the same as in previous years, and he still smiles.

What about yourself? Have you changed?

Beijing Youyu lowered his gaze blankly, staring at his hands.

I don’t know.

She didn’t know if she had changed, so she shook her head.

“You have become beautiful.”

I thought he would say something, but didn’t expect finally said something like this. Beiming Youyu didn’t know whether to be angry or to laugh, so he cast a blank glance at him.

Qi Return to Origin lightly laughed, but this smile suddenly became sad at the next moment.

“It has also become cruel.”

When he spoke, he did not look towards Beiming Youyu, but glanced at the boy who was already dead.

The hole pierced by the True Qi arrow seems to have been deepened several times. Even though there is a distance, it is still hard to describe clearly reflected on Qi’s Return to Origin’s dim eyes.

Just such a simple sentence caused the girl to unconsciously grab the hem of the robe and bit her broken lower lip.

The taste of blood is more bitter.

There is a feeling of being squeezed like being grasped by something.

Her breathing gradually became messy, she couldn’t breathe, and the longbow in her hand suddenly became a lot heavier, so heavy that she wanted to abandon it to the ground.

“Is he your target?”

Sure enough, he has noticed the relationship between the Wu Yao girl and Shadow Sect, and he has such a problem.

Beijing Youyu did not answer.

Qi Return to Origin got the affirmative answer from her silence, the expression sighed faintly. His sigh was heavy and sad.

The two Shadow Sect assassins who have been on the sidelines and the Junior Sister who returned to Origin have not been involved in the conversation. For some reason, they were silent, as if they didn’t want to disturb his and her reunion this time.

The real reason may not even be known to them.

However, they all have a strong feeling of “not being able to speak”, as if speaking now would be a kind of vulgarity.


Qi Return to Origin broke the ice for the second time, this time it was a problem.

“…Are you asking why I killed him?” Beiming Youyu kept his gaze.


“Then you are asking me why I am in Shadow Sect?”

Qi Return to Origin with a “hmm” on his face I am eager to know the answer. Beiming Yuyu laughed at himself, but did not answer.

“Shadow Sect……” Qi Return to Origin hesitated for a moment, and his tone was suddenly firm, “It’s not where you should be.”

There are fish in the North Ming, coldly snorted.

This is not for Qi Return to Origin, but for this World.

“Yuan, where else can I stay?”

“You…” Qi Return to Origin may want to find an answer that a girl can accept, but he wants After talking for a while, he finally closed his mouth sadly.

He clenched his fist, clenched very tightly.

When the nail pierced the skin and sank into the palm, the bright red liquid flowed out, fell, and shattered. He finally seemed unable to bear a certain mood and let it out through words .

“But you shouldn’t be trapped in an evil way either!”

He roared this sentence.

The unexpected loud volume scared Beiming Yuyu subconsciously and shrank his body, just like a child who was denounced by his parents.

Because I respect him and care about him, I am afraid of him.

If the other party is someone he doesn’t value, there is simply no need to care about his thoughts, and if Qi Return to Origin is just such a shout, Beiming has a fish and is terrified.

Nevertheless, what she fears is definitely not that the other party will harm her.

What she is really afraid of is simply the fact that the other party is angry.

Realizing that she would be so weak in front of him, the girl suddenly felt rebellious, almost awkward. She secretly scolded her disappointing and urged herself to look directly at each other.

“Should I take the right path?”

The girl deliberately snort disdainfully, as if this would make her courageous.

“Where is my’right way’? No, perhaps, where is my place in the right way in your eyes? Heavenly Jade Palace? Taoism? Nothing—nowhere!”

At the end of the talk, the girl couldn’t keep calm. In the last sentence, she roared, just like Qi Return to Origin just now.

Qi Return to Origin was dumbfounded.

The places in this World that can provide the martial demon body are extremely limited, and each is very narrow. He must know this too, after all, he knew it many years ago.

“You’re just talking angry. You know the truth. Don’t you?”

A fish in Beiming smiled, but it was a vague smile, like It’s the same as fainted ink.

“Yuan, I can’t find a place like this.”

The girl laughed at herself, but she quickly restrained her and let out a helpless sigh.

“And this World is so vast.”

This is an extremely limited world.

In this world, there are some beings who are not allowed to laugh and cry, and even survival itself can only be continued with “struggling on whilst at death’s door”.

Does this kind of world really have the happiness and shelter of the martial arts girl?

Perhaps, but it is definitely not in the “right way” in Qi Return to Origin’s mouth, because the martial arts girl is a heresy, which is what people call the heretical path of the devils.

heretical path of the devils is the only way to go.

“They are all forced.” Beiming Youyu shouted in a crying voice.

“I have never been involved involuntarily. The things you teach me have no effect at all. Even if I become stronger, even if I learn to understand, I cannot defend my shelter.”

Qi Return to Origin seemed to want to say something, but Beiming Youyu did not give him this opportunity.

“But, Shadow Sect accepted me.” She screamed.

There is sadness in the girl’s purple eyes, and a little bit of anger and helplessness, but at the same time there is a kind of resolute and decisive determination.

“Although I still can’t sleep peacefully, I always feel a little depressed at night, but at least they don’t discriminate against my identity. If I die in Shadow Sect one day, it’s definitely not because of my identity. And die.”

The girl’s tone was calm, even lacking the ups and downs she should have, as if she was reading a manuscript.

However, Qi Return to Origin can still capture the insignificant satisfaction in her expression in her only tone fluctuations. In this way, he is more speechless.

“Do you know? There is only so much I asked for.”

A fish in Beiming casts down his eyes, and her white front hair casts her face for a while shadow. The pair of purple eyes were half buried in the shadows, but the melancholy shimmer floating on them was still faintly visible.

Sadness can no longer be hidden.

“Really…there is only so much.”

Where can I be so poor that I can lower my requirements so low?

People are creatures that continuously pursue happiness, and the ruler that measures happiness is often what they have. The more they have, the more they need to achieve the happiness they pursue. The more they have Less, the happiness they pursue is often enough to achieve the most basic survival needs.

Well, the more pain you experience, the more you lose, the lower the requirements for happiness.

The two hadn’t said a word for a long time, and silently visited them three times.

This silence came earlier than the previous two.

But the man who dispelled the silence for the third time was still the man:

“It’s still too late…”

He was very quiet at first.

Bei Ming had fish ears trembling, and it took a while to figure out what he was talking about.

“It’s still too late.”

When retelling, he lifted his head from meditation, and his voice became firm. He had obviously convinced himself that he was so convinced, but it also meant that he didn’t even believe him at first.

Bei Ming has a fish without pursuing it, but just stays in place.

A gust of night breeze flicked by, rippling the golden branches of the two surrounding Heaven and Earth, and also brought up the long white hair of Beiming Youyu.

Several strands of hair shook in front of her eyes, cutting the picture in the girl’s eyes into paragraph after paragraph.

Bei Ming Youyu opened his eyes wide, not understanding what he meant. With a hesitant gaze that was unsteady, she asked in a dazed manner like an innocent girl:

“…it’s too late?”

“Well, it must be too late. “Qi Return to Origin started again, walked to the girl and stretched out his hand, “It’s not too late.”

There is only a reachable distance between each other.

“So far?”

Bei Ming Youyu sneered bitterly, not daring to look at his outstretched hand.

“Even now.” His tone was strong.

Bei Ming Youyu was silent for a while, and finally just shook his head.

“It’s too late.”

──Fear of the light.

I have been in the darkness for a long time, and when I go to the light again, I am always involuntarily disturbed and afraid. The most uncomfortable and painful thing is that once the light burns me, I can only hide in the darkness again.

“No, you and I are still alive.”

He showed that bright smile again, very dazzling and dazzling, so dazzling that the girl wanted to cover her eyes.

“It must not be too late!”

“…” Beiming Youyu took a step back, and Qi Return to Origin took a firm step forward, as if she didn’t want her to escape of.

“Where are you going to take me?”

“I am there, you are there.”

It means that I should stay by his side ? Beiming Youyu raised his head in amazement, a pair of eyes shaking.

“Will they accept it?”

Will the elders of Heavenly Jade Palace really be willing to accept a martial demon? The girl had a clear answer in her heart, but she, who was confused by the other’s bright and refreshing smile, had already forgotten the answer.

“They will definitely disagree.”

Qi Return to Origin shrugged helplessly, but at the next moment he changed into a firm tone, his eyes filled Courage:

“I promise them with my life that I will become a Grandmaster in 20 years, and you will become a Grandmaster in 30 years. Two Grandmasters, such conditions, are enough The mouth of everyone who lives in Heavenly Jade Palace.”

A sentence that says as it should be by rights.


The realm that the martial artist dreamed of, and he would probably not be able to reach it after exhausting his entire life, it seemed to him that it was just within reach.

Where did that kind of strong confidence and trust in Beiming Youyu come from? Why can he give such a deep trust to the girl? Obviously, even the girl himself dare not say that he can become a Grandmaster in thirty years. What basis does he have to believe that she can?

Countless questions passed through my mind, but the girl did not ask.

──because it is not important anymore.

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